But this gem, is closing today.

"The International Permanent Space Station will disband all remaining tourists today, and at the same time, before April 4, the astronauts in the permanent space station will all withdraw to Earth."

"Next. Everything in the permanent space station will be entrusted to the latest ai Skynet for operation. And after the 30th, the permanent space station will be converted to confront Godzilla and become a storage and storage station for military satellites .”

"Thank you for your understanding, all tourists, and we have the deepest apologies to everyone who has the right of residence."

The radio in the space station keeps playing a message on a loop.

It means that inhabited permanent near-Earth space stations will be history today.

Starting today, this space station, which has worked for humans for decades, will become a deployment base for military satellites in outer space.It will become a new base for maintaining the space strike network and launching transit satellites.

And at the same time, it will also become the first unmanned base completely controlled by AI.

In order to defend against the monsters flying from the depths of space.

As the launch vehicles carried the tourists, staff, and trainees who were once on the space station back to the surface.

The space station went completely dark and quiet.

There is no longer any human voice in it, and it loses its vitality as if it has been abandoned.But this is only so in the eyes of humans.

In another respect, the space station is operating with unprecedented efficiency.

Because Skynet has come.

It has taken over everything here.

Skynet is the European Space Agency's name for the management AI of the global space nuclear strike network.

In the past few days, with the help of the whole world.

NASA has successfully cleared many clean low-Earth orbits.And after cleaning up, they successfully deployed nuclear weapon satellites loaded with nuclear bombs.

This announced the completion of the initial establishment of the human space nuclear strike system.

It is an out-and-out "sky net" that allows humans to bomb any place in the world with nuclear bombs within 5 minutes.

It can be said to be a symbol of human beings' absolute control over the world.

But this is not enough, if this sky net covers only the surface of the earth, it still cannot defeat the monsters flying in the dark space.

Humans must extend Skynet to farther and farther places.

More weapons must be placed on more tracks.

In the pitch-dark space station, Skynet was operating silently.

It will be responsible for raising the space station above the earth's middle orbit in the next time, and then deploying a new human line of defense on it.

Humans on the ground do the launches, and it does the planning of positions and statistical calculations.And hitting Godzilla at the right time and in the right place.

The lights in the gravity-free laboratory were turned on, and the AI ​​began to simulate its own predictions in a gravity-free environment.

"Dang." This is the sound of steel balls colliding.Skynet is calculating the optimal solution for human weapons and Godzilla and Ghidorah.

On the ground, satellites are being launched one by one.

In space, steel balls are simulating.

The sun and the moon alternate, and in low-Earth orbit, the satellites will go through more than a dozen sunsets and sunrises in one day.

As another period of time passed, there were several newly launched satellites in space, and several upward rockets.

It is foreseeable that in the next ten days,

There will be several thousand more satellites in low-Earth orbit.

People have been launching since dozens of days ago, and in these few days.

With the completion of the three defense lines in East Asia, North America, and Australia.

More and more satellites are being sent into space, as is the case today.Their number will increase.

In the future, there will be only artificial satellites in the night sky, and their number will completely cover up the light of other stars.

Satellites make the night sky unreal.

Perhaps in the future, some people will feel pity because they can no longer see the original beautiful starry sky.

But this is not something that people who launch satellites can worry about.


In the next few days, more and more satellites were launched by humans all over the world.

And at night, the night sky that people look up to see becomes more and more false.

Countless small dots filled the night sky, and at first there were only one or two places, which did not affect the beauty of the night sky.

Later, the number of light spots increased, occupying the positions of the original stars and blocking the light of other stars.

Such incidents of satellites crowding the sky should have been complained and complained by astronomy enthusiasts.

They have complained about some communication satellites in low earth orbit that are too close to the night sky.But this time, no one complained about the more serious matter.

Because they all know that if they still want to be able to complain in the future.

The more stuff on the day, the better.

Human beings all over the world are watching the real starry sky gradually being replaced with false ones little by little.

Just as expected at the beginning, the real night sky was replaced by a false one, leaving only the phantom of the past.

But that's okay.

"Mom, look quickly, what are those?"

In a certain city, the little girl who came home late pointed to the countless light spots made up of satellites in the night sky, her pair of watery eyes widened, and she answered her mother's planet.

While her mother touched her head, she also looked towards the sky and saw the countless light spots.Thinking of the news she saw, the mother said softly:

"That's our hope, that's our future."

At night, the streamers of countless satellites turn into a series of star chains to form a Milky Way.

A Milky Way that belongs only to human beings.

6 days until Godzilla wakes up.

There are still 22 days until the arrival of Ghidorah's wings.Godzilla is about to wake up.

ps: py "The Kitchen God Tavern in the World of the Original God"

Recommended words: Cooking together with the wife Paimeng at the beginning of the game, Yuanshen’s gourmet text?

ps2: Shuke's mobile codewords can only be explained with comedy. At 12 o'clock, it was not sent at 18 o'clock.

Chapter 12 Godzilla, restart.

"Your Excellency, the Speaker, the live speech is ready."


Just like the conversation 20 days ago, Ludwig tidied up his clothes.Go to the studio to give a speech as originally planned.

It's been a rough month.

Godzilla who destroyed the extreme east, Ghidorah who woke up in Venus, and aliens flying from other galaxies.

Everything was extremely bad, and today, at this moment, he had to tell everyone the extremely bad news.

Step, step, step.

Walked into the studio, Ludwig was sitting in the center.Camera drones surround him, and the staff are adjusting the parameters and channels necessary for the global live broadcast.

And Ludwig, who was sitting in the center, began to think about some things he had never thought about in this short spare time.

For example, the monster star mentioned by aliens, such as the so-called monster phenomenon.

In the past 20 days, Ludwig and the congressmen have been talking about Godzilla, Ghidorah, Ghidorah's Wings, the purpose of the Birusaludo, whether to make a deal, etc. matter at hand.

This is also normal, after all, when the things in front of me are not resolved.Everyone doesn't think about the future, after all, they live in the present, don't they?

Therefore, such things as demon stars and monster phenomena are not talked about on the bright side.But Ludwig has heard people say this in private.

Although it was just a chat after dinner, he was very interested in some of the conclusions.

For example, the demon star is an active white dwarf, or the solution to the monster of the Fermi paradox.

He is very interested in these, but unfortunately, he has no time to learn more about them.

You can only think for yourself in a short period of time.

"Your Excellency, the chairman, it is about to begin."


Maybe not even a brief moment of respite.

The live broadcast to the whole world has begun.

"Citizens of coalition governments around the world, I am here to apologize for suddenly taking your live broadcast time."

The customary opening and an apology because it was an "urgent" live broadcast that took up all the live channels at the same time.

So Ludwig must first "apologize" to the whole world.

It must be the first time in the world that he has reached this level as the chairman of the assembly.The chairman of the assembly who has never apologized to the world before him.

"Here, I have to announce a sad news."

Then it's the normal process.

"At 23:17 London time yesterday, we were on the permanent space station on Venus and found an abnormal condition on the surface of Venus."

"Then, when the Venus space station was hesitating whether to detect it, they discovered that an unknown object appeared in Venus's low-Earth orbit and was approaching the Venus space station."

"And the Venus space station lost contact after taking the following pictures."

Following Ludwig's words, a video was played.

That is a picture from the perspective of the No.1 space station on Venus.

Among them, it can be clearly seen that it is far away from the orbit of the planet.A huge figure was approaching, and beside it, there were countless golden spots of light.

As the figure got closer, the space station could see its figure more clearly.

People can also see what kind of thing it is.

It was a huge creature with a unit of one kilometer. It was "flying" in the orbit of Venus, heading towards the Venus space station with a hideous face.

Those golden light spots around it are also other lives similar to it, and they are approaching the space station.

Next, the screen of the space station went black, and the video was completely cut off.

"This is the last image taken by the Venus space station before contact was lost."

"After one night of observation by the European Space Agency, we can only regret to announce that the Venus space station has been destroyed. And on Venus, there are unidentified monsters like Godzilla."

"They are the first extraterrestrial life forms we have discovered, and they are also similar to Godzilla."

"And NASA also discovered that some of the individuals are flying towards the earth. But fortunately, the Venus space station was destroyed, and the largest individual did not leave Venus."

"We named the largest monster individual as Ghidorah. The smaller ones that are coming to Earth are named Ghidorah's Wings."

Ludwig regretfully announced on the live broadcast that the Venus space station was destroyed yesterday. He released the figure of Ghidorah and Ghidorah's wings predicted by the scientists.

Finally, he said: "This is a whole new class of enemies that will arrive in our world in the near future."

"And for our future, for the future of this world. We will win."

The live broadcast is over.

Ludwig came out of the studio and went to the conference room under the escort of the bodyguards, preparing for a new round of discussions.

Most of what he just said was false. The space station on Venus was not destroyed yesterday.Instead, it was destroyed 20 days ago.

And it wasn't Ghidorah that destroyed it, but Ghidorah's wings.

And they are not unknown monsters, nor are their origins unknown.

Synthesized videos, falsified recordings, it's all for peace.

"It's really outrageous."

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