At best, Godzilla can only say that he was "stunned" and couldn't react for a while, and couldn't control his body.After reacting, it will definitely choose to dive into the deep water area to avoid the attack on the sea surface.

Therefore, to block the possibility of it diving in time, they must let the unmanned submarines approach Godzilla's breath within the underwater range, risking the risk of losing the submarine, and deploy enough mines to let Godzilla Sila couldn't dive, so he could only be beaten obediently in the shallow sea!

If the mine cannot be deployed, a suicide attack should be used to deter it and keep it in the shallow sea.

The unmanned submarine advanced at the fastest depth, and they reached the vicinity of Godzilla together with the torpedoes, and then discharged all the mines they loaded, forming a huge torpedo in the sea area under Godzilla. array.

Nearly a thousand mines that are more powerful than missiles have blocked Godzilla's way to dive. The law of victory has been determined, and now Godzilla has become a human being.


The people in the command room observed Godzilla's every move, and after confirming that Godzilla showed no signs of moving after the 14th second of being saturated, most of the people here were completely relieved .

They started chatting.

"Huh, I finally won... I don't know what happened to Wangcai."

"Let's go back and have a drink, Commander, this celebration banquet must cost a lot of money!"

"Funding get!"


Godzilla was silent and stopped moving forward.

This made the atmosphere on the ship a lot easier. Everyone was talking and laughing, and even some young generals who came here to mix up their seniority were pulling Commander Huang.

"Huang Zhi, my girl is going to be a year old this time, can you come over then? I want you to cast lots for my girl, and let her draw your lot."

"Let's not be busy, we'll talk about it when we go back."

"Thank you so much. If you always come to place things in the lottery, my girl will be blessed in the future!"

"Commander, are you interested in attending my brother's wedding after this time? He has admired your name for a long time!"

"I'll see what day it is when I go back, the battle is not over yet..."

"Uncle Huang, my father wants to talk to you about something after I go back this time, please..."


As the creator of the Godzilla crusade plan, after this crusade, Commander Huang's status will definitely rise.

Most of the young generals were born in powerful families, and the members of the family were either councilors or mayors of cities.I also participated in yesterday's meeting, and I know what kind of position Commander Huang occupies in formulating the plan, and I naturally know how much Commander Huang has contributed.

Presumably, Commander Huang will go one step further after returning this time, maybe he can become the commander-in-chief of the only fleet set up in the future.

At that time, Commander Huang was not only a fictitious councilor-level position, but a real district councilor.

When I go back, there will definitely be many people who want to win Commander Huang over. At that time, it will be too late to invite him. It is best to set a good time at sea.

Everyone wants to get close to the commander-in-chief who defeated Godzilla, and Lala helps.

For these people, Commander Huang dealt with them by saying "it's not suitable to talk at this time, let's talk about it when we go ashore". It's not that he hates these young generals, but that he really feels that the matter is not over yet.

There is still a faint sense of disharmony in his heart, he always feels that something is wrong, this battle should not end so easily.

Where the hell is... Where did it go wrong, what did we do wrong?

Thinking about it, Commander Huang frowned, as if he had thought it all over and didn't think of what they did wrong.

The observers who have been observing the data of Godzilla's whole body suddenly changed their expressions.

"how so……"

They were a little puzzled by what they saw.

"what happened?"

Commander Huang walked in front of these observers with a nervous expression on his face. He always felt that he wanted to miss something, but he couldn't remember what it was.

In his mind, he has already replayed all the things the fleet has done, and he shouldn't have done anything wrong.

So that sense of unease... is it an illusion?

"It's not a big deal... just the temperature of Godzilla. Judging from the spectrum, the temperature of its body is increasing. The probability is that our shelling penetrated its shell, making its fission furnace go out of control. It, I'm afraid dying……"

After looking at the data a few more times, the people here

"Just heating up? What else?"

"In addition... it may explode, but even if it explodes, it will not affect our fleet. We are 20 nautical miles away from its fleet. Its explosion cannot destroy us at this distance of the ship"

The observers were not so nervous. They had seen similar things happen in the literature of the giant titans before. The rapid increase in body surface temperature represented the loss of control of the reactor and the death of the titans.

Some of them were extremely violent out of control, and even caused a big explosion. The current Godzilla should be in such a state.

Judging from the fact that its surface has begun to heat up, its interior has been melted into disrepair, right?

For those who understand physics, the rapid increase in the temperature of Godzilla's body proves its death.

"However, the debris from the explosion may affect the ship. Commander, do you want to temporarily stop fire and create a distance?"

"it is good."

Without further ado, he agreed to the proposal. The uneasiness in Commander Huang's heart grew stronger and stronger. He ordered the entire fleet to temporarily cease fire and change direction first.

Destroyers, frigates, and submarines began to cease fire and retreat. Everyone thought Godzilla was dead. After all, there had been no response for ten minutes. If he was still alive, it would definitely not be like this.

The fleet began to retreat, and after they retreated, the underwater explosion where Godzilla's body was located did not interfere with the sonar anymore.The sonar of the unmanned submarine can also detect the detailed information of Godzilla.

"The damage under the surface of Godzilla...the damage..."

The observers received the detailed physical condition of the unmanned submarine after the shock wave no longer interfered. They wanted to see what kind of damage the strongest conventional firepower of mankind had caused to this behemoth. , everyone was stunned.

"how so……"

"Surface deformation, is it only suffered minor injuries under that bombardment...?"

"Then since it was only slightly injured, its temperature...why is it like this?"

In the new model, only 10 percent of Godzilla's surface was slightly damaged after being fully saturated for [-] minutes.

This can almost be said to be completely harmless!

After people were dumbfounded by this result, they fell into a mood called despair.

It doesn't hurt like this, so how else can we hurt it?We simply cannot beat it.

This is what the average person thinks, while others, such as data observers, think of another thing.

Since it is harmless, its nuclear reactor cannot be fundamentally shaken, nor can it go out of control.

So... since Godzilla's nuclear reactor is not out of control, why is its body temperature rising?

"The sea around Godzilla is being evaporated... how come...Godzilla's body temperature is still rising! Isn't its nuclear reactor undamaged?"

"After all, why did this guy stop moving! Isn't it uninjured!"

"The surface temperature is over 600, no! 700's still rising, how is this possible, how is it possible...Godzilla did it? What's going on inside it? What material should melt at this temperature That's right, then why is its nuclear reactor still working!"

"Godzilla, what the hell is it doing?!"

The observers shouted out of composure, and shouted out with disbelief on their faces.

At this moment, Commander Huang finally thought of the source of the disharmony.

No wonder he couldn't find this root in the fleet's operations, after all, it wasn't on them at all, they didn't do anything wrong...

It was Godzilla who did "wrong".

"Notify the entire army, let everyone stay away from Godzilla as quickly as possible!"

"Its attack is coming!"

Chapter 15 Battle in the Philippine Sea-Exhibition ([-])

Huge amounts of heat are gathering.

Countless flames gathered and compressed within his body.

Fusion light intensifies in its depths.

Inside Godzilla's body, the fusion furnace that was originally compressed and heated to the limit was compressed again, and the temperature further increased.

The high-energy neutrons produced by nuclear fusion bombard Godzilla's body, causing the inner wall of Godzilla's nuclear fusion reactor to melt and sublimate.

Even if the super-strong magnetic field of nuclear fusion strengthens the strength of the inner metal wall, even if the breath fusion furnace has tried its best to keep the energy of high-energy neutrons and radiation in the plasma flame.

But at this time, when the cumulative energy of Godzilla's fusion furnace far exceeds that before, the inner wall of the fusion furnace will inevitably start to melt.

All the internal coolant has been transported to this area, and most of the coolant in the first fusion furnace has been withdrawn, allowing Godzilla to maintain only the most basic energy for life.

The cladding is trying its best to cool down, and the carbon nanotubes are doing their best to conduct heat, but these are useless, even if Godzilla can control the plasma flow to the best of his ability and use collisions to intercept most of the high-energy neutrons, it is useless.

Because at this time, the energy in Godzilla's body is too huge.

Godzilla does not have only one nuclear fusion reactor, it actually has two fusion reactors.

One is an energy-supplying fusion reactor used to supply energy for one's own actions, and the other is a breathing fusion reactor specially used for exhaling.

The former has a lower intensity and the limit power is only a few terawatts, but it can continue to output.

The latter is extremely intense, and the ultimate power can reach hundreds of terawatts.

But it cannot continue to output, and can only spit out the nuclear flame at the moment after ignition.

Not only are the positions of the two sides different, but the principles are also completely different.

The principle of the life-support reactor is to rely on the metal layer in the nuclear fusion furnace to heat itself after being subjected to high-energy neutrons and thermal radiation produced by fusion.

Indirect heating of the liquid behind the metal layer causes them to evaporate and expand to drive the dynamo inside Godzilla.

In this way, thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy and then into electrical energy.

To put it bluntly, it is to boil water, but it is not necessarily water, but some liquid metal.

This is how Godzilla's life-support reactor works, and the breathing reactor is the exact opposite of the life-support reactor.

If it is said that what the life support reactor needs is to let the nuclear reactor heat it as much as possible to get energy.

The breathing reactor is to try not to let the nuclear reactor heat the metal wall, and let the reactor gather the heat inside the plasma as much as possible.

Instead of releasing heat.

As for why this happened, it was because the power of the breathing reactor was too high.

The ultimate power of 300 terawatts, if the heat is transferred by cladding heat conduction.

Among the materials that can be manufactured now, there is no material that can sustain so much energy without being melted.

The inner wall of the fusion furnace in Godzilla is only more than 1000 square meters

The surface area of ​​300 terawatts of continuous power cannot be sustained at all.

So the principle of breathing is not to absorb energy from the nuclear reactor, and then use the heated gas in the mouth to release it.

Instead, the gamma rays gathered by the life-support reactor are used to ignite and heat the plasma and maintain it to a certain intensity.

They are then accelerated in one direction, forming a plasma circle.

Then, when the speed and pressure of the plasma circle reach a limit, a large amount of nuclear fuel with great momentum in the exhalation direction is poured in, causing the nuclear fusion reactor to deflagrate in an instant.

At the same time, overclock the life-supporting fusion reactor to obtain a super-strong electromagnetic field, which can restrain them at least during the one-thousandth of a second when the plasma is spit out.

There is no gathering of energy, no gathering of energy, and breathing is such a simple and crude thing.

This process only lasts for a few seconds or a dozen seconds, unlike the continuous operation of a life-support reactor.

Coupled with the super strong magnetic field of the breathing reactor.

The plasma of the breathing reactor is much denser than that of the living reactor, which restricts the movement of high-energy neutrons and internal photons.

under the combination of these multiple factors.

The breath reactor was not melted by the high-temperature breath, which allowed Godzilla to use the breath that could easily destroy a city.

But now, today, at this moment, the original power of breathing is no longer enough.

Little things are really smart.

They calculated the range of my breath, and attacked me outside my range.

You can see my range from when I destroyed that city.

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