Amber and Yura looked at Sara, and Sara also looked at the two daughters, with a hint of doubt on their faces.

"Ningxia/brother, who is she/they?" the three girls asked in unison.

"Huh? Brother?" Amber looked at Sara who seemed to understand something, with a surprised expression on his face. This was the first time she had heard that Ningxia had an older sister.

Yula's frown also relaxed, she had heard about sister Ningxia when she was in Liyue, so she wasn't too surprised.

"Hello, I'm the captain of the guerrilla squad of the Zephyr Knights, Yula Lawrence, the Spray Knight." Yula introduced herself first.

"I'm Amber, a Scout Knight of the Zephyr Knights. Nice to meet you." Although Amber was a little confused, he still introduced himself like Yula.

"Hi, I'm Ningxia's older sister, Jiutiao Saluo." Saluo said lightly, and she could see the careful thoughts of Yula and Amber at a glance.

Isn't this the little thought of Inazuma Ri Linghua and Xiaogong?She is familiar with this.

Chapter 351

After explaining the reason, the second daughter probably understood the matter, and under Noelle's guilty gaze, the second daughter did not continue to say anything.

Ningxia apologized to the second daughter while explaining the reason why she came here, while Sara handed over the practice plan she made to Noelle.

"Thank you! Thank you, Ms. Saluo! I will definitely work hard!" Noelle excitedly took over the plan and said. requirements to do.

It's just that the above plan is a little too self-disciplined, at least for Ningxia who is used to freedom, it is pure torture.

Yula also tried to chat with Sara about some things, probably about how Ningxia took care of her in Liyue and Layer Rock Abyss. Sara responded blankly, but she felt a little sour in her heart, and she really wanted to talk to her younger brother. Let's go on an adventure together.

(Ningxia: I was forced to!)

But now she is not as jealous as Inazuma, but she responded blankly, which made Yula who was a little embarrassed at the side even more embarrassed.

Seeing Yura's embarrassment, Sara, who was expressionless, thought she had said something wrong, so she also became embarrassed.

It was Amber who helped out, which made the scene less embarrassing. Otherwise, if two people who are not very good at chatting are together, it will only become more and more embarrassing.

Ningxia first went back to the original practice field and called Qiyana and Kapaqili who were about to fight.

"Qiana!?" Amber hugged Kiyana and said with some surprise.

"Sister Amber~" Kiyana's gritted teeth immediately turned into surprise, and she called Sister Amber obediently.

Kapaqili looked at the pretending tender Kiyana with a look of contempt, as if to say that you are only good enough.

"Qiana! Is your brother Ningxia?" Amber and his group asked, although they did think that Ningxia met Qiyana's standards at first.

It's just that she and Yula don't think that Ningxia will be this kind of person, and with the task in hand, they can only ask Lisa to take care of it first.

"Well! My brother is Ningxia! I like my brother the most!" Qiyana hurriedly wanted to hug Ningxia.

"Hmph!" Kapaqili stepped forward and took a seat, looking at Qiyana with a provocative expression on her face.

"This is...?" Amber looked at Kapaqili in front of him in a daze. Could it be that this is also Ning Xia's younger sister?

"Hello, I'm my brother's younger sister~sister~ My name is Kapaqili." Kapaqili introduced herself, but her eyes were still looking at Qiyana.

Because of the Shanqiu incident, Ningxia did not continue to practice with Noelle, and planned to talk about it after the concert, but Noelle promised that he would practice in strict accordance with Sara's plan after the concert.

This made Ningxia even more worried about the little girl in front of her. After all, Shaluo would wake up for morning exercises every day before dawn, and all kinds of rules and regulations could drive ordinary people crazy.

After everyone returned to Mond, the disheveled Yura Amber went back to the dormitory to take a shower first. Noelle also remembered that she had promised others to help, and left in a hurry.

Later, Shaluo was not interested in continuing to visit Mond, and when everyone returned home, Ning Xia guessed that it was almost time for lunch, so he asked everyone what they wanted to eat.

Sara has no objection, being able to cook with her younger brother is enough, while Kapaqili and Kiyana are sitting on the sofa and continuing to fight openly and secretly. It seems that hundreds of rounds are inseparable.

Since my sister has no objections, Ningxia plans to cook some special dishes of Mond for her. Because she doesn't like Mond's soup very much, Ning Xia took out the papaya that Kun En gave him, and planned to make papaya soup.

When Sara saw the papaya, her small face flushed slightly. She remembered what Xiangling had said in secret last time about the efficacy of papaya, and she thought that looking at her own shadow Xiangshan is not too small, right?Could it be... my brother likes bigger ones?

"Sister, do you have any objections to the papaya rib soup?" Ning Xia asked while cutting the papaya, thinking that papaya soup would be better for his sister who is always on the march and patrolling.

"No, no problem, if you like... I, I can do it." Shaluo said in a mosquito-like voice, his head was about to be buried in his own shadow to the mountain.

"Sister! What's wrong with you!" Looking at Saluo's appearance, Ning Xia thought she was uncomfortable, and quickly touched her forehead with her hands.

"I! I'm fine! I'll go and see Kapaqili and the others first!" Saro said quickly, and then ran away without giving Ning Xia a chance to speak.

"Sister..." Ningxia looked at the fleeing Shaluo, thoughtful.

After escaping, Shaluo sneaked back to the room Ningxia arranged, and secretly took out "The Domineering Sister Falls in Love with Me", which was the bible she used to treat her younger brother.

Ningxia quickly made a simple three dishes and one soup, called Qiyana and Kapaqili who were still fighting, and Sharo upstairs to start the meal.

"Hey~Papaya soup~Brother, is he planning to mend a certain washboard?" Kapaqili said eccentrically, proudly sticking out her advantageous parts.

Although Kiyana is very suitable for the requirements of the sister line, this does not mean that Capaccili will lose. After all, who can refuse to climb the peak?

"Hmph! What's wrong with having a flat chest! If your chest is not flat, how can you flatten the world!" Qiyana said with a straight face, even if she is a steel plate, it does not prevent her from holding her head high.

"'re talking about this..." The corners of Ning Xia's mouth twitched. The fact that papaya increases altitude is just for fun, no one really believes it, right?No way?No way?

At this time, many people in the Xiangshengtang were a little disgusted. Since Hu Tao bought two small mountains of papaya, they had papaya stewed eggs for breakfast, papaya chicken soup for dinner, and even replaced their tea with papaya milk.

Although papaya is delicious, after eating so hard for a day, everyone feels like throwing up. As for the so-called policy of buying coffins and giving papaya milk and papaya free, it is no surprise that sales have not increased.

"Tang, hall master, what are you having for lunch today?" asked an unknown lady from the Pastoral Hall. Now she felt a little sick when she thought of the smell of papaya.

"Mu, papaya and wolfberry porridge." Hu Tao said with a dark face, she also wanted to throw up, after all, papaya is good to eat once or twice, but if you eat too much, it will make you feel sick.


Looking at the airport where she was walking on flat ground, Hu Tao still gritted her teeth and took the lead in eating. The fruity aroma of papaya was faintly disgusting in her mouth, and she almost couldn't hold back her mouth.

Zhongli, who seldom came back to eat, looked at the faces of the crowd, and was already thinking about whether to confess to Walnut that the past hall masters of the Xiangsheng Hall, both men and women, had flat chests and could not be cured. He didn't want to eat papaya every day. Of course, seafood Too.

Chapter 352 Catherine's Smile

After lunch, Sara took the left, and Kiana took advantage of her body to take the middle. Kapaqili had no choice but to give up the middle and take the right.

Ning Xia hugged the soft Qiyana and stared at the ceiling in a daze. Sara leaned on Ning Xia to read, but deliberately blocked Ning Xia's sight. This feeling of reading novels behind her brother's back made Sara very exciting.

Capaccili and Kiyana started to look at each other as always, and they both wanted to tear each other off so that they could be with their brother.

Just like that, everyone wasted the whole afternoon in a daze, Ning Xia yawned a little bored, and then fell asleep.

When they were about to fight, the two daughters saw that Ning Xia had fallen asleep, so they didn't continue to fight very sensiblely, and each occupied a part of the position and fell asleep.

Saluo looked at the three people who were asleep, carefully took a quilt and covered them up, then leaned on Ning Xia's shoulder and took a nap comfortably.

"Wow! Mona, you know a lot!" At this time, Mona, who had collected the materials, was chatting with her younger sister Paimon, who was very curious about Mona who knew astrology.

"These are just little tricks of astrology. If I want, I can check other people's whereabouts!" Mona pretended to be calm and showed off, and then recalled some not-so-good embarrassing memories, and her little face suddenly turned red.

"Mona? What's wrong with you?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

"No, it's nothing, I just remembered something, I'm going home first!" Mona, who was chatting happily, hurried away.

"It's so strange, it was fine just now." Paimon waved his hands in doubt.

"Don't pay too much attention to other people's affairs." Yingmei said helplessly, if Paimon knew other people's secrets, with her loud mouth, the whole Mond would know the next day.

"By the way, Ying, how much money do we have left?" Paimon asked.

"There are still 20 moras left, plus the final payment after Barbara's concert, it will be enough for us for about two or three months." Yingmei said, wringing her fingers.

"Don't forget! The hotel we are staying in now is paid by Ningxia. If we go to Liyue, the travel expenses will be very expensive!" Paimon reminded.

"In that case, we may have to live in poverty for more than a month." Yingmei calculated again, and her face became a little ugly.

"Ah! Don't!!!" Paimon said with a mournful face, her life had finally improved, and she didn't want to go back to her days in the wild.

"I don't know what kind of work is suitable for me... Fighting Qiuqiu people, slimes and so on." Yingmei stretched her waist and said.

"If this is the case, let's go to the Adventurer's Association! We can accept commissions there!" Paimon suggested.

"Then... let's go and have a look." Yingmei nodded and said.

Catherine is not in a good mood recently, and she is optimistic about getting a good job... Yingmei, the future great adventurer, did not pass by the Adventurers Association.

Because Yingmei has been following Barbara as an idol these days, she has no chance to talk to Yingmei, let alone trick Yingmei into joining the Adventurers Association.

Watching the sun go down, Catherine felt that she might not have a chance to fool Yingmei today.

At this time, Yingmei, who was leading Paimeng and was about to go to the Adventurer's Association, came into Catherine's sight.

This made Catherine, who was about to give up, suddenly change her face. She straightened her posture immediately, tidied her hair, and took out a mirror given to her by a female adventurer to confirm that there was nothing on her face before she was relieved.

She wants to use the most perfect posture to lure Yingmei into the Adventurer's Association, and then make her a perfect worker... a great adventurer in the future.

"Ying! That's where it is! The Adventurer's Association is all over the seven countries. Many people will ask the Adventurer's Association to issue commissions when they encounter unsolvable troubles. With your strength, we should not be hungry." Paimon introduced.

400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters... Catherine looked at Yingmei who was getting closer and closer, and already thought about how to ignore... how to invite Yingmei to join the Adventurers Association.

"Wait! Ying!" Suddenly Paimon pulled Yingmei back and said, staring at the advertisement on the wall with sparkling eyes.

"What's wrong?" Yingmei followed to the poster.

"The deer hunter's restaurant has a big special today! It's broken! It's almost time! Let's go eat first!" Paimon said excitedly, tugging on Yingmei's clothes.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the Deer Hunter Restaurant together." Yingmei let Paimon drag her to the Deer Hunter Restaurant.

Catherine, who was waiting for Yingmei to come over with a smile on her face, became stiff, her fists were clenched tightly, and her eyes were shining blue.

At this time, Catherine's body made a sound: "The detection doll is overloaded, and it is cooling down..."

"Miss Catherine, today's task I..." Bennett just wanted to report to Catherine after finishing the task.

Catherine turned her head abruptly, and the ferocious expression on her face startled Bennett. She stepped back and stepped on a small stone, causing him to slip and fall heavily to the ground.

"The cooldown is over..." After the cooldown ended, Catherine's expression returned to normal. Looking at Bennett who fell to the ground, she asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"No, it's okay, Miss Catherine." Bennett said while covering his head. He had to experience this kind of thing several times or even a dozen times a day, and he was used to it.

"Bennett..." Catherine said gently.

"What's the matter? Miss Catherine?" Bennett asked suspiciously. He always felt that Catherine was a little strange today.

"You didn't see anything just now, did you?" Catherine asked.

"No, I saw Miss Catherine...Ah! I didn't see anything!" Bennett said hastily, looking at Catherine's expression.

"That's good..." Catherine said with a smile.

When Mona returned home, Ningxia had carefully placed the girls on the sofa, and when she saw Mona came back, she raised her finger to her lips.

Mona nodded, then tiptoedly put the materials on the table beside her.

"What do you want to eat?" Ning Xia asked in a low voice.

"Is Tiantianhua Stuffed Chicken OK? I will help too." Mona also whispered.

"Just go sit down when you come back, I can cook by myself." Ning Xia rubbed Mona's head and said.

"Yeah." Mona nodded.

Qiyana felt a little strange, she felt that she was being suppressed by something, opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Capaccili's sleeping face.


Chapter 353 When the Girl's Dream Broken

"You! What did you do to me!?" Qiyana said while clutching her body, obviously she fell asleep sitting on Ning Xia, why would she be hugged by this stinky bird when she woke up.

"Oh~ little guy~ are you shy?" Kapaqili teased after imitating the appearance of Shenzi, and she realized that it was so cool to tease people like this.

"Me! Me!" Qiyana blushed and didn't know how to answer. Except for Ningxia Mona and Baimeng, she had never slept with anyone else.

"Oh, I didn't expect the little guy to be cute when he was shy~" Kapaqili leaned over to Qiyana and said, teasing Qiyana crazily.

"I'll fight with you!" Kiyana grabbed Kapaqili's shadow and shouted at Shan? .

"Hey! You can touch this place too!" Kapaqili was directly broken by Kiyana, and she squeezed Kiyana's waist with both hands to try to make her let go.

Sara yawned and watched the physical communication between these two guys. Although it was not good to be woken up, it was quite fun for these two guys to fight.

Mona on the side poured a cup of hot tea for Sara, and Sara took a sip before stopping the two who were fighting, especially Kapaqili, who was older than Kiyana and was as shapeless as a god child .

"Slightly~" Kiyana stuck out her tongue at Kapaqili, proudly hugging Sara to demonstrate.

"Hmph!" Kapaqili snorted coldly, if she hadn't figured out what the gods were doing, she would have appointed Qiyana to have no fruit to eat.

At this time, Ningxia had already prepared dinner and called everyone to start eating.

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