April 10.



The deep bell sounded throughout the majestic imperial city and the streets. The first ray of bright and warm spring sunshine in the morning shone on the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the imperial city.

The warm sunshine seemed to bring new life to Tianchuan. With the arrival of Geng Songfu and others, the court operated in an orderly manner, making the huge state machine of the Song Dynasty run steadily, and the city was peaceful and harmonious.

The civil and military officials dressed in court robes and walked neatly through the imperial road under the palace gate.

The people in the market were also very lively. In recent days, more and more carriages and convoys from other places have entered the capital.

The emperor drove six, the princes drove five, the ministers drove four, the scholars drove three, the scholars drove two, and the common people drove one.

As the people under the emperor, from the specifications of these convoys, they knew that the princes had entered the capital.

Thinking of the imperial edict issued by the court before, summoning the princes and officials from all over the world to enter the capital, the people discussed it in a flurry.

This kind of grand event of vassal kings and officials from all over the world coming to Beijing can only be seen when the new emperor ascends the throne. Later, when Xu Guozhong was in power, he also issued an edict to the world to summon vassal kings to Beijing, but all the princes in the world refused to obey.

Unexpectedly, now, these vassal kings actually succumbed to the tyranny of Wei Wang Chen Mo.

This also deepened the people's awe of Wei Wang.

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a messenger eunuch from the Imperial Household Department stretched his neck and shouted loudly: "Xuan Anping Wang Chu Ji, Jishan Wang Chu You, Le Wang Chu Shi. Audience!"

"Xuan Anping Wang Chu Ji, Jishan Wang Chu You, Le Wang Chu Shi. Audience!" After the eunuch's voice fell, the eunuch standing under the imperial road immediately repeated it again, and under the narration of many eunuchs.

Soon, Chu Ji, Chu You, Chu Shi and others, wearing dragon robes, walked through the imperial road under the palace gate with anxious steps and entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Your Majesty, I am Chu Ji"

"Chu You."

"Chu Shi."


"Greetings, Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty."

The princes bowed and saluted, their attitude was very humble.

The old ministers of the royalist faction in the court looked at these princes with resentment and complex eyes.

If it weren't for these people's ulterior motives, how could Your Majesty fall to this point, being manipulated and controlled by each "power minister".

These people think they can fish in troubled waters, regard the world as lambs, and want to cut a piece of meat from them, but they didn't expect that now they have become lambs to be slaughtered on the sticky board.

"My dear ministers, please stand up." Emperor Yong'an looked at his uncles and elders, and his eyes were also quite complicated.

Summoning the princes of the world to Beijing, the meaning behind it, Emperor Yong'an knew it very well.

It was roughly the fate of being imprisoned.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Those vassal kings who had never seen Chen Mo raised their heads, glanced at Emperor Yong'an, and then turned their eyes to the only two young men sitting in the court, and they knew that the young man was the King of Wei.

Enjoying the treatment of the emperor, Xu Guozhong and Lu Sheng did not have this qualification at the beginning.

Chen Mo nodded gently at them.

The result was just as Emperor Yong'an thought. After Chu Ji and others finished their ceremony, Prime Minister Geng Songfu stepped forward and said a roundabout way before getting to the point, saying that for the sake of world peace, the military power in the hands of the vassal kings should be removed.

Of course, Geng Songfu's words were definitely not so direct, but anyone with a discerning eye could hear that the military power in the hands of the vassal kings should be withdrawn and dispatched by the court.

"I second the motion." After Geng Songfu's voice fell, Zuo Lianglun, Yue Ruyan, Xiao Jing and others came out to second the motion.

Emperor Yong'an glanced at Chen Mo who was sitting, and seeing that he did not speak, he started to think about struggling, so he asked Chu Ji and others for their opinions.

The meaning is also very clear, that is, let Chu Ji and others withstand the pressure, so that Emperor Yong'an can refute Geng Songfu's proposal.

However, Chu Ji's banquet army had long been taken away by Chen Mo. Now Chu Ji is a lonely man. Since he responded to the imperial edict to go to Beijing, it means that he has accepted his fate and chose to submit to Chen Mo. How dare he withstand this wave of pressure? He immediately said that he was old and incapable, and he should abdicate.

You know, Chu Ji is the third most powerful vassal king after Huai Wang and Chong Wang. He has admitted his weakness. Chu You, Chu Shi and others immediately said something similar to Chu Ji, and they almost said that they were a waste.

Although Emperor Yong'an had little hope in his heart, he heard that these uncles did not even dare to fight for it, and his heart sank to the bottom. The Chu family really had no hope at all.

Emperor Yong'an said in a bad mood: "Approved."

And Geng Songfu was not surprised at this result.

As the saying goes, give a slap and a "sweet date."

After removing the military power of these vassal kings, Geng Songfu's next step was to reward them with some property and beauties.

However, it was not bad, but Geng Songfu's sweet date was not sweet at all.

The next step was that Geng Songfu proposed to exchange "fiefdoms" for these vassal kings, and let them move to the county towns of Huaizhou, Fengzhou, Linzhou and other places to live.

It was called "fiefdoms", but Chu Ji and his people had no jurisdiction over these places, just moved there to be idle rich men.

And these places were the territories that Chen Mo controlled the most. If Chu Ji and his people moved here, everything they said and did would be known to Chen Mo, which was almost like being imprisoned.

But even so, Chu Ji and other vassal kings accepted it.

In fact, when they entered Beijing, they had made this preparation. For this reason, they brought all the family members of the mansion with them when they entered Beijing, and they just moved there after meeting the emperor.

Emperor Yong'an did not say more and granted all the approval.

At this time, Chu Shi proposed to take his mother out of the palace.

His mother was the concubine of the previous emperor.

And this, of course, was that Chen Mo had someone inform Chu Shi and others in advance.

"I have granted your approval for your filial piety." Emperor Yong'an smiled.

After dealing with the affairs of the vassal kings, it was time to deal with the officials who came to Beijing.

Unlike the vassal kings, the means of dealing with these officials were not so gentle.

Dismissal and demotion were the lightest punishments, and serious ones were beheaded.

Of course, there were also promotions.

And this was just to let the people of the world know that the court had clear rewards and punishments.

After the court meeting.

Hanyuan Hall.

Even though the situation was very clear, not everyone knew the current situation.

"The Supervisory Guard reported that Yang Xian, the Marquis of Hongdu Pavilion, Nangong Jin, the Marquis of Chaoping Pavilion, Chu Yan, the King of Zhongshan, Chu Zhao, the King of Nanhai County, etc., all reported illness and only sent messengers." Xia Zhining said.

After Chen Mo came to power, he naturally conferred titles of nobility on Yang Xian and Nangong Jin.

After hearing this, Chen Mo frowned. He could imagine that Yang Xian would not cooperate so easily, but what was Nangong Jin doing?

"What a coincidence, so many people are sick." Liu Ji sneered.

"At least these people will find an excuse to send someone, which shows that they obey the prince in their hearts, but do not want to give up everything they have. After all, they are sick, and the court cannot force them. If they can send this person, it means openly challenging the court and the prince." Xia Zhining said.

Under Chen Mo's sword-like eyebrows, his eyes looked at Xia Zhining like condensed dew and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You can read it yourself." Xia Zhining gave the letter to Chen Mo.

After Chen Mo finished reading it, his sword-like eyebrows were locked.

Wu Yanqing came forward curiously, and after a moment, his face also sank.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Chen Mo said, "Nanping County King Chu Feng killed the angel sent by the court."


When this was said, all the ministers in Hanyuan Hall were stunned.

Even Yue Ruyan couldn't help but say, "How dare he?"

Nanping County King, from the word "County King", we know that Chu Feng is the vassal king of Nanping County.

After all, there are many descendants of the royal family, and there are only a handful of vassal kings with a state as their fiefdom.

There are more county kings, and some unpopular princes will be named county kings, and the county will be named as the king of the king, and this county is his fiefdom.

So just from the fiefdom, Nanping County King has a thousand soldiers and horses under his command.

With this little strength, how dare he not respond to the imperial edict and kill the angel sent by the court?

This is not the ignorance of fearlessness, this is probably a brain show.

As for the reason that Chu Feng has some trump card in his hand, the ministers don't think so.

After all, with Chen Mo's power, if he really has such a big trump card, Chu Feng can't be unknown now.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng." The Fifth Fusheng repeated it several times in a row, and then said: "I remember it?"

"What?" Chen Mo asked.

"If I remember correctly, when the King of Huai announced his support for the king, the King of Nanping County also raised an army. When the Tianshi thieves were rampant, the King of Nanping County also publicly stated that he was irreconcilable with the Tianshi thieves.

Later, when Lu Sheng abolished the emperor, the King of Nanping County also publicly wanted to rebel against Lu Sheng, but no one took him seriously at that time." The Fifth Fusheng said.

At that time, the King of Chong, the King of Huai, Lu Sheng, and Chen Mo were all powerful, and below them were Yang Xian, the King of Anping, Xiliang, and the Qiang tribe. Compared with these people, Chu Feng was just a small character, and not many people would care about his words and deeds.

Maybe Lu Sheng noticed Chu Feng at that time, but for the weak Chu Feng, Lu Sheng might think it was unnecessary to mobilize troops to fight him.

After listening to the words of the Fifth Fusheng, Chen Mo understood something and laughed: "It seems that the King of Nanping County wants to be a direct minister of the Song Dynasty."

From the words of the Fifth Fusheng, it can be seen that Chu Feng is protecting the royal family and standing on the same side as the royal family. He will deal with anyone who is not good for the royal family.

Whether it is Xu Guozhong, Lu Sheng, or the current Chen Mo, none of them has the surname Chu.

In a word, Chu Feng is protecting the Chu family's world.

After hearing Chen Mo's words, all the ministers laughed a few times and regarded Chu Feng as a jumping clown.

Zhao Liang even asked for permission to lead troops to fight him.

"Where is this Nanping County?" Chen Mo asked.

"In Yizhou, close to Liangzhou." Xia Zhining said.

Liangzhou, also called Xiliang.

"Xiliang." Chen Mo murmured, and then ordered: "Xiao Jing, Zhao Liang."

"I am here." Xiao Jing and Zhao Liang said in unison.

"This king orders Xiao Jing to be the chief general and Zhao Liang to be the deputy general, and to lead 5,000 soldiers to Yizhou to attack the traitor Chu Feng." Chen Mo paid enough attention to Chu Feng, and then turned his eyes to Chen Ming, saying: "Immediately draft an anti-traitor Chu Feng's manifesto. This king wants to let the world see the consequences of opposing this king."


Xiao Jing, Zhao Liang, and Chen Ming responded in turn.


Back to the Prince of Wei's Mansion.

Chen Mo saw soldiers coming in and out of the mansion, each holding a basket of flowers in his hand.

Chen Mo stopped a man and asked what he was doing.

After learning that it was what Nalan Yiren needed, Chen Mo remembered that flowers were needed to make elixirs to delay aging and beautify the skin, and April was the time when all flowers bloomed.

Chen Mo walked towards Nalan Yiren's yard.

As soon as I arrived in the yard, I saw that the whole yard was filled with baskets of flowers. The Nalanyi people's unique smoke voice came from the room: "You can just put the flowers you picked in the yard."

"Your Majesty..." The soldiers in the yard saluted quickly when they saw Chen Mo.

Chen Mo waved his hand and asked them to continue busy with their own affairs.

The door to the wing room was not closed, and Chen Mo walked straight in.

As soon as his right foot crossed the threshold, Chen Mo heard a faint sound in his ears. When Chen Mo turned his head to look, Nalan Yiren's voice also sounded: "Be careful..."

Chen Mo quickly dodged and saw a venomous snake scurrying down from the beam and passing by him.

"I'm fine." Chen Mo said after looking at the viper who stood up after landing and assumed an attacking posture.

"I asked you to be careful not to hurt my snake."

Nalan Yiren, who was pounding flowers, rolled her eyes at Chen Mo, and then said to the poisonous snake standing up on the ground: "Go back quickly, you can't bite him."

The poisonous snake was very intelligent and seemed to understand what Nalan Yi said. After circling around Chen Mo, it crawled back to the beam along the pillar.

Chen Mo: "..."

I bet he is being sentimental.

"Sit down, why are you here?" Nalanyi was busy with his own business again.

"Let's see how your elixir is doing."

Chen Mo raised his head and looked towards the beam. He saw not only one venomous snake coiled on the beam, but more than a dozen, all staring at him. If he were an ordinary person, he would be scared to death.

The ground was full of bottles, cans, and bamboo cages of all sizes. Chen Mo had to walk around to avoid stepping on them.

"It's coming soon. It can be completed this month." As he said that, Nalanyi raised his head and asked, "How is the matter in the court going?"

She is still waiting for revenge.

"The vassal prince has arrived in Beijing, and the affairs at court are almost over. When I go back to Linzhou to handle the imperial examination matters, when I come back, if nothing happens, I can follow you to the Western Regions."

After Chen Mo sat down, he looked at the mask on Nalan Yiren's face and joked: "Why do you wear this mask every day? Is the other half of your face ugly and shameful?"

Don't worry, we are so familiar, I won't laugh at you, just let me see. "

"What a beautiful idea." Nalan Yiren raised her head and glanced at Chen Mo. After seeing that Chen Mo stopped talking, she lowered her head and said to herself: "This mask can only be taken off by my husband when we get married. Look at my whole face."

"Forget it, stay with so many poisonous things all day long, and you won't be afraid of the bites but they will also ooze." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Nalan Yi smiled angrily, and said as if she had fallen in love with him, and said, "If you have nothing else to do, leave quickly. Don't disturb me."

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