Lucifer carefully took out the rice cooker from his arms. He had put away the rice cooker in a hurry when the war broke out.

Lucifer is very concerned about this rice cooker.

This is the container that seals his original power, and it must not be damaged. Even if Lucifer is dead, this rice cooker must not be damaged at all.

As long as the rice cooker is not broken, as long as the power of the morning star inside is still there, then Lucifer still has the hope of being reborn.

The morning star sealed in the rice cooker is Lucifer's last trump card.

For Lucifer, the Star of Dawn is much more important than the power of the latitude of hell. He may not have the authority of the Lord of Hell, but he absolutely cannot live without the Star of Dawn.

As long as the morning star is still there, when God returns, Lucifer can steal the power of God, so that Lucifer has the opportunity to snatch Gabriel back from God.

If the Phoenix Judgment really came down just now, at the last moment of death, Lucifer must have sent the rice cooker to a random corner of the universe at the first time.

After waiting for God to recover, Dawn Star will automatically steal God's power, and Lucifer is likely to be resurrected again.

When God is resurrected, heaven will be resurrected, angels will be resurrected, and then Lucifer is likely to be resurrected.

Well, fallen angels should also be considered angels.

Lucifer heaved a long sigh, he really didn't lie just now, he really wanted to kill Qin Gelei, and let the Phoenix Force quickly change to another carrier.

This Qin Gelei is simply a troublemaker.

I really don't know how the Phoenix Force chooses the host?How did you choose the carrier?

Didn't it mean that the phoenix would choose a life form with a strong mind?

Lucifer really didn't see how strong Qin Gelei's heart was. He only saw a weak person who was afraid of his own strength, but also extremely curious, and didn't have the courage to take responsibility.

It wasn't a big deal at all.

After the Dawn Star was sealed by Fu Lu King Kong, Lucifer didn't plan to fight anymore, but his wings were all retracted.

As a result, this Qin Gelei suddenly walked into the bar and broke into this place where the latitudes overlap.

Then, there was an impact between the destructive power of the phoenix force and his corrupting fire, and he was directly thrown out of control.

This is actually not a big deal, and it was all easily resolved by Keisha.

But I never expected that before leaving, that Qin Gelei would dare to turn around to spy on Zhou. This is really an extremely bold decision.

The most important thing is that Kesha also said that the black phoenix in Qin Gelei's heart reminded Qin Gelei that Zhou is very dangerous, let's eradicate together...

What does danger represent?

Danger means danger!

You can feel that he is very dangerous, why don't you hurry up?

How do you still have the courage to spy?

Everyone should not be an enemy themselves, there are still friends who can do it, and it turned out that such a big oolong thing happened.

This Phoenix Force chooses a carrier, why not find someone with a good brain?

Lucifer said that he didn't understand this kind of behavior. He felt that the Phoenix Force should choose a living individual who can be awake at all times as the carrier, so as not to cause trouble.

After all, controlling the power of the phoenix is ​​equivalent to controlling half of destruction.

Putting such a powerful force on a little girl who hasn't accumulated much years, it can't bear it at all. Sooner or later, it will definitely get out of control. It's just a matter of time, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month.

Lucifer felt that it would be better if this carrier was replaced by an old man with years of precipitation and a clear mind.

At least he can not shake his heart and will not be affected by the power of destruction.

Qin Gelei is really too young, too easily affected by the destructive power of the phoenix.

You must know that Zhou Ran has come to the bar so many times, but he, Lucifer, has never spied on him once.

The reason for not spying is actually very simple, the truth is really simple.

Because as long as there is an existence at the level of Lucifer, not a blind man, not a fool, then he must be able to clearly feel the powerful power contained in Zhou Ran's body.

Although the power cannot be calculated, and you don't know how strong it is, you can still see it clearly, and you can still feel it clearly.

Both are equally powerful beings, and there will never be any spying on each other between them.

Because you don't know how strong the opponent is, once you get angry and trigger a big battle, it will really end badly...

Isn't it stupid to provoke one more enemy out of thin air?

A half-baked guy who can only use part of the power of the phoenix to spy on an existence that can easily seal the morning star, isn't he actively courting death?

After the Phoenix Judgment, the shadow of danger and death was gone. At this moment, the heavy sense of oppression was gone, and Lucifer's head was full of wisdom. Now he suddenly felt that the Phoenix Judgment was really not as good as he thought. So terrible.

After all, under that kind of danger, he didn't believe that the Fu Lu King Kong in Zhou Ran's body would choose not to shoot, or that there were other monsters in his body that would come out.

Fulu Little King Kong just took out a rice cooker and sealed his Dawn Star, so will he take out another strange thing and seal it casually when facing the Phoenix Judgment?

There was a smile on the corner of Lucifer's mouth. If Keisha hadn't made a choice, he might be able to see Fulu Xiaojingang again.

It's funny to think about it.

Lucifer glanced at the sky outside the bar, and it was time to wake up Zhou Ran. He reached out and patted the rice cooker on the bar, with a deep sorrow in his eyes.

Do I, Lucifer, really want to develop a relationship with this rice cooker?

Lucifer shook his head fiercely, impossible, absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for me, Lucifer, to bow to a rice cooker.

He let out a long sigh, and woke Zhou up. Then, he was going to the dark latitude to find Dormammu for advice on sealing magic.

Then Lucifer murmured a strange spell, and a golden light shone on his fingers, starting to wake up Zhou Ran.

"Tink, tink, tink..."

The wind chime hanging at the door rang.

When Lucifer heard the ringing of the bell, his expression changed drastically, and he frowned fiercely. It was another enemy breaking in.

Lucifer quickly changed the spell, changed a magic spell, and hid Zhou Ran, Tony, Rhodes and the rice cooker in the wings.

"Tread, step, step..."

There was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Then a mysterious man wearing a large black robe, a hood, and a mask walked in.

The mysterious man looked at Lucifer, made a mechanical voice, and asked, "Zhou Ran, where are you now?"

Lucifer snorted coldly, and the Star Bar directly turned into a bloody hell. He looked at the mysterious man in front of him, his eyes filled with murderous aura, and said coldly, "Who are you? How dare you break into my latitude...Leave quickly , or kill you!"

The eyes under the mask of the mysterious man raised a white light, and it was still a mechanical voice: "Oh, Lucifer, so you hid him in your wings..."

"Don't worry, we are not enemies... Lucifer, by the way, how did the Phoenix Trial that happened here just now be resolved?"

Hearing the words, Lucifer frowned fiercely, and the fire of hell rose all over his body, and asked in a cold voice, "Who the hell are you?"

The mysterious man nodded and said, "Understood, looking at you like this, Kaisha should have chosen to fall..."

Lucifer trembled all over, forming black suns emitting heat all over his body, which were the flames of corruption. He pointed at the mysterious man, and said in an extremely cold voice: "Take off your mask and tell us your identity, otherwise I will kill you..."

The mysterious man sighed, stretched out a steel-like finger, and nodded towards Lucifer. A huge energy shot out from the fingertips, and the black sun around Lucifer instantly dissipated.

Lucifer's whole body was also knocked down to the ground by the huge energy. Lucifer's face turned pale instantly, and he suddenly found that he couldn't mobilize the power of the hell latitude.

The magic used before also disappeared.

Zhou Ran, Tony, Rhodes and the rice cooker fell from his wings to the ground.

The mysterious man nodded, and slowly walked to Zhou Ran's side. Its eyes lit up with white energy, but suddenly disappeared.

The mysterious man reached out and groped in his arms, took out a golden shard, and threw it at Zhou Ran's back.

There was a golden light behind Zhou Ran, and Kaisha who disappeared with the Phoenix Trial just now suddenly appeared, but this Kaisha was not a real entity, but a phantom.

And this phantom of Kaisha, regrouping and collapsing from time to time, is very unstable...

The mysterious man took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Kesha, I'm sorry...forcibly stopped your fall and prevented your perfect resurrection...your current strength is very weak, but this is already the best There is a way, I hope..."

The mysterious man only spoke half of what he said, and didn't finish. He paused, looked at Lucifer, and said, "You can develop a good relationship with the rice cooker, and the seal will be slowly released, and your Dawn Star will come out. ..."

"Don't go to Dormammu, forget it, that's not important... Help me tell Gu Yi and Odin to protect Tony Stark..."

"I have to go now……"

After that, the mysterious man turned and left.

Seeing the figure of the mysterious man leaving, Lucifer frowned, gritted his teeth, and asked angrily, "Who are you? Who are you?"

He, Lucifer, has never been so humiliated before. This mysterious person is an existence he has never seen before. He is really too powerful, exactly the same as the feeling of powerlessness he felt when facing Fulu King Kong.

An energy wave blocked his control of the Hell Latitude, which was exactly the same as Fu Lu King Kong threw a rice cooker and sealed the Dawn Star.

And this mysterious man snatched Kesha back from death... When did this world become something I don't know?

Lucifer's mind is full of questions now.

"Sorry, I can't tell you yet... You will know in the future, I'm leaving, and he's chasing me..."

The mysterious man left a word and left.


Lucifer slowly got up from the ground, and having recovered the power of the Hell Lord, he snapped his fingers, and the bloody hell became the Star Bar again.

Everything went back to how it was before.

Lucifer frowned, looked at Kaisha's phantom that was still gathering and dispersing, and asked, "Kaisha, what's going on?"

Kesha shook her head, and said intermittently: "Lucifer, I don't know either... I just arrived at the place of death, and I also saw the God you mentioned... God has a stone that is half gray and half golden..."

"Well, the world there is all gray, and death threw me a gray stone. She said that for those who actively embrace death, death will bless them..."

"As long as you can turn the gray stone into a golden stone, you can walk out of the arms of death... This is the rule of death..."

"Then, the stone in front of me suddenly turned golden, and I returned from death..."

Lucifer took a deep breath and said, "Kesha, just now a mysterious person threw a golden fragment at Zhou Ran's back, and you suddenly came back to life..."

"I don't know what kind of method that is. It's terrible. I feel powerless when facing it..."

"I'm sure it's more powerful than Fulu King Kong... If it can snatch you back from death, it proves that it's at least on the same level as death..."

After hearing this, Kesha frowned and asked, "Lucifer, do you know why it snatched me back from death? Did it say anything?"

Hearing Kesha's question, Lucifer began to carefully recall what the mysterious man said, but the more he recalled, the more chaotic he became, and he couldn't remember clearly at all. It seemed that there was a strange force preventing him from recalling.

But Lucifer still remembered a few words, he frowned, his face was extremely pale, and he said slowly: "It said a lot of strange words, its voice was like a machine, it sounded intermittent, very uncomfortable... "

"And something is preventing me from speaking, I can only say two sentences now... the first sentence, forcibly resurrecting you, is for hope; the second sentence, tell Gu Yi and Odin, protect Tony Stark .”

"I can't remember the rest, and the impression of that mysterious person in my mind is getting weaker and weaker. Some unknown power is obliterating my image of it... I need to tell this sentence to the Gu Yi...if it is too late, I will definitely forget..."

After hearing this, Keisha nodded and said, "Okay, I know, I'm extremely weak now... I only have a little strength left... I need to rest, otherwise, I might not be able to protect Zhou Ran... "

After all, Kaisha's phantom slowly dissipated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Zhou Ran's spiritual space.

Among the three golden figures.

In the middle position, the sleeping Fulu Little King Kong opened his eyes suddenly. He frowned, lowered his head and whispered: "Has it started to have an impact? It's really fast... I don't know what it is like trouble?"

Hearing the murmur of the little Vajra, Sakyamuni, who was on the right, quietly opened his eyes. There was a golden lotus turning in his eyes, and Sakyamuni began to use his future vision to peep into the future.

A moment later, a smile appeared on the corner of Sakyamuni's mouth. The future is so lively and interesting...

After hearing Little King Kong's murmur and Sakyamuni's laughter, the golden figure on the left also opened his eyes, and he frowned fiercely.


These two bastards are really hateful!

Soon, soon, my power is about to awaken...


outside world.

Inside the Star Bar.

Lucifer looked at Keisha who had already dispersed, he shook his head, sighed, and began to chant a spell, awakening the sleeping Zhou Ran.

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