Whether it succeeds or not, Godzilla is going to die, so it's time to take a long-term view and talk about rebuilding the homeland after Godzilla's death.

Now the discussion in this meeting is how they should deal with the aftermath, and at the same time how to appease the Australian people who fled.

By the way, there are also East Asian ones.

The flow of people in East Asia has almost been evacuated, and the Indian Peninsula and South America have received a large number of refugees.Afterwards, it will be handed over to the local troops to clear the Ghidorah cells one by one, and let people move back.

East Asia is okay, but Australia...

This is very troublesome.

After all... after the plan, the entire ecological circle reshaped in Australia will probably disappear, and the former super cities will also be completely erased.

In addition, the poisonous gas of the oxygen destroyer has penetrated into almost every inch of the Australian coast, and Australia must be rebuilt.

The difficulty is probably more difficult than rebuilding East Asia.

The giant cities in East Asia, except for those that were specially attacked, the others are still preserved.

Even now that Ghidorah's cells are proliferating, only small cities and the countryside have become very dangerous. The largest cities can't be said to be unscathed under the siege of defenders, at least they can be regarded as safe.

Moreover, they have never used permanent weapons such as the oxygen destroyer in East Asia, and the difficulty of rebuilding is not the same.

Even the possibility of reconstruction itself is a problem.

Even in the technical catalogs of the two aliens, the current human beings cannot find a technology that can restore the natural environment destroyed by the oxygen destroyer.

After all, aliens have not surpassed the laws of physics, unlike those underground things...

"Mr. Speaker, we Australian people are in this Godzilla disaster..."


"So we need the power of the United Council..."


Ludwig nodded indifferently, his eyes narrowed slightly, his chin was resting on his hands, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The meeting continued like this, and the words between politicians could not be resolved in an hour or two.While this meeting was continuing, the door behind Ludwig was quietly pushed open.

"Your Excellency, the military has the latest situation and needs your meeting."


Ludwig, who was dozing off, opened his eyes, and a tablet was handed in front of him. He looked at the image displayed by the satellite on it, and his face changed.

How can this be...

He took the tablet, looked at the information on it, and issued a reminder.

"What we in Australia need is not the original land, but the waters, and we beg that the original Indian Ocean region..."


"We understand Australia's demand, but now that a large number of Birusarudo stars are unblocked, it will be difficult for us to have enough building materials in the first place..."


"No matter what the Earth Alliance is, it should be able to come up with building materials for building a city on the water. About this..."


Ludwig's voice became louder each time. The two sides who were still arguing in the meeting at first had no desire to stop. It seemed that they were blushing and couldn't listen to what others said.

But after Ludwig raised his voice for the second time, they broke away from this state, and then gradually became quiet, looking at Ludwig, the head of the Human Council.

"Your Excellency... sorry, we lost our composure in front of you, what do you want to say?"

Everyone who calmed down looked at Ludwig, and Ludwig also broke away from the casual state just now, sitting upright, glanced at everyone present and said:

"Just now, I got an amazing news."

"Our enemy, the goal of our battle..."

"Godzilla, took the initiative to show his figure."

"As for the rest, you can see for yourself."

After all, a picture appeared on the big screen behind Ludwig.

In the picture, the giant mountain-like beast is moving in a boundless huge desert. Every time it takes a step, the sky and the earth tremble. Behind it, there is an endless gust of wind.

The giant beast stopped and walked, and it looked out of the sky from time to time. Those eyes full of wisdom intersected with the satellites in the sky. For the people sitting in the clubhouse, it was like they were staring at it.

"Did it... find us?"

An absurd idea appeared in everyone's mind, and was then severely rejected.

After all, it was just a wild beast, no matter how strong it was, it was still just a wild beast.

Compared with the general illusion of staring at each other, it is more important to figure out what it is going to do!

What is it for?

As soon as the question arose, it was answered.

The answerer was Ludwig, and he saw the doubts on the faces of the congressmen.

"The intention given by the military department is...Godzilla is tempting us to fight in the center of Australia, not that strange land."

"At the moment Godzilla appeared in the eyes of the satellite, the strange ecological environment in Australia was covered by a super storm, and the core wind speed was above level 21. The military did not think that the missile could break through the storm cloud and use the space station to bomb It was also difficult to get through that layer of storm wind, so they canceled the original saturation strike plan."

"They're going to attack Godzilla, but..."

"This was all 10 minutes ago."

"The really troublesome thing, what you need to know is what happened next."

"Just 3 minutes ago, the military department verified."

"Godzilla, has the ability to break through the encirclement."

"So everyone, things in Australia are going to be a little later."

Chapter 120 Disaster

The melting land, the sky does not shine a little.

The dust that fell fell on the blue mountain.

The terrifying and vast power splits through the mountains and blooms in the desert.

As far as the far end of the extreme east, as close as the satellites in the sky, all existences in this world have witnessed this mighty force.

Unparalleled power...

A fireball with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers, bright enough to make the other side of the earth appear daytime, bloomed above the Australian inland coastal waters, and the fire light shocked everyone.

The earth cracked and collapsed, the highly poisonous gas cloud was blown away by the shock wave, and the sea set off a huge wave with a height of [-] meters. All these were so unreal, unlike what happened in the real world, more like what happened in ancient myths. recorded natural disasters.

What kind of power is this?

The giant mushroom cloud covered the giant beast's figure, and the giant beast advanced in the cloud until the mushroom cloud rose to reveal its figure.It has come to the coast of Australia, the huge pothole it blasted.

From the inland mountains, a ray hit the coast, blasting out a huge pothole with a diameter of more than 5000 meters.What kind of terrifying power is this?At least with today's human technology, they are still far from doing this.

The highly toxic seawater poured into the deep pit, and hundreds of millions, billions, even tens of billions, hundreds of billions of tons of seawater rushed inland, like a flood that would destroy the world.And the satellites in the sky photographed all this and transmitted it to the eyes of human beings.

Then, this was exchanged for wordless silence.

The power is beyond my imagination.

Whether it is for Godzilla or for humans, the power has exceeded the original estimate.

If I knew it, I would lower it a little.

The huge monster standing on the Australian wilderness looked at his work, his body was blown by the hot wind, and he couldn't help but regret his effort just now.

The force is too great, in this case, the shock wave will spread to places where there is life.

The high-energy radiation still remained at the corner of his mouth, and Godzilla's whole body calculated his effort just now, and at the same time adjusted the plan he made before he came.

The original plan was to intimidate humans with an enhanced version of breath in the central part of Australia, to see if they could not fight. If not, they would have a decisive battle with those guys in the central wilderness...

The panoramic earth radar can "see" what the human beings are preparing, and can also "see" what they want to do, the flow of their troops, and so on.

Through this information, Godzilla can estimate the preparations of human beings to a close, and it knows that human beings want to use super nuclear weapons and short and intensive space nuclear bombing to solve themselves.

It believes that humans should activate the remaining satellites in space and use intensive nuclear bombing to cover up its perception.Although this kind of bombing does not pose any threat to it, after all, it is within the atmosphere, and the power of nuclear missiles is difficult to superimpose.

But all this is to it, if it is to the piece of nature it has created...

The intensive nuclear bombing will undoubtedly be able to wipe out that area and lay the foundation for the next human plan.

After the nuclear bombing, if Godzilla appears, or they have found their own location.Then they will drop the super nuclear bomb. As for how and how to drop it, the giant rocket in Godzilla's senses has already told it all.

Humans want to tie a nuclear bomb into a large piece of tungsten steel, put it on top of Godzilla's head, use a rocket to turn and accelerate in outer space, and blast it directly on its forehead from outer space...

A creative idea.

There's a good chance they'll confuse me with a mini-nuke while dropping that nuke.

Godzilla's response to this method for humans is to go to central Australia where he once cleared the space orbit, and fight humans there.

There, not only are most of the nuclear missiles in outer space inaccessible (because small nuclear bombs are small in size, and the natural reserves of fuel are not much. It is no problem to travel thousands of miles in outer space without resistance, but this cannot be done in the atmosphere .), and it also has a big pit over there.

It can also jump into the pit and bury itself when it is unable to intercept it.

Don't underestimate this kind of burying behavior. When facing human nuclear weapons, it is actually a very useful way to enter the pit and blow the surrounding area with your breath.

That piece of earth and rock, which is only a few hundred meters thick, is also an insurmountable barrier for nuclear weapons.Even if a tens of billion-ton super nuclear bomb exploded outside, Godzilla would not even suffer much damage after being blocked by earth and rocks.

This is the reason why it chose the central region as the battleground, which is a place that can perfectly intercept human nuclear weapons.

But look now...

It doesn't seem to need...

Hundreds of billions of tons of seawater poured into the potholes, trillions of tons of soil and rock collapsed, were blown into the sky, turned into hot meteorites and fell, passed through layers of black clouds, and fell to the ground in the form of bolides, triggering a second explosion. explosion.

The burning clouds spread across the sky, and Godzilla could still see the relics of his great work even if it was nearly a thousand miles away, a huge pothole with a diameter of nearly 20 kilometers, which was swallowing countless seawater and gravel.

The mushroom cloud covered the sky, and it could see that the mountains far away were melting. Although it was only a shallow layer, it could understand the power of that breath.

Presumably it was affected by the extremely high heat.

The [-]-meter-high tsunami pushed in all directions, accompanied by thick lead clouds, it was like a doomsday scene, and all this was only caused by a blow from Godzilla.

Landslides, tsunamis, and changes in the sky are all just one blow, and...

It's just a blow with less than one ten thousandth of the power.

In terms of human calculation units, the power of this blow alone exceeds 6 million tons of TNT explosions. Considering that this is within one second, it is equivalent to .

It's a power of 2.5 Exawatts... the energy that Godzilla once needed to fight for his life to release.

But now, it's so simple...

No, it can't be counted that way, after all, the explosion this time was not produced inside my body, but outside my body.

It thinks this way, its internal power actually doesn't change much, what changes is only the destructive power.

The destructive power has become stronger than before...

Hmm... ten thousand times?Should be more than...

I was careless, I didn't expect that now the power of my breath has increased to this point.

Originally thought that the power of this blow was only one percent of what it is now.

But actual performance.

The sea water flooded back, the earth shook and landslides, and the impact of just one breath rushed from the coast of Australia to the inland, reaching the mountain where Godzilla is located.

Originally, he just wanted to intimidate humans with this blow, but now it seems.

It seems to have another way.

A road never imagined.

Maybe I, before they fully come.

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