Hermione dodged by rolling on the ground with one hand, and at the same time controlled the flag on the wall to transform into a hawk to attack the opponent.

Cedric quickly stepped back and raised his wand, "Shatter into pieces!"

However, bang!

The hawk shattered before being hit by the spell, turning into a piece of flag debris to block the view.

"Relax and drain!"

Hermione took this opportunity to connect the attack, and Cedric was not panicked, and waved his backhand in front of him.

"Armor protect you!"

Suddenly, a layer of shell-like defense directly blocked the spell.

This is a spell that will only be taught in the fifth grade, but I didn't expect that the opponent had learned it in advance.

Hermione did not stop there. Although she had a plan, it would not work if she played too fake.

The Transfiguration Spell was cast again, and several wooden arms suddenly emerged from the ground under Cedric's feet to restrain him, forcing him to retreat and smash.

Hermione imitated the reaction of a novice, and took advantage of this time to cast spells continuously, thus actively ignoring her own movement.

After dodging the "fainting" and "fixing spells" in succession, a dazzling silver light suddenly appeared at the tip of Cedric's wand. It was the simplest illumination spell, but the opponent did not recite the spell when he used it.

Hermione was "unexpectedly" blinded and could not see clearly for a while, so she had to retreat.


At this time, Cedric's voice came, and Hermione instinctively wanted to hide, but then another voice sounded, "Expelliarmus!"

This voice was much closer than the previous one.

A repulsive force appeared, and the wand in Hermione's hand was taken away.

"The duel is over, the winner is Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory!" Lockhart announced the result.

Hermione's eyes could barely see things at this time.

Cedric came over and returned the wand, "You are so powerful in your second year. You are really amazing. When I was your age, I was not as good as you in Transfiguration."

"Senior Diggory, you are also amazing. Ron's two brothers are also geniuses, but they are not as powerful as you." Hermione praised him.

The Weasley twins who heard this in the audience immediately looked distressed.

Cedric was amused, "Just call me Cedric. We can continue to compete when we have time."

"No problem, you can also call me Hermione."

Back in the audience, the little witch immediately enjoyed the applause of the Gryffindor students. What if she lost? Hermione is only in the second year!

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Lockhart on the stage was also applauding. He looked at the two students with appreciation. No one could find fault with their elegant manners.

After this duel performance on stage, Hermione and others became a little famous in the school.

Whether it was Hermione or Harry, people would often talk to them wherever they went for a period of time afterwards.

This made Ron, one of the three, look out of place, like a lemon under a lemon tree.

Hermione didn't pay much attention to this kind of reputation. She still followed her own pace every day, studying, training, and researching. She even temporarily gave up investigating who the heir of the Chamber of Secrets was, as if she was waiting for something.

She didn't tell anyone about the basilisk. Harry and Lockhart were too close, and Ron and Neville couldn't help. As for Headmaster Dumbledore, Hermione shook her head slightly.

In the original plot, Harry and Ron suspected that Malfoy was the heir of the Chamber of Secrets, and then used Polyjuice Potion to turn into Goyle and Crabbe to ask questions. This was probably a choice brought about by different situations. After all, Harry in the original book was being suspected by most people in the school at this time and urgently needed to prove himself.

In this way, Christmas and the holidays passed in a flash.

This year, Hermione did not receive a Christmas gift from Lu Yuan. She felt empty in her heart, but when she thought of her attitude towards Mr. System in the past six months, Hermione felt normal.

At the beginning of the new semester, Hermione studied step by step as always.

Until that night, on the way back to the dormitory from the library, Hermione's keen perception made her realize something was wrong at the first time.

The little witch knew that what she had been waiting for had come, and she ran without hesitation, and the sound of friction and swimming came from behind her.

Hermione did not dare to look back, and cast an extreme spell on herself, and her speed increased sharply immediately. As she ran, she shouted "Fire!"!

Just as she ran to the corner of the stairs, a snake tail as thick as a water tank and with green scales suddenly swept towards her.

Obviously, the other party took a shortcut.

Hermione screamed in fear and immediately lay down to avoid the attack.

After getting up, he lowered his eyes, raised his hand and a flame exploded. The huge explosion could be heard by half of Hogwarts.

The basilisk was obviously enraged, and it pounced and bit with a power accumulation.

Hermione only felt uncomfortable on the surface of her skin as if it was pricked by needles, which was a reminder of the crisis brought by perception.

She fell down and rolled to avoid it again.

[Do you need my help? 】Lu Yuan suddenly asked.

"No, no, I can do it!" Hermione answered in her heart.

Although she felt relieved and wanted to say yes when she heard Lu Yuan's voice, she decisively refused Lu Yuan's help after thinking about her plan.

After getting up, Hermione climbed up the stairs with her hands and feet, and the basilisk chased her closely.

On the third floor, Hermione stepped over the water and continued to run wildly.

The huge body of the basilisk behind her actually plunged into the wall pipe.

When it appeared again, it fell directly from the top of the corridor in front of Hermione.

This time Hermione was really frightened. She immediately lowered her eyes and raised her hand to cast an explosion spell.

Amidst the loud noise, the basilisk was blown up and hissed.

Hermione, who should have taken this opportunity to escape, stood still because she saw a pair of orange-yellow eyes through the reflection on the water when she lowered her eyes just now, and her whole body was petrified on the spot.

According to the book, if the eyes meet the eyes of the basilisk directly, there will be a risk of immediate death, of course, except for the phoenix. If they meet indirectly, such as through a mirror, reflection in stagnant water, etc., they will be simply petrified.

Hermione, who stood there, became a living target at this moment.

But just when the basilisk was angry and wanted to swallow Hermione directly, there was suddenly a hurried footsteps.

Hermione, who was petrified, still had her thinking senses. She clearly heard a "hissing haha" sound in the distance. She knew in her heart that this was the second parseltongue in the school, and from the sound, it seemed to be a girl.

Under the command of the voice, the basilisk in front of him immediately drilled into the nearby wall pipe.

As soon as the basilisk left, Dumbledore arrived with several professors, followed by the students who were watching.

Harry, Ron, and Neville rushed to Hermione at the first time, looking anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

"It seems that thing is getting more and more rampant. Let's send Miss Granger to the school infirmary first."

Dumbledore spoke, McGonagall pursed her lips and nodded, waved her wand, and rushed towards the school infirmary with Hermione floating in the air.

Among the professors, Lockhart looked serious, as if he was worried about the future of the school, but in fact his eyes were always fixed on Hermione who was going away.

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