Fujiwara Chika glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya, with a questioning look in her eyes.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who had nothing to do, looked at Fujiwara Chika's eyes that didn't need too many words to describe, and stood up silently.

Seeing that Shinomiya Kaguya had no objection, Fujiwara Chika stood up excitedly, took Shinomiya Kaguya's hand, and the two who had just entered the library followed closely in the direction Xiaosan left .

When he walked out of the library, he saw the guy standing not far from the library, holding the books he had just borrowed from the library under his arm, talking with a girl he didn't know.

Chika Fujiwara, who had just walked out of the library, suddenly felt a strong indignation and sourness in her heart. She held Kaguya Shinomiya's soft and tender hand in a sullen way, and approached slowly, and then she heard Xiaosan and the girl's conversation.

"Then can you give me your contact information?"

"Yes, yes, but I already have a girlfriend. Is it really okay to ask for my contact information?"

"Just making friends."

"That's it."

Seeing the girl's insistence, Xiao San, who originally planned to decline politely, still took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and when he was about to exchange contact information with the girl, the girl's coquettishness came from the side.

"Autumn! Moon! Jun!"

After every word, Xiaosan, who took out his mobile phone from his pocket, couldn't help but pause, then silently looked back at the girl who was walking not far behind him.

Came to Xiaosan's side, stretched out his hands, and pressed them tightly on Xiaosan's cheeks, the warm palms of his hands rubbed Xiaosan's face, causing Xiaosan to express a strange expression on his face.

Fujiwara Chika, who was rubbing her face, looked resentful.

The girl who came to strike up a conversation with Xiaosan looked a little embarrassed when she saw the interaction between Xiaosan and Chika Fujiwara, turned around and left silently, without disturbing the interaction between the two.

Shinomiya Kaguya had a headache.

With the hand holding the book, he slightly bent and grabbed Chika Fujiwara's white catkin, moved it away from his cheek, stretched out the other hand, and gently rubbed Chika Fujiwara's cherry-colored long hair .

Fujiwara Chika, who was originally dissatisfied, softened little by little under Xiaosan's caress, and finally closed her eyes, like a kitten, showing a happy expression, standing Shinomiya Kaguya at the side felt a little bit unbearable.

"Thousands of flowers."

The cold words softly called the girl who was intoxicated under the caress, and Chika Fujiwara, who closed her eyes and enjoyed Xiaosan's generous palm, was startled suddenly, and then opened her eyes.

"Ah! I almost lost consciousness, damn Qiuyue-kun! You actually used such a despicable method!"

Opening her eyes, with a shocked expression on her face, Chika Fujiwara looked at Xiao San vigilantly, took two steps back, and hid behind Kaguya Shinomiya.

Xiaosan does not dislike girls who are as sweet and fluffy as face cream, but there are always various reasons that make Xiaosan unable to calmly and casually accept this girl who falls in love with him.

"Fortunately, Kaguya is here, otherwise, Qiuyue-kun might have succeeded."

"In a crowded place, don't say such dangerous things?"

Couldn't help covering his forehead, Xiaosan's expression was a little helpless, the day's class was basically over, Xiaosan didn't have anything else to do, let alone go home in a hurry, looking at the two in front of him, There was curiosity in his eyes.

"So, what's the matter with me?"

Shinomiya Kaguya remained silent, while Fujiwara Chika stretched out her hand, bouncing up to Xiaosan.

"go shopping!"


"Akizuki-kun has nothing to do anyway, right? Go shopping with Kaguya-san and me, isn't it good?"

Looking at Xiaosan with a confused expression, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Although it's true, but to put it so bluntly, you... can go shopping, but..."

He looked down at the book under his arm, with a slightly awkward expression.


Noticing Xiaosan's gaze, Chika Fujiwara stretched out her hand, pulled out the book from Xiaosan's waist, and carefully glanced at the title on it.

"Lord of the Flies?"

"If you want to go shopping, it's a bit troublesome to carry this book with you."

Chika Fujiwara stared at the book cover with a troubled expression, then forced herself to look away from the book cover, pulled the bag around her waist, stuffed the book in her hand into the bag, and patted for a moment.

"Okay, that's all right!"

His eyes fell on the pure white bag beside Chika Fujiwara's waist, and he glanced at Chika who was full of interest, Xiaosan had no reason to refuse, and nodded silently.

The three of them walked towards the outside of the school gate.

How boring is shopping?

Most likely, you look at everything with a lack of interest, no interest, and no desire to buy, while the two people around you are full of novelty and exploration of the surrounding products.

"Qiuyue-kun, does this look good?"

"In this case, it looks like a good match with Qiuyue-kun...Qiuyue-kun, what do you think!"

"Kaguya-san, look at this!"

"Xiao San, carry it for us, Hui Ye and I will go in and have a look."

In addition to the unknowingly more intimate address, at the same time, there are more and more shopping bags in his hands. Xiaosan, who is carrying a shopping bag, looks at the two girls with bright smiles, with a numb expression on his face. To the jewelry store, and he followed helplessly.

As early as when Chika Fujiwara said that he was going to go shopping, he had a vague premonition of such a possible future.

And now, the premonition turned into reality.

Perhaps the reason why he was called here was for free coolies?

The bad shopping experience made Xiaosan's originally calm mind suddenly become tangled and gloomy. Looking dully at the figures of the two pretty girls, Xiaosan sighed.

"Mr. Xiao San?"

Standing at the door of the jewelry store, looking at Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shinomiya who were choosing jewelry in the distance, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears, making Xiaosan involuntarily look sideways, and looked towards the door.

"Miss Hua Daizi?"

"Sure enough, it's you Xiaosan. When passing by, I was a little worried that I had identified the wrong person."

A familiar face, Marina's mother, Akizuki Kayoko is standing outside the jewelry store where Xiaosan is, looking at Xiaosan with a smile.

"Are you shopping with someone?"

Seeing the full shopping bag in Xiaosan's hand, Akizuki Huayoko's eyes flashed a hint of surprise. Looking into the store, he saw the only two girls with their good figures and outstanding looks. Her temperament, as well as the beautiful appearance that women have to admit, made her feel completely surprised.

"Well, I'm shopping with my classmates."

"Well, then I won't bother Qiuyue-kun. If you have time, remember to come to my house as a guest. I haven't seen you for a while. Jinna misses Xiaosan very much."


Not knowing what to say, Xiao San just nodded slightly in agreement.

Chiuyue Hua Daiko, who didn't intend to disturb Xiaosan's shopping, looked at Xiaosan and nodded, then turned and left with a smile, leaving Xiaosan standing at the door of the store, watching her disappear into the vast sea of ​​people.

"Qiuyue-kun, what are you looking at?"

A hand landed on his shoulder, and patted it lightly, bringing Xiao San back to his senses.

- - - -

The courier has been delivered for half a month, and it hasn't arrived yet, it's difficult

Thanks to the sage of the moon, tax evasion is such a pleasant reward!Boss atmosphere!Healthy body!

Thanks to Danger Trigger, Scarlet Palace, Hello, Shuke 31502651814, Blue Lantern Demon, Liang Ye, Jia Luoshe, Yakumo Fat, Tax Evasion for such a pleasant monthly pass and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 61. Ding!Successfully transferred to the male lead of light novels

"Is spring coming soon?"

In a small town in Hokkaido, standing on the balcony of an apartment, a woman with the figure of Yujie wearing a warm yellow sweater whispered into the house.

Heavy snow covered a large area of ​​the environment in the field of vision. When did the so-called spring arrive and how long had it been? It was hard to tell just by looking at the snow-white area.

"But it's still winter."

"Yes, but it's still winter."

Ju Yangcai looked at the room, knelt and sat in front of the warming table, Ju Ruyi, who was studying, couldn't help but sighed, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, she pursed her lips, and opened her mouth to take a breath of the cold air.

"Don't you think about going back? It's been a long time since I met my mother and uncle, right?"

"Has the New Year passed by?"

"...Still can't let go?"

The room was silent, and the girl sitting in the room seemed too lazy to answer Tachibana Haruna's question.

Looking back on those experiences in the past few years, even Tachibana Haruna felt that it might be a better choice for Tachibana Rui not to go back. Now that she has gone back, will there be a place for Rui again?By that person's side, even if it was already full and overloaded, it might not be possible.

"When will spring come?"

Turning slightly sideways, looking at the snowy scenery outside the balcony, Ju Yangcai couldn't help but sigh...

Sitting in the living room, wrapped in a quilt and lying on the sofa, Gui Xin with dark circles on her face, watched the hero and heroine embrace each other on TV, she couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness in her heart, gritted her teeth, and ruthlessly He picked up his water glass, took a sip of coffee, and then took out his mobile phone under the covers.

'It's so boring, that 'swearing' guy, he hasn't come back yet. '

'Wait a little longer, maybe he will come back? '

'Ha ha. '

Let go of the phone and let it fall under the blanket, Gui Xin poked her head out again, looking at the hero and heroine who had finished hugging, the ending song rang along with the happy ending.

Looking at the kitchen counter not far away, Nishimiya Glass, who was wearing an apron, was preparing breakfast at the kitchen counter.

Gui Xin, who hadn't slept all night, had dark circles all over her face, sat in the living room, stared at the finished TV series, lifted a corner of the quilt, and wearing thin pajamas, slowly came under the player, and put the The disc is taken out, and then another TV series that has not been watched is put in.

'Ten liters of tears'

Feeling a bit of coolness, Gui Xin ran back to her sofa bed, Yu Wen gradually warmed her body, sat on the sofa, and continued to watch TV.

After several days of not waiting for Xiaosan to come back, she was almost used to it and numb.

'Is he, that guy, coming back? '

There is no longer any expectation and loss, just thinking like this full of doubts......

Opened his eyes, woke up from the sofa in the living room, Xiaosan lay on the sofa without moving, listening to the drizzle outside the window, it seemed to be raining today, looked up, the window Covered with water vapor dew.

"Have you woken up yet?"

Kisaragi Chihaya sat at the dining table, having the usual simple breakfast of bread and hot milk.

His eyes followed the dining table and landed on the girl's delicate body. She was dressed in dark blue and full of neutral style, so it was not easy to see how the girl was developing.

Thinking about it this way, the idea is a bit wretched.

Before Kisaragi Chihaya noticed, Xiao San silently withdrew his gaze, and then lay quietly on the sofa, as if in a daze.

Although he was eating breakfast, he was also using the corner of his eye to watch Chihaya Kisaragi carefully of Xiaosan, so naturally he had already noticed Xiaosan's erratic gaze that looked towards him from time to time.

His expression remained the same, but his heart was unavoidably shy.

Fortunately, Xiao San didn't stare at her all the time, after a few seconds, the feeling of being stared at disappeared, Kisaragi Chihaya put down the cup in her hand, and looked at Xiao San who was lying on the sofa.

"I'm going out later."

"Are you going to the office?"

During the few days of getting to know each other and living together, Xiaosan has also learned some things about girls, such as joining an artist agency.


Xiao San who was lying on the sofa sat up slowly, looked at Kisaragi Chihaya, and Kisaragi Chihaya also looked at Xiao San calmly.

"I am leaving."

Standing up, Kisaragi Chihaya walked towards the bedroom, took her bag from the bedroom, and walked towards the door.

When the sound of closing the door came from the door, Xiaosan, who was lying on the bed, slowly lifted the quilt, left the sofa, and went to the bathroom in thick pajamas.

Back in the living room, he took off his pajamas.

After changing into her own clothes, she glanced at the leftover dishes on the table, chuckled, and helped Kisaragi Chihaya put them in the sink, washed them, and put them in the cupboard.

Glancing at the tidy living room, he slowly walked out of the apartment.

Staying alone in an unfamiliar environment is a bit awkward after all, since there is nothing to do anyway, Xiaosan feels that he has nothing to do in the apartment, so he might as well go out for a walk.

So, he took the subway and walked to the door of his company.

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