"We have no intention of chasing and killing those two. It's just that the senior brother wants to ask Princess Xiao to talk to her face to face. I also ask the princess to make it easier for me. Don't make it difficult for me to wait."

While speaking, the six people gradually dispersed, and there was a faint tendency to encircle them.

"Princess, be careful. If these six people form a six-door Subduing Tiger Formation, they will be invincible even at the peak of Yongquan. Hurry up and break them up!"

The fifth prince's face was pale, and he reminded him.

"no need to worry."

The corner of Xiao Minghuang's mouth raised a smile, and he gently raised his right hand, a silver-white long sword was condensed, and he slashed casually.


The sword energy was like a waning moon, drawing a strange circle in mid-air, and the heads of the six Dragon and Tiger Sect disciples suddenly fell apart, and blood sprayed out.

The six Dragon and Tiger Sect disciples didn't even have time to react, their heads were crushed by the sword energy, turning them into six headless corpses.

The fifth and sixth princes were dumbfounded. Although they knew that Xiao Minghuang was powerful, they never expected that it would be so powerful!

Judging by the posture of this shot, I'm afraid the peak of Yongquan is beyond!

"Has the princess entered the Divine Sea Realm now?"

The fifth prince asked tentatively.

"Breakthrough by chance."

Xiao Minghuang responded with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the Fifth and Sixth Princes showed shocking expressions, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Although they knew that Xiao Minghuang's talent was rare in the world, they never expected that he could break through to the Divine Sea Realm in such a short period of time!

You know, Her Royal Highness is only 15 years old this year!

"Congratulations, princess, stepping into the Divine Sea Realm and worshiping in the Holy Court in the future, you can expect a long life!"

The fifth prince complimented.

"Congratulations princess!"

The sixth prince was not good at words, but he also expressed his joy.

"You're welcome, I'd like to borrow some good words from you two."

Xiao Minghuang smiled, and asked again:

"How did you meet people from the Dragon and Tiger Sect? Have you ever met Ruoshui and Wanqiu?"

Next, the fifth prince will describe the general process of entering the secret realm in detail.

At the beginning, the fifth prince explored cautiously after entering the secret realm and collected some elixir.

Later, they met the sixth prince by accident, and the two explored together.

With their strength, there are few opponents among the casual cultivators in the Yongquan Realm, so their actions gradually became public, and they attracted the attention of the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Sect, and they were hunted down all the way to this point.

As for Ye Ruoshui and Lin Wanqiu, they didn't meet each other.

After listening to the fifth prince's narration, Xiao Minghuang lowered his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart:

"It seems that Xue Wushang is determined to kill me, but I don't know if there is any instruction from the Yuantai Daoist from the Dragon and Tiger Sect."

If not, she can feel at ease, a mere Xue Wushang is not worth mentioning, it is just to let him live a few more years.

If there is, then the problem will be big.

From now on, she may face wave after wave of assassinations, no matter how difficult it is to be peaceful.

"It's better not to do one thing, but to find an opportunity to kill Xue Wushang!"

Murderous intent flashed in Xiao Minghuang's pupils.


ps: This book has been revived

In fact, many people advised me to start a new book directly, but I feel that it is better to have a beginning and an end when writing a book. Please make some customizations so that the author has the confidence to stick to it.If there is no follow-up, there will be no recommendations, no recommendations, no readers, no readers, no subscriptions, no subscriptions, no readers...

Book with Big Brother PY

"Orange comics are drawn by me"

151. Moon Spirit Fruit Tree

She didn't want to break the face with Longhuzong, but if the other party is so aggressive, then it's no wonder she is there.

"Princess, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Minghuang's eyes changed, and the fifth and sixth princes naturally felt it.

"Nothing, just trying to clean up a pretentious person."

Although she didn't say it clearly, the fifth prince probably guessed it, his complexion changed slightly, and he said hastily:

"Princess, don't you want to kill Xue Wushang?"

"If I don't kill him, he will kill me."

Xiao Minghuang said calmly with calm eyes.

"Princess, don't rush this matter. Xue Wushang is the most beloved chief disciple of Daxiang Daoist. If you really kill him, I'm afraid it will cause great disaster for Daxia!"

It's not that Xiao Minghuang didn't think about the Fifth Prince's words.

If she is a loner, then naturally she can do whatever she wants.

But she still has a huge big summer to protect, so naturally she can't be perverted.

"I will consider this matter carefully, thank you for your reminder."

Xiao Minghuang dropped those words, then turned around and left.

Seeing that she was about to leave, the sixth prince suddenly said:

"Princess, please stop. I know the location of the Moon Spirit Fruit Tree. If you are interested, can you go together?"

"Where is the location of the Moon Spirit Fruit Tree? How do you know?"

Hearing this, Xiao Minghuang stopped and asked two questions in succession.

"Senior Zongmen once left a note, which I accidentally obtained, which recorded the approximate location of each opportunity in the secret realm."

"In a valley three hundred miles to the northwest, there are still three hours before the Moon Spirit Fruit will ripen. If the princess wants to go, she must hurry up."

Xiao Minghuang nodded. The Spirit Sword Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and many generations of monks have entered the secret realm of Tianfu. It is not surprising that there are maps left in the gate.

"Then let's go now."

Moon Spirit Fruit is a rare heavenly and earthly treasure. In the Southern Territory, only Tianfu Secret Realm exists, and its value is not weaker than ordinary Xuan-rank pills, or even higher.

The reason why it has such a high value is because it can help monks in the Spring Realm break through the Divine Sea Realm.

Although it can only increase the probability by [-]%, it is still an excellent thing. For ordinary monks, this is a golden opportunity.

Although it is not very useful for improving the cultivation base, from another perspective, the value of the moon spirit fruit is almost comparable to that of the earth-level pill.

Especially for monks at the peak of Yongquan.

You must know that some monks can't break through the Divine Sea Realm even if they spend their entire lives.

It is already a very miraculous effect to increase the chance by [-]%.

Xiao Minghuang and the other three soared into the air and flew quickly towards the northwest.

After a while, a lush dense forest came into view.

At this time, it was approaching nightfall, the moon had already hidden in the clouds, and it was dark all around.

Passing through the dense forest, there is a small open space in front of you.

In the center of the open space, stands a towering ancient tree, which is covered with pure white and flawless fruits. There are more than ten of them in one tree.

It's a pity that many monks have gathered here.

In Xiao Ming【>%

"It's Princess Xia, she also wants to take a share!"

"Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people, even if she is at the peak of Yongquan, can she still beat us... more than 20 people?"

The monks present were whispering, all looking at Xiao Minghuang with vigilance.

Xiao Minghuang's eyes glanced briefly, and he knew that most of the monks present were casual cultivators, there were only two or three disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect, and their realm was only at the fifth level of Yongquan, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

It is worth noting that the five leaders of the casual repair alliance are also here.

Among the five leaders, the leading woman's strength has improved, and she has already reached the Ninth Level of Yongquan Realm. It should be another chance after entering the secret realm.

It seems that they are determined to win the Moon Spirit Fruit.

Xiao Minghuang led the fifth and sixth princes, and found a remote place to stay. From a distance, he could see the casual practitioners communicating secretly, as if they were discussing countermeasures.

After a while, a woman from the Ninth Layer of Yongquan who seemed to be the head of the Loose Cultivator walked over.

"Your Majesty, Li Chunyan, may I ask Princess Xiao if she also wants the Moon Spirit Fruit?"

Since Xiao Minghuang came here, he naturally wanted to get a share of the pie.

But as for how much to take, she didn't actually make up her mind.

After all, she is already a monk in the Divine Sea Realm, so she doesn't have much demand for Moon Spirit Fruit.

As for the other people around her, there are also pills to help them improve.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Minghuang smiled slightly and said:

"There are three of us in a group, so naturally we only need three, can fellow daoists make it easier?"

Hearing this, Li Chunyan frowned slightly, there were only sixteen fruits on the Moon Spirit Fruit Tree, except for the five of them, one for each of them, the rest of the brothers and sisters in the alliance would also share, these fruits were actually not enough for themselves, Now I have to give up three more.

While thinking, Li Chunyan raised her eyes, and took a look at Xiao Minghuang.

I saw the girl in front of me wearing a red dress, she was peerless, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which made people feel good.

"Since Princess Xiao has spoken, I will give these three Moon Spirit Fruits to Princess Xiao."

Li Chunyan's heart trembled slightly, and she blurted out involuntarily.

Xiao Minghuang nodded with a smile, and said softly:

"Fellow Daoist Gao Yi, after leaving the secret realm, you can go to the capital to stay for a few days, so that I can fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

"Thank you princess for your kindness, I will definitely go there next time!"

Li Chunyan's eyes fluttered, her expression was dazed, and she said in response.

It wasn't until she turned around to leave that she realized that she hadn't expected that she would agree so readily, which made her feel uneasy and a little absent-minded.

But how can you take back what you say.

She looked back, but she didn't see any trace of Princess Xiao and the others. She presumably hid herself temporarily, waiting for the Moon Spirit Fruit to ripen.

"Hey! As a woman, I never expected to fall into the trap of a beauty."

Li Chunyan smiled wryly, but when she recalled Princess Xiao's beautiful smile, she felt that it was not a loss.

"It's just some spirit stones, just compensate the brothers and sisters in the alliance."

Back among the crowd, Li Chunyan told about the negotiation, but concealed the details of her being seduced by Princess Xiao.

"It's too much! The first time I opened my mouth, there were three Moon Spirit Fruits, obviously we came first!"

Another female cultivator among the five spoke angrily.

"Indeed, there are more than 20 of us. Isn't it easy to get rid of the three of them? Why do you have to give in so much?"

another person asked.

"You can't say that, not to mention the extremely talented and powerful princess of the Xia Kingdom. This place is the border of the Xia Kingdom. Even if we can drive her away, how can we get rid of her when we get out of the secret realm?" Leaving Xia Kingdom?"

Among the five people, there was a male slender with an ordinary appearance and never said a word.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you also come to judge, should we make a move?"

The cultivator named Fellow Daoist Han looked up at Xiao Minghuang who was resting with his eyes closed, frowned slightly, and said:

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