"Shadow?" The general called out Ying who was meditating in Yixin Pure Land. She had a bold idea.

"What's the matter? General?" Ying asked suspiciously. She has been restless recently, always feeling that the Hulun Buir Prairie is on her head, and there are gusts of wind blowing.

"Do you want to visit Ningxia?" the general asked, already having a plan in mind.

"What can you do?" Ying asked, if she could go out to find Ningxia, she would definitely go.

"Didn't the Son of God come back recently, she handled government affairs well when we were cooking last time, how about..." The general showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"She's my good sister! My dear! How can you!?" Yinggang wanted to refute, to prove his relationship with Shenzi.

"Look for Ningxia to play~"

"Okay, it's just that if you want to say that I am meditating in the pure land of one mind, I don't know about it." Ying thought for a while, Shenzi used to tease him all the time, and it would be good for the general to punish him once.

"No problem ~ no problem ~" The general cheerfully went back to work, and after the work was over, she went to Yingxiang Mountain to catch Shenzi and come to work.

Sara returned home happily, but when she opened the door, she found that something was wrong. It seemed that someone had stayed at her house while she was away.

Shaluo's expression changed, and she immediately took out the flying thunder bow. She didn't expect that someone would dare to steal it from her head. Can she bear it?

Following the traces, Sara came to Ning Xia's room, which almost stopped Sara's heart and lungs, and actually stole it from her brother. She absolutely wanted to kill the thief.

Sara took a deep breath, kicked the door open, the longbow had already locked onto the person lying on the bed the moment the door was opened, and the flying thunder bow in his hand had already accumulated violent thunder elements, as long as he confirmed that the guy didn't know him Immediately blow her head off.

"Oh? Sister Sara is back?" Kapaqili, who was sleeping on Ningxia's bed, yawned and said, she had been back for almost half a month, and finally waited for Sara to come back.

"Who are you!? Why are you on my brother's bed! I'll give you three seconds! Get out of here immediately!" Sara said coldly, if she didn't feel that the person on the bed looked familiar, she would have blown her away with an arrow. head off.

"Me! I'm Kapaqili!" Kapaqili reluctantly got out of bed and said.

"Kappaqili?" Sara looked at Kapaqili who was bigger than herself in disbelief, and when she looked carefully, she could vaguely see the shadow of Kapaqili who looked like a girl before.

"Hehehe, Sister Sara, don't you have a black spot on your buttocks? I saw it when you took a shower with me~ Oh, by the way, your tits..." Kapaqili said with a smile, Don't care how bluntly you say it.

"Wait! I believe it!" Sara interrupted Kapaqili with a blushing face. The only ones who took a bath with her were Axing, Kapaqili, and Ningxia who often took a bath together before entering the city. Knowing this There are only these three people who are secretive.

"Wait? Kapaqili, didn't you go to Mond with your brother? Why did you come back?" Saluo put down the lightning bow and asked.

"..." Upon hearing this question, Kapaqili, who was still smiling a bit mischievously, cried "Wow!"

"Sister Sara!!!" Kapaqili threw herself into Sara's arms. In her opinion, only Sara could understand her feelings.

"What? What's the matter?" Sara looked at Kapaqili who was crying suddenly and asked in confusion.

"Brother! My brother has a new sister behind my back!!!" Kapaqili cried.

"Poor child..." Sara comforted Kapaqili with a sympathetic face, which she was familiar with.

"And! Even Shenzi is with brother..." Kapaqili inadvertently sold Shenzi again.

"Wait!?" Sara, who was still comforting Kapaqili, suddenly realized that she was also green. She thought that Shenzi was just going to play with Ningxia, but she didn't expect...

"Kappaqili..." Sara said indifferently.

"Sister Sara?" Kapaqili stopped crying when she saw Sara's face changed. The last time she saw Sara's appearance, she still wanted to skin the child of God.

"Son of God... has come back?" Sara asked lightly.

"I came back two days ago." Capaccili said weakly.

"That's good~ I can skin the son of God first, I guess when I get to Mond, my brother will be able to wear a fox fur scarf~" Sara said with a smile, trembling hands followed by the sudden appearance behind him All the tengus proved Sara's feelings.

"Let's go~ Kapaqili, let's make a good fox fur scarf for my brother~ I think my brother will like it very much." Sara said with a smile.

"Wow! Sister Sara! Calm down!!!" Kapaqili realized that she had betrayed Miko just now, and quickly grabbed Sara.

Chapter 316 Capaccili's Mouth

Shenzi suddenly became restless, first shivered inexplicably, and then goose bumps appeared on his white and delicate skin.

"Son of God? What's the matter with you?" Hua Sanli asked, it's rare to have nothing to do today, so she just played chess with the son of God, and Zhen was still pointing and talking about her own ideas.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little uneasy, maybe it's because I haven't slept well recently?" Miko thought that he was busy planning the branch of Mond Yae Hall as soon as he came back, and thought it might be the reason for staying up late.

At the foot of Yingxiang Mountain, Zadao, who is already the editor-in-chief, went up the mountain talking and laughing with the government affairs girl.

Especially the government affairs girl, since she came back from Huasanli, she doesn't have to worry about being evaporated by the general or the son of God. Now that novel is over, although it's a bit unfinished, it's over, and she can start a new book .

And her new book is "500 Years of Miko's Love" based on the short story told to her in Huasan.

The sales of the new book are very good, and there is Huasanli's support, and the story has not been forcibly interfered with the direction, so the plot is very smooth, and Huasanli also likes it very much, and specifically asked for more intimate scenes.

Just when the two were talking and laughing up the mountain, the government affairs girl suddenly knelt down. She had an ominous premonition, and her muscle memory had already knelt down habitually.

"Why do you..." Wasao just wanted to ask the little girl what happened to the government affairs girl, but she also knelt down, and she also had an ominous premonition, she was too familiar with this.

"You two... have you met Yae Kamito?" Sara suddenly appeared behind the two and asked, and the tengu behind them had put the knife on the two's necks.

Sara looked at the two kneeling down coldly, she didn't want to vent her anger, but just asked where the god son was, but the two knelt down first.

Waseda opened her mouth, she didn't want to betray Miko, after all, she was picked up by Miko alone, and it would be too immoral to betray Miko.

"Report to Master Sara! Miko is at Narujin Taisha!" The government affairs girl sold Miko without integrity. During the period when she didn't come back in Huasan, she was locked in a small dark room by Miko every day for renewal, so she sold it. Son of God, there is no burden in my heart.

"Thank you." Sara said coldly, two wings took her to Narugami Shrine on the top of the mountain, and then Kapaqili followed behind Sara tremblingly, angry Sara, even if it was Ning Xia could only coax her.

"Little fox, that little tengu seems to be looking for you?" Zhen said, who had watched the two play chess, and the branch of Shenying had already conveyed Sara's intention to her.

"Oh? General Sara is back? Then I'll avoid it for a while~" Miko hid in the room without any panic. She guessed that Kapaqili sold her again, but she had already prepared for this kind of thing. Don't panic at all, okay~

When Sara came to Narujin Taisha, she saw the chessboard put away and sitting in the flowers under the sacred cherry tree with a cute face.

Compared with Shenzi's familiarity, Hua Sanli was a little panicked, after all, she was the first to backstab everyone, and Kapaqili knew about it.

If Kapaqili sells herself, and Sharo is angry, she has no way to refute, but she is Ningxia's sister and her eldest sister-in-law.

"Jiu, General Jiu Tiao, why are you here?" Hua Sanli said with a guilty conscience, ready to admit her mistake to her sister-in-law.

"Where's Yae Kamiko?" Sara asked, holding back the anger in her heart.

"Son of God...she has something to go out." Hua Sanli was relieved to see that Sara didn't bring her with her. It seemed that Kapaqili didn't sell herself too.



Sara wandered around Narugami Taisha Shrine, but after she couldn't find Miko, she prepared to go home helplessly. After all, she had to catch today's boat.

Hua Sanli looked at Sha Luo who was about to leave and heaved a sigh of relief. It would be a disaster if Sha Luo knew that he was the No. 1 who stabbed her back.

At this time, Nana Kano passed by at an inopportune time, and said to Huasanli: "Hasanli Daigongsi, thank you for the cakes you brought back from Liyue, Zaoyu has become more obedient recently."

"Oh~ the Dai Gongsi in Huasan also went to Liyue~" Sara, who had become a little paranoid, immediately went to Huasan and smelled it, trying to find the smell of his brother

"This, this..." Hua San said with a guilty conscience, suddenly unable to utter all kinds of reasons.

"Sister Sara!" At this time, Kapaqili, who came late, happened to see Sara who was next to Huasanli, and thought that Huasanli had also been caught.

Out of dependence on Huasanli, Kapaqili yelled suddenly: "Sister Huasanli didn't follow brother..."

Sara, who was just suspicious at first, staggered back a few steps like a bolt from the blue, and was supported by Kapaqili.

Hua Sanli showed an embarrassed yet polite smile. Although she was ready to be exposed, she still panicked when she was exposed. Will she call her sister-in-law next?

"You..." Shaluo pointed at Huasanli. Among Daowife's crowd, Huasanli was the most reassuring thing for her. She usually didn't fight or grab, and was gentle and kind to everyone. She thought she was the safest and least needy. defensive.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, an honest person in Huasan, would betray you.

"Kappaqili, let's go home first." Sara suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, maybe because she was used to being angry, thinking that it's better to go find her brother now.

"Oh, okay, okay, sister Sara, sit on my back, I'll take you home, you haven't unwrapped brother's gift yet." Kapaqili comforted.

Huasanli looked at Shaluo who left, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then began to worry about Ningxia who was far away in Mengde.

"My lord, I want to go to Mond." Hua Sanli said.

"Fuck! Only you and the little fox can chat with me in the whole Dao wife, I refuse!" Zhen shook his head repeatedly and said, if Huasanli left, he would be empty and lonely again.


"What are you afraid of, don't you really like to see him being punished by girls~" Zhen has an expression that I don't know who you are.

"Then, that's because..." Huasanli's face turned red when she said this, how dare she say that she would enjoy Ningxia's punishment after teasing Ningxia every time, this is her only relationship with Ningxia Some fun.

"Okay, okay, isn't it that he will return to Dao's wife in more than a month, what are you afraid of?" Shen Yingzhen comforted.

After seeing Sara leave, Miko walked out of the secret room with peace of mind, and thanked Huasanli who blocked the knife for him.

"Son of God~" At this time, the general who had completed the government affairs lifted Shenzi up, with a kind smile on his face. She came to ask Shenzi to work for her.

"General? You didn't hear what happened just now, did you?" Hua Sanli asked tentatively. If the general and Ying found out, this matter would really be completely messed up.

"What's the matter? I just came here?" The general asked suspiciously.

"No, it's okay, you and Shenzi continue, I'll go to rest first." Hua Sanli said, gave Shenzi a self-seeking look and left.

"Son of God~"

"I, I haven't done anything sorry to you recently, have I? Why do you want me?" Shenzi asked with a guilty conscience.

"General, I haven't asked you much in my life, have I?"

Chapter 317 A Crazy Night

The next morning, Ningxia had some random activities. Last night was a little crazy. Wendy was bitten by dozens of mouthfuls. Vanessa could only sleep on her stomach. Mona was better, but she couldn't walk for a while.

In fact, he was still a little dissatisfied, but seeing that the three of them had already been killed three times, this was the only way to go.

After finishing breakfast, Wendy said that she was going to Liyue, and she left with some reluctance for Vanessa.

Mona ate the noodles in small bites, and said weakly that she was going to find some materials in Mond's library. Now that she no longer reads the study materials, she should keep up with her astrology career.

Ning Xia expressed understanding, and happened to be going to the Knights, Qin had already told him that the stragglers would be here today, so she went to hold down the Knights.

Ningxia first sent Mona to the library, and happened to see the piano that had been almost restored.

"Captain Qin, are you okay now?" Ning Xia asked.

"It's okay, thank you Ningxia for your concern. After you relaxed for me, I feel like I've been reborn, and I've fully recovered." Qin thanked.

"Relax?" Kaiya, who was finally released from prison, was taken aback for a moment, looking at Qin who looked like a girl who had just fallen in love, her face became a little strange.

No way?No way?The Cecilia flower of the Knights was picked by Ningxia just like that?

"Kaya? Are you okay?" Qin asked with concern. During her absence, she relied on Kaya to support the scene. It is not incomprehensible that Kaya is in a bad mood.

"Ah, I'm fine. Now that Captain Qin has recovered, I'll go to rest first." Kaiya said with curiosity, it's better to keep this kind of thing to a lesser extent.

"I'm sorry to trouble you during this time." Qin thanked and said, without Kaiya, the Knights would really be in chaos.

Kaiya said a few more polite words and then left. He could finally return to the angel's gift and have a drink. His dreams these days were all mocked by dandelion wine and Diluc.

In the library, Mona first politely asked Lisa where the books on constellations were, and then picked out a few books she needed.

Just as I put the book on the table, I saw several girls poking and rubbing around a little white-haired girl.

Mona, who was not interested at first, joined the girl as a messenger.

Kiyana, who was tortured by them, had numbness on her face. Since she changed her name to Sister Lisa, she has lived a good life, and the snacks are delicious.

Keli was sent back to the confinement room by the team leader Qin who had just returned because of the fried fish. After hearing what happened to Kiyana, Qin also promised that she would help her find her 'brother' after today's incident.

It was the girls who collectively exchanged girls' novels for no reason today and rubbed them around her, saying she was cute while rubbing, but Lisa saw that the girls were not noisy and didn't care about them.

It's not that Qiyana hasn't tried to resist, but...

Kiyana touched all kinds of snacks on her body, and decided that it would be good to continue to be numb. Anyway, no one knows that she is the reason, so it doesn't matter~

Mona looked at the lovely Kiyana, and couldn't help rubbing her tender face. Isn't this too cute?

Seeing a newcomer coming, Qiyana reached out her little hand to ask for snacks, but she would charge for it.

Thanks to Mona carrying some snacks made in Ningxia, she gave some to Qiyana.

Looking at Qiyana who eats so cutely, Mona also looks forward to having children in the future. The future children will be as cute as Qiyana, right?

Chapter 318 Skirmisher/Ms. Possessed?

Qin took Ningxia to the meeting to welcome the executives of the Fools. Because there was still some distance to go, the two chatted about Barbara's concert.

"Mr. Ningxia, Barbara told me about your going to the concert, are you really okay? If you feel embarrassed, I... can I tell you for you?" Qin said with some worry.

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