The next day, the golden rooster broke at dawn, and the soft light of the morning sun jumped on the eaves. Chen Mo woke up early. Because he had to absorb the innate spiritual energy, he had already generated a biological clock and would wake up before dawn.

He glanced at the beauty who was still sleeping soundly next to her. Her cheeks were pink and stained with tears, her temples were rebellious, and her hair was spread out on the bedside, which made Chen Mo feel a bit of love and guilt in his heart.

After hearing his sister-in-law call him husband last night, he felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood. Han Anniang's body was already weak, but later he used different methods to abduct her, putting her in strange postures, and she turned into a puff. .

He leaned over and kissed the beauty's smooth and jade-like forehead gently, stood up gently, put on a black robe, and got up to wash up.

As soon as she left the room, she saw that the door had been opened. Song Min was squatting in front of the kitchen door washing rice. When she saw Chen Mo, two dimples appeared on her face: "Brother Mo is awake."

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows: "I heard from your sister Han that you had a headache and felt uncomfortable. Are you feeling better now?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Song Min stopped washing rice, walked back to the kitchen, brought a toothbrush and tooth powder, came to Chen Mo, and said softly: "I'll help Brother Mo wash up."

"No, you go make breakfast. Sister Han may not wake up until later." Taking the things from Song Min's hand, Chen Mo started to wash up.

After he had absorbed the purple energy of the sun, Han Anniang also got up. When she saw Chen Mo, her face couldn't help but blush, and her eyes were filled with resentment, which made Chen Mo feel embarrassed.

After breakfast, Han Wu came, and Han Anniang went out to find Liu to inquire about the traveling merchant.

After teaching Han Wu the Tianhe sword technique, Chen Mo praised: "That's right, you have learned the moves. You don't need to come to my place every day from now on. Practice hard and it will be effective."

"Thank you, Immortal Master Chen."

Chen Mo nodded: "Remember, after you achieve something, teach the people below you."

"Don't worry, Master Chen."

After Han Wu left, Chen Mo returned to his room, took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote down the future development plan of the village.

Although the village is running well now, there is a threat of death, which urges these villagers to work hard. But as time goes by, they find that the government never sends troops to encircle and suppress them.

They will think in their hearts that the government may not pursue the case, and then they will relax, and then they will not work hard for the collective, but think about themselves.

At this point, if there is no motivation such as money and food, it will be difficult to control.

As for how to make money?

He has read many historical time travel novels.

The protagonist travels to ancient times, and the first thing he does to make money is to make glass.

This is a real huge profit industry, with profits ranging from dozens to hundreds of times. The most important thing is that there is no glass in the world.

Before he traveled through time, as a battlefield owner, he also knew how to make glass.

However, burning paper glass requires the use of soda ash and high temperatures of more than a thousand degrees.

For soda ash, you can find natural soda ash, but the kiln manufacturing temperature is a major difficulty and requires a certain industrial foundation to achieve it.

Even if these difficulties are overcome and the glass is made, selling it is still a big difficulty, because this thing can only be sold to the rich and powerful, which is too time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo dismissed the glass.

Then there's cement.

This is also a major selling point used by time-travelers to make money.

But he didn’t know anything about cement, so he passed.


This is relatively simple to make, but it requires grease, but the grease is not enough for people to eat. How can there be any leftover to make soap? You can consider it later.


This can be done, and the method is relatively simple.

The crudest way is to wash scented petals, such as gardenias, roses, etc., break them into pieces, mix them with high-strength wine in a small pot, cook them for a period of time, and then filter them. This is the perfume.

As for high-strength liquor, the world already has it.

Going a step further, he can make a simple distillation equipment, then put the petals into a pot and add water or alcohol, and the resulting condensate can also be used as perfume.

It just so happens that spring is here and everything is coming back to life.

Perfume is optional.

Just when Chen Mo was planning to make money with perfume, a light flashed in his mind.

Selling salt.

Salt is a daily necessity. As long as you can get salt, you will not be short of money.

Moreover, the salt production industry in this world is also developed, and there are even well salt, mineral salt, and sea salt.

There is lake salt in Qingting County next door.

Selling illegal salt is a serious crime.

I've rebelled so much that I'm still afraid of this.

However, the development of the salt industry has also led to illicit salt dealers everywhere. It is said that those who rebelled in the north were originally illicit salt dealers.

If Chen Mo wanted to get involved, it would be difficult.

Therefore, he decided to sell refined salt.

All the salt currently on the market is coarse salt, which tastes bitter and has not been purified.

Chen Mo knows the purification method.

This is junior high school physics knowledge.

Chen Mo wrote down all the methods on paper, and for a while, he was flooded with ideas.

Unconsciously, it was already noon, and Chen Mo had already filled up several pieces of paper.


At this moment, Han An's voice sounded outside, and then Song Min's voice sounded outside the master bedroom: "Brother Mo, Sister Han is calling you."


When I walked out of the house, I found that behind Han Aniang and Mrs. Liu, there was an old man.

Seeing Chen Mo come out, Han Aniang immediately smiled and said: "Uncle, aren't you looking for a foot trader? This Uncle Hu is from Hujia Village, Qingting County."

"Oh." Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The so-called foot merchants are those who do business or do business. This is not something ordinary people outside the city can do.

When Chen Mo asked Han Anniang to inquire before, he didn't expect to find it, but he didn't expect it to be found.

Chen Mo quickly invited Uncle Hu to sit in his room while Song Min poured water for Uncle Hu.

It is understood that Uncle Hu's name is Hu Changsheng. When he was young, he worked as a foot trader and worked for more than ten years. Later, after he married and had children, the world became difficult and it was too dangerous to work as a foot trader, so he stopped working.

Although he is over fifty years old, his legs and feet are extremely agile.

Chen Mo asked Hu Changsheng several questions.

The reason why he wanted to find foot traders was because he wanted their sales channels, and foot traders who travel all over the country must know many businessmen.

Pingting County and Qingting County are currently closed. Chen Mo needs to sell goods to other counties, so someone needs to bridge the gap.

And Hu Changsheng did not disappoint him. He even knew the private salt dealer.

And Hu Changsheng also gave him a suggestion, saying that he could sell the things to Quanyang County.

This county is not in Qingzhou. If you rush from Pingting County, it will take five days to go back and forth.

Chen Mo stood up and bowed his hand to Hu Changsheng: "Then please ask Uncle Hu to go to Quanyang County for me."

Hu Changsheng quickly bowed and said: "I can't do it, I can't do it. Old man, I cannot accept such a great gift from Master Chen."

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