But in the eyes of the humanoids, these strange things are invading their territory!

So, after they gathered together, they brandished stone weapons, let out fierce roars, and rushed towards the area where the CM standard template was located.

At this time, several Starship Federation Space Forces that were dropped along with the CM standard template saw a group of short humanoid creatures swarming towards them, without any explanation, they raised their pre-prepared guns.

Puff puff!

One after another, the lightning nets were shot out, enveloping these humanoid creatures...

At the same time, the starship parked in the sky also released some of the omnic units it carried to start a raid mode.

Chapter 86 Revenge on the Devil's Mind


"Proximity, the multi-civilization ecological isolation area has been divided."

"The deployment of troops has driven the intelligent species on the planet towards the ecological isolation area. During this period, some deaths and injuries have been caused to the life of the species. The statistics have been stored..."

The commander of the squadron listened to the reports of his subordinates and nodded frequently:

"Is there any other news?"

"Proxima Centauri and Proxima Centauri's extraterrestrial colonies are already under construction. In about a month, the colonies that meet the standard regulations will be completed."

"The construction of the stellar space station in the Nanmen [-] galaxy has encountered some difficulties, because the star system of this galaxy is different from the solar system, there are too many factors to consider, and we lack experience...Maybe the completion time of the space station will be extended."

"It was originally planned to build a space dock in this galaxy, but now it seems that some original plans have to be revised, and it is more appropriate to build a space anchor as a starship port."

"The energy of the stars in this galaxy is very abundant, but we can't fully utilize the star resources here with our current plan, but the current solar energy utilization technology is enough to support our work in this galaxy."

Listening to these reports, the squadron waved their hands and said:

"I understand the situation. Recently, the federal government sent news that Blue Star has launched a national genetic sublimation plan. All space force personnel must be injected with new genetic reagents..."

"The latest batch of new genetic reagents and related equipment for our squadron has arrived, let's make arrangements."


They have obtained the relevant information, it will take several days for one person to inject new genetic reagents, and now they are carrying out intensive work in this galaxy, it is naturally impossible for all personnel to start injecting new genetic reagents at the same time.

In order to allow all squadron personnel to inject new genetic reagents while ensuring the normal operation of related work, they can only organize rotations to inject new genetic reagents.


Beyond the galaxy, somewhere.

A planet that existed on a backward feudal civilization, some prosperous towns in the past are now devastated, and scavengers like vultures are flying around.

Corpses were scattered all over the place, and demons carrying primitive genes walked through the town one by one, making inhuman growls from time to time.

Some fresh corpses that fell down and died, after a certain twist in the genes in the body, opened their scarlet eyes in vain, revived, and their bodies transformed into new demons after a burst of convulsions.

In a space, Demon One is hiding here.

Morgana was sitting on the throne as always, with the demon Atuo and the succubus warrior Heifeng standing on both sides.

After they were expelled from Blue Star, they came here for a long time with the help of Karl, the God of Death.

Here, there is no high-level god-level civilization, and there is no angelic belief. They use the resources of this planet unscrupulously to repair the Devil One that was damaged by Blue Star before.

Not only that, because this planet is also rich in life resources.

Using the life of this planet, Morgana not only quickly restored the strength of the previous demon legion, but also set off a plague called a demon frenzy by the civilization of this planet.

In this plague, the demons have no restraint. They have almost completely disintegrated the civilization established by the original life on this planet. The idea of ​​depraved freedom has been thoroughly propagated. Many lives have volunteered to join the demons and become part of them. .

Those who were unwilling to accept the depraved free thoughts were brutally slaughtered and transformed into primitive low-level demons by demon genes.

Their strength is expanding rapidly.

If it weren't for the fear of being discovered by the angels, Morgana originally wanted to transform the civilizations of several nearby galaxies with demon genes and fallen free thoughts.

"Queen, there's news from Dead Song Academy." Ato stood beside Morgana's throne, reporting with a blank expression.

"Karl, the god of death, said that because of the help Styx provided us, the angels have already spotted and suspected them..."

"It is understood that Holy Keisha has taken people to die in person


Song Academy. "

"Oh, it's Keisha's bitch looking for trouble with that guy Karl..." Morgana said nonchalantly.

"Queen, if Kesha arrives at the River Styx, Karl, the god of death, will definitely break up with us under some pressure, and may even sell us." Seeing Morgana's expression, Atuo reminded.

"That's right, Queen, Styx and we used to use each other. Karl will definitely sell us." Heifeng beside him couldn't help reminding.

"Tch, if it's sold, it's sold. It's not the first time we've been sold. Just ask this pervert what plans he has." Morgana said habitually.

"It was Styx who sold us out. When those little bitches in short skirts come to us, we are not unprepared. At worst, we will fight another nebula-level war."

"Forget about that, what's going on with Blue Star?"

Morgana focused on Blue Star, and an unknown fire arose in her heart.

It's not that she hasn't suffered a loss before, but the loss she suffered in Blue Star is enough for her to remember for a long time.

Before the devil forgets what they suffered this time, they must take revenge on Blue Star!

"Blue Star's Galaxy Federation is already an aerospace-grade civilization. Since the gluttony in the Chiwu star system was wiped out, they have begun to expand towards nearby galaxies... How about the specific situation, I don't know much, it's too far away , or monitor at any time.” A Tuo said hesitantly.

"Heh, space-level civilization... When we solve the troubles of the angels, let them understand that space-level civilization is not even a fart in this known universe!" Morgana sneered.


Atuo and Heifeng looked at each other in embarrassment.

Space-level civilization is indeed nothing, but they were driven here in disgrace before...

They know very well that the Galaxy Federation is really nothing, but behind the Galaxy Federation are those lunatics like De Nuo.

In the previous conflicts, the weird combat methods used by the Deno God of War made them suffer a lot, although after suffering a loss once, they must be prepared and respond to related methods next time.

But from the last conflict, they fought with each other from beginning to end, but the opponent didn't even show a single figure in front of them, judging from the fighting method that caused them to suffer heavy losses...

Who knows if the other party is hiding it? If they have a conflict with the other party and suffer similar losses, it will be embarrassing and thrown in front of the whole universe.


After hesitating for a while, Ato had no choice but to bite the bullet and said to Morgana: "Queen, why don't we send someone over to explore the bottom of this Galaxy Federation..."

"Know yourself and know your enemy, you will win every battle, last time we suffered a loss in intelligence."

"If we want to find a chance to get back the previous scene, I think we need to learn more about this Star River Federation first..."

Chapter 87 Completion of civilian and starships


"I always find it a little strange. Since the current Star River Federation in Blue Star was made by those people from De Nuo, why didn't they just call it the Star River Federation instead of De Nuo's name?" Atuo said Expressing his concerns, he said bluntly:

"According to the information you gave, Queen, Deno's destruction was before the war between our demons and angels. Their destruction has been going on for tens of thousands of years. There is a time gap of tens of thousands of years. They suddenly appeared but they have the ability to fight against us. It’s a bit strange to be true, where did they go before this.”

"Devil No. [-] calculated, our current technology should have far surpassed those Deno's legacy technology... Lieyang, who is also a god-level civilization in the old Kamigawa world, has gone through ups and downs since the Deno War caused the old Kamigawa to fall behind. Ten thousand years, and now in many respects, it has also fallen out of the top sequence of the universe, lagging behind us demons."

"It shouldn't be that a group of Deno survivors who haven't shown their faces for tens of thousands of years can develop again in secret. The weird methods they master are completely out of touch with the mainstream of Kamigawa. I suspect..."

As Ato spoke, he looked at his queen, and without further words, Morgana frowned suddenly, and said unhappily:

"Ato, fart as soon as you feel it, don't hide it."

"Yes, Queen... What I want to say is that I suspect that this so-called Galaxy Federation was not created by the descendants of Deno at all!" Atuo boldly stated his guess.

As soon as this remark came out, Hei Feng was greatly shocked, and asked in confusion, "A Tuo, what are you talking about?"

"It wasn't made by the descendants of Deno? How could it be possible? Didn't the Queen still fight with that Deno God of War before..."

On the other hand, Morgana did not show any shock, but said with a normal face:

"Is it important that the descendants of Deno made it?"

She also had this guess of A Tuo, that "Deno God of War" had never revealed his true colors in front of her, and the so-called descendants of Deno were also claimed by the other party from beginning to end, probably just to mislead her.

According to her understanding, there is a super seminary on the blue star, which was created by the descendants of Deno, and they used it to form a troop mostly composed of Deno's super genes - the Xiongbing Company.

But since the establishment of the Galaxy Federation, Blue Star's Super Seminary has been taken over by it, and the Xiongbing Company formed by those descendants of De Nuo has been directly disappeared from the board, which is completely abnormal.

The people behind Blue Star's Galaxy Federation, even if they are not descendants of De Nuo, must be a god-level force that cannot lose to them.

It's just that this faction likes to hide its head and show its tail very much, and would never put itself on the bright side to confront them, so it raised up a Galaxy Federation to act as a card.

Therefore, what Morgana cares about now is not whether the descendants of the Deno are behind the Galaxy Federation.

She believed that the news of the devil's loss on the blue star must have been known to those god-level civilizations, especially the angels and their secret allies-Death Song Academy.

That guy Karl encouraged her to go to Blue Star to develop, and then brought a gluttonous fleet to the red black star system where Blue Star is located. Obviously, he originally planned to use them to do something big.


It's just that after the god-level civilization behind the Star River Federation appeared, Karl's side turned off the fire in this matter. Not only did they let their demons be expelled from the Blue Star, but also threw away the gluttonous fleets that were sent out. In the Chiwu star system, it was ignored, and it was allowed to be wiped out by the Galaxy Federation not long ago.

This is really abnormal, and Morgana is not a fool. She is very clear that although demons and angels are mortal enemies on the surface, Styx, a secret ally, is an object that both parties must guard against.

The relationship between the three is mutually restraining. Now that Karl is doing such an unusual operation, Morgana has to secretly alert herself and be careful of some private actions by Styx.

Now the god-level civilization behind the Galaxy Federation is like a sudden intruder, messing up a game that has been calculated, and the Styx must be re-arranging again.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have randomly discarded the gluttonous fleet they sent out as abandoned children.

And she Morgana


Today, I want to focus on Blue Star's Galaxy Federation, not only because I want to get back the place I lost there before, but also because she understands something.

Karl's re-arrangement will most likely bring down the god-level forces behind the Galaxy Federation. Exactly how to pull them into the water depends on how the opponent will play chess.

At that time, the situation between them will not be as simple as the three parties of angels, demons, and Styx. The situation where the forces of the four parties gather must be more exciting than the previous situation of mutual containment.

Today, angels are the kings of the gods in the known universe. They are the strongest and will inevitably become the main targets of other parties. As the long-term confrontation with angels, their demons will inevitably become the next confrontation with angels.

And what kind of collision will there be between Karl's Styx and the god-level forces behind the Galaxy Federation?

"No matter who the person behind the Galaxy Federation is, we need to regard it as one of the primary enemies in the near future." Morgana said coldly:

"Since this Star River Federation is a card civilization pushed by the other party, we can't let it go."

"Hei Feng, next you will be in charge of monitoring the Galaxy Federation, Atuo, you pay attention to the group of little bitch angels, and try to delay the time for us to be found by Kaisha after Styx sold us."

"As for Karl...I'll let others keep an eye on it."

"Yes, Queen." Atuo and Heifeng were also relieved to see Morgana had her own schemes, and then proceeded to carry out her orders with confidence.


solar system.

With the completion of civilian space docks and ports, the federal government has delivered orders for hundreds of civilian starships to non-governmental organizations.

[In other words, reading aloud and listening to books is currently the best, @@,. Install the latest version. 】

Compared with space warships, civilian starships have many differences in terms of design concepts and construction structures.

First of all, civilian starships are not space ships that must be used to serve wars, so in terms of weapons, there are only conventional self-defense ship-mounted weapons.

Furthermore, because it is applicable to civilians, and most of these civilian starships will be used for long-distance voyages and exploration of other star systems, standard civilian starships generally do not carry too much armor on their hulls. The means of defense, except for self-defense weapons , also only equipped with ordinary force field shields.

Then, the internal space of civilian starships is also designed to be larger than that of warships of the same size, which can easily carry supplies and load some required equipment.

A conventional civilian starship can be regarded as a collection of scientific research ships, engineering ships, and transport ships.

Divided by the federal government, the size and level of civilian starships are divided from bottom to top: first-level starships, second-level starships, and third-level starships.

Due to the previously promulgated interstellar laws, these three standard classes of starships must be followed. In addition to the civilian starships that have been built, civilians can also formulate their own starship design plans, and then build the ships they want Or place relevant orders to the federal government, as long as the designed scheme does not violate the above regulations.

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