This war, which lasted for several days, is finally over at this moment!

And the winner of the war...

Neither is human.

Not Godzilla either.

Chapter 140 The Future of Both Parties

In this war that has severely damaged both humans and Godzilla, the winner is neither human nor Godzilla.

His real victory belongs to Birusarudo.

Without any damage, Bilu Saludo successfully gained almost unparalleled prestige and admiration in the human world.

When Godzilla sets foot, Pirusarudo's warships drive Godzilla back and defend the human government.

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If Godzilla destroys the whole of Eden, then with Ludwig's sacrifice and the sacrifice of the whole of South America, at least the remaining humans can be united, and this place will not be out of the control of the human government.

But Bilu Saludo saved Eden and nearly 30 billion of its population.

These people personally experienced the fact that the human government fled them as abandoned children, and their favorability for the human government fell to a negative number, which became the biggest unstable factor in the United Earth Government.

This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that these 30 billion are not just 30 billion.It is the 30 billion people in the capital of the human government, who are the real human elites and the most important group of people.

Now, this most important group of people has left the human government and transferred to the command of Bilu Saludo, allowing Bilu Saludo to take down the human capital without bloodshed.

The capital is completely occupied by an unknown force, and divisions appear within the human race.

Compared with these two points, letting Godzilla destroy Eden does not seem to be a bad thing.

The Birusarudo people are very smart. They informed the public that their spaceship was actually not equipped with weapons as soon as they pushed back Godzilla.

They said that the spaceship without weapons cannot defeat Godzilla, as long as Godzilla fights them at that time, then they will also be destroyed along with Eden.

So this is a gamble, a gamble that Bilusalud people are willing to sacrifice their lives for the strangers on the earth, and the final result is that Bilusaludo people won the bet and saved the The group of earthlings who were strangers to them.

Not equipped with weapons - there is no doubt that this is the truth, and some officials can also prove this point, after all, they have already said this to the human officials as early as when Bilu Saludo arrived.

However, the Birusaru people omitted one point, that is, even without weapons, they could easily defeat Godzilla who was seriously injured at that time with the size of their battleship.

But if they don't say it, who will know?

After all, humans only know that it was Godzilla that caused the super explosion that blew up the entire continental plate. They don't know whether Godzilla can do it again after triggering that explosion.

Many people in Birusaru can be sure, but humans cannot.

In their cognition, if Godzilla still has that kind of power, then of course Birusarudo is risking his life to help mankind.

Even without that power

, No one knows to what extent Godzilla's breath power has been reduced at that time.

You must know that even if Godzilla's breath power was only a fraction of its peak period at that time, it would be enough to shoot down Birusaludo's battleship.Birusaru people are still heroes who sacrificed themselves to save everyone.

On the point of "I can't defeat Godzilla, I'm just intimidating Godzilla", the Birusaru people have successfully convinced the people on earth to believe their lies.

This kind of fearless spirit of sacrificing oneself for strangers is naturally enthusiastically sought after by everyone in the Eden area, although there are accusations of "why didn't Birusaru people stand up earlier".

But in the general direction, people still support and understand Pilusarudo.

After all, it takes time to think about risking your life to save a stranger.

If the Birusaru people chose to risk their lives to repel Godzilla without any hesitation, then maybe more people would be suspicious instead-it is a common problem of human beings to judge others by themselves.

Now, among the folks, the image of Birusarudo people has become a "great alien friend", an angel sent by God to save mankind.Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the Birusaludo multi-person mothership, and the proposal to cancel the separation between the Birusaludo people and the human settlements has become more and more intense.

And at this juncture, the news about the Birusarud multi-person mothership was also put on the stage, and it was completely disclosed in front of the public.

For this, Ludwig was extremely anxious.

Public opinion among the people has turned to the extent that the mothership of Bilu Saru can directly descend on the earth, and the sooner it descends, the better.Better stop over Earth tomorrow and take out the damn Godzilla and Ghidorah.

But this is completely different from what the human government thinks.

The idea of ​​​​the human government is that they don't want the mothership of Birusarudo to descend to deal with Godzilla.

Their idea is to let the mothership send a certain amount of ships to destroy Godzilla, rather than the mothership coming in person.

In this way, to gain time to learn more about the technology of the Birusaru people and the technology of Exif, and increase the strength and bargaining chips of the human side for the complete coming in the future.

But at this moment, everything was disrupted.

People from all over the world marched and demonstrated in the streets. After the Battle of Eden, the human government has lost all prestige, and they can't calm down the turbulent public opinion at all.

Let's suppress it violently, but dare not.After all, this is not the responsibility of the earth government, it is related to the alien civilization.

It's useless to dissuade with words.You can't make people believe in a government that abandoned them at a critical moment—if Ludwig hadn't voluntarily stayed, maybe Eden would have declared independence now.

It's a good joke that the capital wants independence.

In this way, the human government has completely failed to step down.In the end, the human government can only compromise with public opinion and openly talk with the ambassador of Pilu Saludo on this matter.

In response, the ambassador of Pilusarudo spoke on television.He said that he understands the people's concerns about their own safety, as well as the government's scruples.

So, he had a better plan.That is to let the mothership send out a combat spaceship that is enough to kill Godzilla, and then let the mothership go around and go directly to Venus to solve Ghidorah.

Then, after all the dust has settled, let's talk about the approach of the mothership.

This is barely the best of both worlds.

The human side also had this idea in the beginning, and the current proposal is not much different from the ideal proposal of the human side.The only difference is the number of spaceships used for combat.

The number that humans initially imagined is one ship is enough.

According to the data parameters provided by Bilu Saru, a real combat spaceship is enough to deal with Godzilla.So the human side wants Birusarudo to send only one spaceship to Earth.

But the ambassador of Bilu Saludo said that today's Godzilla can't predict its upper limit at all, and they need an insurance.So he changed the human ship into a unit.

Let one become one.

A complete fleet of Bilu Saludo.

There are more than 10 ships in total, 10 times more than humans expected.

The human government wanted to discuss it again, but the angry people did not give the government this chance. Under the turbulent public opinion, the United Earth Government finally approved this plan.

Bilu Saludo will divide his troops into two groups, one to defeat Godzilla, and the other to defeat Ghidorah.

The fleet used to defeat Godzilla will arrive in 20 days, and it will take longer to defeat Ghidorah. After all, the mass of the mothership is too large, and acceleration and deceleration are not as convenient as ordinary ships.

After the agreement was drawn up, under the witness of everyone on the earth, Ludwig, who represented the earth, and the ambassador representing the Birusaludo people signed the agreement with the official channel.



At the same time, before October 10 at the latest, the Birusaludo people will also kill Ghidorah on Venus, bringing mankind into a complete era of peace, and assisting humans in analyzing and translating their technology.

In return, human beings will provide Siberia, North America, and Australia, these three pieces, with a total of 4500 million square kilometers of land, as a gift for Bilu Saludo to join the United Earth family.

At this point, human beings will completely get rid of the threat of monsters in the future, and they will jointly explore a better tomorrow with the Birusaru people.

As for whether the future will really be as they said, only a genius knows.

While human beings and Birusaru were enjoying themselves, Godzilla returned to the ground on the land of Australia and started the journey of repairing and improving himself again.

Four days ago, Godzilla spent a day returning to Australia by sea and land.On the way back, it was also attacked by the human Damocles system, but at that time it already had a sufficient number of focusing crystals, so the attack did not cause it any trouble.It returned to its hometown in Australia safely.

Because of the oxygen destroyers that had destroyed the northeast coast before, the toxin concentration there was already very low, so low that it couldn't block the current Godzilla at all.

Godzilla returned to Australia easily, and then it returned to its own ecology, dug a hole for itself, and quietly began to design itself.


During these three days, Godzilla did not strengthen itself, it just silently ate iron and other substances, at the cost of greatly reducing its own structural strength, and greatly improving its self-healing ability.

In just 3 days, the quality returned to 4000 million tons, and even made a breakthrough to 4400 million tons. The restoration that took 3 days was completed in 30 days, and the speed was increased by 10 times.

In contrast, the compressive strength of most of Godzilla's structures has plummeted from 500GPa to 50GPa, which is also ten times, but it is a decrease, not an increase.

But it doesn't matter, because Godzilla knows that as long as he presses the strengthening button, his body structure will be strengthened to the point where the inner electronic layer is connected.

No matter what material the previous body was made of, it will uniformly become a material of the same level after strengthening.

In a sense, this is also exploiting bugs.

When strengthening is in progress, Godzilla's body will also absorb substances from the surroundings to increase its own mass.This is why some enhancements can change its weight, because Godzilla's body will involuntarily absorb surrounding materials during enhancements.

Godzilla's current weight is 4400 million tons. It is estimated that after this strengthening, its weight may directly double, and its density may also double, or even more than double.

Because the bonding of the inner electrons will increase the number of bonds and reduce the bond length, it will also make the density larger, and this larger is at the cubic level, which is extremely easy to make its density overweight.

So it needs a solution, a solution that allows it to have such a large mass without crushing the ground.

Even, this solution can also be used to strengthen its own armor.

In order to achieve this goal, Godzilla can concentrate on it for a few days.

Its attention is completely focused on the largest scientific research groups of human beings, monitoring the various technologies that humans have obtained from Birusarudo and Exif, and then incorporating these technologies into its own In vivo, its feasibility was calculated.

Finally, after three days of searching, Godzilla finally found what it wanted in a vast technical practice of Exif.

"Panel, can I add my own edits to my own body while evolving?"

Inwardly, it asks the panel so much, and the answer it gets makes it happy.

[Yes, after I fully understand and...]

The panel replied with a lot of words from Godzilla, and the summary is that Godzilla can embed its own edits into enhancements, and let the enhancements complete it by the way.

But this is also conditional. The first condition is that it needs actual completion steps and a complete set of model design. Utopian requirements are not feasible. It requires Godzilla to design each step by himself and make a set by himself. A full set of models will do.

Moreover, the designed model cannot require materials that cannot be synthesized by Godzilla himself, nor can it require neutron star materials or the like.

At the same time, the quality of its final design cannot exceed the original quality of Godzilla plus the quality of the surrounding absorbable substances.It is obviously not feasible to design a Godzilla model the size of a planet.

Last but not least, the most important point.The embedding of the self-model to enhance itself will extend the time required for the enhancement, and the extended time will vary depending on the complexity of the model.

Regarding these conditions, Godzilla has anticipated them in advance, except for the last item, the others will not cause any resistance to its new structure plan. As for the last item, after checking the total time required.

Godzilla believes that is also perfectly acceptable.

So at this moment, in the afternoon of June 2208, 6.

Godzilla, chose to strengthen.

[The time required for all enhancements is 15 days and 3 hours. Do you want to strengthen it? 】

[Confirm the strengthening. 】

Chapter 140: The Fog Is Coming


As the largest metropolitan area in Europe, the size of the London metropolitan area is among the largest in the world.

There are 8 million people living here, which is larger than the Columbia metropolitan area and Tokyo, and within London, there is also the Raphael Park, one of the five ecological restoration areas for human beings.

Raphael, Inner Eden, Grafa Danimo, Penglai, Isis.

The five ecological restoration areas represent the best plan humans have ever had for nature, the global ecological restoration plan.

Start from scratch, build a new food chain and biological chain, gradually expand in a sustainable state, and finally spend 50-100 years to reshape the ecology of this planet.

Humans used to conceive this way.So there are these five ecological zones.

But now...

Grafal Danimo sank because of Godzilla, Penglai was destroyed by Ghidorah's wings, and Inner Eden is still burning. The only ecosystem in the world that is still functioning is London and the bottom. Raphael of Bis and Isis too.

After today.Only one of these two ecosystems will remain.

Because of something, it is spreading in Raphael's campus tonight.

At first no one cared.

It's just that one or two people disappeared, it's just that there are some new faces.What are these worth?There are a large number of tourists every day, and the daily flow of people exceeds one million.

In recent days, because of the official signing of the Treaty on the Protection of Human Beings by Bilu Saludo, human society has fallen into a kind of ecstasy. Every city is brightly lit, and people release themselves on the streets every day. The pressure of the month.

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