"Yes, I'm confused."

"Be confused to be ready for you!"

Seeing this situation, Loki knew that Odin was disappointed in Sol, and was going to add another fire.


But before Loki could speak, he was interrupted by Odin's annoyed voice.

With just one look and raising his hand, Loki was scared back and didn't dare to go forward.

Odin looked at Thor again, his son.

"Saul, Odinson."

"You betrayed the king's edict!"

"Because of your arrogance and ignorance, these stable star fields, as well as innocent lives, will be poisoned by the flames of war!"

Odin put the gun of eternity on the starter of the Rainbow Bridge, and walked slowly in front of Thor.

Grabbing the honor represented by the armor on Sol's body, he took it off fiercely.

"You are not worthy of the trust of these star domains!"

"You are not worthy of your name!"

"You are unworthy of those who love you that you betrayed!"

Having said that, Odin also gradually calmed down, his heart full of grief.

For this son, Odin is also very reluctant, but he must be punished and he must be tempered.

Resolutely turned back, turned around and started the trial of Sol.

"I will take away your power!"

The armor on Sol's body faded away little by little, and Sol looked at all this in disbelief.

"In the name of my father and all the ancestors!"

"I, Odin, the father of the gods, order you to be expelled!"

Thor still couldn't believe it, all his battle armor was scattered into pieces, and his strength gradually weakened and disappeared.

Suddenly, he was knocked into the air by a force, and then he was teleported by the power of the Rainbow Bridge.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Loki secretly rejoiced.

Without Thor as a competitor, he can sit on the throne and become the father of the gods.

Of course, Odin did not give up Thor completely, but grabbed Thor's Hammer, and Mjolnir (Mjolnir) began to chant the spell.

"Whoever picks up this hammer, as long as it is recognized, will gain the power of Thor!"

After casting the spell successfully, Odin also dropped Thor's Hammer and was sent to the atrium by the Rainbow Bridge.


After more than a week of rushing, Su Yi and others have arrived in New Mexico.

In New Mexico at the moment, it's not too late, but it's not too early either.

Daisy drove Dr. Savig, while Su Yi was with Jane.

The two cars are still moving forward, ready to find a place ahead and stop to rest.

Suddenly, something strange appeared in the sky.

Such anomalies immediately attracted the attention of Dr. Savage and Jane.

Dr. Savig couldn't sit still immediately, "Daisy, hurry up, drive over, we're going to check it out."

Daisy immediately drove off the road, ready to investigate.

It's just that the RV can't drive fast on such sandy soil.

Fortunately, it's not far, and we'll be there soon.

The speed of the car also slowed down, and when it was about to stop, suddenly, it seemed that a figure fell in front of the car and was knocked out.

Daisy braked hastily with an innocent look on her face.

Dr. Savig recovered immediately, "We seem to have hit something."

The two immediately got out of the car to check, and saw Sol who was knocked to the ground.

The flashlight shone on Sol to check the situation.

Su Yi and Jane also rushed over and saw the situation.

Daisy was still explaining, "I've almost stopped, I definitely didn't hit him."

Jane didn't want to listen to this at all. In her eyes, there were only traces left on the ground not far away.

"Doctor, look here!"

Savage saw that Sol was still alive, and it seemed that there was no problem. "Daisy, take care of him. We will take him to the hospital later. I will go and have a look first."

Daisy is also very helpless, so she can only stay where she is and take care of Sol.

"Su, you should believe me, right?"

"Of course I believe you."

Saul also gradually woke up, looking at the light of the flashlight and headlights, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

Standing up unsteadily, Daisy was very worried.

"Are you okay? Did you drink too much?"

Saul got up and looked around, looking at the desolate scene.

"(My) hammer?"

Daisy complained, "It seems that the hammer may have been hammered hard."

Sol has regained some mobility, as well as consciousness.

Immediately around, I saw the imprint left by the Rainbow Bridge.

Around the mark of the Rainbow Bridge, Thor started yelling towards the sky.



Seeing Sol's unclear appearance at this moment, the three were speechless.

Daisy continued to complain, "He doesn't know how to take medicine, does he lose his mind?"

Savage and Jane have already recorded the imprint left by the Rainbow Bridge, and they are going to study it carefully when the time comes.

Thor was still shouting to the sky.

"Heimdall, I know you can hear me, open the Rainbow Bridge and let me go back!"

Jane was a little speechless, "It seems that we have to send him to the hospital, maybe it should be a mental hospital."

Su Yi was not in a hurry, and was going to watch the famous scene where Daisy killed Sol solo.

"Who are you? What star field is this?"

"Alfheim? Nornheim?"

Daisy replied bluntly, "New Mexico!"

Saul was a little dazzled by Daisy's flashlight, covering his eyes with one hand, and pointing at Daisy with the other.

"You use such a small weapon to threaten me Thor?"

It's just that before Sol's words fell, Daisy had already shot, and the stun gun directly stunned Sol.

Daisy single-handedly kills Thor, the achievement is achieved!

Chapter 091 In the Name of Thor

Sol was shocked by Daisy and passed out directly.

Jane was going crazy, "Daisy, what are you doing?"

Daisy is very innocent, "He scared me."

Su Yi finally made a move, "Don't worry, it looks like he should be fine, just let him rest for a night and recover."

"I think it should be sent to a mental hospital."

Anyway, you have to take people away first.

Su Yi easily threw Sol into the RV and let him lie flat.

And after everyone left, not too far away, a hammer fell from the sky and smashed a huge hole.

Su Yi naturally noticed it, but Jane and Daisy didn't notice it at all.

They were worried that someone would be killed, and they had to take Sol to the hospital as soon as possible.

There is also the mysterious pattern left by the Rainbow Bridge, which fascinates Jane.

In the end, Sol was sent to the hospital. After a simple inspection, it was confirmed that there was nothing serious, so he was allowed to stay in the hospital.

Su Yi settled Sol, and Jane was still obsessed with studying this pattern.

Su Yi is also not easy to disturb, "Su, what do you think this is?"

"I think, if you ask that mysterious man tomorrow, you will know the answer."

"You mean, it has something to do with him?"


Jane still couldn't understand the secret of the pattern, so she had to give up temporarily in the end.

On the other side, Coulson had arrived in time and saw a hammer in the huge pit.

The hammer was so heavy that it was impossible to pick it up.

"Boss, Su Yi's prediction was correct, a hammer fell from the sky."

When Nick heard the report, he immediately had an idea, "Isn't he just here, you can go to him and get in touch with him to find out more information."

"I see."

Nick Fury felt a headache, more and more problems.

Although he has come into contact with some superpowers, such as Tony and Su Yi, there are still many that he has never come into contact with.

For example, the person who took Wanda away, according to Sharon's report, seems to be called Master Gu Yi, and Su Yi respects him very much.

Now suddenly a hammer fell from the sky, it seems that there is also a big problem.

"Damn it, the world is getting more and more complicated."

"There are still so many problems waiting for me to deal with."

Nick Fury has already suspected that his head Pierce Alexander has also become a Hydra man.

Of course, Pierce also found clues.

Neither of the two old foxes had a showdown, they were still testing each other.

This made Nick Fury feel even more stressed.

In the final analysis, there are still too few people who can use him as the bureau chief.

If you find a Hydra agent by your side, then it will all be exposed.

Hydra used to develop under the nose of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, he, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been emptied out, and Pierce is still following him.

It is more difficult to find a way to break the situation under the eyes of Hydra.

Fortunately, Nick Fury is not alone.

Arranged Natasha out, subdued the black widows of the red house, and also avoided the surveillance of Hydra.

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