If you love to watch, if you don’t like to watch, get out, I didn’t beg you to watch!

Has my promotion of patriotism become a reason for you to complain and insult my parents?

Please be more understanding, who was not born by parents?When it comes to you, other people's parents are not parents anymore?

I don't have a lot of morals in my words. When something happens to your family, I wish you happiness.

But if you can really laugh when the time comes, then I have nothing to say.

Well, in short, if you are really shameless, then I hope you read this chapter with a smile.

Finally, I wish you good health.

NO. Chapter 67 Poor Two People

'Mole' is a member of WH.

He didn't know what kind of company his company was a subsidiary of.

I also don't want to know who my leader is.

He's just a dude with his head in his waistband giving his life for money.

Since he retired from the Marine Corps, he has realized how much his previous military career has been missed for him.

He felt that he was a guy who loved war in his bones, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't touch a gun for a day.

When the company selected people to go to Bolivia as a mercenary a month ago, he was the one who signed up most actively.

For him, making money is secondary, and what he needs is to feel the process of passing through the enemy's body with a bullet.

It is said that war is an extension of politics, but in his eyes, war is the true meaning of the world.

That's right, he's on par with the Emil Blonsky who turned abomination.

Today, when he was having fun with a Bolivian girl, the task was issued from above.

girl?How can a girl feel good about shooting a gun?

The 'Mole' left the girl behind in an instant, picked up his rifle and returned to the team.

However, what he didn't expect was that what he thought was an exciting battle turned out to be a rescue mission on the plane, the captain said.

"This rescue mission is very important. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to these two hostages. Once others find you, kill them."

Captain code-named 'cold-blooded', is also a veteran.

The 'cold-blooded' chewing gum was indeed very cold-blooded, and the order he gave was to ask the team members to move forward in concealment.

Well, even a rescue mission can be fought. 'Mole' thought so.

Joyful warmongers arrived on the battlefield with guns at their shoulders.

The transport plane flew to an uninhabited beach in Rio de Janeiro in the dark.

Brazil's weak air defense monitoring system did not find the modified transport aircraft at all.

The soldiers of WH security drove the off-road vehicles independently 'copied' by the AIM weapons department, and rushed to the mission site.

Although the street is not wide, the road is fairly smooth.

'Mole' thinks that the road here is much more comfortable than the dirt road in Bolivia.

Dirt roads in Bolivia with cliffs on one side and cliffs on the other.

In his opinion, any driver picked from here can go to a rally race.

At least the drivers coming out of here will definitely not feel the bumpy road surface of the rally.

The uninhabited beach is not far from the slums of Rossinia. About half an hour later, four off-road vehicles parked on a secluded street.


As soon as the 'Mole' pushed the car door, he rushed to the wall of a flat room.

A ball game was playing in the room, and the walls with poor sound insulation could not block the sound of the TV and the cheers of the TV watchers.

I don't know if it's going to be a goal or a goal. The buddies in the room are yelling like they can't shit.

'Mole' shook his head, and ducked under the window.

Although Brazil at this time was considered a famous tourist city, the slums were still where poor locals lived.

At night, the number of people on the street begins to decrease.

It was less than eleven o'clock and the entire street was deserted.

The members of the team slowly approached the destination along with the sound of TV sets from various households.

There was a warehouse there, and it looked like it should have been used to pile up building materials, and now there were a few gangsters watching TV squatting at the door.

All the guys' attention was on the TV on the broken table by the door.

The small color TV is less than 15 inches, and white noise appears from time to time due to signal problems.

On the antenna of the TV, there is still a small piece of meat hanging.

It seems that hanging meat is a belief of TV antenna users.

People who have used this thing before will probably know that if someone holds the antenna signal, the signal will be much better, and the picture will be clearer.

Putting a piece of meat on it has the same effect.

At this time, the hooligans who love football are all focused on the ball that is about to score, and their vigilance has dropped to the lowest point.


The slight sound of breaking the air did not attract the attention of even a gangster.


Only the gangster who was hit by the bullet made a slight sound, and then his body slowly fell to the ground.


The sound of meat and cement colliding attracted the attention of the other thugs.

One of the guys with dreadlocks put down his beer and tried to help his companion up to see what was going on.

It's just that the voice of his companion 'ho ho' made him feel bad.

When he withdrew his hand holding his companion under the dim light, the bright red blood on that hand made his pupils constrict.

However, at the moment when he was about to yell out, another bullet was accurately shot into his throat.


There was another crisp slap.

The two companions fell one after another, which finally made a few guys watching TV turn around.

But it was too late.

After a few slight sounds, a bunch of gangsters lay on the ground.

"Quick! Break the door!"

The urging sound in the voice of the walkie-talkie made 'Mole' blood rush straight to his head.

"Bang! Dang!"

The old wooden door next to the shutter door of the warehouse was kicked open by the 'mole' and flung it on the wall of the house.

Two damages left the wooden door crumbling and even the bricks holding the door frame loose with poor build quality.

The dust 'rusted' fell down.

"Who is uh..."

Someone was guarding the room, and this guy was hugging a girl, when he heard the movement of the door, Li immediately lifted the quilt, but was shot.

Limp body fell on the girl.


This girl was dark, and 'Mole' didn't like it at all, so he rewarded her with a peanut.

The scream was as muffled in the girl's mouth as a choked hen.

"Look inside."

The voice of 'Cold-Blooded' is on the walkie-talkie, and he is directing the entire operation through the real-time monitoring camera on the 'Mole' tactical glasses.

'Mole' obeyed and kicked open the only door in the house.

A pair of white men and women who were blindfolded and tied to the pillars of the house appeared in front of the 'mole'.

Although the night vision function of the tactical glasses made the faces of the two white men glow green, he confirmed that these two men were the target of the mission.

"Why are you so boring?"

'Mole' lowers the muzzle of his rifle.

The battle he was looking forward to was not so intense, on the contrary, because of these poor fighting scum, he didn't even experience a little bit of happiness.

The 'mole' regretted it, knew he had left the guy who died on the woman's belly, maybe would have dug up something, or given him a laugh?

"Mission complete, close the team."

The voice of 'Cold Blood' reached the ears of 'Mole'.

Okay, the boss has spoken, so let's take these two guys away.

"Who! Who is it?"

The white man's voice trembled a little, it seemed that what 'Mole' said to himself just now gave him some bad thoughts.

"Save your people."

In order to save unnecessary trouble and let the two poor guys cooperate with him, 'Mole' still explained a little bit.

"Thank you, thank you, are you from the American embassy? Or from Stark Industries?"

The white man is still asking. 'Mole' felt that the guy in front of him was so frightened that even if 'Mole' said he was here to save him, he didn't believe it easily.

But what's the point of asking?

'Mole' has never seen this couple on TV. Could this kind of unknown person be some invisible rich man?

If they were just ordinary people, there would be no kidnappers who would engage in these dramas because of them.

"No comment."

Oh, why do you ask me to tell?This time I'm not happy because of you!And lost a girl for it. 'Mole' felt that this action was a big loss.

After cutting the ropes that tied the white men and women to the posts, 'Mole' didn't even bother to take off the blindfolds of the two men, and stretched out his hand to push them away.

NO. Chapter 68 Helen Shot

The white woman among the two hostages did not speak much from the beginning to the end.

It seems that it has been negotiated, and in any case, men are the main ones.

Although the rope on the bangzi wall was cut at this moment, the rope binding the two hands was still there.

They didn't even have time to remove the blindfolds under the push of the 'mole'.

'Cold-Blooded' didn't care about the way 'Mole' was rescued.

Anyway, the task only requires that the hostages live without missing arms or legs, and it doesn't say that the pair of hostages must be treated according to the presidential standard.

"There are enemies!"

Just when 'Mole' was about to take the couple back to the off-road vehicle, the voice of 'Cold Blood' suddenly came from the earphone.

"Clap! Clap!"

The warehouse was suddenly ablaze, and the rescue team was still discovered by the local gangsters, and the two sides began to fight.

This is the advantage of having a single-soldier system. Even if a mercenary is attacked, the commander can notify others to be careful.

And it won't be like a gangster here, where someone died and no one else knows.

"George! George!"

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