Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom .

On the ground, a "tsunami" appeared.

A brand new sun, rising to the sky after falling.


The trees groan in silence and then burn.

Click, click, click click click click click

The ground under their feet began to "scatter and flee".




Deep in the earth's crust, trills are echoing.

Then the world behind became dark.

And ahead is a light that is so dazzling that it can no longer be dazzling.

The light is so bright that it can be clearly seen in space, and its light can no longer be described by the sun.

The whole sky is glowing.

If you have to say it, it's the only way to say it.

There is no distinction between clouds and the sun, there is only pure light.

It's no wonder, after all, this explosion is a fireball.Its diameter is 50 kilometers.

The combustibles in Yanjing, hundreds of kilometers away, burn instantly. If it is within 200 kilometers, it is not just as simple as burning.

Their surfaces were carbonized in an instant, followed by fire.However, before the fire started to spread, the underground death knell sounded directly.

9.5 magnitude earthquake.

People in East Asia have never felt an earthquake in this land before, and they are knocking on the crust of the earth.Seismic waves continuously reverberated underground, spreading around at a speed no less than that of the Wings of Ghidorah when they fell.

boom boom boom

With the impact of the terrifying super earthquake of magnitude 9.5 or above, the high-rise buildings that once claimed to be safe under any earthquake began to collapse.Before the shock wave came, almost all the 300-meter-high buildings in Yanjing collapsed under the wave-like ground.

Yes, under modern craftsmanship.Even a super high building over 300 meters can withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake.

However, the gap between level 9.5 and level 9 is very different.

The gap is 5.5 times, which is far from what the buildings that can resist earthquakes of magnitude 9 can resist.

In Yanjing, all tall buildings over 300 meters were completely destroyed under the earthquake waves.

But the real disaster is only now officially beginning.

Chapter 71 Hitting, Falling, Scattering

The earth's crust rang like a bell, and a violent earthquake took away all the buildings in Yanjing above 300 meters, and nearly half of the buildings above 100 meters.

This is actually worth boasting, because even if it is a tall building over 100 meters, more than half of it survived when it was only 9.5 kilometers away from the center of the magnitude [-] earthquake.

It should be known that earthquakes of magnitude 9 in the past were often caused by the simultaneous rupture of hundreds of kilometers of the earth's crust. Although the overall energy released by them is very large, their density is not strong because the places where the ruptures occur are too large.

But this time, it is a pure fixed point, there is no fracture thousands of kilometers away, it is extreme, pure, and the density of the shock wave is strong to the limit.


The bells of the earth's crust kept ringing, and it was not only Yanjing that was affected.In just a few minutes, the whole of East Asia can feel the obvious shaking, and even a magnitude 7 earthquake will occur in some shelters.Almost shaking them completely.

After all, shelters are all thin-layer structures underground, only in terms of earthquake resistance.They are the most vulnerable buildings to shock.

But fortunately, because it is the relationship between modern materials.Although the aftermath of magnitudes 7 and 8 almost collapsed them, in the end, there was still no landslide.

Even if the shelters are rushed, have not been tested, and their structures are not earthquake-resistant, their technology and materials are modern, and they are still more than enough to withstand earthquakes of magnitude 7 or 8.

But this is only seven or eight levels.

"Earthquake!!! Run!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on!"



Click! ! !

collapse! ! !


In the several shelters near Yanjing, the shock waves they received were not just as simple as the early 8s.

Less than 300 kilometers away from the detonation point, seismic waves swept through here like a bell, and then, the expected and equally unexpected happened.

The shelter, collapsed.

In the constant shaking, the temporary shelter could not withstand such a terrifying impact after all.In a clattering sound, more than 80 of the 20 floors collapsed under the shock wave.

More than 20 floors collapsed, but there are more than 60 floors of suffering.

The ceiling suddenly collapsed, but there was nowhere around him to hide from.

There are no beds, no desks, no corners or corners.The people in the refuge could only look desperately at the cracks in the ceiling above which were constantly expanding, and then under the impact of hundreds of thousands of tons of rock above, it turned into a puddle of fleshy mud.

Children, old people, men, women...

No one can escape in the refuge, and some of them have just arrived at the refuge, have just become familiar with the environment below, and just breathed a sigh of relief for their own luck.

But disaster arrived soon after.

Part of the 20-story collapsed shelters collapsed together, and another situation occurred because of this.Rocks fell from above and fell to the lower floor, crushing the lower floor which was already crumbling under the earthquake waves.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them slammed into the third floor together, collapsed the third floor and rushed to the fourth floor.

Just like dominoes, once the number of collapsed layers exceeds 3, all the layers below will be crushed.Even if it has passed the bell of the seismic wave, it will be crushed by the falling ceiling above.

This is the domino of death, and the people who survived underground have nowhere to hide.He could only feel the impact on the ceiling again and again, waiting for death in despair.

In the end, the entire underground collapsed into one layer, and tens of millions of people died in the shelter.

In the large underground space, the surviving machines faithfully conveyed the scene of purgatory to the computer and the commanders in front of the screen, and all they could do was remain silent.

They didn't think about the fact that the shelter would collapse in the shock wave when it fell, or even if they thought about it, they thought the possibility was too low and didn't let the people in that shelter collapse.

After all, if such an extremely low probability event must be evacuated, why not evacuate all the people in the entire East Asian refuge?

This is obviously impossible.

What's more, it is actually impossible to evacuate them alone.

Because a refuge isn't a city.There is no high-speed railway directly connecting it to other regions.

In addition, the temporary road built on the ground is completely useless, and there are actually millions of people outside who have not entered and so on.It is completely impossible to evacuate the people in the shelter.

In addition, such an evacuation is very likely to cause riots in all the refuges in East Asia, so everyone can only ignore this possibility.

After all, to be honest, at that time, everyone did not expect that Ghidorah's wings would link their bodies with each other.Turn into a ball falling, hitting.

At that time, everyone thought that they fell in twos, and as long as they fell in twos.Its vibration will not be too strong.

Seismic waves are also waves in the final analysis, and there is not only fusion between waves, but also cancellation.

If it is as expected, the arrival of the Wings of Ghidorah will not cause the collapse of the shelter.

But now, the situation.Not expected.

The sun is not expected to set.


After the shock wave, comes the shock.

The shock wave that surpassed the sound moved forward in all directions, carrying high-temperature steam, mixed with gravel and debris, and the lifted crustal rock fragments, rushing in all directions together.

This is not a big disaster for people today, and the shock wave cannot be swept underground.Compared with the previous seismic waves, this is still acceptable.

However, this is for humans.For those satellites in low earth orbit.

This shock is absolutely unbearable.

A multi-billion-ton explosion is already capable of sweeping hundreds of kilometers, although it cannot destroy cities hundreds of kilometers away.But it is still easy to destroy such a sophisticated existence as a satellite.

So not long after, within a few hundred kilometers centered on the impact point.All near-Earth satellites in [-]-kilometer orbits were swept away by the shock wave and lost contact with the ground.

The impact spread outward, and its back received the super fireball that occupied the entire sky.With a diameter of 50 kilometers, it is about to touch the sky.

A few minutes of burning makes it expand to the extreme, and after the extreme, it will shrink.The fireball gradually shrinks inward and transforms into a mushroom-shaped cloud, and it is at this moment.

The image satellite, which had not yet been knocked down by the impact, captured it through its own line of sight.

The appearance of the wings of Ghidorah at the lower end of the mushroom cloud.

Then, there are thousands of suns.

Chapter 72 Smoke, Crystallization, and Combat

The impact of the multi-billion-ton explosion shook the sky and the ground, restarting everything in the world.

The fireball rose upwards, and a huge mass of hot air rushed in upwards, taking away a huge amount of burning dust, forming a mushroom cloud high in the sky.

The fireball is still burning in the mushroom cloud, it is so bright, it is better than the sun in the sky.Although it is no longer expanding at this moment, its diameter of tens of kilometers is still enough to occupy the entire sky of East Asia.

Even Godzilla can clearly see it, as far as permanent colonies on the moon can see the light on the ground.

The burning of the fireball brought an extremely strong shock wave.

The human satellites were blown away by the shock wave, and only some satellites that were farther away were temporarily not affected by the shock wave.

In such an environment, human observation satellites are staring at the place where the fireball rises, and they are determining how many dead and injured the Wings of Ghidorah have been.

50 billion tons, which is equivalent to the power of 100 Ivan nuclear bombs exploding together.

And under such an explosion. How many of the 41 Wings of Ghidorah are still alive?

The satellite's eyes analyze the images it has captured, 10, 20, 25...

The dots of bodies exposed in the dust are filled by them, and by analyzing the images jointly taken by dozens of observation satellites in the atmosphere, human beings have obtained.

Get the number of Wings of Ghidorah that still exist and are still alive.


Although it is not fully seen, the amount of light exposed has exceeded what humans expected at the beginning.The personnel in charge of the verification sweated their palms and communicated this number to all parts of the world.

And in this very moment.


Under the 50-billion-ton Red Sun, a thousand nuclear weapons detonated.

Under the possible impact points of Ghidorah's wings, humans have planted millions of nuclear bombs.Its density has reached the point where there are hundreds of them per square kilometer.

In the plan, once the wings of Ghidorah hit an area full of nuclear mines, humans will detonate them.

Let them suffer enough heavy damage on the ground instead of letting them fly to the entire East Asia and bring disasters to the entire East Asia.

This is a plan to avoid the shock wave problem. According to the design, this can cause a big blow to the Wings of Ghidorah.

At least seven or eight will die, right?

It is a program with great rewards, but it also has its risks.The risk is that the Wings of Ghidorah will fall into the position designed by humans, otherwise.

nothing at all.

And now, very fortunately, the wings of Ghidorah did fall to the place where the nuclear mines were planted by humans.Now, it's time to detonate.

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