Could it fly over from other planets?

Chapter 55 Full Evolution

The headless Godzilla swims in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. It uses sonar to experience the underwater world.

This time, I really suffered a lot of injuries. Humans are indeed very powerful.

Having been blown off his head and subjected to continuous nuclear bombing, even Godzilla suffered considerable damage.

Although it is not afraid of all kinds of radiation from nuclear bomb explosions to knock out its genes.

But the sheer heat of those radiations themselves would certainly still be hurting it.

Otherwise, if no heat can cause damage, it will be able to drill into the cosmic singularity and swim.

The continuous saturation bombing of 21 tens of millions of tons of nuclear weapons, the heat released is still very terrifying.

It even made Godzilla lose tens of thousands of tons of weight, which can be said to have helped Godzilla lose weight quickly.

Although I can't see my own body now, Godzilla can still know the detailed appearance of my body through sonar

Its size has shrunk a lot in the hot fireball, and the size of the whole brother has shrunk a lot.

It is estimated that it will not change back until after evolution.

Traveling on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the headless Godzilla did not choose to return to his home in the Mariana Trench this time.

The stakes are high for this evolution, and it doesn't want to be under the full gaze of humanity.

It doesn't want to be fed strange things into its fusion furnace by humans while it's asleep.

I used to have a brain and not be afraid.Now there is no head, and there is a hole in the neck, and everything can be poured into it.If humans let the mini-sub carry something weird into its fusion furnace, then it's likely to be serious.

So forget it, and find a hidden place to sleep.

Godzilla did not return to Mariana, and followed the sonar to the Kermadec Trench under the deep sea near Australia following the guidance of its own memory.

Although he has lost his head now, Godzilla can still make his voice.After all, its throat is still there, and the sound is made by the vibration of the throat, so the sonar can still be used now.

It was able to roar out in the rain of nuclear bombs before because its vocal cords were not completely blown up.

Swimming on the bottom of the sea, avoiding human submarines, Godzilla spent more than a day swimming from the Philippine Sea to the top of the Kermadec Trench in Australia.

Then it sank sharply, into the deepest depths of the Kermadec Trench.

Turning his sonar to the maximum in the depths of Kermadec, Godzilla spent several hours under the trench to find a crack on the seabed cliff.

It has a diameter of more than 300 meters, a depth of 800 meters, and a length of 3000 meters. It is abnormally large among the cracks on the seabed, and it can even accommodate today's Godzilla to stand up in it.

It swam straight to the depths of this seabed fissure, and followed the guidance of the sonar, and dived into its innermost part.

This undersea rift was once home to a titan so powerful that even Godzilla at the time had to struggle to defeat it.

It moved away from here a few hundred thousand years ago.Then, more than 10 years ago, it was hunted and killed by humans.

It's no longer apparent that the seafloor rift was once a titan's lair.That's not what Godzilla is here for, though.

It came here not because it used to be so-and-so's lair, but because of what was there.

It is here.

In the deepest part of the rift, Godzilla found what he was looking for.

It broke the deepest rocks with its short hands, and then threw all the broken stones, revealing the deeper, hidden space in the cracks of the seabed.

The crust is hollow.

Humans thus describe the space in front of it.

Crustal cavities are all kinds of cavities in the earth's crust. They are more than ten kilometers deep underground, which is inaccessible to the outside world.

Humans have not yet found a hole in the earth's crust that they can go to, but now, Godzilla has found it.

In fact, it cannot be said that it found La, in fact, it was found by the former Titans together.

And it's not just this one hole, there are actually many crustal holes that the Titans can go to.

Godzilla is here only because it's close and big enough inside to let it stretch.

In terms of pure secrecy, there are better options for Godzilla, but they are too far away.To get there, you need to go around from the North Pole to the Atlantic Ocean.

That would be too much trouble.

So here comes Godzilla.

The underground cavity behind the seabed fissure can be described as huge.This hollow in the Kermadec Trench is a downward ellipse, two or three kilometers wide and seven or eight kilometers deep.

Its deepest part has already touched the mantle, and Godzilla chose to start his new evolution on the fire of this mantle.

All tasks have been completed.

In the deepest trench, Godzilla "looked" at his own panel, and all the tasks on it except his main line were completed at this moment.

Although I have no eyes, I can still see the panel in my heart, which is a wonderful feeling.

The four tasks on the panel except the main line have been completed, and their rewards, Godzilla, have all been obtained.they are, respectively:

Evolving Body Material Strength—Nuclear Rain (Complete) Evolution takes 25 days.

This is the task of receiving nuclear bombs, which it originally thought could not be completed.But I didn't expect humans to help it complete at the last moment.

Evolution Breathing Method - Avatar of Destruction (Complete) Evolution takes 3 days.

Evolution Regeneration Ability - Undead Monster (Complete) Evolution takes 1 day.

The final evolution of the body shape - the evolution of the majestic king takes 10 days.

This is the first time that Godzilla has evolved multiple functions at the same time. It is thinking about how to evolve its own multiple evolutions.Does it mean that there is a way to let them all evolve together, or do you need to evolve one first, and then evolve the second after the evolution is complete?

It clicked on the task page of the four evolutions, and soon found out.

[Rewards for completing four missions: a body strength evolution, a breath evolution, a body shape evolution, and a regeneration evolution. Do you want to use it now? 】

"Note: This evolution takes 35 days, during which time the host will fall into the deepest sleep. So please evolve while making sure everything is safe."

Well, it looks like they can all evolve together.And the evolution time will be reduced after integration.

It originally took 39 days to evolve, but after the integration, it only takes 35 days. It is estimated that the range of effects during evolution is repeated, and evolution together reduces useless work.


After confirming in his heart, Godzilla, who was lying on the mantle magma, fell into the deepest sleep.

This time it will evolve four parts of its body at the same time, and when it wakes up next time, Godzilla will step into a completely different level from its previous self.

Good night, Godzilla.

ps: In a few chapters, we will enter the next volume of Monster World.At that time, Ghidorah, the demon star, and the X star will also appear.However, the setting has changed slightly.

Chapter 56 The End of the Human Era (End of Volume [-])

[The battle of Godzilla revealed, is there really a big gap between humans and Godzilla? 】

[Humanity's strongest line of defense!How much do you know about the East Asian coastal defense line? ! 】

[Revisiting Godzilla's road to the extreme east, it's not that Godzilla is too strong!But the extreme east is too weak! 】

[Analysis of Godzilla's full power, where is the chance of human victory? 】

[The weapons revealed at the conference, the mobile super electromagnetic gun was displayed. 】


Since Godzilla landed ten days ago and burned the entire Tokyo 21 days ago, the Internet has been completely silent.Only the official media can speak out, and others can only browse.

It wasn't until the day when Godzilla destroyed the live broadcast of Jidong that the silence was lifted for half an hour, and then it was all sealed again under Godzilla's breath.

This silence continued for another seven days.During the period, the official media bombarded with various public opinions, trying to keep everyone trusting in the combat power of the coalition government, and at the same time not to retreat to the inland and roll inward.

But it didn't work.

Those who watched the live broadcast that day understood one thing.

That monster, that existence named Godzilla, is absolutely impossible to be what the official said, and will be easily repelled by a serious coalition government.

It is absolutely invincible to the present human beings!

It is absolutely impossible for the government to declare that Godzilla will be blocked by a new batch of new battleships equipped with railguns!

So we have to leave, we have to go where Godzilla hasn't reached.

People fled inland with this idea.

After that live broadcast, the whole world fell into chaos.

Masses of coastal city dwellers began to move inland, due to the sheer numbers this time.The United had to start blocking this big shift.

The transfer to the Far East only has a population of 3 million, which is still sustainable for a population of more than 100 billion in the entire world.

But if the coastal cities really undergo a major transfer this time, the transferred population will exceed 50 billion. It is impossible for the world to support such a major transfer.

The scale and nature of this transfer is completely different from the previous transfer, and the Coalition Government will not and will not agree to this transfer.

Let’s not talk about what will happen to society without 50 billion people. The problems of housing, consumption, and life for 50 billion people cannot be stopped in a short time.

For this reason, the coalition government had to issue the "Coastal Cities Vacuum Tube Subsonic Train Restriction Act" and "Coastal Cities Access Management Act", which strictly stipulated the frequency of subsonic trains, the prohibition of high-speed maglev, and the landing and landing of aircraft.

It will conduct a public lottery for the qualifications to enter and exit coastal cities, and reduce the number of evacuated people by limiting the number of entries and exits.

At the same time, the coalition government lifted the ban on online speech, and began to stabilize the people through self-made popular science videos.I want to use this to slow down the speed of inward flight.

5000 million people per day, if only the speed of 5000 million people per day, the society can bear it.

To maintain stability by lottery is what the coalition government wants to do.However, things went against expectations. On the second day after the method was made public, chaotic parades broke out in North America and Western Europe, and riots and scrambles also appeared in East Asia during the lottery.

There were several clashes with live ammunition in the streets as people railed against the Coalition government's decree preventing them from fleeing inland, though fortunately there were no casualties.

The coalition government itself did not expect the violent resistance of the people of the world.In the end, the current MP of the coalition government, Ludwig Haas Max, decided to hold a speech conference on April 4th about future plans for Godzilla.

"I'm Ludwig Haas Max."

"As the current Speaker of the World Coalition Government, I would like to pay tribute to the 5 soldiers who died in the Far East War and the 7000 people who died in Grafadamoni in silence."


"After paying tribute to the deceased, I will read out the joint vision of the World Coalition Government on Godzilla's future defense within these ten days. They are ten musts and eight musts."

"One, the evacuation must be fast."

"I am here to assure people all over the world that when there is any change in Godzilla, we will evacuate the coastal residents near Godzilla as soon as possible. The current lottery is only for ordinary times, and it will not be safe for everyone's life. cause any hindrance."

"Residents along the coast, please rest assured that our voice-activated radar can perfectly predict Godzilla's actions. There is no danger in living along the coast. Please rest assured, or wait for the official lottery to evacuate."

"Second, the line of defense must be thick."

"The establishment of the existing first Australian defense line and the East Asian defense line..."

"Three, the blow must be ruthless..."


"Seven, supplies must be collected..."


Ludwig Haas Max's speech lasted for one and a half hours. During the meeting, he revealed the next arrangement of the world coalition government.

Establish a coastal isolation zone through the construction of a comprehensive coastal defense line for the three major Pacific theaters of North America, East Asia, and Australia.

Through the planning of the new fleet with super electromagnetic guns, it is determined that no matter which line of defense it is, humans have enough firepower to resist Godzilla.

Launch a low-Earth orbit satellite loaded with nuclear bombs, and use nuclear armor-piercing bombs to achieve the perfect blow to Godzilla.

Analyze the wreckage of Godzilla obtained in the battle in the Far East, and explore the research and exploration of Godzilla's mysterious somatic cells, Godzilla cells, and the detection of G cells.

The materials of coastal cities are mainly replenished, and some cities are distributed according to needs.

And in order to solve the labor force problem, the "Artificial Intelligence Prohibition Act" enacted during the Agata terrorist attack 50 years ago was lifted, and the vacancies in the labor force were filled by lifting the restrictions on strong artificial intelligence.

Human beings will untie all shackles and enter wartime mode as a whole, so as to gain the possibility of defeating Godzilla.

At this moment, mankind's attitude towards Godzilla has changed from - how to defeat Godzilla in the most economical way.

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