Although Chen Mo has never been to Fuyou City, he still knows about several major cities in Qingzhou from books.

Fuyou City is the nearest big city in Qingzhou to the North. From a strategic point of view, it is Qingzhou's first line of defense. The fall of Fuyou City means that Nanyang will have no danger to defend and can only rely on the city. And fight.

Fengxian is also a big city in Qingzhou. Its population is second only to Nanyang and is located on the right side of Nanyang. If Fengxian also falls, Nanyang will be taken over by the rebels.

It can be said that the current situation in Nanyang is very critical.

In order to rescue Fengxian and relieve the siege of Nanyang, he had no choice but to recruit troops.

According to Wu Shan, Pingting County only lost 500 places because the county magistrate was a student of the prefect. Other counties lost 1,000 places, and some counties with large populations even more. too much.

Chen Mo originally wanted to go into the city to find out if the rebels were coming, but he didn't expect that the Qingzhou Army had already lost a battle.

The weather has just warmed up, spring hasn’t started yet, right?

This speed is too fast.

"Brother Wu, don't we have a hundred thousand elites in Qingzhou? It's not spring yet, so why did we lose Fuyou City?"

Judging from Chen Mo's limited historical knowledge, there were peasant uprisings in ancient times. Even though they are powerful, most of them have been suppressed.

In the final analysis, a rebel army composed of a group of farmers is just a mob. How can it be an opponent of the regular army, let alone this is a world of martial arts.

Wu Shan shook his head. He was just a small catcher. How could he know so clearly? He said: "I heard that he seemed to have won the battle at the beginning, and then pursued the victory and hit an ambush. I don't know the details."

Courageous and resourceful, it seems that this rebel army is more than just a simple peasant army.

Chen Mo took a sip of tea and then said: "Brother Wu, for the 500 places in the county, Master Chang probably wants to recruit from outside the city."

"Brother Chen is worthy of being a scholar, and his mind is quick." Wu Shan said: "According to your wishes, we will start recruiting troops from outside the city first. If there is not enough, we will make up for it from the city."

Sure enough, they really don’t treat people outside the city as human beings.

As for offending people?

When the city fee was collected before, people's levels had already been divided.

You can't even pay the money to go to the city, so what if I offend you?

Tapping his fingers lightly on the table, Chen Mo smiled and said, "Since Brother Wu came to see me, there must be a way to help me get rid of the conscription."

In today's world, being captured and sent to the front lines to kill the enemy is as good as death.

Besides, with this wretched court, it would be good enough if he didn't rebel, and there was no way he would sacrifice his life for it.

As a time traveler, he had no sense of identity or belonging to the Song Dynasty.

Wu Shan gave Chen Mo a thumbs up and said: "Brother Chen, since the first time you and I met, I felt that you had a compassionate face. Last time in Zijin Tower, I felt that you were extremely open-minded. You and I are brothers, how can I bear to have you go to the battlefield, brother...

The Yamen decided to start arresting Ding tomorrow. If Brother Chen wants to avoid being arrested, there are only two ways. One is to go to the city now, buy a house in the city, and move into the city immediately. But this method is not very safe. Once the yamen does not have enough people outside the city, it will still recruit people from the city to fill the vacancies..."

Having said this, Wu Shan paused, rubbed his hands, and whispered: "Spend money to avoid disasters."

"How much?" Chen Mo understood the meaning of this, which is to spend money to replace you. Originally, you were going to be expropriated, but if you spend money, you can let someone with no money take your place.

But in the current situation, I'm afraid the guy who replaces this weak guy won't do anything with you, and will just force him to become a strong man.

Wu Shan tapped the tea with his finger and wrote a number on the table.

"Fifty taels." Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. This number doesn't sound like much, but in a small mountain village like Fuze Village, you can't even get out five taels of silver even if you empty your family's wealth.

"Brother Chen, you are a warrior. These five taels are the price of a warrior. If you are not a warrior, you have to add another five taels." Wu Shan said.

Wu Shan left, and when he left, Chen Mo gave him an extra taels of silver.

Wu Shan can still be dealt with. At least he is really doing things when he is paid. Chen Mo also needs a source of information in the Yamen.

As for the money for recruiting troops, Chen Mo planned to give it.

Although he could escape by hiding in a cellar or hiding in a mountain, firstly, doing so might implicate Wu Shan, and secondly, there was no chaos yet, so Chen Mo didn't want to hide yet.

Of course, there is another way to escape the draft, but this method is more ruthless.

That is self-mutilation, blinding one's eyes or breaking one's own hands and feet.

If he remembered correctly, this was mentioned in a text he had learned before, "A blessing in disguise".

The next day.

Just as Wu Shan said, people from the Yamen came to the village to arrest people, and the whole village was in an uproar.

This time not only people from the yamen, but also the garrison in the city were sent out to assist.

The doors of every house were kicked open.

"The Heavenly Master rebels from the north are coming. It's time to make contributions."

"Lu San, huh? Why is this family gone?"

"Forty, why don't you go when you are forty? You can still walk and jump."

"What, you, a woman, want to join the army in place of your father? Get out of here."

For a time, the whole village burst into tears, bones and flesh were separated, and scenes of couples breaking up were everywhere.

The Chen family and Zhang He family survived because they paid silver.

Fuze Village had a small population, but after such a move, the whole village was filled with mourning, and every household was crying.

In the past, no matter how hard life was, even before tax collection, the villagers would smile and say hello to others when they went out.

But now, all the smiles are gone.

On the contrary, Liu Shu escaped the conscription because he followed those gangsters and was homeless every day.

In the Chen family, due to the impact of the conscription, every household was crying and mourning, and Han An's mother was also in a low mood.

Song Min was making faces to make Han Anniang happy.

"Uncle, when will days like this end?" Han Anniang hugged Chen Mo tightly, her voice soft and soft.

Chen Da was seriously injured on the battlefield and left not long after he came back.

Han Anniang knew that not even one out of ten of these people who went to the battlefield would come back alive.

Hearing this, Chen Mo remained silent. He didn't know when it would end. He knew that the court needed to recruit troops to resist such a huge peasant uprising. It was often when a country was about to perish, which meant that real troubled times would begin. prelude.

At that time, order will collapse, chaos will arise, and real human lives will be like nothing.

Nowadays, people in a village are starving to death, and the matter of selling sons and daughters is just childish.

Until then.

The human world is no longer the human world.

White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crow for thousands of miles.

That would be hell…

ps: I read in the previous comments that some people said that the protagonist wanted to overthrow the court and rebel. Let me clarify now that this is not a rumor, this is the main line.

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