The will of the Second King may not last long.


Godzilla let out a deep roar, which contained its worry.Its consciousness is to ask II to stop maintaining this state, and leave everything to it. It wants II to release this state now, but...


"I... want... to help you..."

The result was the same answer it got two days ago.

II, it was too stubborn.

A few days ago, Godzilla was worrying about Destoroyah because he couldn't protect this place and defeat Destoroyah at the same time.

But just when it bothers.

Its "child", Godzilla II, sensed its annoyance and proposed a plan to Godzilla.

That's up to it to protect itself and its surroundings, and then let Godzilla defeat Destoroyah.

At first, Godzilla was worried about II's desire to protect himself. It knew that II had also synthesized a lot of focusing crystals in his body during this period, which should be able to snipe some billion-level monsters. The equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

But the billion level is not the upper limit of human beings.

The tens of billions of nuclear weapons cannot be attacked by the energy of the second generation, so it is very worried that if humans bombard it with tens of billions of nuclear weapons, the result will be unacceptable.

But just when it expressed its denial about this matter.

II, showing Godzilla its transformation.

Godzilla's Earth-wide radar isn't nuanced everywhere.

If it wants to see something much smaller than itself through the radar, it needs to focus its attention and find that place in the radar.

That is the difference between the big map and the zoomed small map.

Godzilla can't see all the little things in this world at the same time.

So it missed a change, a change that happened to II.

On the way of evolution, Godzilla's will has not rested. It has been communicating with the second generation, and at the same time, it has been monitoring the major scientific research institutes of human beings, stealing the knowledge of Exif and Birusarudo from them.

When communicating with II, Godzilla never treasured his own knowledge. He passed on all the knowledge he had obtained from Birusarudo and Exif to II, hoping that it would use this knowledge as a base to strengthen Own.

II did exactly that.

But its direction is completely different from what Godzilla thought.

Unlike Godzilla's strengthening itself, what the second generation to integrate himself into the entire Godzilla ecosystem, and gain the power to control the entire Godzilla ecosystem at the cost of his own freedom.

When Godzilla woke up, II's ankles had grown roots connecting all the plants in the surrounding Godzilla ecosystem.

It controls the plants in the Godzilla ecosystem, transforms the interior of those plants according to the knowledge it knows, and turns the entire area into an arsenal.

Through this huge arsenal, II's production capacity even surpassed that of Godzilla itself.Except for the inner electronic bonding materials that can only be manufactured in extremely extreme environments, which cannot be mass-produced, all other second worlds can be replicated in plant factories.

Including huge nuclear furnaces, including super-giant focusing crystals.

It can all be crafted through the giant arsenal of the Godzilla ecology.

And the scale of this huge arsenal is still growing every moment. As the number of trees connected to the Second World Unicom increases, its productivity is also increasing exponentially.

Knowing this, Godzilla can finally rest assured of II's ability to protect himself.Godzilla left Australia to destroy Destoroyah after carefully checking II's combat power with the Earth-wide radar.

After sealing Destoroyah, Godzilla returned to Australia, and Godzilla who returned to Australia, what you see here.

It is the second generation whose self-will has begun to slacken.

Because of the expansion of the ecological circle, the will of the Second World has accommodated too many lives.The will of these life activities shattered the original will of the second world, causing the second world's own will to collapse, to... split.

Why is this so?Obviously Destoroyah doesn't have such a problem? !

Probably because of the different nature of the two parties.

II's biosphere link is different from Destoroyia.

In the ecology of Destoroyia, all life is actually only Destoroya.No matter whether it is a microworm or a collection, their wills are unified as a Destoroyah, and they are essentially just a part of this creature named Destoroyah.

But the second world's ecosystem link is different.

The lives linked by the link of the ecological circle of the second world have not lost their original will.They just joined a network, and the original will has not disappeared, but the original will is subordinate to the second's will.

The Second World acts as a base in this process, rather than being everything by itself like Destoroyah.

With the expansion of the ecological circle, more and more creatures are ruled by the second generation, and its original will cannot support the will of so many living beings to exist in this network, so it collapsed.

At that time, Godzilla wanted II to stop the expansion of its own ecological circle, and also wanted it to disconnect and return to the previous independent individual state.

But II rejected Godzilla because it wanted to help Godzilla, to help his... mother.

During the days Godzilla left, it kept calculating the actions of future enemies. It built many weapons through the ecological circle factory, and wanted to use this method to help Godzilla.

Those spherical space weapons in the sky are the work of II.

It's just that Godzilla doesn't want to use II's death in exchange for these weapons. It has had enough of the existence that can accompany it continue to dissipate. This is true of Mothra, and so is II.

Even after quarreling, the Second World would at most regress to the point where it would no longer continue to expand.It wasn't until Godzilla wanted to forcibly cut off its link with the ecological circle that it regressed again, from maintaining this form to cutting off the link with the ecology after the end of the battle with Bilu Saludo.

Even if Godzilla threatens again, it will never back down again. II stubbornly rejected Godzilla, and even showed various weapons to prevent Godzilla from cutting off its link with ecology.

There is no way, Godzilla can only compromise, it understands the mood of II, it does not really want to attack him by showing those weapons, it is just an act of expressing its determination.

It really wants to do Godzilla a favor.

But this price is really unacceptable.


Godzilla's whole-area radar monitors the fleet, and it can clearly see that there is a very long distance between the five undamaged ships and the five damaged ships in the fleet. I have made up my mind, I want ships with full combat effectiveness to land in advance and deal with Godzilla in advance.

They are already in a hurry...


Godzilla doesn't think so.

It is very clear that Birusarudo is a mechanical race. Although they have emotions, they will not be controlled by their emotions.

They chose to let five warships fight it in advance must have great confidence in these five warships, thinking that even only these are enough to destroy it, so they are so bold.

Why are they so confident?

Godzilla doesn't know.

Bilu Saludo has Bilu Saludo's own language. Even if Godzilla can see the internal structure of the spacecraft, it cannot understand what the internal structure of the Bilu Saludo spacecraft is used for.

After all, Birusarudo has never opened up his most cutting-edge technology to humans.

Under the "eyes" of Godzilla, five huge battleships broke into the inner layer from the outer atmosphere, opened the deceleration and at the same time, passed over the sky of Eden, showing the miracles belonging to Birusarudo to the humans below .

It's a pity that the humans who saw Godzilla's attack smashing through five battleships no longer have the kind of absolute trust in Bilu Saludo. At the moment when the battleship passed by, what they thought was not absolute worship .But a deep worry.

Worried about whether Bi Rusaludo can defeat Godzilla.

Humans on Earth are worried, but the Birusaru people on Earth are calm. Although this situation exceeds their expectations, they still have absolute confidence that the fleet that arrived earlier can defeat Godzilla .

They will never lose this time.

Bilu Saludo has this confidence.

Come on monster.

Let civilization teach you who should be the master of this planet!

Chapter 150 V Bilu Saludo vs Godzilla - Tiny

In the thin atmosphere, after a period of continuous adaptation and adjustment, the five ships that were sniped finally re-planned their orbits in order to land on the earth in a few hours.

The five giant ships that were intact had already crashed into the thermosphere of the atmosphere. They first dropped to an altitude of [-] kilometers at the west pole of the South Atlantic Ocean, and then kept this altitude, roaring past the skies over South America.

The decelerated giant ship only maintained a speed of a few Machs at this moment, and the spaceships passed over the sky above Eden, and several nozzles ejected flames brighter than the sun.The ship, which was the size of a mountain range, covered the sky at the same time, so that Eden could only see the miracle of Birusarudo, the miracle of civilization.

An unparalleled sense of shock filled the hearts of every Eden resident. The sky was covered and the ground was trembling. If there were no attacks from the laser satellites made by King II, it would be hard to imagine what kind of frenzy the crowd would have reached at this time. high.

At that time, maybe Birusarudo didn't need to speak, the people of Eden would worship them as gods, and that would be the best situation for Birusarudo.

It's just a pity that the laser satellite made by King II ruined that situation. The enthusiasm of the crowd in the current situation is not even as high as before Bilu Saludo came. They are more worried and fearful than worship and awe.

This is not a good sign for Bilu Saludo.

But things have already happened, and Bilu Saru and many people can't change this result.After all, it was their own negligence that caused this to happen.

If you had scanned the surrounding space before coming, then this incident would not have happened.

This is their mistake.

However, this mistake is not irreparable. As long as Godzilla is defeated, humans will still worship them and bow down to them.

This is not an irreparable mistake, Bilu Saludo is confident, they are confident that they can defeat Godzilla.

After flying away from Eden, the altitude of the Pirusarudo fleet dropped further, and they rushed into the stratosphere. Here, some of their engines began to change directions, and the jet stream hit the ground, bringing a blast comparable to a nuclear explosion to the earth. shock.

The flame flow at the tail was tens of kilometers long, and the flame flow below it also dried the ground, and the forest ignited a fire, and the flames soared into the sky.But Bilu Saludo didn't care.

They just swept across the land of South America, rushing into the top of the South Pacific with long streams of flames.At this moment, the Bilu Saludo fleet can already be said to be close to the sea level.

The stream of flames hit the sea, causing walls of water vapor up to ten kilometers high to appear above the South Pacific Ocean.The light of the fire penetrated the water wall, and the impact set off a tsunami. Not only South America, but even East Asia can see them on the other side of the horizon, as if the sun has set.

The sea was boiled and evaporated by the ship, and the sea water directly below was displaced, exposing the dark and hard seabed.

This is the result of continental plates smashing into the mantle many days ago, and the turbulent mantle has caused many huge earthquakes on the surface, cracking the sea floor and pumping out magma.

The bottom seabed has long been covered by lava rocks, and Pirusarudo's fleet continued to adjust its speed and slowed down again.

The time has come.

When the speed of the entire fleet dropped below Mach, the left and right portals of the most forward and largest colonial ship were all opened at this moment.

Just after the portal was opened, something inside the main colony ship of Bilu Saludo woke up at this moment.

Endless, limitless.

Countless gray torrents gushed out from both sides of the spaceship. They moved forward along with the spaceship and spread in all directions. As the speed of the spaceship gradually decreased, the fog formed by the gray torrent gradually enveloped the entire fleet.

It is impossible to count the number of these torrents. They continue to expand at a speed of hundreds of meters per second. Gradually, in the east of the South Pacific Ocean, a gray cloud and mist appearing on the land.

The clouds spread for hundreds of thousands of miles, covering the entire eastern part of the South Pacific Ocean. It was opaque, as if it had fallen into the darkest night, and there were no stars.

Pilusarudo's fleet advanced slowly in this thick fog, and the heavy fog followed the fleet as they advanced. The whole thick fog seemed to have its own thoughts, which was different from that of Birusarudo. Many warships advance and retreat together.

It took a little while, and the gray fog that was originally round and in all directions began to condense. They changed their distribution positions, and gradually only existed in front of the fleet, not even above.In front of the entire fleet, they formed a layer of gray fog hundreds of kilometers thick.

Bilu Saludo pushed the huge fog layer forward, and the condensed fog obviously moved much faster. It took only a few hours to reach the edge of Australia from the middle of the South Pacific.

The gray fog layer lined up the white fog layer. Godzilla stood at the other end of Australia and looked at the horizon. Although there was no fog on the horizon, he already knew what it was.

Microscale robots.

Ultra-miniature robots the size of dust particles, only two to three microns in diameter, are scattered throughout the atmosphere.

It is equipped with extremely tiny crystals, which can easily scatter light beams. In front of the hundreds of kilometers thick micron robot barrier, even Godzilla's super powerful laser is useless.

This is one of Birusarudo's weapons against Godzilla.They want to completely seal its optical flow strike ability, making it lose the ability of ultra-long-distance strike.

Why?Why are they doing this?

Godzilla has a vague guess.


The gray fog spread deeper into Australia. Just half an hour after the first batch of gray fog landed in Australia, Bilu Saludo's fleet finally arrived.

Five huge spaceships scorched the ground and moved forward. Human satellites and their own radars saw every inch of the whole of Australia. They "saw" the strange ecology that existed in Australia, the metal jungle.

Flying dragons in armor, swarms of insects spreading across the land, giant trees [-] meters high, and predators hiding in the dark.

For individual human beings and Birusaru people, this is an out-and-out desperate situation.

But in the face of spaceships, the peak creations of civilization, no matter how powerful these ecology are, they can only be engulfed by the gray fog and burned by the flames ejected from the spaceships.

Birusarudo's fleet rushed straight to the area where Godzilla was located. They flew inland and broke into the depths of Godzilla's ecology with the gray micron metals.

The micron metal mist is faster than the launch ship, and when the spaceship is nearly a thousand kilometers away from Godzilla, the front end of the micron metal mist has already broken into Godzilla's range.

For an existence like Godzilla, the limit of the range is the limit of the horizon. With its height of 800 meters and the mountain built by itself, it can easily see the gray waves coming hundreds of kilometers away. clouds.

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