After a long time, it turns out that Akali is a love idiot?

Akali's innocent and girlish answer made Kevin rub his forehead with a headache, perhaps with a bit of embarrassment and helplessness—especially when he realized that they could no longer get back to being friends mode.

"I am naturally impeccable in the acting skills of the actors. It's just the plot, I can't say."

Kevin gently grasped the girl's fingertips, as light as a breeze, and a gentle smile gradually appeared on his face.Akali was slightly dazed, a blush quickly appeared on her face, but she didn't have the thought of struggling—then she slowly interlocked her fingers.

It might be because of the air conditioner in the theater. Akali's hands are actually a little cold, but they are also unexpectedly delicate and soft—like soft silk, bringing a completely different experience.

"...It's still quite bold. Then, where shall we go?"

Kevin smiled slightly, put his hands on his cheeks, and thought for a while: "Then... how about the video game city? Do you remember when we first met?"

"Of course I remember." The girl with the single ponytail curled her lips helplessly, averted her gaze a little awkwardly, and muttered in a low voice, "Akali, you are such a fool. How could you fall down on that kind of flat ground... "

"But... that's why Kevin and I became good friends, right?"

The girl's voice was extraordinarily peaceful, but I always felt that there was a bit of playfulness between the lines in her words.

"Video game city. But, can you really do it?"

Kevin paused, stunned for a while, and asked, "What do you mean, can I really do it? Is there anything wrong with going to the video game city?"

Akali moved her lips, as if she was worried about something, opened her mouth several times before speaking, and finally spoke in a low voice.

"Others... don't you need to accompany them?" Akali lowered her head and fiddled with a strand of hair on her forehead: "They should be very angry when something like that happened?"

——Actually, thinking about it, if it were me, if my boyfriend was preempted by other women for the first time, I would definitely be very angry.

So, the expression Gwen looked at me at that time...

Well, although it is indeed scary, but if you think about it carefully, it is not unacceptable if it is purely cold and violent.

But I still feel a little sorry for them.

Speaking of which, Akali still doesn't know how to explain to others what happened at that time.

"Let's just treat it as a ghost obsession..."

Akali sighed softly, but when she raised her head, Kevin's smile was still gentle and warm.

"They... probably got a little angry."

"Huh? Then... what should I do then? I don't want to destroy your relationship unintentionally."

"Don't worry, of course I know what to do. If I can't even do this well, then how can I be qualified to be a qualified actor?"

Then someone may ask now: "Mr. Dakai, what kind of plane are you doing? How can you make Tianhu start like this? What should we do next?"


Just coax it.

How to do?

How to do it?

Kevin already had the answer in his heart.

— the beginning was painful.

After the pain is over, turn into obsession, become one of them, gradually be attracted tightly, slowly grasped, led to the state of bliss, immersed in happiness.

It is expected that they will have small emotions, so let's take it slowly one by one.

Anyway, those two girls, Gwen and Lax, are both sharp-mouthed and tofu-the latter doesn't even count as knife-mouthed.

Ah Li's words...

Well, ntr lovers should have no problem.

As for Jinx—

Against Tsundere, just throw a straight ball.

After the performance in the theater was over, Kevin and Akali went to have lunch casually—it was said to be casual, but Akali was clamoring to go to Master Bi’s ramen restaurant to eat ramen.

This girl is really obsessed with ramen, even if she eats ramen for three meals a day, I don't think Akali will refuse.

But Akali looked very happy.

In other people's impressions, she has always been a lonely and weird house girl-but in fact, she is really just an ordinary girl who looks considerate and full of vitality, and occasionally willful.


Around one o'clock in the afternoon, in the video game city in the corner of the fourth floor of the shopping mall.

Kevin stood in front of a claw machine, his solemn expression seemed out of tune with the laughter and laughter around him.

——One of the necessary skills for the male protagonist of light novels: Claw machine to catch dolls and catch one accurately!

But it's a pity...

Kevin is a gaming idiot.

Whether it's a computer game, or... a physical game.

Although Kevin has been ridiculed by Akali many times because of this incident, Kevin just laughed it off every time - after all, everyone has something he is not good at, even a genius.There is no perfect person in the world in the true sense. As long as there is a person, there must be shortcomings.

On the contrary, there must be advantages.

Akali stood beside him, and said quietly: "It's twenty coins, Kevin, can you do it..."

"Don't worry. I think I'm about to succeed."

Frowning and staring at the mechanical clip, Kevin took a deep breath, carefully manipulated the remote sensor in his hand, and let the mechanical clip come to a position he thought he could succeed. After hesitating for a moment, he still pressed the button in doubt. Pushed the button—but alas, he failed again.

"I think it's a mechanical problem, what do you think?"

Kevin turned his head solemnly, and looked at Akali who was standing beside her—the girl's face was also full of resentment and helplessness at the moment.

"It's really... good food and loves to play. This is completely different from what I imagined. In comics and novels, shouldn't the male protagonists be masters at catching dolls?"

"Well... no one is perfect!"

"You really know how to talk. Hmph, get out of the way, let me show you the true ability of a genius girl!"

Akali decided to do it herself-in comics and novels, the hero usually grabs the doll for the heroine, but when it comes to seems to have changed.

When he and Akali were immersed in the entertainment facilities of the video game city, Kevin noticed from the corner of his eye that he seemed to see two familiar figures at the gate of the video game city.


And Ali?

Are they... arguing?

Star Guardian: Chapter 147 Chapter 140 Chapter 4 Tentacles, monsters and magical girls【[-]K】


Ari will not be excited, anyway, during the time Kevin knew her, she has never seen her quarrel with anyone in the true sense, let alone such a gaffe in public—the fox girl has always been extremely elegant.

So now she can't blame the gazes of passers-by around her.

"What's the matter with you all this time? Why have you been avoiding me and other people? No calls, no messages! What's wrong with you? If you encounter any difficulties, let me help you find a solution , we face it together, why must we hide it in our hearts?"

Seeing Ahri losing his composure in front of her, Sarah was a little lost.The girl took a deep breath, then raised her head and looked at Ahri with extraordinarily cold eyes.

Her voice was not as gentle and calm as usual. The coldness not only made Ahri's frown relax, but also the pedestrians passing by could not help but speed up their pace of leaving.

"Why do you have to hide it in the bottom of your heart? Ari, don't you think this sentence sounds familiar? I still remember that night, when I persuaded you so earnestly, asking you to tell the difficulties you encountered, so that We got through it together. But... the result?"


A kind of inexplicable palpitation made Ahri's expression dumbfounded.The fox girl did not choose to answer this question directly, but turned her gaze to the side.She deliberately wanted her expression to look peaceful, but because her current emotions were like a mess, her expression would only make people feel weird in the end.

"I... my situation at the time was very complicated!"

Ahri didn't know how to explain the situation to Sarah.

"The Star Guardians are destined to burn bright and burn out."

The fox girl clenched her fingertips, as if she was out of breath.In order to prevent the tragedy at that time from happening again, Ari chose to sacrifice herself to delay their coming demise.

If it weren't for the young man who stepped forward at that time, perhaps her soul would have been trapped in the abyss called despair forever.

"My current situation is also very complicated!"

Sarah bit her lips tightly, Ahri's ambiguous answer completely ignited the anger she suppressed in her heart.On the girl's face, there was a little sneer mixed with anger.She pursed her lips tightly, as if she had just eaten something disgusting, but she didn't spit it out because of etiquette.

"You don't understand anything, Ahri!"

The quarrel between the two inevitably attracted the attention of many people around, and some onlookers who didn't know the truth came to eat melons.

Ahri's shoulders trembled slightly in the wind, she stepped forward slowly, reaching out her hand as if to grab Sarah, and at the same time Sarah staggered back.A strange emotion flashed in her eyes, and Sarah gently wrapped her arm with her left hand, trying to avoid Ahri's eyes.

——That kind of look is like, as if you don't believe that you will be betrayed by someone you trust.

Sarah could no longer restrain her emotions, her voice trembling slightly: "I want to stay by myself for a while."

"Hello, Sarah!"

Ari was stunned for a while, and when she realized all this and wanted to catch up, she realized that Sarah had already disappeared from her field of vision.

When the bewildered Ahri was still searching for Sarah——

"Oh, Ah Li?"

A male voice from behind her startled the fox girl slightly.Then subconsciously turned around and looked at the owner of the voice.

"Xiao Kai?"

Ahri, who was stunned in place, didn't recover for a moment. She pursed her lips slightly, and then suppressed those unnecessary emotions in her heart, and showed a warm smile to the yearning boy. As if nothing had happened just now, his expression was relaxed and peaceful.

——This is Ari.

She can control her emotions freely, as long as she is determined not to tell others what she hides in her heart, even the closest people may not be able to know what she is thinking.

"Why are you here?"

Kevin grinned, glanced back at Akali who was immersed in the virtual world of the video game city behind him, spread his hands and said helplessly: "If I said I was dating other girls... would you be angry? ?”

The willow eyebrows raised by the fox girl with self-confidence trembled, and then she held her cheeks awkwardly, and turned her face away while muttering: "Is it abnormal that I won't be angry? But, I'm used to it. Who told me How about falling in love with half-hearted you?"

Why do people around me look at me strangely?


In any case, Ali did not lie.

"You can't blame me for that. I've made a lot of appointments. After returning from Bilgewater, you guys don't seem to pay me much attention." Kevin sighed, pretending to be troubled Appearance: "Gwen has come back less often recently. I don't know if it's because the work of the Moe Cafe is too busy. Lax and Jinx haven't responded to my messages very much during this time, is it true? Are you angry? And you——I think such a gentle, beautiful and generous senior sister should not be angry because of that kind of thing, right?"

"...Is this flattery or moral kidnapping, Xiao Kai?"

Ali covered her mouth and smiled lightly.She came over, stretched out her hand and gently poked Kevin's cheek, and then her tone became a little bitter: "If you say you don't care about that kind of thing, of course it's a lie. After all, who wouldn't want the other party's first Did you spend it with yourself once?"

Kevin said solemnly: "It doesn't matter, boys don't care whether it's the first time or the second time. How should I put it? Just treat it as me practicing skills."

"...As expected of Xiao Kai, you are probably the only one who can say such things casually." A little blush appeared on Ahri's pretty face, but soon returned to normal: "But... Lacus and the others Didn't I tell you?"

Kevin froze for a moment, showing a puzzled look: "Tell me? Tell me what?"

"The work of the Star Guardian, the work." Ahri said seriously.She gradually narrowed the distance between her and the boy, and gently took his arm: "Although Lacus and the others are still relatively immature guardians, well... there is nothing to say about their work attitude. They are just as young as me." The same time."

"When you were young? That senior sister, I'd take the liberty to ask—"

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, before he even had time to finish his question, Ari interrupted him with a rough movement—the fox girl pinched the boy's waist fiercely.


Kevin gasped in pain.

He was obviously smiling, but the bulging veins on his forehead and the gloomy expression made people shudder.The seemingly gentle appearance, but the voice sounds as cold as the end of winter.Ari put her cherry-like mouth against the boy's ear, and whispered.

"Xiao Kai, do you know? Asking about a girl's's a very rude thing."

Seriously - this statement must be serious!You can already hear the murderous intent from the friendly tone!

"I want to ask about the measurements!" Kevin hurriedly changed his words while taking advantage of the critical moment when the situation had not gotten out of control.

"Hey, is it because of this kind of thing?" Seeing Kevin's eagerness to survive, Ari changed his threatening and dangerous expression just now, then smiled, and then turned to the boy kindly. Head, said softly: "If it is Xiaokai, it is not impossible to tell you - B89-W61-H88. Remember?"

Ahri shrugged disapprovingly, then looked at Kevin with a playful look.

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