[The number of meat supplements +0.05, the experience of nourishing blood +0.05. 】

Chen Mo ate some spoiled wild boar meat and found that his experience was still increasing. It seemed that the spoiled meat would not have any impact.

I just don’t know if warriors will get sick if they eat too much spoiled meat.

However, Han An was just an ordinary person, and Chen Mo didn't dare to let her eat it anymore, saying, "Sister-in-law, since the meat has gone bad, just throw it away."

Waste is small, safety is big.

Now that Chen Mo has enough deterrence in Fuze Village, he has truly gained a foothold. From now on, even if his life is better, other families will not dare to say anything.

It’s time to improve your current life.

"Throw it away?" Han Anniang said with a look of reluctance, "No, it's still edible. Just keep it warm. It's such a waste to have so much meat."

"There is nothing that should be wasted. Safety is the most important thing. If you eat bad food, it will cost more to ask a doctor to see you later." Chen Mo said.

The truth is this, but there are still hundreds of pounds of meat left, so just throwing it away is too extravagant.

Han Anniang was still fighting for it: "Don't throw it all away, there are some that can still be eaten."

"No." Chen Mo shook his head.

Han Aniang puffed up her mouth, looking a little cute, and muttered: "Uncle, you have said before, the things at home are up to the slave family, and the things outside are up to you."

Chen Mo: "..."

He didn't say any more to Han Anniang. After breakfast, he dug a hole in the vegetable field behind and buried the spoiled meat.

As for the idea that if he doesn't eat it himself, he can feed it to others, Chen Mo has no idea.

If you give it to someone else, the other person's body will be damaged by the food, or even worse, they will die from the food.

He will be the one in trouble then.

Therefore, why bother yourself.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, with no sign of stopping.

Chen Mo took the hatchet and went up the mountain.

Before the heavy snow completely closed the mountain, Chen Mo had to hunt some prey and come back.

First, the meat at home is thrown away because it has gone bad. If you want to become stronger, you cannot stop eating meat.

The second is that Chen Mo plans to catch some prey and bring it to the city to exchange for money and improve his life.

There is a saying that is particularly good.

People who commit crimes will go back and watch the crime scene.

When Chen Mo entered the mountains, he specifically looked at the place where the corpse was buried.

That spot was covered in snow.

After confirming that he would not be discovered, Chen Mo went all the way to the depths of Daze Mountain.

The cold wind was like a soft knife, blowing on Chen Mo's face, and a layer of silver frost was already hanging on his head and eyebrows.

Chen Mo tightened his clothes tightly, took off the hatchet from his waist, put the handle on, and hammered it into the tree beside him to stabilize it.

Now his own strength is 38, plus the additional 21 points of strength from the sword technique. If he encounters a tiger again, Chen Mo will dare to go up and chop it.

Unfortunately, he came to the tiger's territory specially, but did not find the tiger.

Chen Mo walked deeper. It was difficult to find prey in this snowy day. On the contrary, his hands were red from the cold.


Suddenly, Chen Mo heard a strange sound coming from above.

He looked up and saw that the branches of the cedar tree next to him were broken by the snow and fell towards him.


Everything happened so fast that it was difficult to react. Chen Mo instinctively pounced to the side.

But this was a downhill slope. Chen Mo rolled directly down with this pounce, and did not stop until he reached the bottom of the slope.

Fortunately, I didn't hit a rock on the way and was not injured.

Chen Mo stood up and patted the snow on his body. Just as he was secretly thinking something bad, his expression suddenly changed.

All he saw was a cave in front of him.

And in the cave, there was a black bear.

The black bear should have been hibernating before, but now, he was awakened by him, and a pair of bear eyes were staring at him.

Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't that he was afraid of the bear, but that he had lost his hatchet when he rolled down.

The black bear was extremely irritable at the moment. He was sleeping well, but was awakened by the two-legged beast in front of him. The violent factor in his body was awakened, and there was only one thought in his mind, which was to tear the two-legged beast in front of him into pieces. .

Not a trace of hesitation.


With a roar, the black bear rushed out of the cave and rushed towards Chen Mo.

In this case, he would definitely not be given time to find the knife.

If he ran, he would definitely not be able to outrun a black bear in such a short distance.

Chen Mo was also aroused and fiercely faced the black bear with his bare hands.


A man and a bear collided with each other.

I saw the black bear opening its bloody mouth to bite Chen Mo's neck off, but Chen Mo's hands tightly grabbed the upper and lower parts of the black bear's mouth, and pressed his knees in front of him, making it impossible for the black bear to move.

And Chen Mo's hands were pushing up and down respectively, and the black bear's mouth could not be closed.

If Chen Mo was shirtless at this moment, you would definitely be able to see the muscles in his arms tightening and the veins popping out.


Chen Mo's face turned red, he shouted loudly and exerted force.


There was only an abnormal sound, and the black bear's mouth was torn apart by Chen Mo, and he suddenly pulled it to the left.


The black bear weighing more than 400 kilograms was forcefully knocked to the ground by him.

The huge and heavy body hit the ground hard, causing snowflakes to fly for a while.

Black Bear was obviously stunned by this blow. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Mo punched Black Bear hard on the head.


A dull sound sounded, and the black bear's eyes instantly became bloodshot, and his head hit the ground, making a crater in the ground.

But this is not over yet.

Chen Mo's adrenaline surged, his long hair was flying with sweat, and his fists fell on the black bear's head like raindrops.




It wasn't until Chen Mo's hands were covered with the blood of the black bear that Chen Mo stopped.

Just like that, the black bear didn't even let out a wailing cry before being punched by Chen Mo and knocked unconscious.

Afterwards, Chen Mo also lay on the black bear, panting heavily, as if he had lost all strength.

The main reason why the black bear breathed was to facilitate bleeding later.

"What a blind bear, this is nothing more than that."

Chen Mo felt an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart.

After resting for a while, he hurried to the hillside where he had just rolled down and found his hatchet.

He took off the handle of the hatchet and put it on his waist.


Chen Mo took a deep breath, picked up the 400-pound black bear, and walked out of the mountain step by step.

The mountain road was difficult to walk, and carrying such a heavy black bear made it difficult to go out. Chen Mo had to stop and take a rest every half hour.

When going out of the mountain, Chen Mo also discovered a fox.

Chen Mo's heart moved. He had read in a book that fox skin was an extremely precious leather product and was used to make clothing and decorations for princes and nobles, and was extremely expensive.

It's not something that mere wild boar skin can compare to.

Not even a bearskin is as good as a good fox pelt.

It's a pity that when the fox saw him, he ran away as if he was seeing the god of plague.

ps: Please read it!

Everyone, feel free to follow it, there is an outline, and we are currently working on a small exciting point, which everyone will definitely like to read.

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