After all, the current enemy of their Shangsanzong is Wuhundian, and Ning Fengzhi kept shouting "Shangsanzong, the same spirit is connected!"

If they want to make trouble, it will only benefit the fisherman of Wuhundian, which is what none of them want to see.

Facing Ning Fengzhi who suddenly came to disrupt the situation, although Tang Hao secretly hated him, he could only retreat.

Otherwise, he is already a sinner of the sect, if he planted disasters for Haotianzong, it would not be worth it.

If Tang San wants to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan in the future, there will definitely be more obstacles.

Ning Fengzhi said between a few words, this loss, he really can't do it if he doesn't take it!

Chapter 147 The Vicious Tang San

In the setting sun forest, a young man looks very ordinary, looks quite gentle, but gives people a creepy feeling.

Tang San, ever since Xiao Wu disappeared, he has been searching desperately.

It wasn't until Tang Hao's appearance that his heart settled down.

After coming to Douluo Dalu for such a long time, Tang San also understood the lofty status of Titled Douluo.

He believed that relying on the strength of his father's Title Douluo, he would be able to rescue Xiao Wu from the hands of that hateful Blue Lightning Overlord Sect Master.

Putting Xiao Wu's affairs aside for a while, Tang San couldn't help thinking of Su Qingyu who easily finished torturing him at Tiandou Imperial Academy.

It looks younger than Dai Mubai, not much older than him, but he has already become a soul sect.

The strength of his ability even restrained his Blue Silver Grass to death.

Even his "cheap teacher" had to marvel at how talented he was.

But he was as proud as Tang San in his heart, and he was very unwilling, thinking that his dignified Tang Sect (rebellious) disciple would lose to a native of another world.

This is what Tang San couldn't figure out all the time. His Xuantian Kungfu, Xuanyu Hand, controlling cranes and catching dragons and other Tangmen's magical skills, lost to the natives, this has always been his heart.

In Tang San's heart, Su Qingyu bullied his brother, and he already knew the way to death.

Since normal methods can't kill him, Tang San is also planning whether to make a domineering hidden weapon like Yanwangtie to deal with Su Qingyu.

Just at this moment, Tang Hao in black robe suddenly appeared in front of Tang San.

Seeing his father came back, but there was no beloved rabbit beside him, Tang San was inexplicably worried, "Father, you are back, where is Xiao Wu?"

For living up to his son's entrustment, Tang Hao felt somewhat guilty in his heart.

"Xiao San, it's useless to be dad. People from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect rushed here. If it wasn't for the fear that too many people would know Xiao Wu's identity, I would have rescued Xiao Wu a long time ago!"

Tang Hao's words made Tang San a little puzzled, "Xiao Wu is an orphan, where did she come from?"

Looking at his "simple" son in front of him, Tang Hao sighed, "Xiao San, you still have to be mentally prepared for this matter. What would you do if you knew Xiao Wu's identity?"

Tang Hao's words undoubtedly made Tang San even more confused, so Tang San said calmly: "Father, no matter what Xiao Wu's status is, I will never abandon her!"

Hearing Tang San's firm words, Tang Hao felt relieved a lot, the child has grown up after all!

Simply, Tang Hao didn't continue to hide it from Tang San, and directly told him the news that Xiao Wu was in the form of a 10-year-old soul beast.

Tang San's face turned pale after listening, "Xiao Wu was taken away by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, doesn't that mean that Xiao Wu has already..."

This time, Tang Hao also comforted some Tang San, "Don't worry, those guys from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect are basically still some distance away from level 89, so Xiao Wu won't have any problems in a short time."

After hearing this, Tang San's hanging heart was slightly relieved, "But even so, Xiao Wu is already very dangerous."

The worried Tang San clenched his fists loudly, Tang Hao also understood how his son felt, after all he was someone who had experienced it.

"Xiao San, you stay here first, and then go to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect for your father, and try to rescue Xiao Wu."

Tang Hao was willing to go to rescue Xiao Wu, Tang San couldn't say how happy he was.

Suddenly, Tang San thought of Su Qingyu, "Dad, I have something to tell you..."

Tang San told Tang Hao about Shrek Academy being beaten by Su Qingyu, and about his Blue Silver Grass being restrained.

It's just that Tang Hao was a little apprehensive, "Xiao San, according to what you said, this person is someone close to Prince Tiandou, so he cannot be easily killed. Once he does it, it will definitely affect our sect's comeback in the future."

A strong killing intent flashed in Tang San's eyes, with a sinister look, "Since you can't kill him, let him become a useless person just like dealing with Yu Tianheng!"

Born as a killer, it has always been Tang San's special hobby to see that people can't survive or die.

It's better if he can't kill him, he wants to watch Su Qingyu become a useless person with his own eyes...

In the early morning, Su Qingyu rarely used meditation instead of cultivation, and woke up early in the morning to break through level 47, which made him feel very good.

But when he saw the golden figure sitting in the courtyard, half of his good mood disappeared immediately.

The visitor has long golden hair, is graceful and graceful, has a beautiful appearance, fair skin, and a smile in his golden starry eyes.

Su Qingyu never imagined that Qian Renxue, the little princess of the Wuhun Palace, came again.

Although distressed, but the role still needs to be sufficient.

"Sister Xue, you are busy with work, why do you suddenly have time to come to my place?"

Qian Renxue's starry eyes gave Su Qingyu a white look, and made herself two cups of tea.

Seeing this, Su Qingyu felt pretty good, he didn't expect the little princess of Wuhun Palace to make tea for him.

Just as Su Qingyu stretched out his hand, an old and cold voice sounded, "Brat, take your claws away!"

An inexplicable soul force pressed heavily on Su Qingyu's body, and he was caught off guard and almost fell into the mud.

Although Su Qingyu's mental power is strong, he didn't find out when the old man appeared.

The old man was tall and burly, with white hair, and he knew that he was not young at first glance.

Seeing Su Qingyu deflated, Qian Renxue covered her red lips lightly, and sneered, "Oh, you deserve it, who said that cup of tea was for you."

Standing up slowly from the ground, Su Qingyu cupped her hands at the old man, "This junior is rude, please forgive me, senior!"

The golden crocodile didn't even lift its eyelids, just drinking tea by itself.

Seeing that the golden crocodile was so indifferent, Qian Renxue smoothed things over and said softly, "Don't mind, Grandpa Jin is like this, just get used to it."

Surnamed Jin, Su Qingyu's mind moved, and she already guessed who the old man in front of her was, the second priest of the Wuhun Temple, a golden crocodile who was much older than Qian Daoliu.

This old man is not easy to mess with. He has been stuck at level 98 for many years, and he is currently the fourth best player in Douluo Continent.

The golden crocodile usually stays in the Elder's Hall, and Su Qingyu didn't understand what happened this time, but what is certain is that the purpose of the golden crocodile must be to protect Qian Renxue.

"It's okay, I just don't know what's wrong with Sister Xue coming to my place!"


Su Qingyu was overwhelmed by the golden crocodile's soul power again, and cursed inwardly: What serious illness does this old man specify!

Fortunately, Qian Renxue stopped the golden crocodile, rubbed Su Qingyu's shoulders, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you a question, what did the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect get? Zong has been inquiring for news."

Su Qingyu naturally knew about this matter. It seems that the rabbit was caught. Although outsiders didn't know about it, it finally attracted the attention of others!

Chapter 148

Su Qingyu poured himself a cup of hot tea, and took a sip, "Why, you really want to know, when it comes to Title Douluo, I don't think the Heaven Dou imperial family has the ability to intervene."

Qian Renxue was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and soon noticed the Golden Crocodile Douluo beside her.

As smart as her, how could she not hear it, Su Qingyu might have suspected her identity long ago.

Qian Renxue's beautiful golden eyes showed a hint of anger, this kid has been lying and deceiving her all along!

"You already knew!"

Su Qingyu smiled faintly, "I knew it from the beginning, I'm not stupid."

"You mean I'm stupid?"

It seemed that Su Qingyu was pissed off, the beauty in front of Qian Renxue was constantly ups and downs, even Su Qingyu was almost dazzled.

Unlike Shui Binger who is still growing up, Qian Renxue is already a girl in her early twenties, and her figure is not comparable to that of Shui Binger.

The white jade hand directly pinched Su Qingyu's ear, and the skillful movement made the golden crocodile's eyes change. This... Do you want to tell the big brother!

After a long time, the fight between the two ended. Su Qingyu rubbed her red ears that were pulled by Qian Renxue, and kept cursing in her heart: This bitch is really ruthless!

What neither of them realized was that the golden crocodile that had been by their side had disappeared long ago.

Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling also just finished washing and walked out of the room together.

If it wasn't for Ye Lingling's restraint, she would have thought the two of them were sisters.

As soon as she saw Qian Renxue, Shui Bing'er immediately approached her, and smiled obediently, "Sister Xue is here, what a rare visitor."

Qian Renxue was naturally quite familiar with Shui Binger, but when she saw Ye Lingling beside Shui Binger, she couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Bing'er, why don't you introduce me, this one beside you?"

In fact, Qian Renxue knew Ye Lingling, and she was very familiar with her.

But in order to cover up his image in front of Shui Bing'er and the others, he still had to ask some questions knowingly.

Shui Bing'er pulled Ye Lingling and introduced it to Qian Renxue.

"I didn't expect Miss Ye to be the successor of the Three Earth Sects. It's a pleasure to meet you."

When Qian Renxue said the words "Di Sanzong", Ye Lingling's expression changed.

For a long time, the identity of the Three Earth Sects has been Ye Lingling's biggest secret.

This was what Ye Shengxin told Ye Lingling when she was a child, and he also entrusted her with a secret that even her significant other could not tell before entrusting her to her for life.

But this is the biggest secret hidden in the depths of Ye Lingling's heart, but now it is revealed by Qian Renxue.

The bright and peaceful soul power soothed Ye Lingling's turbulent heart, and Qian Renxue comforted her, "Don't worry, I won't talk about this matter, and I'm also worried that if I really tell it, someone will not say it." You will ignore me for the rest of your life."

Saying that, Qian Renxue glanced at Su Qingyu intentionally or unintentionally, the meaning was very clear, just to make Su Qingyu somewhat embarrassed.

Ye Lingling was also a little puzzled, does this have anything to do with Su Qingyu?

Before she could think about it, Qian Renxue was already planning to leave, after all Su Qingyu also gave her a reminder that she is just a prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

She can participate in anything that is beneficial or not.

Immediately, Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Okay, since I've got what I want, then I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye, two sisters!"

Qian Renxue was about to leave without the slightest intention of staying, and without saying hello to Su Qingyu.

But before she reached the door, the golden crocodile reappeared and blocked her.

The reappearance of the golden crocodile surprised Su Qingyu to some extent. The old man just disappeared suddenly, why did he reappear suddenly.

The current Golden Crocodile didn't know what Su Qingyu was thinking, but directly shouted to the peeping person, "Your Excellency is powerful, but why do you hide your head and show your tail, and dare not come out to reason with an old man like me?"

There are people around, and it's a pretty powerful feeling.

This was the first reaction of Su Qingyu and Qian Renxue!

"Hmph, it's really shameful, the Heaven Dou Empire actually colluded with Wuhundian!"

The voice of the person who came was quite resonant. He was dressed in black robes and had a burly figure. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand showed his identity all the time, Clear Sky Douluo——Tang Hao.

As soon as Tang Hao opened his mouth, Su Qingyu also noticed the token given by "Xue Qinghe" on his waist.

Obviously, Tang Hao didn't know, and mistakenly thought that Su Qingyu was dealing with Qian Renxue.

Although Qian Renxue had been announced by the Wuhundian long ago that she had died young, but the identity of the golden crocodile could not be hidden from Tang Hao.

What makes Su Qingyu a little suspicious is why Tang Hao came here, isn't he afraid of leaking his whereabouts?

For the current Tang Hao, it's not time for him to appear, after all, Tang San is too weak now, and it's not suitable for him to practice.

Suddenly, Su Qingyu suddenly thought of Yu Tianheng and yesterday's Education Committee building, and immediately understood.

While feeling fortunate, he was also a little speechless, "Oh, I really don't know that Tang San is a killer and a hypocrite at the same time. To Tang San, morality is just a tool to kill people."

Normally, Tang San is benevolent and moral when he opens and closes his mouth, but in private, he let his father rely on the strength of the title Douluo to forcibly use his crippled tendons, Yue Buqun has to bow down!

These words were just what Su Qingyu thought in his heart, and he didn't say them out.

Otherwise, it's not good to startle the snake.

Tang Hao on the other side glanced casually at Su Qingyu, and then kept staring at the golden crocodile.

Once the young master of the Clear Sky School, how could he not understand the power of this old man in front of him.

Except for his grandfather Tang Chen, there is no one in Haotianzong who is his opponent.

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