"Notice down, we will hold a mobilization meeting at noon." Chen Mo said.

"Yes, Brother Mo."

Zhang He said seriously, but he did not leave immediately.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Chen Mo asked, seeing Zhang He's hesitant expression.

Zhang He rubbed his hands and said hesitantly: "Brother Mo, I heard that you asked Han Wu to be the village chief of Liuzhuang and Xiaogao Village, and also asked him to lead people to take charge of Dadong Lake?"

Chen Mo nodded: "What's wrong?"

"Brother Mo, I can actually take care of Dadong Lake." Zhang He mustered up his courage.

Chen Mo looked at Zhang He and raised his eyebrows. Knowing what he was thinking, he patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I have more important things to leave to you. I'll do it during the mobilization meeting at noon." Announce to everyone.”

Hearing this, Zhang He was overjoyed and relieved. After learning that Han Wu had gained Chen Mo's trust and was appointed as the village chief, Zhang He felt empty in his heart, especially Han Wu's flattering look, which simply made him I'm disgusted, how can there be such disgusting people in this world.

After Chen Mo took a bath and had breakfast, Wang Ping came and explained what Chen Mo had told him.

At present, there are 812 people in these villages who are willing to follow Chen Mo, excluding the casualties.

Among them, Wangjiazhuang has the largest number of people, with a total of 196 people.

The total amount of money paid from the officers and soldiers was thirteen taels.

Chen Mo nodded and gave him another big task, asking him to take people to count the old, weak, women and children in these villages to see how many people there were and how many acres of land they had.

Afterwards, Chen Mo returned to his room, took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and started writing the follow-up development plan.

Outside Xiaogao Village.

The villagers who agreed to follow Chen Mo packed up their things and rushed to Fuze Village. One of the women was carrying a baggage and holding two children in her hands. She kept walking and kept talking. :

"Head of the family, didn't Master Chen Xian promise to allocate farmland to our family? How can we move to Fuze Village now?"

The man said in a muffled voice: "Master Chen said it would be convenient for centralized protection. Think about it, Xiaogao Village is so far away from Fuze Village. Master Chen is from Fuze Village. When the government calls, Fuze Village will definitely be the safest. Go back to farming after farming." That’s it.”

The woman asked again: "There are so many people in the government. After all, Master Chen Xian is just a child. How can he protect so many of us?"

Hearing this, the man paused, looked at the woman with a serious expression, and then whispered: "You women just have long hair and short knowledge. Do you know why everyone calls him Chen Xianshi?"


"Because Chen Xianshi is not a mortal. He knows immortal magic and is protected by purple light. No one can get close to him. And you didn't see it. Chen Xianshi just swung his sword and the officers and soldiers were hacked to death from a long distance away. Yes. You know the person who came to arrest me at night, right?"

"I know, I heard he's the head catcher in the yamen."

"Humph, that head hunter must be awesome, but when I was in Fuze Village just now, I didn't even get through a single round in the hands of Master Chen Xian. He was killed as soon as he said he was killed. He was even more powerful than the warrior master in Wangjiazhuang. people."

"Hiss." The woman took a breath, her heart instantly calmed down, and then asked again: "Is it really true that there will be no tax this year?"

"Stop talking about it now, hurry up, otherwise the location near Master Chen Xian's house will be taken away by others."

County government.

In the main hall, Chang Yuanduan was sitting on the Taishi chair with a solemn expression. Even just sitting like this made Wu Shan and the three kneeling below feel an invisible pressure.

"You said that Chen Mo killed Mr. Peng and occupied Fuze Village, Wangjiazhuang, Xiaogao Village and other villages?"

Wu Shan said respectfully: "Sir, it is indeed true. He also said that Dadong Lake in Pingting County is also under his control."

"Hmph, what a loud tone."

Chang Yuan slapped the table next to him with a heavy palm, and with a "bang" sound, cracks like spider webs suddenly appeared on the table, and shouted: "You are so bold, you don't take the government seriously."

Killing two hundred garrison troops and also Peng Baotou was a challenge to his authority.

In this three-acre land in Pingting County, he has always been the one to tell the truth, but now someone actually slapped him in the face.

This made Chang Yuan angry.

He said: "He can put you back intact, but there is something he wants you to tell me?"

"The adults know things like a god. Chen Mo really has something to say for me to bring to you."


"Chen Mo said that he summoned villagers from Fuze Village, Xiaowangzhuang and other villages. There were more than 5,000 people, and nearly a thousand strong people."

"Bang." Before Wu Shan finished speaking, Chang Yuan slapped the table next to him again. The table, which was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly fell into pieces and said:

"Is he threatening me? There are more than 5,000 people. Does he think that I don't know the situation outside the city? Those villages add up to a total of more than 2,000 people. There are more than 5,000 people. It's like... Nonsense.”

"Sir, please calm down." Wu Shan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, feeling as if his heart was about to jump out of his throat: "He also said that they just want a way out, as long as the adults turn a blind eye. , he can keep the people outside the city from causing trouble and keep the same with the adults."

"How brave." Chang Yuan shouted coldly, his beard almost bursting with anger. This rebel not only threatened him, but also wanted to negotiate terms with him.

As the dignified magistrate of Pingting County, how can I give in to a traitor?

Suppress bandits

The thought just came up in his mind and was suppressed by him again.

Although the opponent does not have more than 5,000 people, there are still more than 500 young men. In addition, Chen Mo, who can kill Peng Capt., must dispatch at least 1,000 people to suppress the bandits, and General Sun must lead the army. .

The other party is still outside the city. The weather is getting warmer now. If we go into the mountains and forests, it will be time-consuming and laborious. No matter how many people are sent, there will not be enough to fill the mountains.

If there are further casualties by then.

Inappropriate, inappropriate.

My term is coming soon, and I can't cause any more trouble at this time.

This issue should be left to the next official to deal with.

"Give me the order to seal off the whole city. Only people are allowed in and out, and they are on guard." Chang Yuan ordered.


Fuze Village, in the village.

It's the sunny time, and the spring sunshine shines on me, making it warm and comfortable.

The villagers gathered together and whispered to each other.

"Why did Master Chen Xian call us here? My house hasn't been built yet."

"I don't know, I seem to have something to say."

"I haven't slept all night, I really want to sleep."


"Quiet, everyone, be quiet, Brother Mo is here." Zhang He trotted over and said to the villagers, pretending to be a top dog.

When Chen Mo came to the village, the crowd had quieted down.

Chen Mo looked around for a week. The initial unity had been completed. The next step was to reassure them.

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