Douluo: I started the game as a happy dragon with descendants of the gods

Tags: Douluo Continent, Shura Field, crossing, upgrade flow, relaxed, mature, cautious

Introduction: Su Qingyu, a descendant of the ancient gods, was fooled by the staff of the underworld to the Douluo Continent because of some people's work mistakes.

"But, big sister, do I know you?"

What?Your name is Qian Renxue, you still want to marry me, can I say no?

For a pharmaceutical genius who has not been deeply involved in the world and has not been punished by society, all this is really cruel (great) to him!

Let's see how a poor descendant of the Qing Emperor, who is somewhat thin, becomes a master of the universe step by step.

Chapter 1 Little Herring in Tianshui City

"What, you mean I can't go back!"

Su Qingyu immediately jumped up from the chair and said eagerly.

Sitting on the other side of the table, an elegant and easy-going magistrate in a black formal suit fiddled with the book of life and death in his hand, which looked like a tablet computer.

"That's right, according to Regulation No. [-] notified by the Underworld Work Error Compensation Method, according to your status as a descendant of the Qing Emperor, you can get a Hengsha World as compensation, provided that you want to become one of the strongest in that world." One can become the master of that world."

Su Qingyu sat down slowly, and was silent for a while, "It seems that this is not enough!"

The judge smiled slightly, it's good to talk about some things, the big deal is to increase the price?

After some intense discussions and arguments, the elegant judge sent Su Qingyu away, and cursed, "Damn related households! Hey, forget it, and you will be reimbursed at the end of the month."

In this way, Su Qingyu, who was born with cheats, was finally sent away.


Douluo Continent, Heaven Dou Empire.

In Tianshui City, in a huge courtyard, a young man in his thirties waited anxiously.

Su Liefeng, the teaching director of Shenfeng Academy, a 69-level soul emperor-level powerhouse.

Now he has ushered in a very important event in his life, his child is about to be born!

By his side, most of them are his friends from several elemental colleges, and the one with the highest status and strength is the dean of Tianshui College.

"Don't worry too much, nothing will happen with Xiaoyue's cultivation base of soul power."

Dean Tianshui just comforted Su Liefeng, and the cry of a baby happened to come from the room.

A moment later, Su Liefeng held the baby in his arms in a daze, and put the baby beside his wife under the eyes of his wife Lan Xiaoyue, "Well, Xiaoyue, this child hasn't been named yet. I It's a big bastard, why don't you come and get one for the child?"

Just after giving birth, Lan Xiaoyue, who was a little pale, gave her somewhat simple and honest husband a blank look.

But for naming her son, Lan Xiaoyue also felt careless.After some contemplation, Lan Xiaoyue didn't think it through either, but her stomach was screaming with hunger.

In a flash of inspiration, Lan Xiaoyue went into a state of insanity, and said softly, "Herring, let's call it Herring, this name sounds delicious."

Su Liefeng applauded all the time, and also agreed with the name Su Qingyu.

It's just that the beautiful face of Dean Tianshui, who was left aside by them, couldn't help showing a black line.

This Lan Xiaoyue is already a mother, why is she still so offline!

Similarly, Su Qingyu, who was held in Lan Xiaoyue's arms, thought the same way, what a wonderful pair of parents he was at the stall!


Five years passed by in a flash, the Su family, as always, the adults were not at home, and a few servants followed their young master helplessly, that was a worry.

It has been five years since he came to this world, and Su Qingyu, a medicine master with cheats in his previous life, finally knew that the world he was in was the Douluo Continent, which was known as the fantasy sewer in his previous life.

His identity is the lineage of the Five Elements Academy that has been inked in the original book.

The place where he is now happens to be Tianshui City, the residence of that weird Tianshui Academy that only accepts women.

Her mother, Lan Xiaoyue, is one of the vice presidents of Tianshui College, a level 74 Soul Sage powerhouse, who can be regarded as a small master in the entire Douluo Continent.

"Is the herring here? Mom is back!"

The crisp and sweet voice was as mellow as an oriole, but Su Qingyu's delicate face collapsed, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

Su Qingyu got up swiftly, and immediately hugged her mother Lan Xiaoyue who was wearing a blue shirt, pretending to be intimate, and shouted sweetly, "Welcome mother, you have worked hard."

Hearing the sweet voice of her dog son, Lan Xiaoyue felt goosebumps all over her body, (¬_¬) her soft and white jade hands gently rested on Su Qingyu's forehead, "Come on, are you still If you cause any trouble, I won’t wipe your ass again.”

It's not her own family, and she doesn't enter the family. As a mother, Lan Xiaoyue knows her son too well.

In Lan Xiaoyue's eyes, this appearance probably caused trouble again, otherwise it would be impossible for her to be so well-behaved.

Su Qingyu still hugged Lan Xiaoyue's long legs and did not let go, with a embarrassed expression, "Didn't you agree with that, let me follow you to the Hunting Soul Forest tomorrow."

"Oh, originally this, I thought you got into some trouble again."

The slender white jade finger flicked Su Qingyu's forehead lightly, but the latter didn't care, and his starry eyes were filled with the excitement of going to the Soul Hunting Forest.

Su Qingyu's excitement, and Lan Xiaoyue's confusion, were all due to children's curiosity about novelty.

However, Su Qingyu's excitement is naturally not that simple, and the cheats he had in his previous life, or his innate talent finally came into play!

After dinner, Su Qingyu just wanted to leave, but was hugged by Lan Xiaoyue.

Yushou pinched his little cheeks that still had some baby fat, and Lan Xiaoyue said with a smile: "It's rare to come back, Xiaoyu sleeps with mother, okay?"

Su Qingyu's calf kicked wildly. After all, he is only a five-year-old child now, how could he escape the clutches of Lan Xiaoyue, the soul sage.

"Oh, it's really heartbreaking. You know Xiaoyu liked being with others the most when she was young. Now that Xiaoyu has grown up, she hates her mother for being old. She can't compare to your lovely sister Binger, can she?"

With such a fine show, Su Qingyu never imagined that she, who was an orphan in her previous life, would have such a superb mother in this life.

Lan Xiaoyue pretended to be crying, but she didn't know how true the few cat tears in the corner of her eyes were.

Facing such a dramatist, and also her own mother, Su Qingyu felt somewhat numb.

"What's the matter, Xiaoyue, why are you crying again!"

A man in green shirt who looked to be in his thirties, but was actually 43, ran in quickly with a handsome face and a hint of honesty, wanting to comfort the crying Lan Xiaoyue.

The person who came was none other than Su Qingyu's father, Su Liefeng, who was working far away at the Kamikaze Academy in Kamikaze City.

Shenfeng City is hundreds of miles away from Tianshui City, Su Liefeng usually only comes back once a few days for work.

This time, he led the team to Tianshui City to attend the annual gathering of the Five Elements Academy, so he just happened to go home.

No, when he came back, he found his daughter-in-law was crying. The honest Su Liefeng thought that someone bullied her.

"It's okay, it's just that Xiaoyu has grown up, and he doesn't want to sleep with my mother anymore."

After reacting, Su Liefeng pulled Su Qingyu out of Lan Xiaoyue's arms, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "It's okay, the child will grow up one day, and Qingyu will awaken her martial spirit next year, so she is not a child." The child is gone, so naturally he can no longer live with us."

Lan Xiaoyue, who was crying a second ago, instantly wiped off the mist from the corners of her eyes, her bright blue eyes showed no trace of crying at all.

The tears in the corners of her eyes just now were naturally caused by her soul power.

Sticking to Su Liefeng's arms, Lan Xiaoyue waved to Su Qingyu, "Xiaoyu, your dad and I have something to talk about, go and rest now! Remember to go to bed early and get up early, don't forget that tomorrow we will Go to the Hunting Forest!"

After the confession, the couple loved each other, and never talked to Su Qingyu, a brat again.

A pair of classmate Ke's dead fish eyes seemed to see through everything, and after saying good night, Su Qingyu returned to her small room sadly.

"Hehe, I knew it. It really is a couple. In their eyes, I guess I am superfluous."

Su Qingyu, who had thought everything through, sighed, and slowly closed her eyes.

A good night's dream, wake up tomorrow is still wonderful.

Chapter 2 Soul Hunting Forest

In Tianshui City, most of the students' martial souls have two attributes of ice and water.

Therefore, for the cultivation of the students, Tianshui Academy and Tianshui City are only a few hundred kilometers away from the North Pole Ice Field in the north of Douluo Continent, which is much closer than the distance to Tiandou City, the imperial capital of the Heaven Dou Empire. .

The red sun was born, bringing a bit of warmth to the already somewhat cold morning.

As a good boy, Su Qingyu naturally got up early.

"Good morning, little fish!"

Lan Xiaoyue, who was beautiful and radiant, greeted Su Qingyu, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Su Qingyu responded obediently, "Master, good morning!"

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyu, come to eat!"

Su Liefeng's voice sounded, and at this moment he was walking from the kitchen with a pot of rice porridge.

Normally, the servants at home usually cook, but Su Qingyu can cook, but he is too young, and Ms. Lan will naturally not agree.

As for Lan Xiaoyue herself, well, sorry, she can only eat.

Half an hour later, a family of three who had enough to eat and drink came to Tianshui College in a hurry.

Not long after school started, in front of the gate of Tianshui College, there were many slender and beautiful young ladies walking back and forth.

Along the way, Su Qingyu, who was held in Su Liefeng's arms, was a feast for the eyes. No wonder Tianshui College is so popular in the original book. It really has a profound background, and it's not simple!

As if aware of her son's random glances, Lan Xiaoyue patted Su Qingyu's head angrily, and said angrily, "You are young, don't learn well!"

Being sanctioned suddenly, Su Qingyu felt aggrieved, but he didn't want to say it, after all, if he did, Lan Xiaoyue would make her even more aggrieved and even uncomfortable.

"Ah, Xiaoyue, Liefeng, why did you two bring the little fish?"

The gentle female voice was euphemistic and pleasant. The person who came was dressed in a water-blue robe, with his blue hair coiled up high, like a graceful and luxurious beautiful woman.

Su Qingyu jumped out of her father Su Liefeng's arms, and her small mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, "Hello, sister dean!"

The beautiful woman in front of her is the dean of Tianshui Academy, Shui Ningyuan, who has the cultivation level of the eight-ringed Contra. Only such a strong person can Tianshui Academy become a prestigious existence that keeps pace with the other four elemental academies.

Shui Ningyuan stroked Su Qingyu's little head, and said dotingly: "Little Qingyu is really good, if it wasn't for fear that Xiaoyue would turn against me, I would really want to take you back as my son."

Su Qingyu scratched her head in embarrassment, and quickly hugged her mother's thigh under the jokes of the teachers of Tianshui College.

"No, the herring is just mother's son!"

Su Qingyu's answer just saved him from a bloody disaster, otherwise Lan Xiaoyue would definitely let him understand why the flowers are so red.

After some teasing, Shui Ningyuan, the dean, patted Lan Xiaoyue on the shoulder, "Okay, Xiaoyue, people from the other colleges will be coming in a few days, so I'll take the trouble to bring the two of them with you." Just go for a walk."

"Don't worry, Dean, I will definitely be back on time."

As a strong soul sage, Lan Xiaoyue is very confident. The soul beasts in the hunting forest have a cultivation base of 2000 years at most. How could it be difficult for her?

Besides, I don't know what method Su Liefeng used, since Lan Xiaoyue agreed to go with him, the leading teacher of Shenfeng Academy.

In this way, a family of three, plus two nine-year-old young ladies, embarked on the road to the Hunting Forest.

After a group of five people stepped out of Tianshui City, Su Liefeng found a carriage, decorated in blue and white, with the logo of Tianshui College in some prominent places, obviously this carriage belonged to Tianshui College.

At this time, although it was the beginning of June, the temperature was still a bit touching as a place not far from the extreme arctic ice sheet.

In order to take care of Su Qingyu, a child, and two students from Tianshui Academy, this carriage was specially prepared.

The Hunting Soul Forest of Tianshui City is in the north of Tianshui City, not more than a hundred miles away from Tianshui City.

Just sitting in the carriage, Su Qingyu was better, and the two young ladies from Tianshui College looked a little awkward.

After all, Lan Xiaoyue is the vice president of Tianshui College. Although she is usually off-line, the word "Soul Sage" is enough to scare more than [-]% of people in Douluo Continent.

Ms. Lan is careless and very off-line, and it is the same in Tianshui College.But her mind was very delicate, so she could see the restraint of the two little girls.

"Yu Hairou, Xuewu, right! Don't worry, don't be nervous, since the headmaster entrusted you two little fellows to me, I will definitely take care of you."

Lan Xiaoyue touched the heads of the two little girls respectively. After all, they were still young, and soon their pretty faces turned rosy.

As the tallest of the two girls, Xue Wu stood up and bowed respectfully to Lan Xiaoyue, "Thank you, Dean Lan!"

The speed of the carriage was very slow. Even if it was less than a hundred miles away from the Hunting Soul Forest, it would take nearly two hours to arrive.

Moreover, Su Liefeng, who is a driver, deliberately slowed down his driving speed in order to make his wife and son more stable.

Starting from the early morning, until almost noon, a group of people came to the small town outside the hunting forest.

Just like in the original book, there are vendors selling soul beast items, medicinal materials, minerals, etc. here and there.

The attire of Su Qingyu and the others is very obvious, especially the clothes on Lan Xiaoyue and the others, it looks like they are from Tianshui College.

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