Seven days later, late February.


Outside the west gate.

Thousands of people, carrying their families, carrying burdens, and leading cattle, sheep, donkeys and other livestock, walked out of the city in an orderly manner. Among them were old women with hooded heads and dirty faces, carrying bundles. After leaving the city, they stopped. , turned around and looked at the huge but dilapidated Luonan City with reluctance.

"Don't look, don't look, go quickly, go quickly." The hundreds of Chen soldiers accompanying him urged.

These people are the last batch of people in Luonan City, and they are also the best "nail households" in Luonan. People from the yamen have told them several times that they are unwilling to move away from Luonan. There is no other way but to use some force. means.

Although Sergeant Chen urged them, no killing occurred. Orders were issued from above. You can yell loudly or even scold these migrating people, but you must not kill them, let alone rob the people's belongings. Those who dare to violate the rules will be severely punished.

The common people lowered their heads and walked heavily on the official road. The shadows grew longer and longer, getting farther and farther away from Luonan, turning into black spots as big as mung beans, and finally disappeared.


The sound of horse hoofbeats rumbled towards Luonan City. When the defenders on the city wall heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, they thought they were enemies at first and instinctively became wary. When they saw clearly that it was one of their own, they relaxed.

"Where is the prince? We received the prince's order to escort the criminal Liang Mu to the capital."


Hanyuan Hall.

"Your Majesty, the spies are here to report that there was a large convoy in Yuan'an County. After investigation, it can be confirmed that this convoy came from the direction of Luonan in January. It was a convoy for Lu Sheng to transfer his family members. Deep holes were also found on the road. The spies have followed the wheel prints and are continuing to track them." After Sun Meng got the news from below, he reported it to Chen Mo as soon as possible.

"Bring me the map."

Chen Mo looked at the location of Yuan'an County on the map, and then frowned: "This is the northwest direction. Are they trying to flee to Xiliang?"

"My lord, this is not impossible. Lu Sheng occupied Xiliang the year before last and brought Xiliang into his sphere of influence. In order to control Xiliang, he will definitely leave a certain number of troops to garrison in Xiliang. They Fleeing to Xiliang, there are also people to help." Fifth Fusheng said.

"The Fifth Master is right, and Xiliang is located in the border state of our Song Dynasty. If Lu Sheng's family members learn that Lu Sheng is dead, they will probably take others and continue to flee westward, and we will be unable to pursue them. "Liu Ji also joined in.

After Xiliang, it’s the Western Regions.

The Western Regions is just a geographical concept, it is not a country, and the Western Regions are huge in area. There are many small countries in it. If Lu Sheng’s family members fled to the Western Regions, the Song Dynasty would not be able to go to the Western Regions to arrest people with great fanfare. It would be regarded as Starting a war.

Hearing this, Chen Mo frowned. He rubbed his brows and felt a little headache. Then he asked, "How are the people being transferred?"

"The people in the city are the last group today, and the rest are the people in the villages outside the city." Wu Yanqing, who is temporarily acting as the Minister of Household Affairs, replied.

"If the villages outside are not affected by the Spirit-Eating Array and the people are unwilling to leave, then let them stay."

Chen Mo underestimated the people's determination not to leave Luonan.

In the past two days, there have been many reports reported below that people would rather hit their heads against the wall and die than leave Luonan.

"No." Wu Yanqing nodded. He has been busy as the Minister of Household Affairs for the past few days. There are really too many things for him to deal with. The most important thing is that there are not many people below who can used.

After all, Chen Mo led the army into Luonan, and there were few in the army who could manage internal affairs.

But before moving the capital to Tianchuan, we can only make do with it.

"Later, I will request an order from Your Majesty and inform the world that all vassal kings and officials above the fifth rank from all over the country will come to Tianchuan to meet the Holy Spirit. Those who do not come will be stripped of their official status and punished as treason." Chen Mo Leng vocal channel.

This step is what he must do.

The biggest threats in the country have been eliminated by him. He will definitely "unify the world" and make the separatist forces surrender under his feet and accept the dispatch of the imperial court.

We can no longer think about what we did before, listening to the tune but not the announcement.

If he does not go to Beijing, it means that he is not convinced and still wants to be the local emperor and wants to cause "split". Then Chen Mo will know what other "enemies" he needs to deal with in the country.

If you don't accept it, we'll send troops to beat you into submission.

Hearing this, Wu Fusheng and Liu Ji both became excited. As a counselor, who doesn't want to assist his master and take charge of the entire world.

You must know that to control the entire world is not just to hold the court and the emperor in your hands, but also to make the people all over the world obey your orders. This is the true control of the world.

"Your Majesty."

At this moment, Xia Zhining walked in from outside the hall and whispered a few words in Chen Mo's ear.

Outside, Xia Zhining still gave Chen Mo face.

"Take her to the prison and call Miss Nalan. I'll be there later." Chen Mo said.

Xia Zhining nodded and retreated.

Shoukang Palace.

The palace maids and eunuchs were busy packing their luggage.

According to the news revealed in the palace, the people in the city have moved to Tianchuan one after another. Next, it will be their turn.

As the master, Liang Ji naturally did not need to do these things. She was painting, but her attention was not on the painting at all.

At this moment, a palace maid walked in quickly with her head lowered.

After arriving in front of Liang Ji, she first asked the other maids and eunuchs in the palace to go down first, and then said: "Queen Mother, it's not good, the head of the family has been escorted to Beijing."

Liang Ji, who was wandering in her mind, immediately pulled her thoughts back. A serious expression suddenly appeared on her peach-like face, and she looked into the palace maid's eyes: "Who did you listen to?"

"Someone in the clan saw it at the west gate." The palace maid said.

The so-called centipede insect is dead but not stiff. The Liang family has a profound background. There are members of the Liang family in the Forbidden Army and the Chen Army.

As for why there were soldiers in the Chen Army, it was because when Chen Mo was recruiting new soldiers from the four states, the Liang family sent some branch tribesmen and people who were attached to the Liang family to get false identities and participate in Chen Army's recruitment.

After all, in troubled times, the review of new recruits is not strict.

Liang Ji's face darkened.

She didn't know the real reason behind her father being escorted to Beijing.

I just thought it was Chen Mo who took his father to the capital for trial and questioning.

Liang Ji immediately became anxious, stood up suddenly, and said: "Pass the Ai family's oral instructions to summon the King of Wei."

Halfway through, she thought of the previous two times, gritted her teeth angrily, stamped her feet, and then said: "Serve Aijia to bathe and change clothes. Aijia is leaving the palace."


Heavenly prison.

"King Wei."

"You all go down first."


Chen Mo took Nalan Yiren and Fifth Fusheng to the depths of the prison.

In the past.

The criminals imprisoned in Tianlao were all prominent figures. Among them, there were ministers who angered the emperor because of their admonitions. In anger, the emperor threw the ministers into Tianlao. However, after the anger dissipated, he ordered the ministers to be removed from heaven. Released from prison.

Because of this, he was a prisoner yesterday and would be reinstated tomorrow, so the guards in the sky prison did not dare to offend the prisoners inside.

Unlike other cells that are stinky and dark, the sky prison is actually very quiet.

In the corner of a cell, Liang Mu sat cross-legged on the hay, with a strand of white hair in front of his forehead.

Although he was in a very embarrassed state at the moment, he had been in a high position for a long time, and even if he became a prisoner, the aura and temperament of a superior person were still there, which was incompatible with the prison cell.

Suddenly the cell door opened. Liang Mu glanced at it unintentionally and was startled. Then he sneered and said, "Hey, it's actually King Wei who came here in person. I'm so proud of myself."

When he came to Luonan, he also learned about the drastic changes in the court.

After saying that, Liang Mu moved his eyes to the fifth Fusheng: "Prince Huai has really good eyesight. All his subordinates are villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

"People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. The prince is destined to return, so there is nothing wrong with someone taking refuge in Lord Wei." Since he has "betrayed" King Huai, Fifth Fusheng will not build a memorial arch for himself. So said.

"What a destiny." Liang Mu looked at Chen Mo and said, "Are you here to see me off?"

"Liang Mu colluded with the party and conspired to rebel. He should have been sentenced to death. The nine Yi'er clans, but I think that you and the ancestors of the Liang family have made great contributions to the country, so I can ask for mercy from your majesty." Chen Mo said.

"It seems that you have something to ask me for." After hearing this, Liang Mu, who had lived for most of his life, immediately guessed what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Mo's gourd.

Seeing that Liang Mu had seen through it, Chen Mo didn't mince words and said, "Master Liang, you just need to do me a favor. For the sake of Xue'er and the Liang family's ancestors' meritorious service to the country, I will not only pardon your sins, but also forgive your sins." Also forgive the Liang family’s sins.”

Hearing this, Liang Mu immediately sneered twice and lowered his head. Chen Mo thought that he was unwilling to help and was about to say, "Thousands of lives of the Liang family are in the hands of the old Patriarch Liang. Don't act out of emotion." , Liang Mu suddenly raised his head and stared into Chen Mo's eyes: "Do you mean what you say?"

"Old Patriarch Liang, you can go out and ask around. I always keep my word to the letter." Chen Mo said.

"Tell me what you are busy with." Liang Mu sighed.

To be honest, the moment his cultivation was abolished, he had already put life and death aside, so he was not afraid of Chen Mo threatening his own life, but he could not ignore the Liang family.

Before Chen Mo could speak, Nalan Yiren, who had been waiting for a moment, couldn't help blurting out: "Where is Tang Yichen?"

I don't know if it was Nalan Yiren's dress or her unique voice. Liang Mu was seeing it for the first time. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment before saying, "Who is she?"

"Don't worry about who I am, where is Tang Yichen?" Nalan Yiren said.

Liang Mu did not answer her, but looked at Chen Mo.

"The favor this king wants you to help is what she asked for." Chen Mo said.

Liang Mu's eyes returned to Nalan Yiren: "Who is Tang Yichen?"

"You don't know Tang Yichen?" Nalan Yiren frowned and said, "Who did you buy the immortal powder from?"

"Xianren Powder" Liang Mu was a little confused.

"I'll do it."

Seeing that Nalan Yi was having so much trouble asking questions, he pulled her aside and briefly told Liang Mu about Tang Yichen and Xianrensan.

"So the Tang Yichen you mentioned is the high priest of the Western Regions. Who do you think I am? The high priest never shows his true face to others, and no one knows his real name. I only know that he is from Baiyue, and I heard that there is a Rumor has it that he is a traitor from the Poison King Valley.”

After speaking, Liang Mu looked at Nalan Yiren: "Isn't the girl from the Poison King Valley?"

"So what, just answer my question. Can you find the other person?" Seeing that he was about to get a clue soon, Nalan Yi became a little excited, and his tone became a little rude.

"Then you have found the right person. The high priest is elusive in the Western Regions and never interacts with strangers. In the entire Song Dynasty, I am the only one who can find him." Liang Mudao.

"Since he doesn't interact with strangers, how do you know him?" Chen Mo interjected.

"Of course I have known him for a long time." Liang Mu said.

If Baiyue wants to go to Xiliang, it must pass through the Song Dynasty.

According to Liang Mu, the first time he met the "High Priest", it was the Liang family's caravan that brought him back to the Liang family. He also wore a mask at that time, but it was not a half-face mask. He seemed to have suffered He was seriously injured and poisoned, and wanted to ask Liang Mu for help.

Naturally, Liang Mu was not a good person and did not want to be busy, but the "high priest" said that he had a pill that could delay aging and extend life. Liang Mu agreed, and Yun Gong helped the "high priest" remove the elixirs from his body. poison, and then helped the "high priest" escape to the Western Regions.

As for the origin of the title "High Priest", it is not a national preceptor enshrined in a certain country in the Western Regions, but a "code name" that Tang Yichen casually picked up as his identity.

It's no wonder that Poison King Valley couldn't find Tang Yichen in the Western Region. It was simply looking in the wrong direction.

After hearing what Liang Mu said, Nalan Yi was so angry that she wanted to kill Liang Mu.

No wonder Tang Yichen survived the elder's poisonous palm. It turned out that Liang Mu's luck drove away the poison.

Tang Yichen's poison skills were already very good, and with the help of a magical warrior, he would be able to survive.

"You" Nalan Yiren pointed at Liang Mu, her teeth itching with anger.

"It seems that the girl has a big feud with the high priest." Liang Mu coughed lightly and said, "But I didn't mean it. The girl should understand the temptation of a life-prolonging pill to the old man."

Nalanyi glared at him and immediately asked: "Then where is he?"

"I don't know yet?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Don't worry, I heard that the Western Region is very big, and the high priest's whereabouts are not fixed. He basically changes places after living for a period of time. This month he is in Yelang Kingdom, and next month he is going to Yale Kingdom. His whereabouts are erratic. If you want to see him, you need to leave a code at a tavern in Yelang Kingdom, and then..." Liang Mu spoke slowly.

Chen Mo understood clearly that Tang Yichen had many middlemen in the Western Region. If a stranger came by, Tang Yichen would not show up even if he gave the secret code.

What Fifth Fusheng said before, "Liang Mu said he had a way in the Western Regions and knew someone" was just one of Tang Yichen's middlemen.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and of course it was not ruled out that Liang Mu said this deliberately in order to survive.

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