Godzilla, humans get out of the universe Author: A name with depth


When Godzilla ended his 200-year slumber again, a strange thing appeared in its mind.

"Name: Godzilla"

"Height: 218 meters"

"Weight: 50 million tons"

"Main task: Let humans get out of this universe."


Godzilla: ...?What is this?


Not soul wear, Godzilla is himself!It's me!


"And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, and on the ten horns were ten crowns, and on the seven heads were names of blasphemy."



"Are you the reporter this time? The content of the interview is...the first login, right?"

In the darkness on the opposite side, a man was sitting in the middle, smoking a cigarette, looking at this side, and then opened his mouth slowly.

"Is this your first time logging in..."

"It feels like it's been a long time."

"let's start."

The interview officially begins.

"On that day, I returned to my hometown, Soya Cape, from North America after a long absence, to visit my grandparents, and to negotiate the demolition."

"At that time, the super urban agglomeration in Hokkaido began its second expansion. It was necessary to establish a subsonic train linking the sea city of Grafadamoni with the super urban agglomeration. One of the stops was Cape Soya."

"At that time, Cape Soya was not well known to the world because of the first landing."

"Before landing, it was just a small town with a population of 20 located in the northernmost part of Hokkaido, and our family's ancestral house is on the southeast coast of this small town. It is a very quiet place, and you can see ten Grafadamoni a few kilometers away."

"However, the quiet location also means that there are no people and the land is cheap. It is precisely because of this that the train did not bypass us, but wanted to use compensation to directly demolish the ancestral house and the surrounding houses. Come closer."

"According to United's standards, they should have paid 4000 million Wei. But they were only willing to pay 1000 million Wei, and they threatened my grandparents not to speak out."

"Of course, my grandparents didn't give in to the threat, but told the whole family. But for a while, everyone had no choice but to ask me to come back first."

"The morning I received the news, I called my mentor and went home together."

"At that time, my mentor made a Nobel Prize-level achievement. Although he was not awarded an award at that time, it was a certainty that he would win a Nobel Prize in the future. With his appeal in the scientific community, I believe that he will soon This will be over."

"I made an appointment with the group to meet at my house an hour later. They kept the appointment and came to my house together an hour later."

"At that time, we started negotiations, and at the same time as the negotiations, the first landing of that thing began."

When he said this, his voice trembled a little.

"First the shaking, the strong shaking."

The ceiling and furniture were shaking violently. The people who were negotiating in the house at that time felt the extremely strong shock, but the negotiation did not stop and continued.

Even the old houses a hundred years ago were built with anti-seismic materials.It can withstand earthquakes of magnitude 8, and such vibrations are not enough to make them panic.

The last time Hokkaido died because of an earthquake was 20 years ago, and today's earthquake cannot kill people.

"Then there was a thunderous noise."

After the shock, there was a sound like thunder on dry land, followed by another shock and another thunder.

At this time, someone realized that something was wrong.

The negotiation was suspended, and people went downstairs to the courtyard of the old house, looking towards the direction where the sound came from—the endless sea level.

"Next is the mountain-like dorsal fin."

Under the endless sea level, people who come out can see a large group of shadows moving in the middle.It is larger than any fishing boat and heads toward the shore.

Every time it moved, the ground trembled for a while, and the thunder sounded again.

At this moment, a large number of people have gathered on the shore, they are all attracted by the thunder and vibration.

They all saw the shadow under the water.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the shadow broke through the water to reveal the mountain-like dorsal fin.

"Finally, the incarnation of destruction appeared."

After the dorsal fin appeared, the crowd began to collapse, and people started running away from the shore, desperately running.

But it was too late, or in other words, it was already too late for the people here to leave when it first chose to land here.

For, destruction itself, comes.

Two minutes later, a huge body as high as 2 meters appeared from the sea water. Its black skin, thick legs, powerful posture, and sword-like dorsal fin on its back made it look like it had grown from 200 million people. A relic that came here through time years ago.

Its gigantic figure showed strength beyond human intelligence, and its thick tail slapped the seabed, causing earthquakes.Every footstep landed with a rumbling sound, resounding through the valley.

"hold head high!!!!"

The sound turned into a substantial shock wave and spread to the surroundings. At this moment, the sea level, which was still relatively calm, was hit by the impact of the sound to set off a huge wave nearly ten meters high.

All the glass within 2 meters around was broken, and even those who had been running for [-] minutes felt as if their heads had been hit by a heavy hammer.

On the dinosaur-like head is a pair of calm eyes. It sweeps over the black dots below, the speeding maglev vehicles, and the buildings in Graffadamoni that are much taller than itself. Nodding his head, he opened his mouth.


Light appeared in the mouth.

The air emits a blue shimmer, which is the expression of air ionized by gamma radiation. Then, in the third second of the blue shimmer, the extremely high-energy plasma bound by the strong magnetic field breaks down at a speed of Mach 50. atmosphere.

No one could hear that thing because the diffuse plasma burned everything up before the sound.

The distance of the strong magnetic field is not far, which makes the spewed plasma start to spread immediately after leaving the monster's mouth-of course, because the speed is too fast, it often spreads before it spreads. hit his target.

After hitting the target, a violent thermal explosion followed.The tens of thousands of degrees of plasma spread immediately after losing the suppression of the strong magnetic field.

The strong outward thermal pressure caused the linear ion beam, which was originally only two or three meters in diameter, to expand extremely rapidly, and almost instantly turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 1 km and an internal temperature higher than the surface of the sun, swallowing houses, streets, and the ground. on people.

The gigantic monster twisted its head, and the flames from its mouth cut like a line from left to right, destroying everything in its way.

Not only was the land under their feet completely burned, but even cities more than ten kilometers away were affected by this blow.

When the plasma flame reached more than ten kilometers away, it was no longer the line bound by the magnetic force a second ago, it had already turned into a flame storm with a width of more than ten kilometers and a length of tens of meters.

Four 500-meter-high buildings were instantly covered by extremely high-temperature flames, although the current flames no longer have strong kinetic energy and cannot destroy its main structure.But the terrifying heat brought by the extremely high temperature destroyed everything except the main body.

Vehicles were melted into molten iron in an instant, and people on the street were burned to coke before the pain reached their brains.

Subsonic trains were melted down, and tall buildings housing thousands of people were burning.The entire city was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. The flame storm not only caused destruction itself, but its secondary disaster—the material ignited by high temperature was releasing a huge energy no less than it.

This huge heat is circulating over the city, taking all life wrapped in spreading flames without mercy, just like what humans did to this world 200 years ago, but this time the victims are humans.

The behemoth's azure eyes looked at the burning city, and then it sank back into the bottom of the sea, disappearing from the eyes of the survivors.

At 2208:3 on March 16, 13, an unnamed Titan landed from Cape Soya, Hokkaido, launched an attack on the sea city of Grafadamoni, and then dived into the ocean.

According to later statistics, the death toll caused by this landing exceeded 50, and the number of injured exceeded 200 million. The unnamed Titan was named the God of Destruction in local mythology.

Its name is:


Chapter 1 Awakened Godzilla

Walking in the deep sea, the giant beast was once called Godzilla by humans in ancient times and moved towards the deep sea.

Just like 200 years ago when he wandered beneath an ancient ice cap that was about to melt, Godzilla is in a bad mood today.

Yesterday, it just woke up from its hibernation this time.Then I found that a strange thing appeared in my mind, and I was injected with some very strange information.

Opening its eyes from a deep sleep, it saw a strange thing in its own perspective besides seeing the dark seabed.

"Host name: Godzilla"

"Height: 218 meters"

"Weight: 64 million tons"

【Breathing: High temperature plasma...】


It was a small panel in the upper left corner of his perspective, on which all the information about himself was listed in detail with some ancient symbols.

It recognizes those characters, which are the characters used by some little things to worship themselves before the ten dormancy days, when the land on the darker and saltier sea has not sunk.

During hundreds of sacrifices, it gradually recognized them, so it could understand the information above.

But being able to understand the information above is one thing, and the mutation itself is another.

Those little creatures all perished with the sinking of the land when it was dormant. It hadn’t seen their symbols before nine hibernations, but why, now it appeared in its vision again What?

And it needs it to kill their kind.

It looked a little below the panel, and there was a main task and several side tasks written on it.

"Main task: Let humans get out of this universe!"

"Damn humans have destroyed the ecosystem of this planet! As a representative of this planet, for all the dead creatures, okay? Godzilla, use atomic breath on humans! Let them get out of this universe."

"Current Completion: 0%"

[Remuneration: advanced materials, advanced energy sources, planetary ecological remodeling. 】

"Side task: get out of the universe first step."

"The awakening of the king of monsters is accompanied by absolute anger! Destroy any human city."

[Reward: An evolution of physical strength. 】

"Side Quest: Mercy of the King of the Monsters."


What a strange task, why did they make such a thing for me to destroy their compatriots?

It was a little puzzled, and swayed its body.Then he stood up from the rock formation where he had stayed for 200 years.

Godzilla didn't heed the words above, he was a pacifist, and he didn't care about the life and death of other life like his other compatriots.

As the oldest existence in the Titan group, it still cherishes those little guys very much.

Since its infancy when it was still hazy hundreds of millions of years ago, it has witnessed the decline and destruction of countless lives. It has experienced one major extinction and five small extinctions. Look, it is respect from the bottom of my heart.

Unlike them that are almost eternal, the lifespan of the little ones is only one ten-thousandth of theirs, but the buildings and civilizations created cannot even be built by them that are almost eternal.

Although it is less than ten thousand years old, the little guys have given it more surprises in these ten thousand years than in the past [-] million years combined.When I woke up and learned that the continent had sunk into the sea, it had been lost for a long time.

However, the fact that their descendants were discovered on other continents later made it happy for a while.

It's just that these descendants don't seem to have inherited their ancestors' reverence for nature, and even attacked them.

After realizing this, Godzilla gradually disappeared in front of these little guys, waiting for their demise. Godzilla is very patient.

Since you don't like us, then we are willing to give you the world for this period of time. Anyway, we are eternal and you are short.

It doesn't matter if you let it go.

Wagging his tail, Godzilla swam up from the trench thousands of meters down.The ocean was unexpectedly quiet this time.

The whale songs that once filled the entire ocean have disappeared. It seems that they have not survived these 200 years.

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