Especially under the illumination of the light, Rosalia, who was more used to the dark, was even more uncomfortable. She kept thinking about herself in her heart just to heal her wounds and hypnotize herself.

"Stretch out your arms." Ning Xia said as calmly as possible, the pink color of her pale and sickly skin was accentuated by the light, coupled with the slightly shy expression on Rosalia's face.

As long as it is a normal man, it is difficult to control the temptation, and Ning Xia can only silently recite the Tao Te Ching to ease the dragon's dissatisfaction.

"Oh." Rosalia turned her face away and stopped looking at Ning Xia. Her pale arms were almost touching Ning Xia's face. Every time she exhaled hot air, the pink on her pale skin became more vivid.

But because of the movement of the arm, the Longji Snow Mountain, which had been arbitrarily occupying the line of sight, was pushed aside.

It seems to be very dissatisfied with the practice of the arm, and the squeezed and deformed Longji Snow Mountain almost jumped out of the bondage to prove that he is the protagonist.

The original button on the back also began to loosen slightly due to Rosalia's years of fighting and the fact that the size did not fit perfectly.

As the breath of life continued to heal the scorched black of the wound, Rosalia was a little addicted to the warmth, and almost yelled out a strange sound.

As the breath of life recovered, the scorched black wound formed a blood scab, and then fell off the wound automatically.

Another treatment in Ningxia made Rosalia's body a lot more relaxed. The organs that had been damaged by tobacco and alcohol seemed to be reborn, making her body better than ever.

"Hmm~" Rosalia couldn't help stretching out with this feeling, and the button that was about to be unbearable was completely broken off.

As the black fell to the ground, Longji Snow Mountain finally succeeded in standing proudly.

Chapter 416 The Ruddy-Colored Rosalia

Ningxia is lucky, because he is the first person to see the complete Longji Snow Mountain landform, and even luckier is that he saw an expression that Rosalia would never show before, or in other words, everyone in Mond thinks that Rosalia An expression that Saria would never show.

After reacting, Rosalia quickly put on her clothes, then gave Ning Xia a hard look, and then went back to her room and locked the door behind her. Even if it was to heal the wound, the price was too...

Ning Xia scratched his face in embarrassment. He really didn't expect this to happen. He really just wanted to heal Rosalia.

Then Ning Xia noticed a touch of black that Rosalia missed, looked at the black on the floor, and then at the door of Rosalia's room, Ning Xia had no choice but to walk over and knock on the door, thinking she was unlucky.

At this time, Rosalia, who returned to her room, was about to express her shame with her head on the ground. After hearing Ning Xia's knock on the door, her cheeks were completely covered in red. Originally, she wanted to let Ning Xia leave with a calm voice. But when it comes to the mouth, it becomes: "I! I will not give in!"


There was silence outside for a while and then continued: "You forgot something, I just returned it to you."

Only then did Rosalia notice that Longji Snow Mountain had been rubbing against her clothes, remembering that the thing that made her feel ashamed was in Ning Xia's hands, Rosalia could only take a few deep breaths to try to calm herself down.

Then she opened the door and snatched the black that Ning Xia pinched with two fingers. Although there was nothing strange on it, Rosalia couldn't help asking: "You, you didn't do anything strange to it. thing?"

"Am I this kind of person!?" Ning Xia gritted his teeth and said, he really just wanted to treat Rosalia, and he really just wanted to return the things to her. If he wants to make strange things, it's totally fine. Find Sara or Mona.

"Hold, I'm sorry..." Rosalia said and locked the door again, looking at the black on her hand, Rosalia only felt extremely regretful.

Because she couldn't find a suitable size for her, she had to settle for the next best size and bought the largest size of Mond. Rosalia, who was originally relatively casual, just felt that it was a little difficult to breathe and it was difficult to wear, so she didn't care much. .

As a result, he was stabbed in the back suddenly and fiercely by this thing today, causing Ning Xia to see half of his body.

Rosalia scratched her short hair a little annoyed, what the hell is going on! ?

Qiyana, who witnessed the whole process, left with some disappointment. Is that all? She thought something strange would happen.

For example~cough cough cough...

As the girls woke up one by one, Rosalia, who had recovered a bit, also came out to take on the job of a maid.

"Rosalia, your complexion is much ruddy." Mona said without knowing it, thinking that Rosalia's complexion had improved.

Rosalia responded superficially when she heard Mona's words, but her body stepped on Ning Xia to vent her anger when everyone was not paying attention.

Ning Xia smiled wryly and let Rosalia vent her emotions. After all, he saw the magnificent Longji Snow Mountain with his own eyes first.

Its level of horror surpasses that of Sharo, and it is not a problem to stand shoulder to shoulder with Kapaqili, and with the cooperation of Rosalia's pale complexion, there is a unique sense of beauty.

What's more, Rosalia's method is not so much a step, but a gentle pressing with a small leather shoe. Compared with her previous ruthless methods, it is almost Barbara's level of gentleness.

Because Sara promised to practice with Noelle today, he could only say sorry to Ningxia. After all, Ningxia watched from the sidelines in the previous practice except for teaching swordsmanship. It's better to let Ningxia do whatever he wants.

"Master Sara! Senior Ningxia, I'm interrupting you again today!" Noelle said respectfully as always, because she was about to take the exam of the Knight Order, and her persistence in practice became even more demanding.

Seriously fulfilled the practice table formulated by Sara, and wanted to accumulate for passing the exam.

"Brother, Noelle and I are going to practice first." Sara said with an apologetic face and took Noelle away from home, thinking in her heart that she should make good compensation to Ning Xia tonight.

Then Mona also took the materials and prepared to go to the library. If she wanted to do a rigorous astrology, she needed the materials in the library as a reference.

Kiyana yawned and returned to the room, wanting to continue to sleep, unknowingly she had gotten used to this kind of human routine.

Kapaqili also left with Sharo in a very sensible way. She had already seen Rosalia's little tricks towards Ning Xia, and thought that a newcomer was coming, so she gave Ning Xia a naughty look.

Soon, only Ningxia and Rosalia were left in the family.

"You..." Ningxia, who were looking at each other, noticed the... on the maid's outfit, and immediately turned away.

Rosalia immediately covered her chest, the black size was too small, and she only had one, as for the others, she couldn't wear them now, so she could only cover it up with the clothes, but Ning Xia still saw it.

"Hmph! You said you're not that kind of person!" Rosalia said while clutching her chest, she didn't expect Ning Xia to even notice this kind of thing.

"Eh..." Ning Xia turned his face away. Although he had visited many famous mountains and hills, it was the first time he had seen the special Longji Snow Mountain like Rosalia.

"Really!" Rosalia lay on the sofa with her chest folded and prepared to catch up on sleep. She preferred the sofa to getting up, which would keep her awake.

Ningxia is going to go out to find Yula, and he is also worried about Amber.The second is about Qin. Since admitting that she is a dandelion girl, Qin dare not talk to Ningxia, which makes Ningxia a little distressed.

Chapter 417 Clever Paimon

He casually covered Rosalia who was lying on the sofa with a blanket, and then Ning Xia gave instructions and looked at Qiyana before going out.

When Ningxia left, Rosalia got up and looked at the blanket on her body, and couldn't help but let out a cold snort before covering herself with the blanket again.

Ning Xia, who was going out, was walking on the road in Shangcheng District, and met an acquaintance who should not be in Mond City now.

"Ying?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"Ning! Ning! Ning! Ning! Ning! Ningxia!" Yingmei, who was digesting the news of the Seven Heavens God Statue from Barbara, was immediately interrupted by Ningxia's voice, and her brain was immediately occupied by shyness.

"Didn't you say you went to Liyue yesterday? Why are you still here today? What happened?" Ning Xia asked.

"No! No! No! It's okay!!!" Yingmei stammered. She could communicate with Ningxia normally before, but after kissing her the day before yesterday, she no longer knew how to communicate with Ningxia.

Once she saw Ningxia, the scene of kissing Ningxia would immediately come to mind, occupying her thoughts and making her unable to think about the next thing.

"Ningxia, it's like this..." Paimeng, who really couldn't stand it anymore, roughly talked about Yingmei's meeting Dyne and finding the empty trace.

"You... have you found information about your brother?" Ning Xia frowned and said, Kong is an enemy of the Seven Kingdoms now, if Yingmei knew...

"Yes, although I don't know why my brother has something to do with the abyss, it's always good to find clues." Yingmei said in a voice so small that Paimon could hardly hear it. This was the only way she could talk to Ningxia. Method.

"In this case, let me help, I don't feel at ease letting you be with a strange man." Ning Xia said, he knew very well that Yingmei had absolutely nothing to do with Abyss, it was just empty...

It would be very sad if this socially fearful but strong-hearted girl knew that her brother was actually the enemy of the Seven Kingdoms.

And Ningxia is also very worried that Abyss will not have eyes and hurt Yingmei. If this is the case, it will be bad.

An abyssal apostle may reach the level of family members, but it is still very easy to deal with the girl in the eyes of God.

"No! No! No! No! No need!" Yingmei quickly waved her hands and said, she has no face to be with Ningxia anymore, if Ningxia was by her side, she might be killed by her own shame first.

"Ying! The abyss is very dangerous, I can't just watch you and a stranger explore." Ning Xia said solemnly, although he originally wanted to find Yula.

But the matter of Yingmei is even more important. What is related to the abyss is either sabotaging the country or man-made weapons. Yingmei can't solve it alone.

"I..." Yingmei opened her mouth looking at the serious Ningxia. It was the first time she saw Ningxia talking to her so seriously, and she didn't know what to say even when she was already guilty.

Paimon, who was on the side, was once again smart, and said smoothly, "That's great! With Ningxia here, our food and safety are guaranteed. It's much better than a guy like Dyne who disappeared all of a sudden!"

"Pimon!!!" Yingmei didn't use the Aozang Mountain to suppress the talkative Pimeng this time as usual, she waved her two little hands in the air, not knowing how to reprimand Pimeng.

Although she said that she didn't want Ningxia to follow them to find her brother, but Paimon's words made her excited. If she introduced Ningxia to her brother, he would be very happy too, right?

"Okay, okay, Paimon agreed, I will protect you from now on, so don't worry." Ning Xia said softly, he also knew that Yingmei was too shy now, so he didn't mention the kiss at the hotel .

"Oh, okay, okay." Yingmei whispered, looking down at her toes rubbing against each other, two red clouds had already climbed onto her cheeks, and she could faintly see wisps of white mist floating upwards.

"Where are you going to meet that Dyne next?" Ning Xia asked.

"The ruins of the wind dragon, Dyne said that he originally planned to go to the wolf leader to find it, but the abyss had already been found before him, so he ruled it out."

"And we got rumors from Barbara that the wind dragon ruins will shoot fireballs for a while. We suspect that it is the first cultivator mentioned by Dyne." Paimon said from the side, and now let Yingmei talk to Ningxia It is more difficult. At this time, the best guide in Tiwat is needed to help.

"I understand, let's go to the Fenglong ruins first, I just happen to have a friend there, and it will help." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"You mean... Twalin?" Yingmei asked in a low voice.

"Yes, if it is, it should be very happy to help. It is a good boy." Ningxia said with a smile. Although Twalin is like a husky when he is fine, he is still very reliable when there is something wrong.

This may be the theory of relativity between the demon god and his dependents. Ying she is a social horror, and Shenzi is a social bull, so Wendy is unreliable, but Tewarin is very reliable.

"As expected of Ningxia! Even Twarin listens to you, so amazing!" Paimon clapped her hands and said, she didn't forget to think carefully and get some benefits from Ningxia, so she and Yingmei's back You don't have to worry about being poor when you travel.

"Okay, okay, stop flattering me, have you had breakfast?" Ning Xia asked, looking at Yingmei's slightly shriveled belly.

"Hey~ We ran around the two places in Mengliyue the day before yesterday to find clues, and we didn't eat anything yesterday!" Paimon said, rubbing his stomach.

"Okay, I'll take you guys to eat first before going, the girls have to be nicer to themselves, it's not good to be too thin!" Ning Xia said and walked to the Deer Hunter restaurant on her own.

"Yeah! Treat Ningxia! Ying! Let's catch up!" Paimon kicked his feet excitedly. This kind of opportunity to have a good meal in the restaurant was the last time Kaya treated guests to dinner.

Although Kaiya saw her after that day, he turned around and ran away, as if he saw some gold-swallowing monster, for fear that he would be swallowed by her.

At this time, Kaiya, who had stayed up all night, staggered out of the acting head's office. After Yula reported the matter of the abyss stronghold yesterday, he was busy all night, and almost confessed himself to the outside.

In order not to give Qin a chance to work, Lisa would keep an eye on Qin except occasionally, lest she suddenly go back to take over the shift, so Kaia could not get Qin's help at all.

Kaiya touched the inconspicuous dark circles on his face. If it wasn't for the lack of money, he wouldn't agree to Lisa's request, at least he would ask for more money.

Chapter 418

In the abyss, after receiving the news that Her Royal Highness was with Ningxia again, Yuanshang immediately came to the empty room.

"Your Highness." Yuan Shang cautiously approached Kong and said.

"What's wrong?" Kong said standing in front of the mirror, he had already decided that he would appear in front of Yingmei with a perfect posture in the future, to let her know that he was doing well, so that she wouldn't worry about him all the time.

"I'll tell you something, can you not be angry?" Yuanshang asked tentatively.

Don't tell Kong this news, it would be bad for Kong to break the defense on the spot, but if you tell him, the high probability of suffering will be himself.

"If you're looking for a fight, I can help you right now." Kong held the comb as if he was about to hit Yuanshang on the head.

Yuanshang quickly covered his head and begged for mercy. Although he knew that Kong would not beat him, he still had to do what he should do. This was his self-cultivation as a subordinate.

"Let's talk, for the sake of meeting my cutest sister in the world today, I can agree to any request as long as it's not tricky." Kong said and began to wax himself.

"Is this true!?" Yuan Shang suddenly became excited, and then realized that he didn't come here for this, so he waved his hand quickly.

"No, it's just..." Yuan Shang scratched his head in embarrassment. Although Kong seemed to be in a good mood, after the previous few times when Kong lost control of his emotions, Yuan Shang also figured out the essence of Kong.

The absolute love for her younger sister makes her want to inhumanely destroy all those who want to bully her or have bad thoughts about her.

To put it bluntly, he is an ultimate sister-in-law, but it is about caring. If there is no abyss staring at him, he would have gone to find Yingmei in his spare time.

"Tell me, I'll say I'm in a good mood." Sora looked satisfied with his hairstyle, and felt that his sister would also admire his current appearance.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just... Her Royal Highness is acting with Ningxia again." Yuanshang said as he rolled back and took out the anti-choke device and put it on.

"Crack!!!" Kong, who originally wanted to spray himself with some perfume, crushed the perfume bottle, turned around stiffly and looked at Yuangami.

"Forget it, I'm used to it." Yuanshang waved his hand and stretched his neck to Kong, he was used to being pinched anyway.

And at the Deer Hunter restaurant at this time, Yingmei was covering her face and looking at Paimeng who was eating and drinking. Every time at this time, she felt extremely ashamed, but she couldn't leave.

Sitting aside, Ning Xia sipped the juice from time to time, and was not surprised by Paimeng's feasting. She looked at Paimon's contented face calmly, and died laughing, she was not short of money at all.

"Ying, are you really sure that Abyss has clues about your brother?" Ning Xia asked, he didn't really want the girl in front of him to have something to do with Abyss.

"Yes, I have a special connection with my brother. At some point, I can see the memories he left behind. I'm sure that my brother has something to do with Abyss." Yingmei said in a low voice.

If she finds her brother, she must introduce Ningxia to him. Yingmei thinks that they will become good friends.

"... No matter what, I will protect you." Ning Xia frowned and said, no matter what Yingmei chooses to join the abyss, he will not stop her.

But before that, he would guarantee Yingmei's safety. The kiss of the girl in front of him had already expressed her shy feelings, and Ning Xia was also very clear about Yingmei's intentions.

But Yingmei also said that her trip is to find relatives, so Ningxia will not prevent Yingmei from meeting Kong, but before that, he can only give Yingmei psychological counseling as much as possible.

"Well, I, I believe you." Yingmei lowered her head and said, her weak voice combined with her seductive red cheeks made people want to take a bite.

"Okay, let's eat first, look at you, your stomach is flat." Ningxia said and put a plate of Huohuo meat sauce noodles in front of Yingmei.

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