Barbara looked at Ningxia with admiration while explaining the steps to her while cutting up the ingredients casually with a kitchen knife. Barbara admired this calmness very much.

Kapaqili yawned and handled other ingredients for Ningxia. It might be a little difficult for her to cook, but she has already got the essence of Ningxia in handling ingredients.

Sara, who was already acting as a hostess, greeted Santo, Noelle, and Keri who had just arrived outside.

"Thank you Sister Sara!" Keli politely took the juice from Sara's hand and said, although the big sister in front of her looks a little cold, she is not bad~

Even Granose can say a few words to Sara, it's not that Sara has suddenly become very good at chatting, Sara herself belongs to the type that speaks very sincerely.

It just so happened that Granu didn't like Kaiya's twisted and twisted joke exchanges, so the two straight-talking girls reached a consensus.

Noelle was also able to say a few words on the side, and the only thing that Granose could talk to Sara was the Ningxia part.

After the sugar started, Saluo once again proudly told all about Ningxia's glorious deeds, and the vivid plot made it hard not to doubt whether Saluo had learned from Tian Tiezui.

Noelle, who originally admired Ningxia, listened carefully to Sara's bragging with twinkling stars in her eyes.

Ningxia, who was stewed in the kitchen, sighed helplessly. He was used to it. This is how a sister who likes to brag about her younger brother is like this.

"By the way, Mr. Ningxia...can I ask, how do you get along with your sister?" Barbara asked, although now she and Qin can have a few words.

But there is still some sense of distance between each other, which makes Barbara very distressed, and finally able to chat with her sister normally.

But she didn't know anything about her sister at all, and she didn't know what topics to talk about when chatting with her sister.

This time, I happened to see the intimate communication between Ning Xia and Sha Luo, and she was very curious about how it was done.

Hearing Barbara's confusion, Ning Xia couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to talk nonsense about this, after all, his sister had already...

Chapter 377 Yula's Dignity

"Ah! Someone is coming! I'll open the door first!" Ning Xia, who didn't know how to fool Barbara, came to the door like a bolt of lightning.

After all, it's better to open the door than to explain to Barbara how intimate it is?It can't be the Shura field, right?He was very good this time at Mond.

"Click..." Ning Xia opened the door, and the half-relaxed breath was stuck in his throat, and he saw Qin and Yula standing in front of him wearing new clothes that were impossible to see normally.

Amber in the back showed a helpless expression. She also wanted to help, but she didn't know how to help.This chaotic relationship is beyond Amber's comprehension.

On the other hand, Lisa covered her mouth and smiled secretly. She had only seen this kind of situation in novels, and it was the first time that this kind of live broadcast was broadcast.

Of course, if Ningxia really makes Qin sad, Lisa will also let Ningxia experience the 200-year genius of Sumeru for the first time. At least Lisa thinks that her best efforts should make Ningxia feel bad... right?

"Eh...good afternoon! Qin, Yula, Amber...and this lady librarian, have you...have you eaten yet?" Ning Xia said with a smiling face that seemed to be crying.

It happened that I made such a hearty meal. Barbara, Sugar Noelle, and even Rosalia who was lying upstairs prepared a copy, plus the extra large version for Pymont, it seems You can also invite the four people in front of you to eat together.

She really came up with whatever she wanted, and although she didn't get an accurate answer, Ning Xia was basically sure that Qin was a dandelion girl.

But Yula has already fallen in love with him, and he also agreed to come down when he was dancing solo under the moon before he didn't mind his flirtatiousness.

Ningxia was a little at a loss for the awkward atmosphere that looked like a Shura field but was not a Shura field.

One is a close pen pal who has been exchanging letters all year round, and has reached a threshold of mutual affection except for meeting, and the other is a noble girl whom I met by chance in Liyue and inadvertently picked up.

At this moment, Ningxia only felt toothache, liver pain, kidney pain, and pain all over his body except his own weapon. Isn't this just Qingmei and Tianxiang who changed their names?

He has already experienced this kind of thing several times in Daozuma and Liyue, he never thought that he would not be able to escape this law in Mond...

"Ningxia, afternoon... okay." Qin also greeted with some embarrassment. Lisa saw that it was not an option for the two of them to stand still, so she simply asked them to come to Ningxia together.

From Qin's point of view, it seems that she is robbing Yula's husband now. Yula clearly revealed her heart before her, but she has been procrastinating for so long and only now reveals her heart. This kind of guilt makes Qin Very uncomfortable.

However, through years of correspondence with Ningxia, Qin has completely developed the habit of going to Ningxia to complain about things. She thought that this kind of thing would go further after Ningxia's arrival, but her own procrastination made the relationship that could have been further improved. It's getting weird.

Qin is very regretful now, especially regretful, so regretful that she wants to go back to the past and pinch her neck to tell her, don't care about the sense of welcome and ritual, hurry up and show your feelings! ! !

"You... don't you just want us to stand at the door!? This... this grudge, I will write it down!" Yula faltered and said her own mantra, and this kind of situation happened to be the last thing she wanted to see up.

It's not that she wants to rob someone from Qin, but she has already fallen into it twice before she knew it, and she can't let it go anymore.

Thinking of the shitty things she did after drinking, Yula wished she could go back and strangle her neck fiercely to make herself more rational.

Although she herself felt that even if she was not drunk, she would reveal it to Ning Xia at some point.

"Please, please come in, I'm just cooking, why don't you stay and have a light meal..." Ning Xia forced a smile, he always thought that when he was in Mond, he was only with Yula who obviously had a crush on him .

There will be no more situations in the Shura field. What I didn't expect was that not only can't I avoid this kind of thing, but even a situation that I can't deal with.

Lisa even patted Ning Xia on the shoulder in a teasing manner, as if to say, young man, sister, I am optimistic about you~

"Qin, are you the dandelion girl?" Ning Xia asked straightforwardly, he could almost confirm it, but in the end Qin had to admit it himself.

"Yes... yes, I am your pen pal in Ningxia, Dandelion Girl, I..." Qin got stuck just as she admitted that she was a Dandelion Girl.

She really didn't know what to say next?How should I explain it? Could it be that I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn’t admit it right away, but now I’m embarrassed to admit it after going through so many things?

"Ahem, let me explain for Qin." Yula coughed heavily, and then took a deep breath. In her opinion, her revenge should be to defeat Qin in an upright manner.

Instead of watching the other party embarrassingly in this situation, he knew that Qin was a dandelion girl after returning to Mond, but he dared not say it because of a little selfishness. This is not his code of conduct.

"First of all, Qin is the dandelion girl. She has been preparing to hold a party to welcome you since she knew you were Xia Tian, ​​but you also know about Mond."

"The Black Flame Case, the Abyss, Twalin, one after another, Qin is so busy dealing with these things that she doesn't even have time to sleep, and she especially values ​​getting to know you, that's why she has been procrastinating until now." La pretended to be calm and said.

It would be false to say that there is no heartache, this kind of behavior of giving an advantage to a rival is tantamount to putting yourself in the biggest predicament.

But the same Yula didn't want to see Qin just lose the opportunity to explain to Ning Xia, whether it was Qin's special concern for her or her own dignity.

In her opinion, even if she failed, she would only accept it frankly, instead of regretting it, at least... once had it.

"Yura..." Qin looked at Yula with a touch of emotion. She is really grateful to Yula for explaining herself, otherwise she would definitely not be able to explain it with her current words.

Yura pretended to be relaxed and showed a smile, as if to say that she didn't care much, but one hand was already twisting her thigh hard.

Chapter 378 Volume King

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just telling the truth. If you make up and hit you in this regard, that kind of revenge is too vulgar!" Yula quickly added.

"I understand..." Ning Xia nodded and said, Qin is indeed too tired these days. Although his elder brother Ayato Shenli has been entrusted with a heavy responsibility by him, he still has time to drink a dumpling milk. Touch a fish or something.

As for Qin, she is pure 007. At least she has been in Ningxia for so long, and she has never seen Qin take any rest except during recuperation.

The scope of their work ranges from going out of the city to clear monsters, down to catching cats and dogs, and they do everything. The work is so intense that the donkeys in the production team call it cruel.

"Qin's really too big, I don't have time to explain it to me, and I can understand it, but..." As Ning Xia's voice lengthened, Qin's expression changed from relaxed to tense, which made Ning Xia suddenly notice It's the sweet spot of Qin.

"I hope you can take more rest. Your workload is really too much. Proper rest can make your work more efficient." Ning Xia said seriously, he was really afraid that Qin would suddenly go to Wuwangpo to queue up.

"Qin, look, the handsome guy thinks you are too much, you should take a good rest these few days, the Knights will be fine with Kaia watching over them." Lisa seized this opportunity and said, and gave Ningxia gave a thankful look.

This little handsome guy is pretty good at coming. He knew that he would ask Qin to rest more, and it would not be in vain for him to try his best to dress up Qin for him today.

"This! There are too many things about Mondry, so I need to work harder to be able to tell Lord Barbatos and Lord Vanessa..." Qin stammered and explained.

"..." Ning Xia didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment. It would be fine if he didn't know Fengshen, but his relationship with Wendy already belonged to the kind of relationship with zero distance.

In some respects, he understands Fengshen better than Fengshen himself. In terms of fishing, Ningxia thinks that Ying, who has never died from overwork in the past, can compare with Wendy.

Lisa waved her hands helplessly. She thought Ning Xia could let Qin take a good rest, but seeing Ning Xia's appearance, there was probably no other way.

"Mr. Ning Xia, may I ask you about the duck neck...sister!?" Barbara, who came out with the duck neck she had just finished, looked at Qin who was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

She just asked Ningxia for advice on how to get along with her sister, why did her sister come here?

"Barbara!? Why are you here?" Qin asked with some doubts. Although Barbara is resting today, according to the usual itinerary, even during the rest time, Barbara will go to gather medicine or go to Heal the old people of Dawn Winery.

Why did you come to Ningxia's house today, and even entered someone's kitchen?And he looks very familiar with Ningxia?

"Sister, don't you... have to work today?" Barbara thought for a long time before choking out this sentence. She had very little communication with her sister, and Qin was either at work or on the way to work.

She just wanted to know, but there was nothing she could do, and she didn't know when Qin would rest and when she would work.

"I..." Qin got stuck again. It's okay to ask her to dismantle the guards of the ruins or adjust the contradictions of Mond, but let her chat with her sister...

Although the two can already chat normally, they still understand each other as strangers who are more familiar, and they still need some time to adjust.

And she can tell Barbara why she came to Ningxia?Is it possible to tell my sister, sister, I am here today to find you a brother-in-law or something.

"It's like this, I invited Captain Qin." Ning Xia saw Qin's embarrassment and began to explain to her.

"So it's like this... By the way! Sister, let's try this! Mr. Ning Xia taught me to make the duck neck! You are the first to eat it!" Barbara said and put the duck neck on the table, Invite everyone to eat together.

Noelle and Granose watched the whole thing in a daze. This chaotic relationship was too superficial for those of them who were not deeply involved in the world.

Sara comforted the fidgeting Yula at the side. It was impossible for Yula not to feel uncomfortable with what she said just now. This kind of stupid behavior of explaining to her rival is just like Yula's knife-mouthed tofu. Only the heart can do it.

Amber sat beside Yula, although she was looking at Yula, she would always look at Ningxia intentionally or unintentionally, but everyone's eyes were focused on Ningxia and Qin, so only Shaluo noticed.

Sara sighed helplessly, although she said that she was prepared in her heart, but her brother's popularity would always make her feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Qin chatting with Barbara a little awkwardly, Ning Xia also had time to chat with Yula.

Ningxia sat beside Yula, and handed a duck neck to Yula.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Ning Xia said.

"Hmph! You still came to provoke me when I was in a bad mood, so, I will remember this grudge!" Yula said angrily, but took the neck of the duck honestly.

"It tastes...not bad." Yula said after taking a sip, and then started to gnaw her mouth out of anger, Ningxia couldn't help but tremble a bit with this wild appearance.

"The soup in the kitchen is almost ready, I'll go and have a look first, please sit down first." Ning Xia stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Sara gently pushed Yura and said, "Aren't you going to help?"

"Me? Me?" Yura asked a little at a loss. Is this Sara admitting herself?

"Go, he cooks quite a lot." Shaluo said helplessly, this girl is good at everything, but she just fell in love with her younger brother, and now she has seen through it, that's all she can do.

As for the violin...

Sara looked at Qin who was sitting upright and chatting with Barbara. She still had a good impression of Qin, which may be the sympathy between Juan Wang.

"You are the honorary knight's elder sister, Kujo Sara, right?" Lisa naturally sat in Yura's place, with a smile on her face that Sara didn't like very much.

"You are?" Sara looked at Lisa with squinted eyes. For some reason, she always felt that Lisa in front of her looked like a child of God.

"I'm just an ordinary librarian, and I'm just accompanying Qin to find the honorary knight today~" Lisa said lazily, with a gleam in her eyes.

"Librarian?" Sara's expression became strange, even she felt that the woman in front of her was unfathomable, and the breath that flowed out inadvertently just now had been caught by her as a warrior.

How could this kind of strength be an ordinary librarian?

Chapter 379 Paimon: Get used to it

"Yula? Why are you here?" Ning Xia, who was making the final seasoning for Xiantiaoqiang, asked.

"Hmph! Didn't your sister ask me to help you, yet you still despise me? I'll remember this grudge!" Yula said with her arms across her chest.

"Hmm...can you help me take out the sweet flower stuffed chicken from the oven?" Ning Xia thought for a while and said.

"Why, you... despise me?" Yula said while putting on her gloves and taking out the sweet flower stuffed chicken, the expression on her face became tense. Although she just said it was cool, but now her The heart is cool.

"How is it possible! You are so cute, how can you despise you!" Ning Xia immediately denied that it was too late for him to feel sorry for such a good girl like Yula.

"Ju! You actually said such nasty things to me, I will remember this grudge!" Yula said falteringly, her heart, which was originally cold, felt a little warmer.

At this time, Yingmei, who was already standing at the door, put down her little hand knocking on the door again, and she was still demonstrating in her mind how to communicate with Ningxia later, how to tell Ningxia that she was leaving, and it would be better to leave without saying goodbye.

"Ying...don't you go in? You have done this for the fifth time." Paimon said helplessly, she could already smell the aroma of Ningxia's home.

This kind of delicacy that she can't eat at all makes her feel itchy, and she can't wait to rush in and have a big meal immediately.

"I, I still need some time..." Yingmei whispered, she was still not ready.

Yuanshang hid not far away and took a few photos silently, and put on an anti-choke device for himself, so as not to wait for His Royal Highness to get too excited and choke his neck.

"Your Highness, I have worked very hard, please don't embarrass me..." Yuanshang said helplessly holding a photo camera, he did not dare to meet Ning Xia.

He almost lost his virginity because of Ningxia last time in Yuanxia Palace. If he meets Ningxia again, then he will most likely only meet the prince in the memories of the earth veins.

Yingmei took a deep breath and finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

This time it was Noelle who opened the door. After what happened to Yula and the others, Noelle had already gotten used to it, and brought Yingmei to the living room.

Yingmei looked at the girls in the living room, and her heart was finally relieved. She felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. She thought that Ningxia only invited herself.

(Actually, only Yingmei was invited, but...)

Sitting on the sofa with an awkward yet polite smile, chatting occasionally with other people, seeing Yula who was helping Ningxia in the kitchen, my heart suddenly felt sour.

Paimon didn't have anything to worry about, so he slipped into the kitchen to see what was delicious.

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