Especially the hundreds of succubi following Sidi, no matter how high his battery life is, he can't stand it!

At this moment, all of Ningxia's good ideas about the succubus have completely collapsed, and his thirst for life made him run away desperately. After all, if he is caught, he will be drained dry.

At this moment, a rock gun was inserted between Ningxia Xidi, and then a vigorous woman in armor appeared next to Ningxia and directly pressed him to the ground.

"Sidi, this is my territory, do you want to come to me again to rob good men?" the woman said coldly, pointing the rock gun in her hand at Sidi who was gnashing his teeth.

"'Liyue National Essence'! Morax, you are a violent old maid who spoils my good deeds, don't you?" Sidi said, looking at Morax through gritted teeth.

If there are any more powerful demon gods on Liyue's battlefield, Morax is considered one by virtue of his terrifying strength, and Sidi relies on the ability to reduce resistance that is useful to demon gods. Men who are not afraid are counted as one.

Relying on the power of the water system to form its own faction in the sea, Oser is one of them. There are also Chilongs entrenched in the northwest, and Balam who guards Wuwangpo, which are basically equal to the five major forces of Liyue.

In terms of single-body ability, Morax is the strongest, coupled with the extra explosiveness of his shots, so he is feared by the other quarters, and he is also the demon god with the most human beings in Liyue.

"Morakes of 'Liyue National Quintessence', you violent old maid of Liyue will never be able to lose her virginity in this life!" Sidi gritted her teeth and left after saying a harsh word. A real fight started, let alone her subordinates Will it be destroyed by Morax's rock spear? She can't beat Morax!

After seeing Sidi leave, Moraketh helped Ning Xia up, and asked calmly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Ningxia said and began to look at Morax, compared to the gentle and elegant future full of books, the current Morax is more like the image of a big sister, and her hands seem to be shaking.

After confirming that Ningxia was fine, Morax took out his rock spear and asked, "Where did the demon god come from? What are you doing here?"

No matter which area, the sudden appearance of an unknown demon god is a big event. It may add an enemy or an ally. If it is Sidi, it will be an extra toy.

"Dao Wife came here with no malice, I don't want to be a rock god." Ning Xia said quickly, he came to fish under Morax's men, not to fight with Morax.

"Inazuma? The twin demon gods of Daozuma and I can be regarded as allies. Why haven't I heard that Daozuma has a demon god like you?" Morax said vigilantly.

"Be honest! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rough." Morax said coldly. The three things she dislikes the most are being called an old maid, being called a violent woman, and being fooled.

"This..." Ningxia thought for a while, and took out the Kusanagi sword. Although Xiaobai had gradually recovered, Ying's power still existed, at least he could prove his innocence.


Morax took a look at the Kusanagi sword, then looked at Ningxia, and finally said: "Since you have no malicious intentions, the visitor is a visitor, you should return to Liyuan with me first."

Ning Xia nodded, and then put away the Kusanagi sword.

He had never heard of the fact that Morax and Kage were allies, and Morax just casually looked at the Kusanagi sword just now, and he didn't even see the power of Kage.

So Ning Xia reckoned that Morax was just deceiving himself.

"Morax, right?" Ning Xia took the initiative to greet him.

"Hmm." Morax responded casually.

"Are the twin demon gods you know Huzhai Palace and Huasanli?" Ning Xia asked.

"...Yes." Morax hesitated and nodded.

"Oh~ I'm quite familiar with them, but I didn't want to fight, so I left Dao's Wife." Ning Xia pretended to be enlightened and said.

"Then you'd better leave Liyue as soon as possible, this place is even more chaotic than Dao's Wife." Morax said with a nod, she doesn't know any twin demon gods, Liyue alone is too busy for her, how can she have time to go to Dao's Wife to form an alliance friend.

It's just because she only knows that Dao's wife has a pair of twin demon gods, so she wants to use it to deceive Ningxia.

Chapter 464 The Girl with Big Sleeves

On the road, Ningxia intentionally or unintentionally wanted to talk to Morax, but most of them were things that everyone in Liyue knew, and Moraxel didn't choose to hide it, so he roughly told Ningxia about Liyue's current situation.

"Okay, here is my territory Guiliyuan. As a debt for the rough behavior just now, I will treat you to a light meal." Morax looked at Ningxia and said. She thought the man in front of her was strange, and the question was basically These are all Liyue's common-sense questions, and it seems that they are really just passing by.

However, every demon god is a precious combat force. Although she is not sure about Ningxia's origin, she has enough affection, so that even if they meet on the battlefield in the future, it will not be too ugly.

"Okay, okay!" said Baimeng, who was lying on Ningxia's head, she hadn't gotten out of the horrible feeling of oppression, so she had to lie on Ningxia's head to rest.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia nodded slightly, and looked at Gui Liyuan in surprise. This place was already in ruins in his time, but now it is full of prosperity.

"Hey! Morax! You've picked someone up again!" A girl with big sleeves greeted enthusiastically, a pair of white jade hands were mostly covered by the sleeves, and there was a warm smile on her delicate face. .

"After all, he is the demon god who passed by Liyue, please treat him, I will go to Maxius to make some food for him." Morakes gave him a look.

"Oh~ I understand, I understand!" After all, they nodded knowingly, the cooperation between the two has reached the point where they can understand each other's thoughts with just one look.

"Oh, you are the friend brought back by Morax, that's right, Morax's friend is my friend, where did you come from, my friend?" After all, he greeted warmly, With such acquaintance, I didn't know that I thought Ning Xia was such a good friend with her.

Morakes saw that after all he had already begun to talk, he left satisfied to find Maxius to cook.

Ning Xia, who has the advantage of the future, has already prepared a draft, unless Morax really goes to Dao Wife to find Zhen Heying to confirm, otherwise she will have no way to expose Ning Xia's lies.

As for whether Morax will go to Daoqiu, Ningxia is also very confident. Just now Morax has roughly told Ningxia about Liyue's situation.

The things that Morakes said that Liyue knew just by inquiring about them are very important information in Ningxia's view.

The current battle situation in Liyue can only be described as "the war between the demon gods is divided into five countries, and the flames of war are endless~", either Chilong will come to fight Moraxel today, or Balam will fight Oser tomorrow. There was no way to wipe out the other four forces in one go, so they had no choice but to remain in a stalemate.

"Brother Ning Xia is Dao Wife's Demon God?" After all, he put his hands on Ning Xia's shoulders familiarly, but because of his height, he could only stand on tiptoe.

"Yes, because Dao Wife's twin demon gods killed all directions, and I offended other demon gods, so I just happened to pass by Liyue when I wanted to stay away from disputes and seek refuge." Ningxia nodded.

"Oh~ that's it." After all, he rubbed his chin and looked at Ning Xia. He was fair and clean, and his body was quite strong, and he spoke quite frankly, but he didn't know how strong he was.

"Brother, what do you know?" After all, he touched his chin and asked, although Ningxia looks weak, but no matter how weak he is, he is still a demon god, and if he can win over, then it would be the best.

As for the fear of Ningxia's betrayal or spies, I don't have to worry about it after all. Gui Liyuan's strength can be said to be the highest in Liyue. Much taller.

In addition, Ningxia's description of Dao's wife is very detailed, and he can make timely corrections in some places where he made mistakes on purpose, which has already convinced him by five points.

Ning Xia chatted with Gui Mo about Dao Wife with a calm face, but he was still a little guilty. Dao Wife 3000 years ago must be different from what he is now.

It's just that because of the Demon God War, there are not many exchanges between various regions, and the Demon Gods dare not send people to other regions casually. After all, they have not won their position, and they still go to provoke other Demon Gods because they think they are not alive enough. Is it long?

There must be more people in Ningxia who have lived in Daoqi for more than ten years than the girl named Guizhong in front of them.

After confirming that Ning Xia was Dao Wife passing by the Demon God, I finally felt much more relaxed. After all, there are too few people who are also Demon Gods. They are either enemies or friends. A nominally neutral Demon God like Ningxia is very rare.

"How many brothers and sisters are there in the family? Are you married? By the way, should you consider my Morakes? She is kind and can fight. Marrying her is equivalent to marrying a wife and husband." Gui Finally, while talking, he shifted the topic to Morax.

"No, no, I still want to live." Ning Xia refused stiffly, jokingly, although he doesn't have much dislike for Morax now, but it's fine if he marries Morax, it's because Wendy is not popular or the movie is not good up?

Although...Ningxia also had to admit that Morax was indeed pretty.

"Hey hey hey! What are you talking about? Although Morakes looks a little violent, she is actually a very gentle person! As long as you stay for a long time, you will know, I don’t know Brother Ningxia, you Do you..." At the end of the day, he started to hook shoulders with Ning Xia, as if we were acquaintances.

"Finally..." Morax stood at the door without knowing when, one hand had crushed the door frame.

"Ouch, I'm sorry Brother Ningxia, let's talk later!" After all, he pretended to be relaxed and was about to leave here, but was grabbed by Morax.

"Ningxia, right? I've already arranged for a cook to cook for you. Please wait here for a while. By the way, please don't wander around, or I can't guarantee what will happen." Morax said through gritted teeth.

"Morax... There are outsiders here, can you let go first..." Finally said in a low voice.

"Okay, but I hope that Miss Guizhong can continue to explain to me the local customs and customs of your place. I'm very interested." Ningxia looked at Guizhong with an embarrassed look on his face and said.

Hearing Ningxia's words, the man who had a good impression of Ningxia because of the chat just now finally showed a grateful expression. The man in front of him has a high EQ, although he has only known him for less than a day, he will excuse himself.

"Ningxia, you just came back to Liyuan, there are some things you don't need to pay attention to, please wait here quietly for the food to be served." Morax said calmly after getting up.

After all, she waved her hand at Ning Xia helplessly. She was used to this kind of thing, so it didn't matter.

Chapter 465 Crispy Rice: A Bosom friend

Ningxia looked at the habitual look and was finally slipped away by Moraxti, and always felt a sense of déjà vu, but before he could think about it, the food was delivered to Ningxia.

"Crisp!?" Ningxia said in surprise, looking at the person who came, a three-meter-tall rice cracker.

"You know me?" Guoba asked suspiciously, the little boy in front of him didn't even exist in his memory.

"Eh..." Ning Xia was a little surprised when he looked at the rice cake in front of him, which was almost half his body taller, but he had traveled to the past, and it would be nice to have one more acquaintance.

"By the way, I'm not called a casserole, I'm Maxius." Maxius corrected, and then put the two roast meats, steamed buns, and cabbage tofu soup on the table.

"Okay, crispy rice." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"I'm Maxius!" Maxius said angrily, what a strange name for crispy rice, it sounds delicious.

"Well, the taste is not bad." Baimon said after taking a bite of the barbecue.

"Of course! I'm returning to Liyuan, no! Liyue's number one chef!" Maxius said confidently, in this place of Liyue, he has never been afraid of anyone in cooking.

"Er... Ningxia, can you make me barbecue? I haven't eaten your special barbecue for a long time." Baimeng said after eating two more bites. Although the crispy rice is very good, Baimeng wants to I ate the barbecue made in Ningxia.

"Lululu?" Maxius looked at Baimeng with disbelief, and some people thought that its food was not as good as others.

"I'm sorry, the main reason is that the barbecue made in Ningxia has a better taste and more diverse flavors, so..." Baimeng quickly explained.

Ningxia ate a piece of barbecue made of rice crust. Although the seasoning is very simple, it is perfect in terms of heat.

"It's delicious, but the seasoning is a bit simple, only salt and a little mint to remove the fishy smell." Ning Xia commented.

"Hey! You guy, do you really understand? I have the powder made of Jueyun pepper here, which was originally prepared for later experiments. Are you interested?" Maxius took out the powder from his bib. A bottle of red powder asked.

"Well, it smells pretty good, but you should dry it and grind it, it will be more fragrant." Ning Xia commented.

"It's interesting, you guy, are you interested in going to the kitchen with me to do research? I think we can chat very well." Maxius said with his huge bear paw on Ning Xia's shoulder.

As a demon god, its strength is not bad, but it has a gentle temperament, likes to study food and teach human food, so it chose to join Gui Liyuan as a chef, instead of participating in some demon wars to fight life and death.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Morax, let me not walk around casually. Ningxia was somewhat unable to adapt.

"Hi! Who am I to tell who? I'll explain it to Morax. Come on, let's study together, maybe we can make some new delicacies." Maxius said enthusiastically.

"We... just met, right?" Ning Xia's mouth twitched. The big rice dumpling in front of him was so enthusiastic that it was hard for him to refuse.

"As the saying goes, eating a bosom friend is less than a thousand bowls. Come on, my bosom friend, let me show you how big my kitchen is." Maxius said enthusiastically.

"Ningxia Ningxia! Go, go! Prepare something delicious for me!" Bai Meng also said coquettishly.

Looking at Baimeng, who was only the size of a fist because he became himself, Ning Xia reluctantly agreed.

But Maxius didn't brag, its kitchen is indeed very big, there are a lot of edible and inedible plants in Liyue, and all kinds of pots and pans are neatly arranged, even the easiest ones. Dirty floors were wiped clean too, no one could fault it.

"Wow! It's so big..." Looking at it, Ning Xia felt that the big kitchen was even bigger in Bai Meng's eyes. She looked at the ingredients around her curiously. If Ning Xia was not watching, she would have wanted to taste the ingredients herself. freshness.

"Oh hehehehe~ my confidant, do you have any delicious dishes? You can use the ingredients here!" Maxius said proudly. As a chef, there is nothing more proud of than having a good kitchen up.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia looked at the fresh lobsters in the water tank beside him, and had an idea in his heart.

"Then I won't be polite." Ning Xia said, picked up the kitchen knife, picked a potato and shredded it, then peeled off the shell of the raw shrimp with his bare hands and chopped it into puree.

Maxius watched Ningxia cook with a dazed expression. He had also been inspired by this dish. He was going to experiment with it in the past two days, but he didn't expect Ningxia to make it first.

"Brother, what's the name of your dish?" Maxius asked curiously. After seeing that the dishes made by Ningxia were almost in line with his ideas, it became even more convinced that Ningxia was his confidant.

"Hmm... What do you think of the golden shrimp balls?" Ning Xia took out the freshly fried golden shrimp balls and said, the tempting aroma flew out of the kitchen, and even people outside could smell it.

"Well, a good name, a good name!" Maxius said excitedly. It is more pleasing to the eyes of Ningxia. It thinks that if it is itself, it will also take this name. Doesn't this mean that Ningxia has a good heart with it?

"Ningxia! Can you blow it for me!" Baimeng said drooling, if it wasn't for the golden silk shrimp balls being too hot, she would want to hug and chew them right now.

On the other side of Gui Liyuan, after all, he was holding his head in aggrieved manner and followed Morakes. The two were not only representatives of Gui Liyuan, one civil and one military, but also extremely close friends. Fighting is not a strange thing.

"Is he all right?" Morax asked suddenly.

"Huh? Ningxia, it's pretty good. I can answer all the questions I asked and correct my mistakes. It should be from Dao Wife." After all, he touched the bag on his head and said.

"Did he say where he wanted to go?"

"That's not true. He just said he wanted to find a place to escape the chaos of war and get some peace." Finally he said after thinking about it.

"And I also used our Liyue's number one beauty, Morax, as a test. He is not interested in you. I think he should have succumbed to your force." Finally added.

"It goes without saying!" Morax said with a blushing face. After all, she always liked to describe her as the most beautiful woman in Liyue, which made her often embarrassed.

"Hehehe~ Look at your little face, this figure, if I were a man, I would be tempted." After all, he said meanly while hugging Morax's slender waist.

"You...huh? It smells so good." Just as Morax was about to say something, he smelled the fragrance wafting from the air.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Did Maxius cook up some new dishes? I'll go and see!" After all, he said excitedly, and then threw away Morax's slender waist to take the first bite of the new dish. vegetable.

Chapter 466 Fishy Smell

"Hot, hot!" Baimeng, who couldn't bear it anymore, couldn't help touching the steaming golden shrimp balls. It was so delicious, otherwise she would have wanted to hold the golden shrimp balls and eat them.

"You, I said we'll have to wait a little longer." Ningxia nodded helplessly at Baimeng's little head. He is still fond of Baimeng now, after all, he has made such a big sacrifice for himself.

"Hehehe~ Isn't it because your cooking is delicious~" Baimeng scratched his face and said.

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Maxius exclaimed. Inside the golden and crispy shell are soft and plump mashed potatoes and delicious and tempting shrimp. Although it's a simple dish, the taste is no more rare than anything else. The ingredients are poor.

"Maxius! What delicious food did you cook today! Let me taste it!" After all excitedly ran into the kitchen and asked.

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