"That's right, our family, Aping, just needs a training partner. Anyway, you are idle here, so why not take her as an apprentice. She is very obedient. She can pour tea and water for you, rub your shoulders and beat your back. You Can I be her master for a while? Can I? Can I?" After all, he blinked his big eyes and asked.

"Why do you have to ask me, isn't Morax more suitable?" Ning Xia asked.

"Hey, it's not like you don't know. We Guiliyuan have been watched by other forces. Morax has to patrol the border every day. How can we have time to teach Aping?"

"Aren't you a demon god too? What about rice crust?"

"Me? I'm an intelligent demon who invents inventions. It's good to have management and management back to the original. My actual combat experience is very impressive, let alone teaching Aping."

"As for Maxius, his body is his best weapon. What can he teach Aping? Teach her how to lift a hill with bear's paws?" After all, he complained.

"Where are your immortals? They always have time and ability, right?" Ning Xia asked helplessly.

"Some of them are too busy with their own affairs to get away, and some of them are working with Morax to maintain the border. Otherwise, Aping wouldn't have returned to Liyuan so early." After all, he waved his hand and said.

"Besides, Ah Ping is beautiful and obedient, isn't it good enough to have such an apprentice serving you?" After all, she said gossipingly.

A Ping, who was eager to try, turned red face. She didn't like Ning Xia, but she just thought that if she learned from Ning Xia, she would know his routines by then, so she might not be able to beat this apprentice in front of her?

That's why she licked her face and begged to let her learn martial arts from Ningxia. She felt very embarrassed after all. After all, when she wooed Ningxia, she said that she would be fine and let Ningxia work, but she still couldn't stand it. Ping agreed to her request.

"Can I refuse?" Ningxia said helplessly, as a master or something, this Aping is not a caring apprentice like Xiangling or Guoba, why does he want to come.

"Are you really going to refuse?" Gui Mo immediately asked with a pitiful look, she had tricked many pure demon gods into doing things for him by pretending to be pitiful.

"Well, I refuse." Ning Xia nodded and said, he didn't need any apprentices to serve him.

"Okay... then let's go, A Ping..." After all, he pulled A Ping to leave with a look of disappointment, and the color of the kitchen became dark all of a sudden, and the cold wind blowing from nowhere made it even more foiled. The bleakness at the end, especially the unstoppable trembling of the girl when the cold wind blows past, is even more distressing.

Ningxia casually picked up the Luoluomei dumpling milk she had made and quietly watched Guizhong's performance. Morax also used this trick to beg him in the past.

It's just that compared to Morax, his acting skills in the end are a little worse. He only performed pitifully, but he didn't have Morax's unstoppable heartache.

"Wow... Ningxia, she is so miserable..." Baimeng couldn't help but say.

"Do you want Baimeng to drink? Luoluomei or apple flavor, which one do you want?" Ning Xia asked while holding two bottles of dumpling milk.

"Apple's." Baimeng drank with a small straw, while watching After All's acting, feeling that there was something special about it.

After all, she lingered and walked to the door. It's not that Ning Xia is the only one who can guide A Ping, but her rebellious psychology has been aroused by Ning Xia, and now she has to ask Ning Xia to agree to everything.

It's just that she sneaked a glance at Ningxia, only to find that this guy was drinking milk with great relish, and he didn't show any sympathy for her at all.

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I'm a lady..." After all, she kept hypnotizing herself, she must not be angry.

Chapter 477

When he was about to walk to the door, he had no choice but refused to admit defeat and finally chose to do a hard job. He gritted his teeth and forcibly sprained his ankle, and then sat down on the ground.

"Ouch~ I sprained my ankle in Ningxia, please help me." After all, she said pitifully. From the moment Ningxia ignored her, the nature of her view of this matter has changed, even if she pays a little price. Find a way to get Ningxia to agree to this matter.

After all, staring at Ning Xia, she couldn't believe that Ning Xia could sit back and watch when such a cute girl like her got hurt.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia stood up at this time as if she had finished watching a performance. She had to say that her acting skills were really good. It was much more involved than the movies he watched in his previous life. In addition to her cute and cute appearance, Most men can't hold back when they cry.

"You see, I'm in such a miserable state, have pity on me~" After all she said aggrievedly, when did she pay so much for a man?

Seeing the poor Gui Zhong, Ning Xia directly grabbed Gui Zhong's little feet, took off the shoes covering her delicate feet, and began to check her injuries.

Although Ning Xia loves the fragrance and loves the jade, but Ning Xia is a little annoyed by Gui Zong's stalking, and plans to use some rough methods to get Gui Zong away from him.

"Oh? You! What are you doing?" After all, she asked with a blushing face. It was the first time in Liyue's hundreds of years that she had such intimate contact with a man. She felt Ningxia's big hand holding her fair calf, making her feel like Shame and anger.

Especially when Ningxia saw her jade feet, but everyone had already been called out by her, and Aping's brain was still in a state of shutdown, and she didn't react from the final show operation.

"Don't move around, I'll treat you." Ning Xia said lightly, holding her slightly red ankle with one hand, and the breath of life gently transferred to her restless jade feet.

The sunlight outside the door spilled into the kitchen, shining on Ji Mou's white jade feet, and his five finely carved toes rubbed each other in fear, expressing uneasiness towards Ningxia, an outsider.

"Wow, how can there be~ um...no..." After all, she blushed and wanted to reprimand Ningxia's behavior as a disciple, but the numbness brought by the breath of life almost made her feel strange. sound up.

The jade feet that had been forcibly sprained at the end have regained their original charm. In Ningxia's hands, they are as tender and tender as a Chinese cabbage, making people want to hug and chew. .

"I promise you about A Ping, but next time, don't deal with such things that hurt your body." Ning Xia said as he put his shoes back on.

"Oh..." After all, she lowered her head shyly. This kind of shyness came from the bottom of her heart, not because she did it on purpose for acting.

"Master Yuan Mo!" At this moment, A Ping came to her senses and hurriedly lifted up the shy Ji Mo.

"I, my feet were looked at by others, why do I feel hot inside, so strange!!!" After all, he covered his face and thought to himself.

"He said just now that he agreed to help A Ping as a booster and told me not to hurt myself. Could it be that he has me in his heart? No! How could I? I just accepted that this guy from Ningxia touched my feet. How long has he been! But..."

Ning Xia washes his hands helplessly, in order to avoid getting into a fight with him in the end, it is better to honestly take over the matter of accompanying A Ping, the current A Ping does not have the strength in the future, he can deal with it casually.

"Ningxia, let's go back first, I always think she's weird." Bai Meng said a little protectively at this time, she always felt that she was weird after all.

"Yeah." Ning Xia nodded lightly. After breakfast, he didn't want to stay in the kitchen any longer. It's better to go for a stroll around Guiliyuan to get his way.

"Ah, Ah Ping helps me go back first, I'm also a little confused..." After all, he said while touching his head, and the anger that was discovered because of the puff was also washed away by shyness.

When she went out, she casually said a few words to everyone, and then asked A Ping to take her home to sort out her thoughts.

Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, although they didn't know what happened inside, but it seemed that they should be deflated after all.

"Wow...is Lord Ningxia so powerful? Even Lord Ultimate was repelled by him." Ying Da sighed.

"Yingda, don't talk nonsense..." Fanan said as he pulled Layingda's clothes.

"What's the matter with you?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously, holding a few bottles of her own special dumpling milk in her hands.

"Lord Ningxia, how did you make the knockback come to an end?" Ying Da asked curiously.

"Ah? No, we just chatted about my acceptance of Aping as a disciple." Ningxia pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, then handed the dumpling milk to Yingda.

"Tuanzi milk, do you drink it?" Ning Xia asked.

"Duanzi? Milk? It sounds like a strange name..." Ying Da took the dumpling milk curiously, then opened the lid and took a sip.

"Mmm! It's delicious!" Yingda said excitedly, it was the first time she had such delicious milk.

"Big Brother, Gan Yu also wants to drink." Gan Yu who was originally hiding in the arms of Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng said, she was also very curious to see Yingda drinking so deliciously.

"Come on, Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind, you also have a bottle?" Ning Xia enthusiastically stuffed the dumpling milk into everyone's hands. Anyway, he can do it again, and just give it to everyone for practice.

Afterwards Ning Xia bid farewell to everyone, he planned to take a look around Guiliyuan so as not to get lost behind.

After all, she returned to her home with Aping's support, remembering Ning Xia's sudden grabbing of her feet, she was so ashamed that she rolled on the bed, and she could still feel the remnants of touch in her jade feet.

"Although Ningxia was a bit brutal during the treatment, he was doing it for me, right? And he didn't do anything strange to me, but he saw my feet..." After all, his face was full of tangled memories Ningxia's behavior just now.

"But Ningxia looks pretty good, she has a good figure, and she cooks delicious food, Morax doesn't want it either..." After thinking about it, I suddenly felt that Ningxia was also pretty good.

"No! He suddenly bullied me and even A Ping, how could I just let him go like this?" After thinking wildly, he was very entangled.

"But he told me not to do things that hurt me. Does he feel sorry for me? Besides, he touched my feet a little... a little comfortable..." After all, he covered his face and thought.


Chapter 478

Ningxia led Baimeng slowly to the north. In front of Dihuazhou, where the Wangshu Inn has not been established, there are countless blooming glass lilies. The fresh and elegant fragrance is refreshing.

"Ningxia! Look at this glazed lily..." Baimeng poked a relatively large glazed lily curiously, feeling familiar.

Suddenly 'Liuli Lily' moved slightly and jumped out from the soil.

"Wow! Ningxia save me!!!" The frightened Baimeng immediately hid behind Ningxia, poking his head out cautiously to observe 'Liuli Lily'.

"This is... I didn't expect to see you again in Liyue!" Ning Xia grabbed Lihuahua's head and said at a glance that it was Lihuahua whom he collected nectar from Mengde.

It's just that Liaohua, who has no memory, shakes her body tremblingly, and has no intention of resisting Ningxia's coercion.

"Forgot?" Ning Xia gave a little breath of life to Hua Hua, trying to calm her down.

Liaohuahua has no memory, not so much that all actions are driven by instinct, but Ningxia's breath of life just reminds him of the comfortable feeling of Mond in the past.

"Although I don't know how long we've been away, this guy still seems to remember your breath of life..." Baimon sighed.

Seeing the cute liar flower under her feet, Ningxia couldn't help but look at the snow mountain towering in the distance. At this moment, it has not yet been called Longji Snow Mountain.

"Why did you come here?" A suspicious voice came from a distance.

"Morakes?" Ning Xia looked at Morax, who had a glass lily pinned to his head, holding the Huahuahua, and it was... quite cute.

"Uh, me, this flower was blown to my head by the wind!" Morax said hastily after realizing that Ning Xia was staring at him.

"Pfft~" Seeing Morax's appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help laughing out loud. She didn't expect that Morax, who looked serious and slightly violent, would have such a girlish side.

"No! Why did you run to the border of Guiliyuan? It's very dangerous here!" Morax quickly changed the subject, but his fair and delicate face was flushed with excitement, making him look very attractive.

"We're just familiarizing ourselves with the road conditions in Guiliyuan, so we'll take a stroll here." Ning Xia explained with a smile.

"You! You guys leave quickly! There are often other demon gods sneaking up here! It's very dangerous!" Morax, who became more and more shy, waved his hand quickly and said, if some demon gods who still have fantasies about her see this appearance, Then there is a high probability that they will turn their backs and drop their armor, and I will vote for Morax!

"Okay, okay~" Ningxia said with a suppressed smile as much as possible, if he didn't have a photo camera, he would definitely take a picture of the shy Morax in front of him.

"Go, go!" Morax urged, she has a habit of going to Dihuazhou to pick a glass lily every time she patrols, and after each patrol, go to Dihuazhou to enjoy the flower sea of ​​glass lilies. The ghost messenger pinned the Liuli Lily to her hair.

But she didn't expect that Ningxia would suddenly come to her favorite place, and seeing her as a young girl made her feel very ashamed.

"Huh?" Ning Xia and Morax, who were about to leave, sensed the murderous intent at the same time.

Ningxia immediately hugged Baimeng and Huahua into his arms, backed away again and again, and Morax also opened Yuzhang's shield.

At this moment, countless meteorites burning with raging fire bombarded Dihuazhou, and Dihuazhou, which had a sea of ​​glazed lilies, was blasted into a big pit.

"Bye! Lang!!!!!!" Morax stared blankly at the devastated Dihuazhou and roared angrily. The reason why she was able to insist on patrolling every day was largely due to admiring this beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

"Oh~hahahaha...Morakes, what are you doing today?" A voice that made Ningxia's body tremble uncontrollably came.

"Hey... don't blame me, Morax, Sidi promised me to take down Guiliyuan and I'll be three to her." A sheep-headed man said helplessly, followed by six demon gods of different strengths. his allies or subordinates.

At this time, Sidi also walked up to Balam with a very arrogant posture, and did not forget to cast a wink at a thin demon god behind Balam, who was so frightened that he hugged Balam's arm with his orchid fingers, he was the one The unlucky guy who was squeezed into an intermediate demon god by Sidi.

"What... gave you the illusion that two of you can beat me!!!" Morax opened his hand and took out two rock spears.

"Tsk!" Ning Xia felt helpless looking at Morax who was dazzled by anger. Although he was confident in Morax's strength, Zhong Xiaoli was a weakened Morax after all.

But it's somewhat far-fetched for one person to deal with two top demon gods and other demon gods.

"Ningxia! Let's run quickly?" Baimeng pulled Ningxia and said, she didn't want Ningxia to be squeezed dry by that terrifying female demon.

"No... I want to take action." Ning Xia said with a frown. This attack was obviously prepared by Balam and others for a long time. First, he razed Morax's favorite flower sea to the ground, stimulating the immature Moraxe fought them.

There are also those demon gods who intentionally or unintentionally blocked all the escape routes, forming a formation that became horns for each other, and even the top demon gods could not break through immediately.

Although Ning Xia really wanted to continue fishing like this, but his nominal leader was besieged by others, and he couldn't justify watching it like this.

"Baimeng, you retreat with Xiaohua first, I think you and the other immortals will find this place soon, and you will be safe." Ningxia said with a movement of his wrist, and he swore that he would make one shot to make Morakot Si and others do not doubt that he will fish after that, and will never make a move.

"Xiaobai, I'm sorry to trouble you." Ningxia said holding the grass shaving sword. Although the dragon tooth sword was made of the dragon tooth of the Dragon King Ruo Tuo, it is no longer comparable to Xiaobai who is about to awaken the original demon body.

"Hiss!" Xiaobai moved her body cheerfully, she couldn't wait to kill the Demon God, the blood of the Demon God was perfect soup for her.

Morax, who was trapped inside, chased Balam angrily. Balam, who originally had a sheep's head on his head, was not a withered and thin body in the future. His stone body was riddled with holes from the rock spears thrown by Morax.

Feeling the severe pain in his body, Balam couldn't help but become terrified. The memory of being chased by Morax from Guiliyuan to Wuwangpo and having his two legs broken was also revived at this moment.

Balam knew that if he didn't kill Morax this time, then he would either leave Liyue, or prepare to give himself an overdue seven in advance.

Chapter 479

It's just that the angry Morax was already tired from throwing the rock spear without limit, and she was attacked by Sidi many times, so her condition was better than Balam's.

"Balam! Hold on to me! We finally waited until the other demon gods were not by Morax's side!" Sidi said, clutching her pierced shoulder.

The reason why Sidi didn't bring a demon god was mainly because her reputation was too bad. Male demon gods didn't dare to join, and female demon gods disliked her. If it wasn't for her own strength and the ability to reduce resistance to male demon gods, she wouldn't be able to become a demon god. One of the five major forces.

And the reason why Balam brought so many demon gods, apart from his own powerful power, is largely because the male demon gods in the north of Liyue have been overwhelmed by Sidi, or cast out of the shadow by Morax.

He has somewhat psychological fear of women, so he seeks refuge with Balam, who is also a man, and whose figure is very safe, either as an ally or as a subordinate.

If it weren't for the fact that Sidi's concession this time was too great, too big for Balam to refuse, he would not have agreed to ambush Morax.

At this time, Morax also recovered from her anger. She realized that she was too impulsive this time. Although she could win against anyone single-handedly, if Sidi and Balam teamed up, it would be difficult for her to win alone.

After repelling Sidi again, Morax looked around and was surrounded by Balam's demon gods, all of whom were staring at her. Even if she tried to break through forcefully, she would be surrounded by demon gods with horns. They teamed up with Sidhidirang to stop it.

Morax gritted his teeth and continued the stalemate with Siddiran. As long as Maxius and others arrived, these demon gods would definitely retreat.

As for Ning Xia, Morax didn't expect a newly joined Demon God to work hard for him. Could it be that he likes him?

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