"Because this is the plan co-planned by Cocolia and Destiny, I want to use my hands to get rid of you... But how can I, who is loyal to the leader, let things go on like this, so I manipulated everything, In the end, when the Honkai Accumulated Cannon came, it deliberately deflected the angle, blocking everyone's vision with a strong white light, so as to provide you, the leader, with a chance to escape."

There are many loopholes in these words that cannot withstand scrutiny, but Watt, who has already been shaken at this moment, obviously cannot distinguish them.

He showed a look of sudden realization, and his face gradually became gloomy.

No wonder Cocolia respects her so much, and it's no wonder she gives herself wrong information...

Seeing that Watt was already inclined to abandon his armor and turn against him, Chen Ye decided to fan the flames again.

"My lord, do you still remember the situation when you woke up?"

"Remember, it seems to have come out of a freezer..."

"As far as I know, the power of the Herrscher of Reason is far beyond what you have shown. At its peak, it is extremely powerful, and can even create an unrivaled fleet out of thin air."

Chen Ye said persuasively, "Aren't you curious about what happened to weaken your strength to such an extent?"

I see!finally, I understand!

Cocolia, you damned wolfish ambition!

In the midst of anger, Watt understood everything!

I'm going back to the Far East right now and fighting that damn woman!

"Your lord, you don't need to be so anxious... The most urgent thing is to return to the ME Club to recuperate and preserve your physical condition so that you can better deal with this woman who is trying to subvert the anti-entropy, isn't it?"

Chen Ye said with a smile, and Watt gradually calmed down after hearing the words, and he asked:

"Then what should I do after recovering from the injury?"

"Since Cocolia wants to use the leader, and even kill you to usurp the leader's position, then she will definitely arrange the next mission for you... When that happens, please contact me, the leader, and I will work out a plan for you. A perfect plan to completely defeat Cocolia from the inside!"

"it is good--!"

Watt was immediately overjoyed, "Thanks to you, I can't be fooled by villains. When I deal with Cocolia's reunification of anti-entropy, you will be the most important deputy leader by my side!"

Chen Ye smiled slightly.

"Thanks to the lord's love, if this is the case, then the subordinates will be disrespectful."

Chapter 53 Join the Sky Branch, Miss Raven

After a pleasant negotiation, Chen Ye left the small hotel where Watt was hiding, and prepared to return to the Sky Branch

But then comes the second question.

——How should I return to the Sky Branch?

In order not to cause unnecessary accidents, Chen Ye went out alone to follow Watt's trail without notifying anyone.

Now, wanting to go back without attracting any attention has become a small problem.

He subconsciously wanted to call Raiden Mei, but then recalled that at this time, she seemed to be hiding around shyly and buried in her work because of replenishing the Houkai power not long ago.

Of course there is no problem in calling her here, but there is no doubt that waiting for him will be the girl's eyes.


Little Chen Ye thought for a moment, and an object slowly emerged in his mind.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed a contact he noted as "Jackal".

"Is this Dr. Cleo, I would like to ask if the bodyguard next to you is convenient at this moment..."

About 15 minutes later, with the roar of the engine and the loud friction of the brakes, a streamlined black sports car stopped smoothly in front of him.

The car window rolled down slowly, and what Chen Ye saw was a delicate face with gray hair and red pupils.

Raven's body is no longer the dark crow feather night clothes, replaced by a dark blue fashion windbreaker, matched with a white shirt and slim jeans, a casual and comfortable everyday dress.

It's just that on her face, there was a trace of almost undetectable displeasure.

"Get in the car."

Chen Ye opened the door of the passenger seat and sat down smoothly.

He glanced around, admiring the fine black leather upholstery to his liking.

"Miss Natasha, I didn't expect your taste to be so outstanding. Is the car specially arranged by Dr. Clio?"

"No, this is my own car."

She curled her lips, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone, anyone who was suddenly assigned a job as a driver during the holiday would be so negative.

"But your compliment on taste, I accept it."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Chen Ye showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

It turned out that the "World Snake Taxi Taxi" I called unfortunately called this Miss Natasha, who was on vacation, and she had to experience the pain of working overtime on rest days.

Gee, how miserable.

At this moment, as the chief culprit, the executor Chen felt no guilt, not only that, he even felt a trace of uncontrollable joy.

"Why do I get the feeling you're snickering?"

"It was you who noticed the mistake, Miss Natasha... Please take me back to the base of the Sky Branch, please."

Raven glanced suspiciously at Chen Ye's face for a moment, but didn't find any smirking expression, so he could only turn his head resentfully.

She stepped on the accelerator, and with a roar, the black sports car merged into the continuous flow of traffic.

In the driver's seat, Raven held the steering wheel with one hand and rested on the window sill with the other, and shuttled comfortably among the passing vehicles on the road.

After the gag just now, the two got to know each other a lot.

"Miss Natasha...or, Miss Raven?"

"Have you investigated me?"

She said lightly, without any surprise in her tone.

As early as when Fei joined the World Snake and crossed North America, Raven was his code name. As an anti-entropy executor, Chen Ye wanted to investigate this past, and it couldn't be easier.

"Yes, for Miss Natasha, an important collaborator of the Tianqiong branch, it is necessary to know the basics. I hope you will not mind, Miss Natasha."

"It's just that I never imagined that you, who used to be the number one mercenary in North America, would choose to join Shencheng Medicine as Dr. Cleo's bodyguard."

Chen Ye said slowly.

Of course, the small investigation was just a white lie. As an important cadre of the World Snake, the news of the Raven was naturally in his hands early on. information.

"She gave a lot of money, that's all."

Raven told the truth, her original intention of joining World Snake was really just to make more money.

"How much money did you give?"

Chen Ye suddenly laughed and said, "Then what if I offer twice the price? The Tianqiong branch is currently in the stage of development where manpower is scarce. A rare talent like Miss Natasha has always been my long-cherished dream." object."


Raven frowned at such a straightforward solicitation, and had to admit that he was indeed moved.

"But it's a pity that I have signed a contract. As the price of enjoying the high salary, I must work for Shencheng Pharmaceutical for the rest of my life."

"If it was a few years ago, I might have agreed without hesitation."

Raven made a regretful expression.

"It's ok……"

Chen Ye chuckled, he had already anticipated what the other party would say, and he didn't expect to get Raven into his pocket by relying on temptation.

"Although I can't get Miss Natasha directly, the Tianqiong Branch and Shencheng Pharmaceutical are close partners... Maybe I can use some conditions in exchange to 'rent' Miss Natasha to the Tianqiong Branch for a period of time."

"It's a bold idea..."

Raven, who was driving the car, pouted his bright red lips, looked at Chen Ye from the corner of his eyes, and said disapprovingly, "If Dr. Hu... Cleo agrees, I will naturally have no objections."

Obviously, Miss Raven didn't take this matter to heart.

She didn't think that the Jackal would just sell herself out and sell herself to the Tianqiong branch for the unexplained benefits that Chen Ye said.

It didn't take long before the majestic outline of the Tianqiong branch base gradually emerged in front of my eyes.

After a series of identifications, the black sports car slowly stopped at the main entrance of the branch.

"That's it, Chen Ye... sir."

"Just call me Chen Ye when we meet in the future."

He opened the door and got out of the passenger seat.

Before leaving, he looked back at Raven again, "Miss Natasha's driving skills are smooth and smooth, it gave me a good experience... I will give you a five-star praise later, I hope that the next time I take an order , I can still see Miss Natasha's figure."

"Don't even think about it!"

The Raven immediately snorted angrily, turned the car around and drove away from the Tianqiong branch.

Looking at the figure of the other party leaving, the corners of Chen Ye's mouth curled up slightly.

When going out occasionally, the floating car is too ostentatious and easy to be followed. At this time, a qualified driver is very important.

Tsk...Miss Raven is a perfect choice. She has good driving skills and can fight, and her anti-tracking ability is top-notch.

It's time to think of a way to get this cute little island popping crow into his pocket.

Presumably Ms. Jackal, who is obsessed with human experiments, won't mind, right?

Chen Ye's departure and return were very quiet, hardly disturbing anyone.

But when he returned to the office, he saw a subordinate waiting anxiously at the door. The moment she saw Chen Ye, she felt relieved, as if she had taken a reassurance.

"Master Executor, you just left the Sky Branch?"

"Well, went out to deal with some things, what happened?"

"Five minutes ago, the radar captured a battleship approaching Tianqiong City at an extremely fast speed. After identification and confirmation, it is a battleship belonging to Cocolia!"

The subordinates looked anxious, and she worried that this was reinforcements sent by Cocolia.

"Are we going to release missiles to intercept?"

Hearing the other party's words, Chen Ye immediately understood her anxiety.

It's just that this is not the reinforcement sent by Cocolia to attack the Tianqiong Branch, but the warship that took Watt back to the Far East ME Club.

"Don't worry, I just went out to deal with this matter."

He said with confidence: "Cocolia sent the battleship for another purpose, there is no need to intercept it... But at the same time, pay close attention to the situation of the battleship, once it stays in Tianqiong City for more than an hour or has other changes, you don't need to notify me. Attack!"


The subordinate immediately took orders and trotted away from the door of the office.

After returning to the office, Chen Ye was lost in thought as he looked at the plan that lay flat on the desktop.

Today's Tianqiong Branch has entered a stage of rapid development in an orderly manner. Whether it is using automated mechs and Houkai defense devices to win over Tianqiong Branch, or cooperating with Shencheng Pharmaceutical to produce anti-Honkai special drugs, these are the basics of Tianqiong Branch's future ambitions. frame.

If everything develops smoothly as planned, there is no doubt that the Sky Branch will become the most powerful anti-entropy branch in the future, even surpassing the anti-entropy organization itself.

To support this great plan, talents are indispensable.

Not only literary talents who manage organizations and operate projects, but also military talents with strong strength are also indispensable.

Today's battle with Watt was a good warning of this point. Without his own action, no one in the entire Sky Branch could directly participate in the battle except Raiden Mei.

This is undoubtedly deformed. Organizations with empty financial resources have no role in this collapsed world. Everything is fragile and false in the face of absolute power.

"It seems... the plan is going to be accelerated..."

Chen Ye said to himself, he slowly took out a list from the drawer, and scanned the names one by one from top to bottom.

In the end, he slowly put a bright tick on the two names.

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