He greeted Huo Wu very politely, and immediately used the hammer hammer method passed down by their Tang family.

Even though Huo Wu didn't have much soul power left, it wasn't very difficult for Shang Tang San's assault type who had only half the strength of the soul sect.

It's just that Tang San's cultivation had already reached level 48 because he had absorbed a large amount of Earth Element Liquid, completely surpassing Dai Mubai's fifth level!

This can't blame Tang San, whoever made Ma Hongjun with the evil fire unable to improve, can only benefit Tang San in vain.

As for Xiao Wu, the earth essence liquid can only be used by humans, she is still a rabbit after all, and naturally she is still at the level of a soul master.

The two sides spent a while, and Huo Wu felt that her soul power was insufficient, so she ran directly to the edge of the ring and signaled to the referee to admit defeat.

But who is Tang San, he will spare the person who hurt his mother rabbit?

Relying on the hidden weapon technique that he secretly learned in Tangmen, he directly threw the Haotian Hammer in his hand.

The Clear Sky Hammer itself is extremely heavy, coupled with Tang San's Soul Sect's strength.

Under the sneak attack from behind, with this hammer, Huo Wu's spine was very likely to be broken. Without a powerful healing soul master, he would be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

This scene appeared in the eyes of everyone in the promotion arena of the Soul Master Competition, even some forces that Blazing Academy did not deal with were very horrified.

Ming Yu, the 67th level agility attack system war soul emperor, who just watched the game with relish, quickly reacted.

In an instant, Ming Yu's martial soul possessed him, and a pair of blue wings appeared behind him, and he quickly reached out to pull Huo Wu, who was a bit dazed, over.

Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer also came one after another, it was too late to release the spirit ability, Ming Yu could only block it with his hands.

The Haotian Hammer that was thrown out with the hidden weapon technique was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and the moment Ming Yu's right hand touched the Haotian Hammer, there was a clear and crisp cracking sound.

Ming Yu's hand was broken immediately, and the huge inertial force directly brought him out of the ring.

The face of the Tiandou prince "Xue Qinghe" who was in charge of hosting the competition changed, "Hurry up, save people first!"

Under the order of the crown prince "Xue Qinghe", the accompanying healing soul master stepped forward in time and treated the victim with a metaphor that was caught off guard.

The soul masters and nobles in the auditorium kept discussing, just to see if "Xue Qinghe" would continue to favor Shrek Academy.

The result is naturally gratifying. The prince "Xue Qinghe" apologized to Blazing Academy and the audience present, and then announced the result.

"The match is terminated, and Shrek Academy loses for intentional homicide!"

What Tang San did, Su Qingyu was not interested at all, but took Ye Lingling who was holding her right arm into her arms.

Unlike Shui Bing'er, the two have stayed together since childhood.

Ye Lingling is always the shy type, and it's the same in private.

Just in time, Shui Binger's little head came over to see what the two of them were doing.

"Lingling looks pretty shy, Binger, don't you think so?"

Being teased suddenly, Ye Lingling became even more shy, and buried her little head directly on Su Qingyu's shoulder.

After the match in the morning was over, after the group from Tianshui College came out, Ye Lingling's pretty face was still rosy.

This is also Su Qingyu's mother. Lan Xiaoyue, who is usually offline, thinks that he has done something out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er was there to persuade her, so Lan Xiaoyue gave up the idea of ​​dealing with Su Qingyu, and said rather resentfully: "Bing'er, you protect him too much, you really don't give Auntie the chance to do anything. ah!"

Lan Xiaoyue, who had just broken through level [-], didn't have time to obtain a soul ring. She was a little itchy and wanted to fight with someone.

But Shui Ningshuang, who knew Lan Xiaoyue's temper well, just ran away, so she was planning to find a reason to let her talented elder brother accompany her to learn from each other

When Lan Xiaoyue finished speaking, Su Qingyu didn't know what to say anymore. The timing of his mother's off-line was really good, and she was just about to leave.

After Shui Bing'er dispelled her idea of ​​competing with Su Qingyu, Su Qingyu also told her that she wanted to take Ye Lingling out for a trip.

"When are you coming back?"

Lan Xiaoyue has long been used to her son going out.

Every time you go out, there must be a reason for going out.

Therefore, Lan Xiaoyue never asked what Su Qingyu was doing out there.

The matter is very important, Su Qingyu dare not say too clearly, "There is an opportunity, which will be of great help to Lingling's future growth."

As soon as she heard that it was helpful to Ye Lingling, Lan Xiaoyue agreed, and only told him to come back as soon as possible, if it was impossible, she would go directly to Wuhun City to meet her.

After asking his mother to resign, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger stayed in the tent where he lived alone for half an hour, and then left the royal enclosure with Ye Lingling.

When she was about to reach Jujian Mountain, Ye Lingling accidentally saw the internal test of Su Qingyu's neck, where bright red strawberries were exposed.

Ye Lingling's pretty face blushed again, and she secretly wondered if she should take the initiative.

The departure of the two did not alarm anyone. The news that Shrek Academy was suspected of murder in the first round of the promotion match made Shrek Academy even more notorious in many high-level academies, and even among the people.

In the Shrek Academy camp, Flender, as the dean, couldn't bear it any longer, "Xiao Gang, look at your good disciple, we Shrek's face has been completely humiliated by him!"

Flender slapped his face with his hand while talking, feeling very annoyed in his heart.

Yu Xiaogang didn't know what to say about this matter, but for Tang San, he felt that he really needed to educate him.

"Little San, what's the matter with you today, sneak attack from behind, do you know that the Soul Emperor almost became disabled because of you!"

"And I told you to let Dai Mubai play, as the captain, why did you report your name?"

Being scolded by the master, Tang San lowered his head, looking like he did something wrong.

However, no one noticed that his right hand was shaking slightly non-stop, and a sleeve arrow was hidden under his sleeve, shining with a gloomy cold light.

Chapter 195 You Liar

Fasno Province, in the south, in a small city near the border.

A plaque on the small town is dusty and looks very old, but it can still be seen that it is Notting City written on it.

After leaving the royal enclosure where the promotion match was held, Su Qingyu took Ye Lingling all the way south.

The speed of the two was very fast, and they arrived at this small border town in less than seven days.

The purpose of coming here is nothing more than going to Holy Soul Village, but he remembered that Tang Hao had put the Blue Silver Emperor and the soul bone in a nearby cave.

The two found a carriage in the city and asked the man to take them to Holy Soul Village for a price of one silver coin.

The driver who drove the car was still quite puzzled, Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling looked like they were not ordinary people.

He could still understand if he went to the Hunting Soul Forest, but Holy Soul Village is a place where birds don't shit.

But he has been driving for many years and knows what to know and what not to know, and he is silent on the road.

Two hours later, the driver took Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling to the Holy Soul Village.

He scanned the Holy Soul Village with his eyes, and it can only be said that it is not ordinary poverty.

As a village on the border, everything in Shenghun Village is very poor. After the whole village pays the taxes from the Heaven Dou Empire, sometimes they may even be satisfied with food and clothing.

Walking on the muddy path in the countryside, Su Qingyu used her enormous mental strength to carefully observe the surrounding terrain.

The location of Holy Soul Village is surrounded by plains on three sides, and there is only a hillside tens of meters high on the south side of the village.

After crossing the hillside, there is another dense forest, and some faint soul power is fluctuating.

The two quickly crossed the holy soul village and came to the top of the hill, just in time to see a smooth and flat boulder.

Ye Lingling followed Su Qingyu all the way without seeing anything, but she was also curious about what Su Qingyu was looking for.

In the forest on the south side of the hillside, Su Qingyu was so close, she also understood why there were fluctuations in her soul power.

There are spirit beasts in this forest, but their cultivation is limited, at most, they are only two or three hundred years old.

Su Qingyu recalled carefully, he remembered that the place where the Blue Silver Emperor was placed should be a relatively closed valley with few people.

According to what she saw from the hillside just now, Su Qingyu hugged Ye Lingling's soft waist from behind, spread her wings, and flew up directly.

Suddenly being hugged and flew up, Ye Lingling seemed to be a little afraid of heights, and Su Qingyu could feel her body trembling a little.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Su Qingyu brought Ye Lingling to a narrow valley.

When the two stepped in, the surrounding water and grass were lush, and a stream flowed slowly from the hillside.

This also reminded Su Qingyu of that article from her previous life, this place really has the charm of a hidden place.

Not long after, after careful exploration, the two came to a cave.

Out of caution, Su Qingyu threw out a first-level soul guide used in previous fights, and was relieved when she saw that nothing happened.

"catch me!"

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Ye Lingling grabbed Su Qingyu's palm without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu leaped across the stream and came to the cave.

In an inconspicuous corner of the cave, a blue silver grass with golden patterns swayed, looking quite strange.

Ye Lingling, who noticed this peculiar blue silver grass, squatted down curiously, and when she was about to touch it, the blue silver grass became quiet.

Ye Lingling's white palm approached, and for some reason, the leaves of the blue silver grass slashed towards her palm.


The sudden tingling pain in her hand made Ye Lingling exclaim, which caught the attention of Su Qingyu who was fumbling for the lead box in the cave just now.

Su Qingyu came directly in front of Ye Lingling in one step, held her jade hand, and looked carefully, it turned out to be a shallow scar oozing blood.

"It's okay, don't forget my martial soul ability!"

After speaking, just as Ye Lingling summoned Jiuxin Begonia, her wound disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, Ye Lingling pointed to the blue silver grass on the ground, and repeated the matter to Su Qingyu,

As soon as Su Qingyu saw the blue silver grass with golden lines on the ground, Su Qingyu knew that this was Tang San's silly white sweet mother.

Originally, Su Qingyu didn't intend to do anything, after all, it was just a blue silver grass, so what if she was a 10-year-old soul beast?

But now Su Qingyu didn't want to let her go, a small blue whirlwind was thrown out by Su Qingyu.

The lethality of Wuxiang Fenggang is very powerful, even a small grass has no time to react, and even the roots of the grass are directly crushed into fine powder, and the dead can no longer die.

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu turned the lead box with her back to herself and Ye Lingling, and slowly opened it, and a sudden burst of energy directly knocked the cave to the point of collapse.

Su Qingyu quickly closed the lead box, and ran out with Ye Lingling.

After a while, the cave collapsed with a crash.

Sure enough, he kept his hands back, otherwise, how could Tang Hao go out with such peace of mind.

Open the lead box again, a piece is similar to a human leg bone, crystal clear like a piece of blue-green jade.

10-year Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone!

Even Su Qingyu has to admit that this spirit bone is definitely the top existence among Douluo.

Even counting Huo Hang, who may no longer appear after tens of thousands of years, there is not a few dollars in ability comparable to it.

Handing the soul bone to Ye Lingling, Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "Speaking of which, after we confirmed our relationship, I haven't given you any gifts yet. This soul bone comes from a blue silver grass that has been around for tens of thousands of years. , has a good compatibility with your martial spirit."

Ye Lingling took the soul bone from Su Qingyu's hand with some hesitation, "This, although it is the soul bone of the blue silver grass, it is ten thousand years old after all, so it is too precious."

"The gift I gave you, Sister Bing'er, is more valuable than this, are you sure you don't want it?"

Ye Lingling thought for a while, and finally chose to accept.

Seeing that Ye Lingling had already taken the bait, Su Qingyu continued to persuade her to refine it as soon as possible in order to avoid having long nights and dreams.

This time Ye Lingling didn't hesitate much, she just sat cross-legged on the spot and adjusted her breathing, and started refining the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone.

One thing, Su Qingyu was not lying, the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor and Ye Lingling's Nine Heart Begonia are really quite similar.

It only took half an hour for Ye Lingling to successfully fuse with the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, and her soul power was raised by three levels at once, and she is now a level 45 soul sect.

A pair of beautiful silver eyes opened, two lines of tears flowed down, Ye Lingling embraced Su Qingyu directly, "You liar, big liar!"

Ye Lingling still doesn't understand the two soul skills, these are clearly 10-year soul bones!

After Ye Lingling absorbed the soul bone, Su Qingyu didn't stop, and brought Ye Lingling back, so she should be able to catch up.

Chapter 196 Ice Phoenix Home

Royal enclosure, promotion ring.

As time goes by, the half-month promotion match is coming to an end.

Tianshui Academy has achieved a good result of thirteen victories, second only to them is Shrek Academy with twelve victories.

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