After all, this can only be explained by fairy magic.

A few kilograms of coarse salt, after a while of hard work, turned into the fine salt it is today in one night. No mortal knows this method, only the gods in the sky can do it.

If Chen Mo founded an immortal sect now, Han Wu would definitely be the first to become his loyal believer.

"Go, call all the idle patrols to collect shells. If each person collects more than two kilograms of shells, his family can take care of the food at night." Chen Mo said.


Han Wu responded, and when he was about to leave, Chen Mo stopped him again and asked him to call a few people over.

Now that the experiment is successful and the method is not difficult, mass production can begin. Chen Mo wants to build a qualified earthen kiln for firing limestone.

The sun sets in the west.

The setting sun dyed the clouds red.

In a whole day, Chen Mo not only had people build an earthen kiln with various grids for firing quicklime, but also refined all the coarse salt at home into refined salt, obtaining thirty kilograms of refined salt.

Under the temptation of being able to take care of the family's meals, the shells found by the patrol were piled up in half of the yard.

Except for Chen Mo who had some coarse salt, the coarse salt the villagers had was only enough for their daily needs.

Therefore, after building the lime kiln, Chen Mo was idle.

Four days later, in the afternoon.

The weather is cloudy.

It's mid-March.

Chen Mo was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.

[Number of sword swings +1, magic-breaking sword experience +1. 】

[Name: Chen Mo. 】

[Age: 17. 】

[Exercise method: Ziyang Huayuan Gong (Introduction 1339.1/3000). 】

[Realm: Refining Zang (seventh level). 】

[Strength: 135. 】

[Skill: Magic-Breaking Sword Technique (Perfect 489996/1000000). 】

Next to him, Wang Ping was reporting on today's work: "Six more households came to Qingting County today, with a total of twenty-seven people, five young and middle-aged. One of them is a carpenter. According to what you said before, Chen Xianshi, after they were registered, , each household is allocated two acres of land.”

Chen Mo nodded.

In the past few days, the village has been able to accept several households every day, and Qingting County is almost saturated with deserters.

"It's still the same as before, organize all these five young men into the patrol team." Chen Mo said.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard.

Song Min ran all the way into the hospital and said, "Brother Mo, Brother Shui and the others are back."

Hearing this, Chen Mo's eyes lit up and he said, "Let them come over to see me quickly."

There is no need for Song Min to notify.

After Zhang He came back, he took Hu Changsheng and others to Chen's house without stopping.

Chen Mo was waiting in the courtyard. When he saw Zhang He and the others, he went up to him and said, "Did your trip to Quanyang County go smoothly this time?"

"Back to Brother Mo, everything goes well." Zhang He said.

"come in."

Chen Mo brought several people into the living room and asked them to sit down. After Song Min poured tea for them, he went to the kitchen to help Han Anniang.

Zhang He was wrapped and placed on the table. He opened it and found a jar of wine inside. The person underneath also put the package down.

Zhang He said: "Brother Mo, all the furs were sold in Quanyang County. We got a total of thirteen taels of silver. In addition to the expenses on the road, I used the other silver to buy a jar of strong wine according to your instructions, Brother Mo. The rest They were all purchased as food.”

With that said, Zhang He took out the account book from his arms, which recorded the details of the required expenses.

Chen Mo took the account book without reading it and said, "Brother Shui, I believe you."

After saying that, he turned his eyes to Hu Changsheng: "Uncle Hu, how did you do with the task I gave you?"

"The fur and meat business is easy to say. I have found acquaintances in Quanyang County. From now on, we can sell our furs and wild animal meat to them, and the price is reasonable. This is the salt."

As he spoke, Hu Changzai showed some embarrassment and said: "The person who used to sell smuggled salt in Quanyang County was named Zhu Yongcai, but he is dead now. When I found his house, his son still refused to admit that his family had sold smuggled salt. Salt, so I don’t know if his son will take over what he did.”

"There is a high probability that we have taken it over. Selling smuggled salt is a fool's errand, and you won't stop doing it if you say you don't want to do it." As he said, Chen Mo asked how Zhu Yongcai's family was doing.

"I don't know. I didn't go in at all, but his house is quite big." Hu Changsheng said.

Chen Mo tapped the table with his fingers, then got up and went into the house and took out a clay pot. He opened the pot, poured some salt on the table and said, "You guys have a try."

Hu Changsheng and Zhang He both dipped their fingers into some and tasted it. Their faces were startled: "This is salt? Why is there no bitter taste?"

"Yes, this is salt. It is refined salt that I have refined using immortal methods." Chen Mo said.

Since everyone in the village thought that he was the reincarnation of an immortal god, Chen Mo just didn't explain it and thought of himself as an immortal god.

Hearing this, Hu Changsheng was slightly shocked: "As expected of the Immortal Master."

"Uncle Hu, based on your knowledge, what price do you think this refined salt can be sold for?" Chen Mo asked.

Hu Changsheng thought for a while and said: "Currently, the coarse salt in Quanyang County has been sold for one hundred and twenty cents per catty. Such fine salt, which has been treated by immortals, will sell for one catty at least."

"Hiss." Zhang He took a breath.

Chen Mo also raised his eyebrows. If he bought coarse salt for refining, not counting the loss during the refining process, he would make ten times the profit by selling it.

However, this kind of refined salt is a high-end product, so the customers are destined to be ordinary people.

Moreover, selling smuggled salt cannot be done blatantly.

After Chen Mo considered it for a while, he said: "Uncle Hu, let's take a day off and go to Quanyang County the day after tomorrow. Take this jar of refined salt and find Zhu Yongcai's son and talk about cooperation with his son. If it's his son Agreeing means that his son has taken over Zhu Yongcai’s business.”

The day after tomorrow, Hu Changsheng set out again. This time not only Zhang He went, but Hu Qiang also followed, and brought thirty more experts with him.

Five days later, Hu Changsheng and his party returned, carrying large and small bags.

Zhu Yongcai's son, Zhu Yongzhi, indeed took over Zhu Yongcai's "business" and swallowed all the 30 kilograms of refined salt brought by Hu Changsheng at the price of 800 yuan per kilogram.

It is impossible for Zhu Yongzhi to only earn 200 yuan. A pound of refined salt is the same. It is just the price estimated by Hu Changsheng. Zhu Yongzhi can decide the price at which he will sell it.

Later, Zhu Yongzhi sold 200 kilograms of coarse salt to Hu Changsheng, selling it at seventy cents per kilogram.

And this time, Hu Changsheng told Chen Mo that Zhu Yongzhicai could still earn 50 yuan in profit from each catty of coarse salt.

Because of selling smuggled salt, apart from wearing his head in his belt, he was engaged in a highly profitable business.

And when the rumors about Chen Mo's salt peddling were rising.

In the Pingting County Yamen, Chang Yuan had a droopy face, and his face looked ugly even if a fly had eaten it.

This morning, he received a report from the front.

Fengxian has fallen.

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