But in Huasan, thinking of Ying's dishes and Morax's atonement attitude, he deliberately said how Morax took care of Ning Xia, and then guided Ying to cook and send them to Morax.

Then after spending a day, with the help of Hua Sanli, Ying finally made something similar to food, although it didn't look like food.

As for government affairs, Huasanli has already sent Kapaqili to supervise Shenzi to take over. After all, she fishes every day, so she has to find something for her to do.

Morax looked at Ying with a sincere face, and while watching Huasan who was giggling, she suddenly understood. Thinking of what happened 500 years ago, she would rather eat a feast of seafood than eat dishes cooked by Ying .


Hua Sanli smiled and mouthed: "Morax~ You don't want Ying to know what you did to Mr. Ning Xia~"

After speaking, he deliberately made a delicious expression.

Helpless, Morax swallowed, and opened the dark lid of the casserole. A mass of purple unknown objects wriggling like life was in the casserole, and there was a fishy smell that was almost deadly to Morax.

"This, this..." Morax hesitated, she would rather be cut three times by the shadow than eat a bite of this kind of thing.

But based on her previous observation of Ying, Morax suspects that if she refuses, and after Hua Sanli tells the truth, the upright and dull Ying will help Liyue's land to redecorate with a knife.

She didn't dare to gamble and couldn't afford to gamble, so she tremblingly took out a pair of chopsticks, trying to pick up a piece.

"Oh, Mr. Morax, since Mr. Ying made it for you, why not find a secluded place, make a pot of good tea, and savor it carefully~" Hua Sanli arched the fire. She still remembered the matter of Lax cheating Ningxia, she was sure that Morax would not dare to let Ying know the truth.

"That's right! It took me a day to make this, so I can't just eat it casually." Ying also agreed.

"Then, please, come with me." Morax said in a trembling voice. On the way, Ying tried to find Ningxia's breath. Before she came, she made a bet with Huasanli that if Ningxia was still in Liyue, she would let her She and Ningxia had a good time in Liyue. If they were in Mond, they would go back to Daowife after treating Morax to dinner.

Seeing that Liyue does not have Ningxia's aura, Ying is a little disappointed, while Huasanli is relieved, although she guesses that Ningxia has already left.

But if Ningxia didn't leave, it was very likely that Ying would accidentally hurt her.

After arriving at Morax's residence, Ying formally handed the casserole to Morax.

"Gudong..." Morax trembled and picked up a piece, she wasn't even sure if she could break through the limit and eat this unknown object.

"Morax, eat! Why don't you eat!" Shadow urged.

"That's right~ This pot is very precious, but Master Ying took a day to make it~" Hua Sanli followed Gong Huo and said.

"I, I eat..." Morax closed his eyes and opened his small cherry mouth to eat a bite of the tentacles of the unknown object.

A pungent fishy smell and an indescribable taste exploded in Morax's mouth. Morax quickly covered his mouth, for fear that he would spit it out.

"Gudong..." Morax reluctantly swallowed the unknown object. It was the first time in her life that she ate such a horrible thing, and the lethality of Shadow Cooking also became stronger visible to the naked eye.

In the past, it looked like food, but now it has no food at all, and it even looks like a brand new species.

"Not bad, yes, there is progress." Morax picked up the teapot and said panting after filling the pot.

"You, what did you put here? Why is it so fishy... fresh." Morax asked, she wanted to know what to do, she wanted to know what could make this kind of thing.

"It's nothing! It's basically Daozawa's specialty products, such as Lei Minggong, Violet Melon, a fresh squid and other fish, by the way! There are also very fresh dried fish." He tilted his head and said.

"..." Morax suddenly didn't really want to know, this is because she was raised as a cat, right?

"Lord Morax, there are still a lot~ Please finish eating, otherwise~ Lord Ying will be sad~" Hua Sanli said from the side, although he can't beat Morax, it doesn't prevent Morax from atonement, isn't it? ?

"Ah, actually, you don't have to finish eating! You can eat as much as you can!" Ying scratched her face and said, but her eyes clearly hoped that Morax would finish eating.

Morax had no choice but to hold back his smile and took another bite. Under the eyes of the two, Morax resisted the disgust in his heart, and ate all the unknown objects in the pot one bite at a time, and there was no soup left. Down.

Originally, he wanted to find a reason to persuade Ying to leave quickly, but Hua Sanli said first: "Master Ying, today is Shenzi's duty, you might as well visit Liyue for a day with Lord Morax."

Hearing this, the Moraxes were dumbfounded, she already wanted to find a place to induce vomiting, and wanted to visit Liyue with a photo?

"No need, I want to go back to Dao Wife." Ying said disappointedly, since Ning Xia is not here, there is no need for her to stay here.

Chapter 250

After watching the two leave with an elegant and polite smile, Morax immediately covered her mouth and retched. She had never eaten such a fishy thing in her life. The smell of worms was also disgusting.

In order to suppress the fishy smell, Morax, who had vowed never to get drunk again, hastily found two altars of Siguotou from his inventory that had been preserved for thousands of years. This kind of wine would make even a demon god drunk, Just drinking this should be able to suppress the fishy smell.

In order to prevent himself from getting drunk again, Morax also set dozens of seals on himself in advance, and then he raised a jar of four pots and poured it violently.

Siguotou wet Morax's loose robes, fully protruding her peerless figure, plus her frowning and painful appearance when drinking, making people want to hold her in her arms and take pity on her.

After drinking a small bottle of Siguotou, Morax's original white face was covered with a blush, and Morax felt dizzy all of a sudden, and fell asleep on the ground staggeringly. Thankfully, he was not drunk this time, gratifying Congratulations, gratification and congratulations.

And after Ning Xia praised the Dandelion girl fiercely in front of Qin, he said goodbye to Qin, and he still wanted to find Yula.

When Qin saw Ning Xia leave, she couldn't suppress her shyness any longer. She covered her face, which was redder than a tomato, and wished she could rush forward and tell Ning Xia that she was a dandelion girl.

But Ningxia didn't know all this, he came to Yula's dormitory again, knocked on the door lightly and said, "Youla, are you there?"

Yula, who was discussing countermeasures with Amber in the dormitory, panicked when she heard Ningxia's voice.

"Amber! What, what should I do! Ningxia is here!" Yula said in a low voice, she didn't make any preparations, and she didn't know how to face Ningxia.

"Don't worry, I'll test him for you for a day, and you can wait for my good news in the dormitory~" Amber blinked and said.

"Then..." Yula was still a little hesitant, after all, would something happen if Amber went alone?

But before Yula called to stop Amber, Amber opened the door of the dormitory and said, "Ningxia, you are here!"

"Hi, Amber, I'm here to look for Yula." Ning Xia said.

"Yula... she... has something to go out, please let me take you to visit Mond City." Amber said and walked out of the dormitory, not giving Ningxia a chance to see Yula inside.

"Oh? Is Yula not here? Then I..." Ning Xia originally thought that since Yula was not there, he would leave, but Amber took the initiative to pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, although Yula isn't here, isn't there still me? I'll take you around Mond City today!" After speaking, Ningxia would not be given a chance to refuse, and she was about to leave here holding Ningxia's hand.

"Uh, ok, ok..." Although Ning Xia didn't really want to go, he hesitated and agreed. He really didn't visit Mond well. If he knows the place, it will be easier for Vanessa to get lost in the future. get back.

But on the way to leave, I saw Kaya who was drinking with him yesterday, being pestered by the bartender.

"Huh? Kaya? I guess I've drunk too much again. Forget it, let's take you for a walk first. You're lucky. It's just in time for the badminton festival, and the whole of Mond will be very lively. .” Amber said and left with Ning Xia.

And after the two left, Kaiya took out Mo La from his wallet, which was not very big, to pay with a face of pain. annual salary.

Under the leadership of Amber, Ningxia visited almost the whole of Mond. The enthusiastic Amber told Ningxia what he knew about some stores while walking. Under the leadership of Amber, he almost visited the entire Mond city. lock up.

Along the way, Amber will consciously or unconsciously observe Ningxia's behavior, the tone of his speech, his taste in things, etc.

Then I will make a score silently in my heart, so that I can report the results of my investigation to Yura later.

As a result, while walking, Amber saw someone competing with Wings of Wind. Amber was so itchy to watch, he couldn't help pulling Ningxia and said: "Ningxia Ningxia! There are people competing with Wings of Wind! Don't go and see Do you want to go and see?"

Looking at Amber with twinkling stars in his eyes, Ning Xia naturally would not refuse, and followed him to the crowd of onlookers.

There are two contestants, one is the bard Six-finger Joseph, and the other is the rookie adventurer Jack. The organizer Six-finger Joseph said: "Is there anyone else who wants to participate? Victory will get my Six-finger Joseph." Play a solo!"

The onlookers booed for a while. They came here to watch the Wings of the Wind competition, not to listen to the bard playing the piano.

Seeing someone invite, Amber excitedly raised his hand and said: "Me! Me! I want to participate!"

Seeing Amber raised his hand, Joseph Sixfingers became even more excited: "Our flying champions from Mond City are here, don't you all want to join in?"

Driven by Amber, many people raised their hands and asked to participate, but Amber remembered later that he was going to take Ningxia to visit Mond, and how could he have time to participate in some flying competitions, so he looked at Ningxia in embarrassment.

"It's okay, you can go, I'll wait for you here, and I just want to watch the Wings of Wind match." Ning Xia said understandingly.

"Thank you! Then take a good look! I will definitely get the champion back!" Amber said with a bright smile.

Then he bounced and ran to the high starting point. During the preparation, he waved his hand in Ningxia's direction and gave him a thumbs up. Ningxia returned a smile.

This time their goal is to fly from the square in front of the Aeolus Statue to the gate of Mond City. During the period, two wind farms were set up. For the sake of safety, the six-fingered Joseph who fell into the wishing pool because of his death also asked a few A passing knight is in charge of security.

After Margaret, who played the friendly role as referee, ended the cattail tavern advertisement, the competition officially started. Among the contestants, Amber took off in the first place, and left the other contestants half an arm away.

"Hey! You also come to join in the fun!" Wendy suddenly appeared from behind Ning Xia and said at some point.

"Wendy." Ningxia replied. Among the three gods, he is most afraid of Morax, and thinks that the most reliable one is Ying. Wendy is stuck in the middle, at least he can communicate well.

"So you are also interested in this kind of thing." Wendy poked Ning Xia with her elbow and said.

"My friends are participating, so I naturally want to follow along." Ning Xia pointed to Amber, who was far ahead, and said.

"Oh~ Amber, her flying skills are really good." Wendy said while touching her white chin.

"By the way, can you buy me a drink later? Can you? Can you?" Wendy asked suddenly.

"No problem, but I have to tell Amber that if I can't leave, you can just ask the tavern to bring the bill to the hotel."

"Yeah!" Wendy exclaimed.

And in the middle of the competition, Joseph Sixfinger, who was the host, was firmly stuck in the middle, and then took out his repaired violin, trying to compete with Barbatos again.

Seeing this scene, Wendy couldn't hold back any longer, and covered her face in embarrassment. A few years ago, the six-fingered Joseph tried to kill him like this, but she saved him, but now he started to do it again.

As the terrible sound of the piano in the sky mixed with the noise in the wind, not only the spectators below were tortured, but the participants during the flight almost couldn't hold back and fell down.

Thanks to the fact that they were approaching the wind field, and the West Wind knights were watching, no one was injured, but the selfless Six-Finger Joseph did not stop.

Having been tormenting the other contestants and the audience who were still persisting, Ning Xia squinted at Amber, who was in the wrong state at the front.

He hurriedly ran to the direction of the wind field. Because of the interference of Six Fingers Joseph, Amber lost control of the Wing of Wind, and Amber, who had been flying to the high altitude by the wind field, suddenly separated from the Wing of Wind.

"Ah!!!" Faced with this sudden mistake, Amber closed her eyes and screamed in panic. Now she is more than 30 meters away from the ground, and she will not be saved if she falls.

Before Wendy could make a move, Ning Xia rushed to the direction of the wind field and jumped up, hugging Amber who fell in mid-air.

"Ah!!!" An Bai frantically moved his hands and feet, screaming ecstatically, causing Ning Xia, who was hugging An Bai, to be slapped several times for no reason.

"Amber, it's all right." Ningxia said and was slapped on the face by Anbo again.

"Ah!!! Eh?" Amber just opened his eyes and found that he was pausing in the sky, and he was hugging in Ningxia.

"Ning! Ningxia! What is this?" Amber hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"In short, you just hold on tight, I'll take you down first." Ning Xia drove the long-lost hurricane breath, formed a pair of wings, and slowly glided down.

Then it landed at the end of the city gate.

Chapter 251 Wendy: Just like that old woman

The audience, who hadn't been relieved of the thrilling scene just now, watched Ningxia bring Amber successfully landed at the gate of the city, and they all started to cheer.

It's just that some teasing of the two was mixed in with the cheers. After safely landing behind the city gate, Ning Xia said softly, "You can come down now."

"Oh? Oh, okay, okay." Amber got out of Ningxia's princess's arms in a daze, his legs still hadn't recovered from the shock just now, so he gently pulled Ningxia's clothes and said: "I , my legs are weak."

Ning Xia had no choice but to stretch out a hand to support Amber.

At this time, Margaret, who still did not forget to advertise, immediately walked up to the two of them and said: "What happened to Amber just now was really thrilling, but the rescue of this gentleman who doesn't know his name is also very romantic. If you want to experience This kind of thrilling and romantic love, you can come to Cattail Tavern to have a drink. Our new bartender has developed the same experience of Sky Wings~”

"Amber, who is this eldest sister?" Ningxia asked Margaret, who had come to advertise in front of them, looking at her acquaintance.

"Huh? This, this is Boss Margaret." Amber, who was made shy by Margaret's thrilling and romantic love, reacted and said quickly.

Looking at the cheering and teasing audience, Amber pulled Ningxia's clothes and said, "Ning, Ningxia, I'm a little tired, take me back to the Knights?"

"Okay, are you still able to walk?" Ning Xia asked.

"Oh, I can't move anymore." Amber said weakly.

"Then... how about I carry you? Hurry up." Ning Xia asked, carrying is better than hugging the princess.

"Well, okay, okay." Amber hesitated for a while and said sorry to Yula madly in his heart. He just couldn't walk anymore, and he definitely didn't want to do anything sorry for her.

Watching Ningxia carry Amber on his back, the crowd burst into loud cheers and ridicule. Amber, who has never been in a relationship, could bear such ridicule. He pulled Ningxia and said, "Yes, can you hurry up?"

"Then hold on tight." Ning Xia jumped onto the roof not far away, and then asked Amber: "Are you okay with this?"

"No, no problem." Amber said with a blushing face. On the contrary, she enjoyed the thrill of flying between houses.

"Okay." Ning Xia jumped onto the roof of another house again, and quickly disappeared into the crowd of onlookers.

As for the culprit of this accident and the sponsor Six Fingers Joseph, he was sentenced to four times the punishment of the previous round, and he had to be her neighbor next to the Spark Knight's special prison room for a year.

Margaret looked at Ning Xia who was going away, with flames in her eyes. If she hadn't been in the crowd just now, she would have designated this handsome guy named her elder sister to slap her across the face.

However, Margaret and Amber are fairly close, so she wants to find An Bo to get to know Ning Xia, it doesn't matter if she is slapped or not, the main reason is that this handsome guy is so handsome.

Ning Xia came to the vicinity of the Knights with Amber on his back, and asked if Amber had recovered now?

Amber, who originally enjoyed Ningxia's thick and warm back, heard this, and came down from Ningxia's back reluctantly, feeling even more guilty towards his good sisters.

"Then, then I'll go back to the Knights." Amber scratched his head and said.

"Well, be careful on the road." Ning Xia instructed softly.

"Oh~ I, I'm leaving first!" Amber hurried back to the Knights.

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