He closed the book casually, and the teacher didn't stay in the classroom for too long, and walked out of the classroom directly, leaving those students who had gone through a class of mental torture and couldn't do their homework well, looking up and sighing long.

After closing the textbook and placing it on the table, Xiaosan stood up.

He needs to urinate.

"This is the last time I borrowed my brother's ID card, so be careful."

"Don't worry, no one in my room can get in, nothing will happen!"

"When you say that, I'm a little worried..."

"Last time, didn't you still say that your sister would not be at home? As a result, when the three of us took out the 'collection' together, we kicked the door of your room open with a bang, and her friend , I dare not go to your house now!"

"I, Shiki Haruno, is this kind of person?! You don't trust me!"

"Having experienced that kind of experience, how can people trust me? Recently, I feel a little powerless on my side, and I suspect that I have suffered quite serious psychological trauma..."

The three boys gathered in a corner of the toilet, whispering about things that would be inhumane in the classroom, Xiaosan trembled, fastened his belt silently, and silently walked to the sink beside him, After washing his hands, he walked out of the toilet without looking back.

The so-called boys are probably such creatures, and Xiaosan has no interest in the unknown objects at the center of the three people's conversations. According to the two keywords of 'ID card' and 'rental', I am afraid it is nothing more than those minors. Prohibited recording only.

He casually took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently dried his hands. The gray and brown checked handkerchief not only won't make anyone feel like a 'mother', but also matches Xiaosan's expressionless face and indifferent On the contrary, it makes people feel like a corporate executive who went to the wrong place of work.

Folding the handkerchief, putting it in his pocket, he returned to the classroom.

For Xiaosan, the next day's class is just a repetition of the previous class.

Occasionally, I took out some extracurricular books that had nothing to do with the course, sat silently in my seat, and learned some advanced content. Those teachers only regarded it as some information, and didn't pay much attention to it. They put it there with Xiao San's grades , and no teacher will talk too much.

When the bell rang for the break at noon, Xiao San walked out of the classroom straight away.

In the cafeteria, he didn't sit opposite the guy with Fuutarou's shirt. After all, Xiaosan is not a guy with special hobbies. He always sits opposite to that guy, and there will always be times when he gets bored.

I found an empty long table, sat casually at the table, and ate the lunch I just ordered.

With his head down, only his own lunch is in his eyes, Xiaosan has no desire or interest to look at other people sitting in the cafeteria.

'Does this make me look like a guy with no friends?Some people should think so, next time you have time, let's call that guy Makabe Masamune over. '

But that guy Masamu Makabe has always prepared lunch at home, so there is no need to ask him to come over, as long as he prepares his own lunch.

'But compared to him walking a few steps, is it more troublesome for me to make my own bento?Let him come over, he probably won't mind anyway. '

Dining quietly, while asking and answering questions in his own mind, two figures passed by him, from the corner of his eyes, he saw the dark blue skirt with two white lines and the silk pantyhose, Xiaosan can be sure that the two are girls, and the rhythm and feeling of this step...

All of a sudden, I felt that my whole taste was gone.

Without looking up, he sighed, and slowly lowered the level of 'originally delicious food' to 'food that fills his stomach' in his heart, and put it in his mouth, Xiaosan was going to leave directly after he finished his lunch here.

"Hey, Sayuki, don't you think those people who eat alone in the cafeteria are very pitiful?"

"Have it?"

"Without friends, even if you have lovers, they are not by your side. Dining alone will make people feel pity, right, Qiuyue-jun?"

With a sigh in his heart, he slowly raised his head, looked at Toki Hara Sayuki who was sitting opposite him, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu who spoke to make his appetite subside, Xiaosan reckoned that if he became thinner, the other party might have immeasurable power Credit, put the chopsticks in your hand on the mouth of the bowl

"Is it disgusting to come over for lunch? Shouldn't the third grader be preparing for the upcoming college entrance examination, but wasting time here, or is Kasumigaoka-senpai already thinking about someone's mistress?"

"Then Qiuyue Jun must have had many mistresses, right?"

He confronted Xiaosan without hesitation, the corners of Xiaosan's mouth moved slightly, and there was a hint of a smile, and there was also a trace of anger in his heart.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Xiaosan's smiling face and indifferent eyes, with a stiff smile on his face, and Xiaosan looked straight at each other.

Toki Yuan Saxue didn't know what happened between the two of them, she watched calmly, and didn't intend to intervene in their affairs.

Looking at the two people who were staring deeply at each other, Tokihara Saxue couldn't help but look at Kasumigaoka Shiyu beside her a few more times, always feeling that this friend of hers was a bit strange these days.

— — — —

The new version is updated. Although I haven't played in the spirit of the sky, it's really cool to lose equipment in the wild!

Thanks to this person who has no boyfriend so far!Boss atmosphere!

Thanks to Bird Lover, Magic Gourd, END, YueのSage, Xuechejun, Nagi, uigf, Denny, the prosperity of the world, the moonset Wutiao Shirakawa, Shuke 71332346737, fantasy magic guide book, five watch glass Kira~ The monthly pass and blade!Thank you all for your votes!

Chapter 29. First meeting, please advise

When facing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Xiaosan always has the feeling that the other party is haunted, a little annoyed, but helpless, does he still hit the woman?

I took a few bites casually, and didn't continue to eat. Anyway, my stomach was full, and there was no point in continuing to sit down. After saying hello to Tokihara Saxue, I turned around and left.

"Are you interested in Qiuyue-kun?"

Toki Hara Saxue couldn't help but look at her friend beside her, and asked aloud in surprise. As a woman, she was instinctively alert to Kasumigaoka Shiwa's reaction.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook her head lightly, she wasn't interested in that guy, it was just because she was dissatisfied.

Taking a deep look at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Tokihara Saxue didn't speak, but she paid a little more attention from the bottom of her heart.

Back in the classroom, I didn't chat with anyone, and sat down at my desk, folded my hands on the desk, and directly lowered my head to rest there.

Yan Ye was a little worried about Xiaosan, but after hesitating and hesitating in his heart, he still didn't disturb Xiaosan's rest, and sat in his own place to worry alone.

Until the end of get out of class, Xiao San basically stayed in his own place in a daze alone, or opened the books he brought over, casually flipped through to understand the contents, and then passed the time until the end of get out of class, and tidied himself up bag, go to the club activity room, and share a room with Toki Hara Sayuki, Koga Yuika, and Yan Ye.

After going through the club activities with a slightly stalemate atmosphere, Xiaosan and Yan Ye left the school together again, and sent Yan Ye back home. Xiaosan wandered alone in the street for a while, and when he came back to his senses, Tiandu It was almost dark already.

"Stomach, I'm a little hungry. Is there a reason why you didn't fill in the report at noon?"

Bowing his head and stretching out his hand to touch his lower abdomen, Xiaosan pursed his lips, clicked his tongue softly, and looked at the shops on both sides of the street, but there was no restaurant.

"Find a restaurant and sit casually for a while."

But after walking for a while, it was either because of the restaurant that was full of people during the rush hour, or the kind of western restaurant that he was not very interested in.

He himself didn't know how long he had been walking. After wandering the street for a while, he finally stopped at the door of a ramen shop. Looking at the signboard of the shop, he hesitated for a moment, and then stepped into the shop.


"What do you need?"

When he entered the store, his ears were slightly shaken by the loud yelling, Xiaosan casually took a look at the environment in the store.

'It's fairly clean. '

There was only one empty table left in the store, Xiaosan ordered a large bowl of spicy beef noodles, a tempura platter and a drink, and walked directly towards that table.

It takes about 5 minutes to wait for the meal. There are no customers, but now there are about a dozen people sitting here and there. Apart from his share, I am afraid there are several people in front of him. There is no food, and it is estimated that I will have to wait for 10 minutes.

Sitting quietly behind him, Xiaosan took out the mobile phone in his pocket, put the bag behind him casually, looked at the mobile phone while waiting for the meal.


The boss's voice seemed to be so calm every time a guest came over, Xiaosan was a little suspicious, would there be any saliva when the other party yelled loudly?


As soon as the thought emerged, it was quickly interrupted by Xiaosan. Thinking about this kind of problem at this time, he was purely disgusting himself.

"I want a pork bone with soy sauce, lighten it."

The sweet voice full of liveliness and agility surprised Xiaosan who was waiting at his table. He casually raised his eyes and looked in the direction. There was a girl standing there, wearing a white-collared pure black sleeveless shirt, but with a white collar. The beret and the sunglasses couldn't see what the other person's face was like.

Although he was a little curious, after seeing the other party, Xiaosan quickly withdrew his gaze, continued to stare at his mobile phone, and took a fancy to the unknown 'Hachiman Bodhisattva' on social software, poured out the depression in his heart.

'A beautiful girl who is as noble and pure as iceberg snow lotus, but has a bad personality?Where does this light novel plot come from? '

Looking at the inexplicable complaint, Xiao San's expression seemed a little subtle, it was too nonsense, in Xiao San's view, this guy was not so much dissatisfied, but more like showing off to netizens he didn't know.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Just as Xiao San felt dissatisfied with this guy's showing off, and was thinking about how to hit him, a voice sounded from the side.

Glancing at the girl in the sleeveless shirt, Xiao San didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

If he could, he naturally didn't want to sit with a girl he didn't know, but there was no legitimate reason to refuse her, so he could only accept it.

His eyes quietly fell on the phone, waiting for it.

"Thank you so much!"

The girl seemed very happy, making Xiaosan always feel that the other party's eyes seemed to be watching him.


A little uncomfortable and uncomfortable, Xiaosan looked at his mobile phone silently, but there was always a creepy feeling in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some vicious existence, his brows could not help but frown, he raised his head and looked at other side.

On the round cheeks, the slight smile at the corner of the mouth, and the eyes under the sunglasses, all staring at him, made Xiaosan doubt whether he knew the other party.

"do we know each other?"

"Of course...but not acquaintance."

The girl shook her head, but her gaze was still on Xiaosan.


Xiaosan didn't know what to say, so he could only keep silent, quietly eating his dinner, just pretending that the other party didn't exist, implying from the bottom of his heart that the other party was not looking at him.

When the ramen was on the table, Xiaosan picked up the chopsticks, divided the disposable chopsticks slightly, and slowly used the ramen.

"Hmph ~ hum ~"

The girl sitting opposite was humming a song, she seemed to be in a good mood, Xiaosan only felt a little embarrassed.

Xiaosan felt that no one would be able to act as if nothing had happened if someone stared straight at him while eating.


"You ordered ramen."

Just when he was about to ask for some advice, the other party's ramen was on the table, making Xiao San choke the rest of the words back into his stomach.

"Is there something wrong?"

As if aware of what Xiaosan wanted to say, the girl asked Xiaosan back after she took the initiative to put the ramen on the table.

"It's nothing."

Thinking that the other party's ramen has already been served, the girl should not look at her anymore, silently lowered her head, and quietly ate the ramen.

Until Xiao San used up the ramen, the other party did not look at him again.

She used up the ramen first, handed over the money to the owner, and left the ramen shop directly, and the girl who used up the ramen almost at the same time took a small sip of the ramen soup, and then left the ramen shop .

Standing outside the store, watching her with her hands behind her back, taking light steps, watching Xiao San's back gradually receding, the smile on her face grew even wider.

"Miss Qianhua."

Wearing a black formal suit, a capable woman walked up to the girl.

"Didn't you tell grandpa last time that you don't need protection anymore? It's been a long time, it's just an accident."

"But this is what your uncle meant, although the master did not agree to the lady's request."

"Wum, forget it, let's go back!"

The girl turned and left angrily, while the woman followed her silently and left.

- - - -

Stay up late to code, woo woo woo

Thanks to this person who has no boyfriend so far!Boss atmosphere!Healthy body!

Thanks Mao Mao Mao Mao, Jie Jie, Hustle 2300, Ye Mo for the monthly pass and blade!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 30. Just pretend you didn't see it, learn to deceive yourself

No one followed behind him.

After leaving the ramen shop, he glanced behind him from time to time to confirm that no one was following him, Xiaosan slowly felt relieved, he was a little more concerned about the girl in the ramen shop just now suspicion.

"I don't have any impression, it's not wrong, it should be the first meeting, right?"

From time to time, I am very sure whether I have met somewhere before, but after thinking about it in my mind for a long time, Xiao San has no corresponding memory. The only thing I can notice is the other party's gaze, which is indeed watching and observing him. .

The night was slightly cool, with dark clouds covering the top of the head, blocking the soft silver moon that was supposed to reflect on the earth, little drops of water fell on the hairline, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky, Xiaosan was a little surprised.

During the day, it was still clear and cloudless, but it didn't take long before it got dark.

"Is it going to rain? Forget it, let's hurry back home."

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