"Keep healthy and live longer"!

Or to put it more boldly, eternal life!

As a time traveler, and with such a heaven-defying talent, Lu Yuan naturally longed for the legendary realm of immortality and had a glimpse of the scenery above the word "immortal".

Regardless of whether it can be done in this martial arts world, at least we are moving in this direction.

After "maintaining health and longevity", "restoring energy", "healing", "exploding", "purifying internal energy" and "operating on its own" are the key points for his subsequent consideration.

Using these as the starting point for deduction, the medical knowledge in his brain began to collide and flash wildly. Countless contents that he had seen were quickly found and began to be extended and intertwined. Various strange and magical combinations continued to appear, and some bold The idea is even more fascinating to explore.

For example, maintaining health and longevity naturally corresponds to the "cooperation of yin and yang and the balance of the five qi" in the human body. So how to achieve it?

Almost in the next second, several guess answers appeared in his mind, including feasible and higher methods, and conjectures based on existing knowledge.

Based on this, on the meridian map in Lu Yuan's mind, the internal force automatically emerged from the sea of ​​qi, and he began to simulate along those answers, making fine adjustments from time to time.

Looking from outside, they could see Lu Yuan sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, his brows sometimes wrinkled and sometimes relaxed.

In the end, after more than ten rounds of optimization, the most feasible exercise diagram was deduced by Lu Yuan.

This set of exercises is still a bit crude and has no other significant effects yet. It can only barely achieve a little "balance of five qi" and can regulate the body to be in the best condition at any time.

But despite this, its quality is many times higher than that of "Hu Jia Neixiu".

Lu Yuan named it: "Longevity Skill" 1.0.

After the completion, Lu Yuan did not immediately switch to cultivation. Instead, he would start trying and correcting his mistakes little by little in the next period of time, while constantly upgrading his skills. This would require higher medical skills, as well as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The three classics, as well as the secret books of various martial arts sects.

The last item, Lu Yuan, has been planned for a long time. Now is not the time. The three classics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism can be grabbed now.

Of course, the identification and dispensing of herbal medicines also needs to be put into practice.

Thinking like this, Lu Yuan opened his eyes and found that the sky was already dark.

He quickly turned around and saw the old beggar and the little girl staring at him.

"You finally woke up, how do you feel?" Although the old beggar didn't understand martial arts, he was knowledgeable enough and naturally knew what Lu Yuan was doing in his previous state.

"It feels good. Once I improve it, it will basically be done. What time is it now?"

"It's almost half past midnight. I know what you want to say. We had some reserved pancakes and dried meat for dinner. It's enough. No need to bother anymore."

"Hey, that's okay. Today was just a whim. I forgot about time while practicing. I'll sort it out for you tomorrow!" Lu Yuan agreed.

The little girl next to me didn't say anything, but she had a deeper misunderstanding of the word "beggar". She couldn't help but think, "Are all beggars in the world like this?" It seems to be different from what her father said. In addition to the shabby house she lives in, and the clothes on her body, Apart from being a little dirty, the rest of it feels... pretty good.”

"Master Lu, we have been staying here in Xiangyang for almost half a month." Lu Yuan took a piece of cake and said to himself.

"Huh? What, have you finished reading the book?"

"Yes, after reading this, I plan to change places to practice. Besides, it's not safe to stay in one place for a long time."

"You're right. If that's the case, then we'll leave tomorrow."

Early the next morning, when Dr. Liu walked into the back room where the medical books were kept as usual, he immediately noticed something different.

Today, there are no densely packed problems on the wooden table, only a thin piece of paper and a hundred-tael silver note.

Doctor Liu stepped forward quickly and ignored the banknote. Instead, he looked at the white paper with only one sentence on it.

[I will say goodbye and will not see you again. In appreciation of your teachings for several days, these two hundred taels are used as daily lessons, or as medical supplies for your black dog. 】

In just one sentence, Dr. Liu read it back and forth twice. After reading it, his heart finally fell, but then he felt an uncomfortable feeling of saying goodbye to his friends, which was very strange.


In the blink of an eye, another two weeks have passed, and the time has come to April. The drizzle is light and the smoke is covering the clear water, and the peach blossoms are smiling on the balcony.

A spring rain decorates the beauty of the south.

At this time, the bank of Xinyang South Lake looks like a splash-ink landscape painting, revealing vitality and vitality in the misty rain.

Lu Yuan, who had changed out of his beggar's clothes and was wearing a rough jacket and short coat, was carrying a medicine bag and busily walking through the small courtyard.

There are four words written on the wooden board in front of the hospital: Xue's Medical Center.

"Xiao Yuan, get some medicine for this lady!" The white-bearded old man who was sitting in front of the main hall shouted.


Lu Yuan walked over quickly, took out the prescription and took a look.

"Can you tell what the disease is?" Doctor Xue smiled and his tone was a little sophisticated.

"It should be a rheumatism disease, which often shows the symptoms of paralysis. At first, there will be migratory pain in the joints, or redness, swelling and fever, especially in the small joints of the hands and feet. Over time, the joints will not be able to flex and extend, or even become deformed, and the muscles may also be sore, subcutaneous or There are nodules.”


Dr. , found that his medical foundation was indeed solid, so he temporarily accepted him as a drug boy. "

The doctor seemed to be an old acquaintance of Dr. Xue. When she heard this, she was surprised and also sighed. She encouraged Lu Yuan to learn more and see more, and then went to get the medicine.

The person who dispensed the medicine was naturally Lu Yuan.

He had been working here for three days.

Doctor Xue was well-known in the local area and received about ten patients every day.

Lu Yuan had opened his eyes to various major and minor diseases and difficult and complicated diseases, and quickly gained practical experience.

As for the books in the clinic, Doctor Xue did not prohibit Lu Yuan from reading them, which was very rare, even though these were only medical books and not martial arts secrets.

But you have to know that it was still ancient times, and the inheritance of various crafts was extremely important.

Normally, serving tea and becoming a disciple was only a prerequisite. Without a few years of experience as an apprentice, it was impossible to be allowed to touch medical books.

Lu Yuan could see that Doctor Xue had taken a fancy to him and wanted to take him in as his personal disciple.

Originally, Lu Yuan planned to take advantage of the opportunity to learn the knowledge first, and then leave a letter to say goodbye, but looking at Doctor Xue's happy face, even if Lu Yuan thought he had a flexible bottom line, he couldn't stand it.

So he told Doctor Xue the "truth" early on. Hearing that Lu Yuan would not stay in Xinyang for long, and that he had to take care of his grandfather and sister, and that he had to beg, Doctor Xue was silent for a long time. With his experience, he could naturally detect the trick.

Originally, Lu Yuan thought that if he told the truth, Doctor Xue's attitude towards him would change. Unexpectedly, the next day, that is, today, Doctor Xue's attitude towards him was the same as before, and he even became more indulgent in some small matters.

Lu Yuan could not guess what the other party was thinking, but he could sense the other party's kindness, which was enough.

The day ended quickly.

Lu Yuan returned to his place of residence with the food given by Doctor Xue.

This time, their residence was an abandoned house that had been rumored to be haunted.

When Lu Yuan came back, he saw the little girl playing with the sandbags he made for her.

Perhaps because she was embarrassed, when she saw Lu Yuan coming in, the little girl hurriedly put away the sandbags and lowered her head to count the dead branches on the ground.

The old beggar sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed opened his eyes. His spirit and energy were much better than half a month ago.

This was naturally because of the internal training.

Lu Yuan had deduced the "Changsheng Gong" to version 1.5 these days.

He could practice it formally a long time ago, and the data had been tested. The efficiency of the internal force generation alone was more than three times higher than that of the "Hu Family Internal Training". The internal force cultivated was also more pure, and moderate and peaceful. However, except for the function of regulating health, there were no other outstanding effects.

When he started to practice a week ago, he passed the 1.5 version of "Changsheng Gong" to the old beggar and the little girl.

What made Lu Yuan depressed was that after the practice, he could barely extract ten parts of internal force and retain four parts, which was five to two, while the little girl could reach two to one, and the old beggar was even more exaggerated, reaching five to three!

Obviously, the old beggar was a typical martial arts genius. It was a pity that he did not come into contact with martial arts when he was young. It was really too late to start learning now.

After taking out the food they brought back, the three of them gathered together and ate together, reciting what they had seen and heard during the day.

During the meal, Lu Yuan occasionally told the little girl some of his knowledge of the world.

The old beggar occasionally interrupted, gave comments, and guided her in correct values.

This was the educational method that the two of them had agreed on based on the little girl's situation.

During this process, the old beggar seemed to have overlooked the fact that Lu Yuan was the same age as the little girl, or perhaps he had intended to educate them together.

After the meal, the old beggar had nothing to do and continued to practice, while Lu Yuan was distracted, practicing while fixing a wooden sculpture of a human face.

As the founder of the technique, his adaptability and understanding of Changsheng Gong 1.5 were unmatched by outsiders, so it was not difficult to do two things at once. After a while, when Lu Yuan completed the method of "automatic practice", it would not be so troublesome.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, the cute voice of the little girl suddenly sounded.

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