"So, Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban, is coming for you?" Ron frowned.

"Yes." Harry nodded.

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"That's Azkaban. Even Scabbers can't escape." Ron felt incredible.


"Oh, I'm just giving an example, Scabbers, you don't have to be afraid." Ron patted the trembling mouse in his arms.

Hermione looked at this scene, and her delicate eyebrows twitched.

"I don't know, maybe he used some special magic that was not written in the newspaper."

Harry had a trace of worry on his face. He felt that he was really unlucky. He was restless every year in the last school. This time, he was already being thought of before he even arrived at school.

The sharp Hermione guessed what the other party was thinking, and was once again glad that she had Mr. Lu Yuan.

"Don't worry, Harry, he will be caught, and the Ministry of Magic and the school will not let him go."

"I hope so."

As soon as he finished speaking, the moving train suddenly slowed down.

"Are we there yet?" Ron leaned against the window and looked outside. It was night and raining heavily. They were on an arch bridge.

At this moment, the cold air suddenly descended, and a layer of frost covered the car glass.


The train stopped completely, and even the ceiling lights inside the carriage went out.

"What's going on? Is it the gang of carjackers again?!"


Hermione had already taken out her wand. Through communication with Lu Yuan, she knew that the newcomers were not from Merlin's forces, but they were not good people either.

She could clearly feel that a group of greedy and empty dark creatures had boarded the train, and one of them had already drifted outside the compartment.

It was a creature covered in black cloth, and it looked very similar to the Grim Reaper in the public's cognition.

The dry palm gently hooked, and the door of the compartment opened.

The bone-chilling cold swept in at this moment, making people's limbs a little stiff.

The Soul Eater wrapped in a cloak stared at everyone in the box.

His eyes kept swinging between Hermione and Harry, but in the end, it was Hermione's pure soul that made it a little difficult to control itself. Although the perception sent back told it that it might be a little hot, greed took over its vigilance, and it still couldn't help but take a sip directly.

At this moment, Hermione, who noticed the other party's malicious escalation, had a cold look in her eyes.

A silver light suddenly lit up on her wand.

——Expecto Patronus!

The Dementor seemed to have hit a concrete slab head-on and was directly pushed back.

In addition to its own power, the Patronus Charm has always been known as the nemesis of Dementors.

Unfortunately, Hermione's spell is just getting started. This is not because she has practiced less, but because the Patronus Charm itself is special. The principle is actually simple, but if you want to master it, you need to find the true happiness in your heart.

Therefore, this spell is also one of the most typical representatives of idealistic magic.

At this moment, the effect of Hermione's use is quite limited.

She could only push the Dementors back again and again, and the other party stared at Hermione with a posture of "I won't leave until I take a breath", which made Hermione furious.

[Try with your flame. ]

Hermione, who heard the reminder, withdrew the spell neatly. Before the Dementors could get excited, a flame with a little purification effect had already enveloped the Dementors.

In an instant, it was like detergent fell into the sink, and the shrill screams resounded throughout the train.

The Dementors that the Patronus Charm could only drive away were actually burning and dissipating at this moment.

At this time, the other party didn't want to take a breath, dragging flames all over his body, fleeing the train in fear, and the flames dragged along the way ignited many companions one after another, and similar screams continued.

When all the Dementors retreated, the lighting system inside the train was restored.

At this time, Hermione turned around and found that Professor Lupin, who had been sleeping, had stood up with his wand.

At this moment, he was stunned. "You used the arson spell just now?!"

"Yes, but my fire is different. I have been very close to flames since I awakened my magic." Hermione replied calmly, but she was actually panicking.

"It's over, Mr. Lu Yuan. Will the suspicion I just cleared be put on again?!"

[Don't be afraid. This at most proves that you are very talented, or that you have pure blood. There have been many such wizards in the wizarding world. And your bold display, although it is more likely to attract attention, can also show your frankness. After all, if there is something wrong in your heart, most people will choose to hide it. ]

"So what do you mean?"

[Keep it as it is. If someone asks, just admit it openly and show it clearly. 】

"Okay, that's the only way."

Outside, Lupin nodded after hearing Hermione's answer and exclaimed: "You are very talented, kid, don't waste it!"

"Of course, may I ask, are you our new professor this year?"

"Yes, Remus Lupin, as for what I teach, you will know at the opening dinner."


Hogsmeade Station.


As the Hogwarts Express stopped steadily, a large amount of white steam was released.

As usual, the first-year students followed Hagrid to take the boat, while Hermione and other senior students took the carriage pulled by the Thestrals.

When the two groups of people separated, Hermione noticed that among the group of first-year students, there was a tall man who stood out from the crowd. Was he also a freshman? Hermione couldn't help but take a closer look, and at this time, the other party seemed to have sensed something and turned back to look at this side.

However, what made Hermione's heart tremble was that it was pitch black and she couldn't even see a person's face.

She quickly retracted her sight, her heartbeat accelerated, and she hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lu Yuan, did you see that faceless monster!!"

However, Lu Yuan only replied to her, [You will know when you get to the castle. ]

This surprised Hermione a little. Mr. Lu Yuan's reaction showed that the situation was not serious.

Was she dazzled?

While thinking about it, she and her companions had already sat on the Thestrals carriage.

Speaking of Thestrals, it is said that this is a magical creature that is closest to the world of the dead. Only those who have witnessed death with their own eyes can see their true appearance.

What caught my eye was a tall and rugged figure, with a dragon head and a horse body, all black, and a pair of broad wings on its back, which could fly at high speed in the air. The most uncomfortable thing was the pair of pupilless, pale eyes, which would make one feel dizzy if one stared at them for a long time.

"Don't stare at their eyes all the time, they don't like that." An ethereal voice came into Hermione's ears at this time.

Turning her head, Hermione found that it was an unfamiliar girl, with dark golden brown hair, silver eyes, very light eyebrows, a pair of carrot-shaped earrings and a necklace made of butter beer bottle corks. She looked a little strange, but she had a sense of trust and confiding.

Hermione, who had experienced bloodline improvement, knew very well that this was a manifestation of excellent bloodline.

"They are very smart and not as unfortunate as people think. If you can gain their trust, they will share their private stories with you."

Hermione didn't actually understand the last sentence, but it didn't stop her from saying thank you, "My name is Hermione Granger, Gryffindor College, third year."

"Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw, second year, I know you, the fiercest lion in Gryffindor." Luna's ethereal voice gently told.

Harry and Ron, who heard the conversation nearby, immediately looked away and shook their shoulders wildly.

Hermione's eyes twitched wildly, and her eyes swept over the two of them, and their bodies stiffened instantly.

Hermione took a deep breath. She could see that Luna's words did not mean to tease her, so she naturally didn't say anything, but she really wanted to know who named the "fierceest lion", and she promised that she would not kill him.

The carriage arrived at the castle soon.

Hermione did not forget what Lu Yuan said before, and said goodbye to Luna briefly, and then sat down to wait for the start of the first-year sorting.

Soon, as the doors of the auditorium opened, the freshmen entered nervously. Hermione saw the one who stood out from the crowd and was stunned.

So that's it!

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