Jiang Li brought Yang Xian's more than 10,000 Tengjia troops.

In terms of defensive power, rattan armor is definitely not as strong as iron armor.

But this does not mean that its defense is weak. It is stronger than plate armor, because the rattan is soaked in oil and has a very smooth surface. It will slide away when you cut it with swords, guns and swords. It is difficult to cut the rattan armor and arrows will shoot. It is also the same reason. If the arrow hits the vine armor, it will slide away and will not penetrate the vine armor.

And it has several outstanding advantages, including light weight, water resistance, and strong breathability.

The disadvantage is that it is afraid of fire attacks, but it is not ignited at all.

However, its manufacturing steps and armor formation period are much longer than ordinary iron armor, making it very suitable for use in humid areas in the south.

Then there is the banquet army of Anping King Chu Ji.

There are not many soldiers and horses in Yanzhou, just over 10,000.

In addition, Yanzhou is not a barren place, and it is more than enough to raise this army. With sufficient military expenditures, the Yanzhou Army's armor coverage rate exceeds 70%, which is higher than that of the Fish Scale Guard and the Trap Guard.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that of the five combat guards of Chen Mo's Shenyong, Shenwu, Shenzhen, Xiaoqi, and Yulin, only the Shenyong Guard and Xiaoqiu Guards have fully armored members.

The armor-wearing rate of Shenwuwei is 70%.

The number of trapped guards is less than 50%.

And this 50% is increased by the armor carried by the captured prisoners of war themselves.

The fish scale guard's armor coverage rate is 60%.

The main reason for this result is that the output has not increased yet, and the second reason is that the cost is too high.

Of course, Chen Mo has to take the blame for this.

As soon as you think about it, it comes out.

At the beginning, the weapons workshop was expanded to manufacture Mingguang armor, spears, swords, and crossbows.

After capturing Yuzhou and obtaining the drawings of the Divine Arm Crossbow and the craftsmen who made the Divine Arm Crossbow, they began to make the Divine Arm Crossbow again.

After that, there are the red cannons and the composite crossbows that are in mass production but have not yet been put into the army.

Just look at which project is not expensive.

This does not include military expenditures.

In addition, after Chen Moxin occupied a state, he frequently gave tax exemptions to the local people, compensated for damaged houses, etc.

Although Chen Mo, as the mastermind, is only responsible for taking charge of the overall situation, he worries the officials below him.

That is to say, the Wu and Xiao families, as well as Fuze Restaurant, Salt and Perfume, etc., helped Chen Mo cover the bottom and block this huge hole.

Otherwise, Chen Mo's regime would have collapsed long ago.

As for the various previous seizures, compared to this huge expenditure, they are just a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, taking this point alone, it is impossible for Chen Mo to retreat after quelling the war in Huaizhou.

At least we have to capture Chongzhou and the entire Hexi area, so we won't lose any money.

Counting the losses of the Yanzhou Army and the Tengjia Army, as well as the Huaizhou War and the Fengzhou War.

Chen Mo currently has nearly 60,000 soldiers and horses.

But he did not intend to take all these troops and horses south. The defense of Shuofei County in Yuzhou was still a bit weak. Chen Mo's idea was to let Li Yunzhang return with the original troops and horses by the same route, and he would take 50,000 troops and horses south. enough.

Gongsun Yan, the general under King Chong, was dead, and Liang Mu, his right-hand man, was also captured. Chen Mo then destroyed his cultivation and became a useless person. There was no one left under his command.

In Chen Mo's view, capturing Chongzhou is a piece of cake.

After the reception banquet, Jiang Li found Chen Mo alone and said he had something important to discuss with him.

In the private room.

Jiang Li didn't know whether he was drunk or pretending to be drunk, but he said straight to the point: "The general is here this time, my lord, he has entrusted the general with something.

Your Excellency, he said that the Shu government and An Guogong had little exchanges in the past. Although they were allies, their cooperation was not deep. Therefore, your Lord, you want to deepen cooperation with An Guogong and consolidate the alliance between us. "

Hearing this, Chen Mo roughly guessed what Jiang Li was going to say, but he didn't point out what he was going to say. He planned to let Jiang Li speak and said, "Then how does Mr. Yang plan to consolidate it?"

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Your Excellency has a little girl named Qingqing. How old is Duke An? She is still waiting to be married. She has an excellent appearance and outstanding talent. She is already a sixth-grade warrior and can accompany Duke An."


But there are too many lice and it doesn't itch.

Anyway, the political marriage in the family is not inferior to this one.

What made Chen Mo sigh was that when he sent Geng Songfu to Shu Mansion to discuss an alliance with Yang Xian, the other party looked down on him.

Moreover, at that time, Geng Songfu also proposed to Yang Xian that he would marry Yang Xian's daughter as his main wife on Chen Mo's behalf, but he was rejected.

It’s only been a few years now?

Yang Xian took the initiative to seek it out.

The wife also became a concubine.

It’s really thirty years in Hexi and thirty years in Hedong. Don’t bully young people.

Bah, where did you want to go?

"Mr. An Guo has some concerns, but it's okay to say it." Seeing Chen Mo not speaking for a long time, Jiang Li's heart sank slightly, thinking that he was going to refuse.

After all, before this, whether it was him, the adults, or people who knew about the matter, they all thought it was okay.

Chen Mo is notoriously lustful.

It's not too late to be happy if I give him the beauty now.

"General Jiang has misunderstood. It's just that we don't know when King Qin's march to the south will end. If it drags on for a few years, it won't make Miss Yang wait." It's normal for the battle of King Qin to take several years.

"Dong An Guo has worried too much. Now is a troubled time. We should keep the ceremony simple and go through the motions. Since An Guo Gong has no objection, I will just write a letter and send it to you, and ask you to send the young lady to An Guo Gong's house." Yes," Jiang Li said.


Good guy, deliver the "goods" to your door.

Chen Mo cupped his hands and said, "It is truly an honor for me to be favored by Mr. Yang."

This is considered agreed.

Jiang Li laughed twice, said some words of congratulations in advance, and said, "I will write a letter right now."

Yue Ruyan, Jiang Li and the others had just arrived in Yuan County and needed to rest. They could not march south immediately, so they decided to rest for a day and take action the day after tomorrow.


Yue Ruyan had just finished taking a shower and put on her underpants, but she still had her outer clothes on.

There was a knock on the door.

"Me." It was Chen Mo's voice: "Ruyan, why did you bolt the door? Open the door quickly."

Yue Ruyan frowned, quickly took the skirt placed on the screen and put it on, walked over to open the door, and said: "I am taking a shower, so of course I have to lock the door."

The moment the door opened, a fiery body immediately embraced him. After closing the door skillfully with his feet, he pressed her against the wall. Fu Er chuckled and said, "It smells so good."

She hadn't been touched by Chen Mo for almost three months. At this moment, her delicate body suddenly trembled slightly. Yue Ruyan's heart beat faster, and then she raised her head, because Chen Mo had begun to kiss her neck.

It is said that if you want to conquer a woman's heart, you must conquer her first...

Yue Ruyan had already developed feelings for Chen Mo. She didn't say anything, but hummed softly due to her body's instinct. She closed her eyes slightly, feeling a panicked sweetness in her heart. She quickly stretched out her hands to wrap around Chen Mo's neck, as if To melt into that ball of fiery magma.

"Go to bed."

The moment her lips were blocked by Chen Mo, Yue Ruyan spit out these words.

Her body was also longing for Chen Mo.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Chen Mo came close to her ear, kissed her ear, and said, "Tell me about Fengzhou."

Yue Ruyan was itching to be kissed by Chen Mo. She turned her face away, trying to avoid Chen Mo's intimacy so as to keep a calm tone: "Didn't I say that in the letter?"

"I want to hear what you have to say in person." As he spoke, the light clothes fell to his feet.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Yue Ruyan's face, and she bit her thin lip lightly, but she briefly summarized what happened in Fengzhou.

"Suolong Mountain, this place has not wronged him."

As Chen Mo said, there was suddenly the sound of strong wind blowing on the window. Yue Ruyan stood on tiptoes so fiercely that she subconsciously tightened her legs, her eyebrows frowned and relaxed, and her mind swayed.

"You didn't do it yourself, did you?" Chen Mo asked, chewing on her shoulder.

"I just gave him a knife, and after saying some words, he knew it, so he decided on his own. According to your instructions, his bones were buried and a monument was erected for him. They will not be found. ." After saying that, Yue Ruyan couldn't help but swayed from side to side, took the initiative to hug Chen Mo tightly, and said angrily: "Don't make trouble."

How can anyone stop moving halfway through a race?

Chen Mo stood still and asked, "Has Ruyan missed me during this time?"

Yue Ruyan is a person who is not good at expressing her inner emotions.

She hesitated to speak when asked this question, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. She had no choice but to purse her lips and say: "I want to"

Chen Mo said softly: "What is Ruyan talking about? I didn't hear it clearly."

Yue Ruyan was so angry that she slapped Chen Mo, then gritted her teeth and said, "I miss you husband, very much."

After saying that, he buried his head on Chen Mo's chest.

Chen Mo didn't say much else at the moment, he could only take practical actions to repay Yue Ruyan's miss.

November 25th.

The army sent troops to Chongzhou.

Coach Chen Mo, deputy generals Yue Ruyan, Xiao Jing, Wu Yanqing, Jiang Li, Zhao Liang, Xia Zhining, etc.

Counselors Wu Fusheng, Liu Ji and others.

In fact, Chen Mo also called him King Anping.

But King Anping suddenly became ill.

King Anping thought.

You have detained my king's troops.

Later, I may even occupy my king's banquet state.

Now you still want me to fight the war for you.

I bet you are thinking of all the good things.

Chen Mo also guessed what King Anping was thinking and knew that he was losing his temper.

Since he doesn't come, of course Chen Mo won't force him, as this will be bad.

He left Zhao Liang behind and asked him to just keep an eye on King Anping and report to him the whereabouts of King Anping every once in a while.

With everyone blocking.

The army marched through Yanzhou unimpeded.

In early December, the army arrived at the border of Chongzhou.

Chen Mo did not attack rashly.

Instead, he took Yue Ruyan to check the defense arrangements in Qiongdan County on the Chongzhou border.

As a result, before we had gone very far, God wept and rain poured down.

Fortunately, there was an inn not far away, so Chen Mo and Yue Ruyan went directly to the inn to take shelter from the rain.

This inn looks deserted for a long time.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, the eaves were covered with spider webs, and a tile on the roof was missing, but sheltering from the rain was not a problem.

Enter the inn.

The tables and stools inside were covered with dust.

Some tables and stools are missing a few legs.

Chen Mo and Yue Ruyan, as members of the military, have experienced simpler and more complex environments, and they have nothing to dislike.

I directly found a bench, cleaned the dust on it, and sat down in the corner.

"You should be a second-grade god who has changed his realm, right?"

Yue Ruyan had nothing to do, and was afraid that Chen Mo would mess around here, so she started talking when she had nothing to say.

Chen Mo nodded.

"You are really a monster. The transformation of the gods at the age of twenty-three is unprecedented in the history of Zhongzhou." Yue Ruyan said.

"Isn't it now?" Chen Mo hugged Yue Ruyan's shoulders, then pinched her cheeks and said, "It seems that the rain will not stop for a while. Let me tell you the story of Cao Cao losing his eldest son Cao Ang."

Chen Mo has written many stories about the Three Kingdoms for Fuze Restaurant to attract business.

Yue Ruyan has basically read them. Anyway, she has nothing to do now, so she said, "Then tell me about it."

Chen Mo sat up, put on an old-fashioned look, and began to tell the story: "It is said that Cao Cao went south to attack Zhang Xiu in Wancheng. Zhang Xiu surrendered, and Cao Cao was very happy. He invited Zhang Xiu and his generals to have a banquet together. But he never thought that Cao Cao actually took a fancy to Zhang Xiu's aunt. I saw that woman..."

As he said, Chen Mo paused, his ears perked up, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Yue Ruyan saw Chen Mo stopped and asked.

"Someone is coming."

As he spoke, Chen Mo raised his head and saw a poisonous snake with red stripes and circles of white rings crawling in from the leak in the roof. After seeing Chen Mo and the others, it began to spit out its tongue.

Soon, one after another, poisonous snakes crawled in from the leak in the roof and the windows, at least 10 to 20 of them.

"They are all poisonous snakes. How could there be so many of them suddenly? Could this post station be a snake den?"

Yue Ruyan stood up and picked up the broadsword behind her.

With her strength, she naturally didn't need to be afraid of poisonous snakes, but she was surprised by the sudden appearance of so many poisonous snakes.

Tap, tap, tap...

Footsteps sounded outside the house.

The two of them stopped talking at the same time and looked at the source of the sound.

It was only afternoon, and it was not dark outside, but it was raining heavily and the weather was gloomy.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and blew open the door of the post station, and the cool wind poured in, and the drizzle drifted in with the wind.

A shadow entered first, and a figure appeared at the door.

She was wearing a black robe and a straw raincoat. Even her head was covered by the hat of the black robe, which made her look a little bloated. She wore a mask with bark-like patterns on half of her face, and the other half was extremely pale, whiter than the white skin of foreigners. Her eyes were gloomy, as if they could make people's bones start to chill, thus inducing a creepy feeling.

With Chen Mo's strength, he recognized that this was a woman at a glance.

The moment the woman appeared at the door, the poisonous snakes hanging on the roof and crawling on the window quickly moved towards the woman, got into the black robe, and disappeared.

This scene made Chen Mo and Yue Ruyan frown. They were not afraid, but looked a little uncomfortable.

What surprised Chen Mo the most was the string of red numbers on the woman's forehead.


The symbol of a third-grade warrior.

And it was much higher than Yue Ruyan.

The black-robed woman standing at the door glanced into the post station and said, "I was passing through here and encountered a heavy rain. I came in to take shelter. Sorry to bother you."

The voice was neither pleasant nor unpleasant.

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and his voice was still smoky.

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