"Huh... finally here, I haven't seen him for a long time..." At this time, a voice full of majesty and sacredness came from the sundial.

"Istaru! What do you mean!? Didn't I tell you that he is a good person!?" Qiyana, who resumed her action, shouted angrily. This time she was also in a hurry, and directly called Baimon by his real name.

"Oh, little Qiyana, you really wronged me. It is an inevitable result for him to go back to the past, otherwise this timeline would not exist now." The female voice in the sundial said helplessly.

"What do you mean!?" Kiyana was angry with doubts.

"I'm sorry, it seems that the seal I gave you was too strong, I'm sorry~" Istaru said playfully, and then a hand suddenly appeared in front of Kiyana, and tapped it lightly.

"This... I, I actually became that guy's sister in Ningxia!? Ah!!!! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! How could I be so ashamed!!!" Qiyana suddenly covered her face and shouted.

"Look, you don't have any memory, it's not that you get along well with Ningxia ~ what is my favorite brother ~ hahahaha! By the way, there is also a brother ~ I want to eat roasted bird eggs ~ hahahaha!" It was originally very sacred His voice suddenly turned into a magical laugh, as if he was very satisfied with Qiyana's current appearance.

"Shut up!!! Give it to me! Immediately! Immediately! Erase my time in Mengde and Ningxia!" Qiyana shouted angrily. The old sixth saw it.

"Okay, okay, let the present matter be left to me in the past and in the future, reincarnation is about to begin." Istaru said with some melancholy.

Ning Xia, who was forced into the portal, staggered to the finish line.

"This is... Liyue?" Ningxia turned around, and finally confirmed that Liyue was here from a dilapidated seven-day god statue.

"Welcome to the future, outsider." At this time, a woman with fluttering long hair and wearing a Paimon crown suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xia.

"Who are you?" Ning Xia took out the Kusanagi sword and asked.

"Don't panic, I guided you to come here. By the way, let me introduce myself first. My name is Istaru. You can also call me Baimon." The woman who called herself Istaru said.

"This is the future?" Ning Xia looked at the dark sky, the ruined Seven Heavens God Statue, and the corpses around him that made people vomit and smell blood. It was hard to imagine what the future Liyue would go through.

"To be precise, this is a future without you." Istaru said and looked into the distance, a huge black dragon was already approaching the two of them.

"Tch!" Ning Xia was about to cut down the black dragon exuding disgusting and corrupt aura with the [-]-meter sword, when a rock spear suddenly fell from the sky and pierced through it, and the pitch-black blood spilled on the ground, exuding a rotten aura.

"Liyue...Human...Protect..." Morakes suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xia, with a haggard body, speaking indistinctly.

"Morax!?" Ning Xia looked at the unconscious Morax in front of him, a little astonished. The handsome Morax, who seemed to have everything in his hands, turned into this appearance.

"As you can see, the future Liyue, or Tivat, has already entered extinction." Istaru said beside her.

"I don't understand! Morax, Kage, they are all... my sister, Linghua, Xiao Gong, Anin, Mona, Gan Yu... what about them!?"

"After the abyss successfully counterattacked Tianli, Tivat, who lost Kiyana, didn't even know where the abyss would attack from. As long as the world is opened, external forces will exterminate the creatures of Tivat."

"As for why Morax is still alive, it's because she was not a creature of this world, but she has completely forgotten everything because of wear and tear, and what she does now is her last obsession." Istaru explained.

"Morax..." Ning Xia looked at Morax standing in front of him stupidly, even if she forgot everything, didn't she forget to protect the people?

"Why did you ask me to come here? Do you just want me to know how miserable the future is?" Ning Xia asked.

"No, just to let you know that you have to go back to the past." Istaru explained.

"Why? I don't understand."

"Listen to me first, this future is a future without you. What happened here is already a bubble in the original world."

"The reason why I let you come to this future is just to let you honestly go back to the past. You are a special existence." Istaru said seriously.


"After the Tianli organization left Tivat, I tried to predict the future of Tivat. As you can see, the future is very bad." Istaru said sadly. She loves Tivat and everyone here. name creature.

"For this reason, I drew you here from outside the world, because you are special, that seed has been completely fused with you, and it has even more terrifying power, so I chose to take a gamble and cheat time."

"Cheating time?"

"Originally, I wanted to draw you to the Demon God War 3000 years ago, but some mistakes made you come at this wrong time."

"After you came to this world, the timeline of Tivat is completely new, but you have to go back to the 3000-year war of demon gods to complete the journey that originally belonged to you." Istaru explained.

Chapter 441 Baimon

(The author has something to add to the settings.)

"If I don't want to, will the future end like this?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes, if you don't complete the 3000-year journey and change the original timeline, the world will correct itself, and you and I will be expelled from this world." Istaru said helplessly.

"Why were you expelled?" Ning Xia asked with a puzzled expression.

"I am an extension of this great existence, and she and I are both descendants, but I have obtained the power of time. I am fighting against the law of heaven. She chose to leave, but I chose to stay and continue to maintain the power of Tivat time. Stablize."

"Cheating time requires you to complete the journey that originally belonged to you to justify yourself. If you choose to refuse, you and I will be kicked out of this world." Istaru explained.

"Is this a threat?" Ning Xia asked.

"No, no, I'm sorry for dragging you into this world, but now you have a deep bond in Tivat, I guess you don't want to part with your family here, right?" Istaru said Said calmly.

"I promise you, but I want to make it clear, do I have to spend 3000 years in the past?" Ning Xia asked with a frown. In 3000 years, he was afraid that his current memory would be blurred.

"No, the past me will help you. As the God of Time in this world, she will jump some time for you to prevent you from having problems due to too long time." Istaru explained.

"Then... let's go." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"Follow...behind me...safely..." Morax, who was standing stupidly beside him, suddenly pulled Ning Xia and said.

"What will happen to her?" Ning Xia looked at Morax who was standing aside and asked.

"Since this future does not exist, she will be erased together with this future world after you leave," Istaru said.

"She..." Looking at Morax who was foolishly trying to protect her, Ning Xia suddenly softened her heart.

"If you want to take her away, I can help you, but she has forgotten everything in the past because of wear and tear, maybe you can give her a new life." Istaru also saw what Ning Xia meant.

"Use the breath of life?" Ning Xia raised a hand and said, the rich breath of life dispelled the surrounding dark fog.

"Yes, if you don't mind, enough breath of life can bring her into a new life, uh...similar to your bird, but she has no memory of the past." Istaru said looking into the distance .

"Okay, the next thing will be left to me in the past. This world... should disappear." Istaru said lightly.

Without waiting for Ning Xia to say anything, Istaru opened a teleportation gate with his hands and sent Ning Xia away.

With Ning Xia's departure, the future world gradually collapsed. The demonic dragons roaming the sky suddenly turned into little stars, and the long-lost sunshine in the sky was then swallowed up by the void.

Slowly, the whole world was left with only the land where Istaru stood. At this time, a woman who looked exactly like Kiana when she grew up appeared in front of Istaru.

"Is it worth it? You can leave even if this world is destroyed, but if you choose to eliminate it, the current you and me will be completely erased." The woman exactly like Qiyana asked.

"I don't think there is anything good in this world now, Abyss!" Istaru said coldly.

"Oh, the greatness of Honkai, a foolish little god like you will not understand, if I am not complete, how could I just watch you..." Before she could finish speaking, the whole world disappeared completely, as if there was no Appeared in general.

Standing in the void, Istaru sighed, her eyes seemed to see the moment when Ningxia just arrived, as if she had traveled through time, she showed a wry smile, and then disappeared into the void.

Ningxia's experience in the portal was not good, it was like an ordinary person riding a roller coaster of death after eating a big meal.

The dizziness from the depths of the soul made Ningxia almost faint like this, but Morax, who was holding him tightly, kept hammering his chest to keep him awake.

After suffering for an unknown amount of time, Ning Xia staggered half-kneeling on the ground.

"Oh, are you the descendant I summoned? Why are you in such a mess~" A familiar voice sounded in Ning Xia's ears, but compared to the seriousness of Istaru in the future, she at this moment is a little bit in need of a beating.

Ningxia knelt on the ground and retched for a long time before recovering. The dizziness she sent made her soul shake. It was no less disgusting than eating a sandwich with canned herring + pickled puffins and wiped the verdict. .

"Be careful...I...protect you..." Morax patted Ning Xia's back lightly, trying to make him feel better.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ What a mess, little guy." Istaru, who was sitting on the side eating an apple, said cheerfully.

After half kneeling on the ground for a while, Ning Xia stood up in a state of embarrassment and looked at Istaru.

"Then, let me introduce myself. My name is Istaru, and now my alias is Baimon. I am the God of Time in Tivat, and I am also your traveling companion on this trip." Istaru introduced herself.

"Bai Meng? What's your relationship with Paimon?" Ning Xia asked subconsciously.

"Paimon? It sounds like a good name, you can think about it." Baimon touched his chin and said.

"..." Ning Xia looked at Bai Meng, who was innocent and slightly embarrassed, although he looked very similar, it was difficult for him to connect her with the future Istaru.

"You, what are you looking at! I, I am good-looking, but don't worry about me! I, I don't like people like you!" Baimeng said with a blushing face.

As the god of time, she doesn't usually get in touch with people. She stole the tricks just now from others, and it is said that it can increase the sense of mystery.

"Are you shy?" Ning Xia looked at Bai Meng who suddenly panicked and said.

"It's useless! I'm the God of Time, I haven't seen anything!? You! You! Anyway, don't think about me, I, I'm very powerful!" Baimeng argued in a panic.

"Pfft~" Ning Xia looked at Bai Meng who was flustered with a little naivety, and suddenly felt that he had met an acquaintance, after all, Bai Meng in front of him was very similar to a large Pai Meng.

"What are you laughing at!?" Baimon stomped angrily.

"It's nothing, I just remembered that the duck I made before had a hard mouth." Ning Xia said with a suppressed smile.

"Duck? Is it delicious? How do you do it!?" Baimeng said with an excited expression immediately.

Ningxia's heavy heart about coming and going suddenly dissipated most of it. After all, if there is a large pie in front of him, it shouldn't be boring.

Chapter 442 Punching the Lone King of the Tower

Ning Xia stopped teasing Bai Meng and started asking about the journey.

"Originally, you should have descended to Tivat in this era, but a little accident made you descend in the future."

"However, since the future has been changed, it means that you have succeeded. When you came to Tivat, the time has already been changed." Baimon explained while chewing on an apple.

"The future you said that you can skip some time, what is the specific situation?" Ning Xia asked.

"Well, every once in a while, I can let you skip some time, but..." Baimeng looked at the stone pillar at the side with some guilt.

"Just what?"

"Everything...is random...I don't know when it will start and how long it will last..." Baimeng scratched his little face guiltily and said.

"..." Ning Xia took a deep breath, trying not to get excited, is this a monkey trick?Everything is random, could it be that he survived for 1000 years, and then jumped for a year?

"Yes! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Please don't hit me!!!" Baimeng shouted while covering his head.

"..." Ningxia looked at Baimeng who was crouching with his head in his arms, and sighed helplessly.

"What should I do next?" Ning Xia asked.

"My temple is near Mond, so we can go to Mond to meet my apprentice." Baimon suggested.

"Okay...someone is here?" Ningxia looked at the snow-capped Mond in the distance and said.

"Oh? Who is it?" Baimeng asked naively.

"It's strange, so there is such a small island in my Mondori." At this time, a figure surrounded by strong wind said.

"It doesn't look weaker than me..." Ning Xia said solemnly, while Morax was already standing in front of Ning Xia on his own initiative.

The gale was wrapped in ice and snow and came to the Temple of Time. From the gale, one could vaguely see a pair of eyes of the wind element examining Ning Xia and the others.

"Where are you demon gods from? Why did you invade my Mond?" Lie Feng asked indifferently.

"Ning, Ningxia, you, have you beaten him?" Baimeng said while hiding behind Ningxia. Although the God of Time has powerful powers, she has no fighting ability.

"Hmm... I can't beat it." Ning Xia said very simply, he is only an upper-middle-level demon god, and the gale in front of him is no accident that the lonely king of the tower, Dekarapian.

And how could his aura be regarded as a superior demon god close to the top, there is a high probability that he would not be able to beat him.

"Then what should we do!? I, I don't have the ability to fight!" Baimeng said anxiously. She can still do things like modifying the timeline if you ask her to, but her fighting power is stronger than that of a demon god like Salt God. Some.

"Hmph!" Dekarapian looked at the two chatting with each other in front of him, feeling that his majesty had been violated, and dozens of strong winds blew the roof of the Temple of Time down.

"Hey! My temple!!!" Baimeng said tearfully, this is the temple she built after fooling her apprentice for a long time.

"Protect..." Morax, who was on the side, noticed that Dekarapian wanted to hurt Ningxia, so he punched through Gale's protection, and the fist containing the rock element directly knocked him out.

"You! You hit me!!!" Dekarapian yelled covering his face. He was fighting against Andreus in Mond.

Relying on the protection of the wind wall, Andreus could only stare outside and watch him live his life inside.

It was the first time for him to experience this kind of intimate physical communication, and it was the fist of Morax, the top demon god.

Morax ignored Dekarapian's yelling, gathered dozens of rock spears with both hands and threw them at him.

This demon god who has been facing Andreus in Mond all year round and is not very powerful in physical communication, was lucky to experience the treatment of the Liyue demon gods next door, and was bombarded by the rain of rock guns until he fled in embarrassment .

After confirming that Dekarapian would not return, Morax returned to Ningxia and stood beside him.

"You bodyguard is not bad! You beat that guy away easily." Baimon said excitedly.

"No...she's my friend...at least I think it is now." Ning Xia touched Morax's face with some distress and said, the breath of life restored her withered body.

Although he has always been very disgusted with Morax, Ningxia was very touched by her behavior of remembering to protect the people even if she lost her mind.

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