Members of Parliament's meeting room.

The colorful clouds opened their mouths.

"We are from the other side of the universe, after a long wandering existence."

"This trick is not what we Birusarudo did."

In the conference room of the councilors, the Birusarudo star spoke.

Chapter 97 The end of childhood

"We are from the other side of the universe, after a long wandering existence."

"This trick is not what we Birusarudo did."


"We are Exif, whose home planet was destroyed by an unexpected disaster. We had no choice but to start a long wandering..."

"Under the guidance of the God of Exif..."

"We Exif come here with peace, and are willing to exchange one-fifth of this planet with more modern technology..."

Outside, above the major metropolises of humanity, colorful clouds are playing their voices simultaneously on the planet.

The neutral voice resounds in every city on this planet, and it seems to have some kind of magical power.Can appease the anxiety of the people on the ground.

Even the congressmen who had just learned of the explosive news did not gradually calm down.

It's like giving everyone on the planet a tranquilizer.

A peaceful, soft voice floats in this world.

Even Godzilla, who was far underground in Australia, "heard" this voice, and even Godzilla himself felt peace and calm from this wave of fluctuations.

That voice was slowly telling its own purpose, after saying "We Exif look forward to coexisting with you humans on this planet."

The sound gradually dissipated, and at the same time, the colorful light clusters also gradually disappeared.

The sky once again returned to normal, and those huge light clusters with a diameter of more than ten kilometers completely disappeared, and there was no evidence of its existence.

That sound, too, has no echo in the physical world.Only in people's hearts, that voice is still repeating infinitely.

The evidence of Mrs. Axie's existence disappeared without a trace, whether it was the sound or the light cluster, they all disappeared without a trace.

It's as if these people and these things don't exist at all.

It's as if everything that just happened was just a collective hallucination.

The traces of Exif's existence disappeared.

Just 10 minutes after they disappeared, people belatedly picked up their mobile phones to call the government's hotline.I want the government to give them an explanation.

The wiring network of the coalition government was completely overwhelmed at this moment. It was really difficult for the operators to handle the hundreds of millions of calls in the world, and the entire department was in a mess.

At the same time, there were members of parliament who were in a mess.

After the sound died down, they "recovered" from their strange calm, becoming that anxious figure again.Their heads got bigger.

Pirusarudo said that those light clusters in the sky and the worldwide broadcast have nothing to do with them.This is real?Or lied to us?

No, no, if it is to deceive us, there is no need for this at all.They don't get any benefits, so that's true?

Another batch of aliens really landed?And judging from the light groups in various cities just now, they have already arrived?

So where the hell are they now?They said they would give us technology, but when they first arrived, they didn't say what conditions we would pay?

All kinds of questions are bouncing up and down in everyone's mind.

The current human beings can be said to be completely big-headed, and the human family is not the only one with big heads.The Birusarudo stars also fell into a state of anger.

The distance between Saturn and Earth is 83 light minutes, and the current signal has not yet been transmitted to Saturn's mothership.

But in space, the Birusaludo people have actually sent some advance characters before they made their first sound.

At this time, they are stationed under the surface of the moon.

"What the hell is going on here! Besides us, Birusarudo, how could there be other visitors on Earth!"

Under the lunar soil layer, the faces of the three Birusaludo stars showed anger.

They also did not expect that on the planet that the Birusaludo stars had already reserved, there would be another alien comer.

And compared to them Birusaru, they came to this planet earlier.

"We also set off immediately, heading to Earth Star. We can't let them take too much advantage in advance. The mothership has not arrived yet, and the compatriots are still awakening. If those guys are allowed to occupy too many low-intelligence territories in advance , which will be detrimental to our future development.”

"What about the contract with them? Is it going to be broken like this?"

"No, it won't be torn. Wait for a while, and then inform the low-intelligence bodies in advance. They will definitely accept that we show our existence in the present, because for their society, two separate arrivals will bring The chaos to come will be far greater than once."

"Maybe even, they'll bring it up themselves."


"According to the latest discussion, our coalition government wants everyone who came from afar to disclose their existence today. Everyone in Aliens, do you accept it?"

After the confusion subsided a bit, someone used the communicator given by the Birusaludo people and spoke to it in human language.

After receiving this request, the Birusaludo stars behind the communicator seemed to be taken aback, and there were various noises in it, and then they responded.

"Yes, we Birusarudo will appear today."

Communication was cut off immediately after this, and a few seconds later on the far side of the moon, something huge was breaking through the ground.

With a length of more than 4 kilometers and a width of more than 800 meters, the huge ship broke ground from the back of the moon.It rises from the ground to the sky and propels towards the earth in a vacuum.

Ever since, the hotline on the ground is still dialing, and the human beings on the earth are still intoxicated by the arrival of the people from the planet Exif.

Strange celestial phenomena are displayed in the sky again.

A huge meteor visible to the naked eye descended from the other side of the universe. This sudden change scared many people.

At the same time, the alien warship sent such a message to the mobile phones, computers and radios of human beings all over the world.

That was a self-introduction representing Birusarudo.

"I am the ambassador of the third planetary civilization in the K2002 black hole galaxy."

"Our home star, the third confused star in the K2002 galaxy, was smashed into a black hole by a hateful demon star. For this reason, we had to leave our home galaxy and wander among the stars."

"And after spending 73245 years of your calendar, we found your planet."

"At the same time, we also saw the two beasts raging on your planet and galaxy-Godzilla and Ghidorah."

"As a peace-loving race, we, Birusarudo, do not have the heart to see you being destroyed by monster phenomena."

"So, I propose a deal to you. As long as you can accept our existence."

"We will help you kill those two hateful monsters, and give you all the technology needed by interstellar civilization."

"That's it, I hope you can accept our existence."

"People of the Earth."

In one day, two civilizations.

Chapter 98 The End of Childhood (End)

Within a day, two alien voices appeared on Earth together.

The whole world fell into unprecedented madness, and the servers of various discussion forums were directly overwhelmed.

Every website is a blank screen, no one can log in, even if their hearts are full of things they want to say, they have no place to say it.

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And there are other places that are in a state of desperation, such as hotline centers.

The appearance of the Birusarudo star once again caused people to blow up the government's hotline, and people desperately asked whether the government knew about it.

All the news that was broadcast throughout the day was switched to this matter, and some TV stations noticed the business opportunities in the arrival of aliens.

They sent reporters to interview ordinary people on the street under the banner of aliens, asking them to talk about their expectations for aliens.

After the Wings of Ghidorah and the Godzilla incident, humans have no wariness against aliens.

In other words, they can no longer be wary.

The people are boiling, and the United Earth Government is ready at this time.

Compared with Exif, who sees the dragon and never sees the end, the United Earth Government first welcomes the existence of Birusarudo.

Just one hour after the worldwide broadcast ended, a video that had already been dubbed and recorded was broadcast on all TV stations and live broadcast rooms.

Among them is the chairman of the United Earth Government, Ludwig sitting in the chairman's room to respond.

"A visitor from another planet named Birusarudo, welcome to Earth."

"We have already observed your existence several months ago, but because we have not determined whether you are an enemy or a friend, we have not yet prepared a welcome ceremony on Earth."

"And as a multi-race planet

, we welcome you.You are welcome to contribute to our fight against Godzilla and Ghidorah. "

"As for the issue of coexistence, we guarantee that you will have the same status and equal human rights as all races today."

"We welcome you and welcome you to our world."

Ludwig's speech, the statement of the coalition government surrounds every street.

This dubbing is naturally what the human government prepared in advance for Birusarudo's coming.

In this passage.

The coalition government first affirmed that they knew the existence of Bilu Saludo, and then used the fact that they didn't know the enemy or friend to make their previous performance foolish.

This can not only explain why the coalition government behaved before the arrival of Ghidorah's wings, but also block the people's mouths about why so many people died this time.

It's not that we didn't trade before, it's that we didn't know friends and foes before.It's only now confirmed.

And after throwing the pot away, the confidence of the human government can be felt in the following words.

To give others the illusion that we are no weaker than aliens.

Let these words be able to support the self-confidence of human beings a little bit.

And after the announcement of this performance, the Birusaru multi-stars spoke again, this time the content of the speech was very simple.It is to confirm the cooperation with the earth, the equality between the Birusarudo stars and the earth people, etc...

In fact, these have been discussed a few days ago, and it is only now being shown to the people.

That is to say, in this kind of broadcast traffic, during the question and answer, time gradually passed.

Birusarudo's spaceship became brighter in the sky, and the huge ships began to slow down in outer space. At the same time, they also began to negotiate with the earth government on the landing place of the spaceship.

If a heavy spacecraft with a count of hundreds of millions of tons hovered over a city, its air waves would be enough to destroy that city.

So landing is a must, it can't be suspended over the city without destroying the city below like in ordinary movies - at least the Birusaludo stars can't do it.

The negotiation between the human government and Bilu Saludo was extremely fast, and the two parties borrowed the global broadcast to perform the great harmony between humans and aliens in the eyes of people all over the world.

They quickly decided on the landing place, and at the same time, they also booked the landing place, and the people of Bilu Saludo will directly get out of the spaceship and face to face with human beings.

This progress can be regarded as amazingly fast.

The landing site was scheduled to be on a plain that had been attacked by incendiary bombs on the North American front.

At this time, the media that had been deposited for a long time rushed out again, and the whole world was broadcasting the arrival of aliens, the first meeting between humans and aliens, and so on.

His Excellency Ludwig, MP of the coalition government, also took a plane from the city of New Eden in South America to the front line in North America.

There, humans and aliens will meet for the first time.

The existence of Birusarudo people has occupied every corner, but what about Exif?

At this time, the coalition government is doing its best to search for information about it, and is also making a short film for Exif.

But so far, they haven't shown up.

People all over the world are looking forward to the meeting, and even those who are grabbing tickets have stopped the small software in their hands and turned on the government's live broadcast.

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