Simply, he directly called Ye Lingling Miss Ye, and he felt less embarrassed.

"Something, tell me."

Ye Lingling's gaze never left the medical book in her hand from beginning to end, and her silver-white eyes were indifferent, without any fluctuation.

Put the letter of introduction from "Xue Qinghe" from Tiandou Royal Academy on the table, "This is the admission letter of Tiandou Royal Academy, you can handle it yourself. I am also very sad about the matter of Senior Ye, but I Ye understands that your appearance right now is definitely not what Senior Ye wants to see."

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu left without stopping at all.

The yard is very big, Su Qingyu chose one at random, and started tidying it up.

In a short while, the whole room took on a new look under Su Qingyu's arrangement.

In the water mandarin ring, he placed them in different categories, soul master theories, medicinal material classics, medical books, and the latest summary of soul beast medicine that he sorted out according to his memory.

Medicines are not limited to plants, minerals and animals can be used as medicines.

Minerals are okay to say, the big difference is not bad, the difference is not much.

But the animals... made Su Qingyu a little numb. He found that the curative effect of the medicine produced by the soul beast was really amazing.

Just like the Ice Flame Star Tiger of his first soul ring, that guy's bones were used to make body training liquid, and the effect was simply not very good.

This is also Su Qingyu's hesitation. If he spreads this matter, it will easily cause the soul beast clan on the Douluo Continent to go crazy.

At this time, human beings have just risen, and the actual territory they occupy has only reached half of the Douluo Continent.

In terms of combat power, Su Qingyu, who has read the script, understands that if it weren't for the fear of the Douluo God Realm in this period, humans might not be able to beat the soul beasts.

"Forget it, as long as you know this, there is no need to ask for trouble."


In a blink of an eye, it was already the second day. Su Qingyu was dressed in a neat white dress and planned to go directly to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Because Tiandou Royal Academy is located outside the city, it is quite troublesome to come and go back and forth.

Therefore, Su Qingyu plans to come back once a week.

Just as he was looking at Ye Lingling before leaving, when he opened the door, he found that Ye Lingling was already waiting for him at the door.

Bai Nen's little hand held the admission notice, her voice was still indifferent, without the slightest emotion, "Take me there, thank you."

Su Qingyu didn't expect that she could change much in one night.

In Tiandou City, there are quite a few people who drive cars for a living.After paying a silver coin, the two got into the carriage and headed straight to Tiandou Royal Academy.

After sitting in the carriage for an hour and a half, Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling entered the range of Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Tiandou Royal Academy is considered the largest academy in the entire Douluo Continent, its area is so large that it fully covers a mountain range.

If it is not guided by someone, it is very likely that you will get lost in this huge academy.

In front of that symbolic academy, a young man with light wine red hair who appeared to be in his early twenties was sleeping on a table.

I have to say that the guy in front of me is really handsome, with a refined appearance, which made Su Qingyu's mind come up with a name.

Qin Ming, the real commoner genius in Douluo Continent

The moment Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling approached, Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes and smiled slightly, "Both students, welcome to Tiandou Royal Academy."

Chapter 57 Thorn Head - Su Qingyu

"The Royal Academy of Heaven Dou is well-equipped, especially the mimicry cultivation environment is the top existence in Douluo Continent. The only downside is that the academy is too large, which often makes some new teachers or students get lost."

Qin Ming walked in front, and when he thought of the small village where he had stayed for eight years, he seemed to be complaining.

Regarding Qin Ming's complaints, Su Qingyu said that she could understand, after all, Shrek Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy were far behind in hard conditions by more than a star.

Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling followed Qin Ming's footsteps and finally saw the building of the college.

Soon, the two were brought to the registration office, and handed the admission notice to the Tianhui-level senior director.

In Tiandou Royal Academy, students are divided into three levels, from low to high are Tianhui, Tianzhi, and Tiandou.

The number of Tianhui-level students in Tiandou Royal Academy is the largest, so this Tianhui-level grade director is also very busy, which can be seen from the Mediterranean Sea above his head.

Because his strength is lower than the other two grade directors, and he is relatively weak, he usually handles most of the ordinary things in the college.

When this guy saw that Xue Qinghe was the introducer on Su Qingyu's admission notice, his attitude was simply not too good.

"Although those two were introduced by His Royal Highness, there are still some rules that must be followed. Before level 25, you will still stay at the Tianhui level for a while."

This is not an embarrassment, after all, no one can discount the hard conditions.

Immediately afterwards, after telling Qin Ming to treat them well, he continued to work.

It is worth mentioning that the dormitories of Tiandou Imperial Academy are all single rooms, and Qin Ming arranged for them to be a single building!

A hut has only two rooms, one for each person.

"Well, it's not bad here!"

Glancing at the gentle and elegant Qin Ming, Su Qingyu nodded in satisfaction, "It's really good. It's not far from the teaching area, but there are no other dormitories around, so it's really good."

Ye Lingling didn't say anything, she chose a room on her own, and she seemed to like it quite a bit.

"Okay, if you need anything, come find me again. I'm in the staff dormitory on the west side, and the second house is mine."

After the matter was settled, Qin Ming didn't stay any longer and left directly.

Qin Ming's first impression of Su Qingyu was that he was very smart and patient.When he was at the gate of Tiandou Imperial Academy, he noticed that Qin Ming had been waiting there for a long time.

Although he came from an ordinary background, he has never been willing to be ordinary. If there is an opportunity in the future, he can recruit him.

However, it's still too early now, let's talk about improving the soul power after these years.

After Ye Lingling picked out one room, the remaining one faced south and was sunny most of the day.

Su Qingyu really likes it. After all, he has soul power in this life, and he can control the water element (ice is an extension of water). A little heat in summer is not worth mentioning!

Afterwards, Su Qingyu began to take medicinal baths and meditate regularly every day.

Until the dawn of the next day, after Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling had a simple meal, they went directly to the classroom of Tianhui Class [-].

This was specially arranged by "Xue Qinghe". Class [-] of Tianhui can be said to be the most powerful class in Tianhui class.

The teacher who attends the class here is the head teacher of this class, Chen Yu, the 52nd level control department battle soul king, Wuhun Bai Yuzhu!

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, they were discovered by the soul king-level teacher.

Chen Yu nodded to the two of them and smiled slightly.

As the strongest Tianhui class, the students in the class are very complete, unlike other classes, only single-digit students are in class.

"Come on, two new classmates came today, let me introduce you."

Under Chen Yu's signal, Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling walked in one after another.

Ye Lingling is fine, but Su Qingyu looks rather eye-catching, he is really too young.

However, Chen Yu was able to subdue this group of guys from extraordinary backgrounds and attend classes on time.

In front of him, none of the students in Class [-] of Tianhui dared to stab him.

Under Chen Yu's guidance, Su Qingyu took the lead in introducing herself, "Su Qingyu, Wuhun Qingyulong, a fifteenth-level soul master."

There is no need to hide the soul power anymore, but the ability of the martial soul can still be hidden.

After all, at this time of looking at martial arts, a martial soul that is too powerful is easy to be coveted by others.

"Ye Lingling!"

Compared with Su Qingyu, Ye Lingling's introduction was even briefer.

This was somewhat embarrassing for Chen Yu, who is the head teacher, but he couldn't say anything when he thought that it was sent by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Because of his height, Su Qingyu was placed in the front row, and he couldn't touch the fish.

Beside Ye Lingling is a girl, her temperament looks a bit cold, her long light green hair is casually loose.

However, even the first row couldn't stop Su Qingyu from making fish.

Anyway, he has learned all the soul master theories of elementary and intermediate colleges.

The advanced academy mainly talks about tactics and tactics, in preparation for the future All-Continental Young Senior Elite Soul Master Competition.

In Su Qingyu's eyes, these are a waste of time. If you have that time to study how to play the game, it's better to concentrate on improving your soul power.

When Chen Yu was in class, Su Qingyu had been meditating, and the token given to him by "Xue Qinghe" was placed on the table, which directly caused the veins on Chen Yu's forehead to bulge, but there was nothing he could do.

Unlike junior and intermediate colleges, advanced college theory courses are only half a day.

That's half a day, or a week's worth.

In a blink of an eye, just after noon, Chen Yu said in a dull voice: "Okay, after class, prepare to practice fighting spirit in the afternoon, and you can also try to build your own small team."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu was about to turn around and leave. After all, Su Qingyu's attitude of taking fish in class as soon as he came here really made him not like it.

But Su Qingyu's next words almost made him explode.

"Mr. Chen, I won't participate in your team's Soul Fighting. After all, the team doesn't help me personally."

Chen Yu couldn't bear it anymore, "Do you know what you're talking about! If you don't practice fighting spirits, how can you enhance your actual combat ability, and how can you get a good ranking in the Continental Youth Advanced Elite Soul Master Competition!"

Su Qingyu's icy blue eyes were filled with Gujing's silence, "I give up, I will not participate in the soul master competition."

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu waved the token of the East Palace in front of Chen Yu, and left the classroom straight away.

There were several other people who left together, among them was Ye Lingling and her new tablemate.

Chapter 58 Origin, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling

Heaven Dou Royal Academy, General Affairs Building.

"What, you mean, that little guy really said he won't participate in the soul master competition!"

This person's voice was hurried, and it was Bai Baoshan, one of the three teaching committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy, who said this.

Meng Shenji, the education committee member with a goatee, almost pulled his beard off, "Are you sure, that's what he said?"

The person who got off was Su Qingyu's new homeroom teacher, Chen Yu. "That's right, he probably meant that he didn't want to participate in the actual combat drills of the college."

"Hehe, since he doesn't want to, then don't worry about it. We will inform His Royal Highness about this matter."

The last one is Zhi Lin who has just broken through Contra and was promoted to the Education Committee, and he is one of the few control system Contras.

Chen Yu didn't dare to disobey the opinions of the three education committees, and he planned to turn a blind eye to Su Qingyu's matter.

After Chen Yu left, Mengshenji, who had the strongest soul power among the three education committee members, suddenly said, "Should we report this matter to His Majesty?"

"Hehe, I know what to worry about, but if we hand over the memorial, this matter will at most fall into the hands of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Bai Baoshan was very open-minded. No matter how this kind of thing was reported, it would always reach the ears of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Moreover, "Xue Qinghe" is now more and more valued by Xue Ye. As the imperial party of Xue Ye's faction, the attitude of the three of them towards "Xue Qinghe" naturally wants to get closer to the future emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire.

When the three education committees of Tiandou Royal Academy reached an agreement, Su Qingyu had already returned to the apartment and began to study the medical books that Ye Shengxin had left for him.

Douluo Continent has a long history, and the medical books Ye Shengxin gave him recorded many strange experiences.

Among them, there are clear introductions about the treasures of heaven and earth that appear in the original work and those that do not appear.

Even, according to its efficacy, there are corresponding pharmaceutical formulas.

Of course, Su Qingyu paid great attention to these, after all, his parents were dragged down by their talents.

Especially his father, Su Liefeng, who was stuck in the bottleneck of Soul Sage for five full years!

There is also that girl Shui Bing'er, her talent is top-notch, once she has the right talents and treasures, it will be enough for her to be promoted to the level of the soul king before the soul master competition!

Therefore, Su Qingyu is very concerned about the matter of Tiancaidibao.

Just at this time, the door of the apartment was opened.

At first, Su Qingyu thought it was just Ye Lingling who came back, but he found that the footsteps sounded wrong, it seemed that it was not just a person.

"Wow, Lingling, I didn't expect you to live here!"

Beside Ye Lingling, there was a girl with light green long hair loose, who was exactly the deskmate she just met today.

Behind him was a young man with straight black hair and a handsome face. The most special thing was that there was a black lightning mark between his eyebrows.

Su Qingyu just came out of the room, and he immediately recognized the identities of the man and woman in front of him, Yu Tianheng, one of the young masters of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and Duguyan, the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugubo.

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