"They're right."

"Godzilla does heal himself, and he doesn't just heal himself, see this."

Professor Andre projected another image in the projection, which is a heat and state map of Godzilla's current situation.

Professor Andre pointed to it and said:

"This is a full-body material scan of Godzilla that we risked waking Godzilla five days ago. In this picture, we can see that Godzilla is located in the two fusion furnaces in the abdomen. One of them is in a liquid state."

"And this is the full-body scan we took today."

As he said that, the image he projected changed into another picture.

It is also a state map of Godzilla, but this one shows a completely different appearance.

At this time, the first fusion reactor, which was still at high temperature and appeared to be in a liquid state, had been repaired by nearly two-thirds.

And shockingly, not only was two-thirds restored, but its own structure was also altered.

It is obvious that there are several layers of different substances covering the reactor being repaired.

They are like layers of membranes, wrapping the damaged first reactor.

Not only the damaged reactor, but even the undamaged second reactor had a few more membranes.

"That's what we see in reactors today."

"You can see that compared with 5 days ago, Godzilla's first reactor has a lot less parts that are still in a high-temperature melting state, and the whole has basically cooled down."

"But it's not worth noting that it's healing itself, but...see here."

Professor Andre enlarged the specific part of the picture in the projection, showing the membrane outside the Godzilla reactor.

"It is a new structure that Godzilla has created in his body in the past 5 days. After our calculations, this structure seems to be able to better protect Godzilla's fusion reactor."

"But five days ago, there was no such thing in Godzilla's body, no such substance."

"It seems to have evolved in the past five days to better resist the internal heat. It was born out of thin air, and there was no trace before."

"At this time, the team already felt a little wrong. Then we found the video of Godzilla's first landing, and after comparison... our team found..."

"The composition of Godzilla in the video is completely different from the composition of Godzilla measured in reality."

"This is something that everyone already knows. But before today, all the teams believed that Godzilla once shed his skin in the two days he disappeared."

"It's just that in the Mariana Trench, we didn't find the remains of Godzilla."

"It could be that it didn't live in the Mariana Trench before, or it could have destroyed its own remains. At least that's what we thought before learning about it."

"But today, through the detection of traces in the cave at the bottom of the trench, we can be sure that Godzilla returned here after the last landing and spent the next two days."

"And here... there is nothing left behind."

"Combined with our discovery this time, it can almost be concluded that Godzilla has a certain way to independently enhance his body and transform his structure on a large scale."

"Biologically speaking, this is strictly called autonomous metamorphosis. Generally speaking... gentlemen, you can think of it as Godzilla."

Having said that, he took a deep breath and said in a trembling tone:

"It's a beast that can evolve infinitely. Until now, it is still evolving."

"I'm afraid every blow we strike, every attack we make will take it a step further."

"If we can't destroy it in a short time, we will be destroyed by it."

Professor Andre's words made everyone in the call feel nervous, and everyone's heart was raised.

Especially at the end, when he and his team made that public—when Godzilla was counting down to recovery, everyone's heart was pinched by something.

"By evaluating the self-healing speed of Godzilla's first reactor, we expect that Godzilla will fully heal itself in four days at the earliest."

"Whether Godzilla will wake up at that time is still unknown to us. If it does not wake up, whether it will continue to become stronger is also unknown."

"God bless us, gentlemen. That's all I have to say. Goodbye."

Professor Andre's projection disappeared, but the meeting was not over yet.

Because immediately afterwards, the appearance of the coalition government councilor's office was projected in various conference rooms, and more than 100 coalition councilors were sitting there.

Although they were not actually in the councilor's room, they appeared together in the joint councilor's room by virtue of the projection.

At this time, the members of the United Council looked serious, and in their own languages, they recited the agreement on the permanent prohibition of nuclear weapons sworn by the world government 100 years ago.

With only a few hundred words, the congressmen quickly finished reading.

But in the end, they came to a different ending for this agreement together.

"At this moment, through the joint decision of the members of the World Coalition Government, the agreement on the permanent prohibition of nuclear weapons."

"Repealed today and no longer has legal effect."


4 days until Godzilla wakes up.

The boss’s py, well, although the popularity of the boss doesn’t require me to recommend it, I still have to go back with py:

"Pacific Rim Godzilla Beats the Monster"

Chapter 24 A look at humans

"The whole world fully supports the Far East! Millions of working people went to the Far East to contribute to the construction of the defense line."

"Yesterday, a total of 12 basic anti-Godzilla cannons were installed in the Hokkaido metropolitan area, the Osaka metropolitan area, the Nagoya metropolitan area, and the three major eastern metropolitan areas."

"The northern coast of Australia has begun to build a new line of defense. Our far east is no longer alone, and we must share weal and woe with the Australian people."

"The coastal areas of Southeast Asia have begun to evacuate the population. It is reported that 3 days ago, the Southeast Asian region had already begun to evacuate the population from the islands near the coast of the Philippine Sea."

"Under the hard work of 300 million support team members in the three major regions of the world day and night, the Far East Defense Wall has been initially established, and we already have the strength to keep Godzilla out."

"We have every reason to believe that under the leadership of the World Government, Godzilla will inevitably be defeated."

There are few people on the streets of Hokkaido, and the usual flow of people and cars has disappeared without a trace.

There is no car driving on the driveway, only one or two maglev vehicles occasionally pass by the driveway.

The same is true on the street, where people are sparsely populated.

Most of the people on the street were carrying big bags and small bags, and they bought a lot of things at a glance.

"Your patronage is welcome."

Walking out of the unmanned store, Akiyama Ryo turned on the projection screen and called an unmanned taxi.

After entering the address of his home, he lay down in the taxi, closed his eyes and thought about what he had done these days.

The uncle, parents-in-law, wife and sister have all been sent to East Asia, that kid Jian will definitely be able to take good care of them.

I heard that he will be my brother-in-law, and he will definitely not treat his parents-in-law and his family badly. Now I don't have any worries.

They solved most of the engineering team's affairs by themselves, and the emergency department didn't have anything to do in the past two days, so they could finally take a rest.

I heard that after all the anti-Godzilla guns are built, everyone except the military will have a holiday, but will Godzilla really wake up so late...

In terms of time, it is also close. Professor Andre and the others estimated that the time Godzilla would wake up a few days ago is tonight... so tonight, will it wake up?

This time, can we beat it?

"Passenger, you have arrived at the address you entered."

The sound of a taxi sounded, Qiu Shanliang got out of the car with his things, and walked towards his apartment.

If Godzilla wakes up today, can we humans really defeat Godzilla?

Akiyama walked into the elevator with the daily necessities he bought.

Humans have many powerful weapons.

Such as anti-Godzilla guns, such as nuclear bombs, and the latest satellite project, as well as warships dedicated to Godzilla.

These are the crystallization of human technology, and Akiyama has no doubt that once they really appear on the battlefield, they can cause huge damage to Godzilla.

But today, at least today, they are completely too late.

A total of 54 of the 12 anti-Godzilla cannons covering the entire Far East have been built. Because nuclear bombs have never been manufactured in a century, even if the technology is very simple, it will take more than ten days to complete.

The satellite project is even more distant, and the first batch of Godzilla specialized battleships will appear in the foreseeable future.

If Godzilla wakes up today, can humans really defeat or even kill Godzilla?

The industrial power of mankind is indeed great, but in the face of only 10 days, it is the limit to be able to manufacture ten machines that weigh millions of tons and require tens of billions of watt-hours.

It couldn't be any faster.

And just relying on the power of these twelve anti-Godzilla cannons, can Godzilla really be defeated?

Akiyama didn't think so.

If they alone are guaranteed to defeat Godzilla, then there is no need to build 54 in the plan.

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But if you don't wake up.

 He remembered those words that Professor Andre said a few days ago.

"Godzilla is infinitely evolving."

"If it doesn't wake up, whether it will continue to grow stronger is also unknown."

A monster capable of infinite evolution, Godzilla.

"Ding dong."

The elevator has arrived.

Walking out of the elevator with his things, Akiyama saw a sneaky long-haired figure hovering in front of his door as soon as he arrived at his door.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Seeing this sneaky figure, Akiyama yelled out.

And the long-haired figure in front of Liang's house in Qiushan was startled by his shout, and fell backward involuntarily, and fell heavily on the ground.

"What the hell are you doing? You belong to the next door."

After getting close, Akiyama discovered that this sneaky figure was actually a pretty girl.

And most importantly, he knew this girl.

"Please, Mr. Akiyama, please help me."

The long-haired girl suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed Akiyama's leg.


"That is to say, you have lived alone for the past ten days, have you?"


In the hall of Qiu Shan's house, Qiu Shanliang looked helplessly at the girl who was eating and drinking in front of him, and couldn't speak the words that he wanted to drive her away.

Her name is Suzune Chika, and she is a graduate student of the Engineering Department of the University of Tokyo. Her parents were once executives of a giant multinational company.

But this is all in the past.

Ten days ago, when Godzilla landed for the first time, her parents were in Grafadamoni.

As it should be, she became an orphan.

Feeling sad and desperate for this, she temporarily withdrew from the school's research and was going home to deal with her parents' funeral.

But before she could react, Godzilla made a second landing.

The landing this time disrupted everyone's plans.

Tokyo was destroyed by Godzilla, and everyone knows that the Far East is not safe now.

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