The next day, after Chen Mo absorbed the innate spiritual energy, he recruited workers again to build a sulfur factory and a clay pot factory. The initial number of workers was sixty, thirty for each factory.

Since all young men who have reached adulthood and are under the age of forty-five have joined the Warrior Guard and the fishing team, the targets of recruitment this time are those men who are over forty, five, and under fifty-five. They must have quick legs and feet. It also includes three dry meals.

After that, let them build two more furnaces based on the furnace they built last night.

Afterwards, Chen Mo asked them to mix coal with water to make coal cakes and dry them.

Finally, in the furnace, the pyrite is wrapped in coal cakes and piled up, and the outside is tamped with soil.

Chen Mo first taught them the method, and after they learned it, he could free up his time to do other things.

By the time this was done, it was already afternoon.

We can't start firing sulfur yet, we have to wait for Liu Guina to make the bowl first.

In the absence of raw materials, making gunpowder is also a relatively long process.

After the sulfur is produced, there is also saltpeter and charcoal.

Charcoal is good.

In the absence of saltpeter mines, saltpeter can only be collected from dry latrines, the corner roots of old walls, and the edges of saline-alkali land, but these amounts are too small.

Therefore, Chen Mo is not in a hurry. It is unrealistic to get the gunpowder out in a day or two.

At this time, Chen Mo thought of something and built two more dry toilets at the entrance of the village.

It is said to be a dry toilet, but it is actually just a place for people to urinate.

Yes, he wanted to collect urine because there is nitrate in urine.

When the beautiful country was fighting the Civil War, urine was collected to make bombs.

The sun sets.

While everyone was gathering in the village for dinner, Chen Mo said two more things.

Because gunpowder cannot be made in a day or two.

So the first thing Chen Mo asked the construction team to do was to finish building the cottage first and put off the work of digging coal and pyrite for the time being.

The second thing.

Chen Mo cleared his throat and said loudly, "You should have seen the two dry toilets built at the entrance of the village."

"I saw it." Zhang He led others to respond first.

Han Wu saw that Zhang He had taken the lead again, and was unwilling to do so.

"The second thing is that everyone will urinate in dry latrines from now on. I don't force other villagers, but the soldiers of the Divine Guard, except for standing guard and watching at night, must urinate in dry latrines. If I see If someone violates the rules, they will be punished by running three times around the village." Chen Mo said loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, it caused a commotion.

It's not that Chen Mo's request was too much.

But they don't understand what Chen Mo is doing?

Does it need their urine to fertilize?

"Don't you understand?" Seeing that none of them responded, Chen Mo frowned.

"I understand."

Two days later, after five hundred kilograms of coarse salt had been purified, Zhang He led fifty brave guards, together with Hu Changsheng, and two mule carts, and headed for Quanyang County in a mighty manner.

In the pottery pot factory, Liu Gui also made the bowls used for firing sulfur.

At the sulfur factory, the sulfur burning work can finally begin.

In the courtyard of Chen's house.

Chen Mo looked at Han Wu and Hu Qiang in front of him and said seriously: "Today, I will officially teach you two the immortal method."

Hearing this, Han Wu and Hu Qiang were shocked and looked happy. These days, they have been learning calligraphy from Wang Ping in their free time, just for this day. They immediately bowed and cupped their hands and said, "Thank you, Immortal Master Chen."

Chen Mo nodded and said: "If you want to learn the immortal method, you must be able to endure hardships and persevere. You must not give up halfway. If you lack perseverance, the immortal method will not be successful. After you learn it, you must practice diligently and not waste a moment. "

"I will never betray Master Chen's trust." Han Wu said quickly.

"Me too." Hu Qiang clasped his fists again.

"Very good, then I will start teaching, please watch."

An hour later.

Hu Qiang and Han Wu were sweating profusely. They practiced over and over again according to what Chen Mo had just taught, but they could not meet Chen Mo's requirements and failed.

"Just like you, you also want to learn immortal magic. Do you two think you are worthy?"

Chen Mo kicked them both to the ground.

Although Chen Mo used very little force, the two of them still felt stabbing pains in their stomachs, their expressions were painful, and tears welled up in their eyes uncontrollably.

However, this did not get Chen Mo's sympathy. Chen Mo gave a sharp shout and said: "Two grown men started crying like women. Get up and continue practicing. If you are not qualified, you are not allowed to rest. "

"stand up."

A loud shout rang in the ears of the two of them.

The two were startled and quickly got up and continued to polish their bodies according to the immortal movements taught by Chen Mo.

In front of the house, Han Anniang and Song Min sat together on a small bench, watching the two practice and passing the time.

And Han Aniang looked at the movements of the two people, and the more she looked at them, the more familiar they looked.

Isn't this the basic movement in the exercise that her uncle taught her before?

Thinking of how gentle her uncle was when he taught her and how strict when he taught Han Wu and the others, Han Aniang suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Another hour passed.

Both of them were almost exhausted from practicing, and their clothes were soaked with sweat, just when they could no longer hold on.

"Not bad, passed the test." Chen Mo said.

These words fell into the ears of the two of them, like a spring breeze, making them feel relieved. They lay tired on the ground, breathing heavily.

Just when they rested for a while and were about to leave, Chen Mo said: "Leave after eating."

For dinner, a bowl of white flour steamed buns, a bowl of roe deer meat, a bowl of meat sauce, a bowl of fried bacon with bamboo shoots, and a bowl of wild vegetables.

When Han Wu and Hu Qiang saw the food on the table, their mouths watered. It was so rich and had a special aroma, which was far beyond what a big pot of rice could match.

"Eat, you'll be satisfied." Chen Mo said.

"Thank you, Immortal Master Chen."

The two of them were inexplicably moved.

Establish your authority first, and then show kindness. What you gain in this way is gratitude.

Show favors first, and then establish authority. What you get in return is resentment.

Throughout the ages, most of the techniques used by superiors to control people have been like this.

While eating, Chen Mo said: "From tomorrow on, you will come here at noon every day and I will teach you how to practice. Brother Shui is not here. In the morning and afternoon, you will each take time to supervise the training of the Shen Yong Guard."


The next day.


"After running three times around the village in two quarters of an hour, if anyone fails to finish, don't blame me." In the village, Han Wu said to a group of brave guards.


Under the command of Han Wu, everyone started running around Fuze Village.

If someone is running slow or lazy, Han Wu will imitate Chen Mo and kick him: "Damn it, a bunch of big men, they run like women and shed tears. Isn't it embarrassing? Get up and give me a Keep running, if you can’t finish it, practice three more laps.”

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