"is it?"

A glimmer of melancholy flashed across Katsura Manami's eyes, did she really win?Even if he wins, it's not the same as Xiyuan Temple Doriko living alone now, with her own children, and what's the difference between losing.

"Men are all the same, whether it's that person or the current one."

Xienji Doriko didn't answer, but just sipped the wine in the glass, quietly listening to Katsura Manami's complaint.

"Is he still with you?"


Xiyuan Temple Yuezi shook his head lightly, probably looking for someone else again.

"I don't know where he went. Anyway, it doesn't make any difference. It will be fine when he is dead, and he won't be bothered."

"Advise me to divorce?"

"No, but you might think about it."

Thinking of my two daughters, although they have almost understood the current situation, they want a complete divorce...

"I'll think about it again."

Xiyuanji Doriko didn't speak. Anyway, she lived alone from the beginning, so she didn't quite understand Katsura Manami's scruples and worries. Looking at the sad-looking friend, she just sat quietly beside her, accompanying her .

- - - -

Thanks to my sister, Shuke 3114213087 for the reward!Boss atmosphere!

Thanks to Huangli, Dongfang Xiaoyubi, xzh, Kinomoto, Roy will not be pregnant, Book of Puffs, Nagi, Wandering Snow, Deep Like the Sea, Nancheng Nancy, Water Moon Wukong, Dead City Guying, Chen Zizhuo , Makino Kenichi, send each other off all the way, Luoying Shenxue, Qianzicun Masashiro, President Reiner, Blue and Black, Feite is at my house tonight, hey hurts my waist, Ah Xu doesn't want to talk, he will climb a tree Monthly tickets and blades for fish, Liangyi, and Baihehua!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

Chapter 38 There is no way to repay a great favor, I can only treat you to tea

Regarding the matter of Katsura Manami, Xiaosan didn't think it could be said to be handled well, but at least the other party would not interfere with his and Yan Ye's affairs, and that was enough.

"The rest of the matter is not a problem, but...forget it, let's do it for now, as long as they don't get close, keep a distance, and when time passes, they will gradually Forget it, in the next time, you can put everything in..."

cough cough.

Coughing twice, Xiao San returned to his apartment.

Turn on the light, Yan Ye is not in the apartment, after all, a day has passed, no matter what, Yan Ye will not stay at a classmate's house for two days, there is still Guixin at home that needs to be taken care of.

Sitting quietly in the living room, as long as he thought of Yan Ye, Xiaosan's mood would calm down involuntarily, he breathed a sigh of relief, and closed his eyes.

"A little... lonely."

Slowly opened his eyes, Xiao San stood up slowly, and prepared his own dinner.

After dealing with all his affairs, Xiaosan, who had taken a shower, returned to his room, lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and actively contacted Yan Ye.

"what are you doing?"

"Qiuyue-jun, I'm reviewing my homework in my room."

"What about dinner?"

"I've already used it. I called you suddenly. What's the matter?"

Sitting in his room, Yan Ye, who had already had dinner, was wearing the usual clothes at home, sitting alone at the desk, looking at his textbook, and reviewing the content of his studies.

Never thought that Xiaosan would take the initiative to call, the girl who received Xiaosan's call was a little surprised, but she still put down the pen in her hand slowly, and chatted with Xiaosan little by little.

"Where's your sister, is she in her room?"

"Well, you should still be watching TV in the living room. At this time, you probably haven't gone to rest yet."

"That's it."

Recalling that a long time ago, when he was young, he was often pushed back to the room by his parents to rest, Xiaosan couldn't help smiling, lying on the bed, listening to Yan Ye's voice, he couldn't help sighing slightly.

"What's the matter, Qiuyue-jun, are you in a bad mood?"

"It's just a little miss."


"I miss being with you yesterday..."

Xiaosan felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't like to say such things, but he did have such feelings in his heart, so he wanted to confide and tell the other party.

Yan Ye, who was sitting in the room, was silent for a moment. When Xiaosan thought that the other party hated his way of speaking, the other party spoke slowly.

"Me too."

"Well, see you at school tomorrow."

He didn't know what to say, he was at a loss, worried that silence would make the other party feel trouble, so he wanted to hang up the phone.

Yan Ye, who was almost worried, didn't say much. After Xiaosan hung up the phone, he quietly looked at the phone in his hands. He tightly covered the phone with both hands, and put it in front of him, as if praying and looking forward to something .

At noon the next day, Xiaosan and Yan Ye were not sitting in the classroom, they were sitting on the roof, having lunch when suddenly a familiar figure came from a distance.

It wasn't Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, I don't know if it was because Xiaosan's words last time made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu feel inappropriate, or something else happened. It has been quite a while, and the other party has not taken the initiative to come to Xiaosan.

The person who came over this time was Tachibana Rui.

Because of Tachibana Haruna, the two hadn't been alone for a long time, and when they met again, Tachibana Rui's expression seemed a bit too serious.

"Okay, can we talk alone for a while?"

While talking, she looked at Yan Ye who was sitting on the bench, as if confirming something, Xiaosan didn't speak, but turned to Yan Ye who was sitting on the bench, wanting to see the girl's choice.

Yan Ye, who had a stiff expression, felt the eyes of the two, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly.

No more questions, Xiaosan smiled slightly at Yan Ye.

"Be right back."

Ruyi didn't speak, and quietly walked towards the distance with Xiaosan. After a considerable distance from Yan Ye, the two stopped. Ruyi looked at Xiaosan in front of her, with a bit lonely eyes.

"What's matter?"

Looking at Yan Ye in the distance, he closed his eyes and landed on Ruyi in front of him. There seemed to be a vague gap between the two who hadn't been in contact for a long time.

"Already, I can only find you if I have something to do? Is your relationship with her confirmed?"

Glancing at Yan Ye in the distance, Ruyi's eyes stayed on Xiao San in front of her, her smile was a little hesitant and lonely.

Disappointed, or desperate, she bit her lips tightly to prevent her expression from collapsing.

"Almost, but... because of your sister?"

"There are some, it has been so long, you... Forget it, there is no need to continue talking about those words, between us, let's end like this? Maybe it's just a simple family relationship, more Appropriate, isn't it?"

"Is it because of Tachibana Haruna?"

"It's not just her. Your reaction during this period of time, doesn't it mean that you don't really care that much? Maybe it's good for both of you to end it like this."

Xiao San thought about it carefully, looked at the girl in front of him, and nodded.

"...I'm going back."

Without any hold back, looking at Xiaosan who just hesitated for a moment, then nodded, the last gleam of brilliance in Rui's eyes completely disappeared, she turned her head silently, wanting to leave.

Looking at Ruyi who turned around and walked towards the distance, Xiaosan felt some unclear emotions, clogged in his chest, making him want to say something, choked in his mouth, unable to speak no matter what, watching the back of Ruyi leaving , he was unable to say anything in the end.

'ended. '

Perhaps for the two of them, this was the best choice. He watched Ruyi leave, and then slowly walked towards Yan Ye.

'so be it. '

"Did something happen?"

Seeing Xiaosan's somewhat disappointed expression, Yan Ye couldn't help asking, a little curious about what happened to the two of them.

Reluctantly raising a smile, Xiao San gently shook his head.

"It's nothing, it's just a little thing."

It could be seen that Xiaosan was not in a good mood, Yan Ye didn't ask what happened, but nodded silently, and didn't continue to ask.

"I said, he doesn't have any feelings for you at all, he's just playing around."

In the student guidance room, Tachibana Haruna, who was sitting in the office, looked at her younger sister who had returned, and said slowly to her younger sister in the tone of someone who has been there.

Tachibana Ruyi didn't say anything, but quietly walked to the table, sat down, lay down on the table, lowered her head, and sat there silently without saying a word, which made Tachibana Hina a little worried.

"Are you okay?"


After school in the afternoon, I took the subway with Yan Ye. When I arrived at the station, watching Yan Ye get off the station, Xiaosan changed to the subway that he went home, thinking about whether he should take a driver's license test.

When he got home, he casually put his schoolbag aside. As for the cram school, he didn't take it seriously for the time being, and felt a little depressed.

Rui's matter, although I didn't pay much attention to it at school, but after leaving the school, it suddenly became more intense.

"It's a little... But, it's useless to say anything now."

Sitting quietly on the sofa, what appeared in his mind was not Rui Tachibana, but Hina Tachibana. He remembered the conversation with Hina Tachibana in the coffee shop that day, and he knew what happened this time. A bit of human impetus is inside.

Based on Rui's character alone, it is not impossible to make such a decision, but even if such a determination can be made, it will definitely require a lot of courage, and it is not possible to take the initiative to find him under such circumstances.

"Troublesome guy."

The mood turned bad all of a sudden, and the sense of Ju Yangcai also changed from bad to quite bad.

"Speaking of which, should I make some counterattacks?"

Thinking of Tachibana Yangcai, Xiaosan always felt some discomfort in his heart. After careful thinking, he almost realized that he should not be able to continue.

He thought about it and called Genji.

"Hey, is this Genji? You have the kind of sleep aid that is put in black tea..."

In the afternoon of the next day, after separating from Yan Ye, Xiao San went to meet his good friend Takiya Genji. He was still wearing short hair, wearing a school uniform, smoking a cigarette, standing at the door of the underground bar, and saw Xiaosan who came over showed a smile.


"What about things?"

Reaching out his hand to take a look in his pocket, Genji didn't ask Xiaosan what it was useful for, and handed Xiaosan a piece of unknown stuff in a white package with the words 'sleep aid' written on it.

"How is this effect, how to use it?"

"It can be poured directly into water, or directly added to drinks, but the effect is still quite heavy. I heard that people will faint directly within 3 minutes at most."


"No, but don't use it indiscriminately. I heard that there are side effects. What are the specifics? It seems to cause miscarriage, or something. It's quite serious."

Xiaosan glanced at the 'sleep aid' in his hand, and hesitated for a moment.

"Where did this come from?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a by-product researched in some laboratory. I was going to throw it away, but I don't know who discovered this effect. It circulates a lot in Ikebukuro and Shinjuku. I just asked this casually. , got it."

"Is there no one to check?"

"Who would investigate this kind of unclear thing? Although the effect is a bit strange, it doesn't do much harm. The police won't make things difficult for me, right?"

Listening to Genji's answer, Xiaosan looked at the thing in his hand, and thought about how large it might be if it was produced normally.

But since it has already started to circulate underground, it means that someone is actually trading it. If he rashly... probably has no chance, let's forget it.

"I see, thanks."

"Well, then I'll go on drinking."

"Please next time."

Genji didn't speak, shook his cigarette butt, smiled lightly, turned around and re-entered the underground bar, as for Xiaosan put the potion in his pocket, turned and left.

After returning to his apartment, Xiaosan took out the small medicine packaged in white, made a cup of tea, and dialed Tachibana Yangcai's phone.

"Come to my apartment, you know where it is."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he walked slowly to the dining table, looking at the 'sleep aid' potion in the white package, he sighed slowly.

"This, how useful is it? Forget it, since you have already got it, there is no need to hesitate any longer. Anyway, the phone call has already been made."

His eyes slowly fell on the kettle in the distance, he closed his eyes little by little, and let out a long sigh.

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