They can't do anything about those unknown secret bases.

"Tony, go and see if there is any information."

"Others, in groups of two, check and see if there are any hidden Hydra members in this secret base!"

Everyone take action.

Tony, on the other hand, looked at Stekla's computer and found that all the data had been destroyed, and even he couldn't restore it in a short time.

"Wait, there is a self-destruct program here, run, get out!"

Steve reacted immediately when he heard Tony's words.

"Everyone, run out of the castle quickly."

Fortunately, retreat in time.

The explosion in the castle was quite powerful, but fortunately, no innocents were hurt.

"Damn Hydra, damn Stekla!"

Steve, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help but utter a few swear words.

"Pay attention to the language!"

Steve was very helpless. He had reminded Johnny before that he should stop swearing.

Unexpectedly, it is now being used by everyone to make fun of themselves.

"It's all over."

Tony couldn't help but said, "It's time to go back, I'm already missing my comfortable bed. After I go back, I must have a good sleep first."

Steve looked at the ruins, "Although there are still some Hydra hidden, but I believe that one day, these Hydra will be completely wiped out."

Tony is not so optimistic. After all, these hidden people are not so easy to be discovered.

"Is it completely wiped out? I think it is impossible to achieve. Unless we have the technology to identify Hydra members. Otherwise, they will hide and gradually grow stronger."

Tony is also thinking about a question, how to completely eliminate these hydra,

The best way to monitor the world.

Only in this way can the trace of Hydra be easily found.

But to realize this plan, it cannot be realized by oneself alone.

Tony thought of a way to build an Iron Legion.

Create an Ultron robot that protects the world, let the robot protect the world, let the robot monitor the people of Hydra,

Only in this way can Hydra be completely wiped out.

"It's time to go back!"

Steve and others achieved great success, eliminating all known bases of Hydra.

After returning, the first thing, of course, is to celebrate.

The venue for the celebration was the Hellfire Club.

Su Yi was extremely excited when he heard the news that Natasha and others were coming back.

Finally, the task was completed and returned safely.

Su Yi was still worried that something would go wrong, and he might go to support him.

It's just that I haven't waited for a call from Nick Fury, the braised egg man.

Su Yi also knows that no news is actually the best news.

It means that everything is going well, and there is no need to do it yourself.

After all, with such a lineup, if something goes wrong, it's really not a small problem.

Avengers and others, join the party.

Su Yi also ran over to join in the fun.

During the conversation, it was talked about the complete elimination of Hydra's hidden power.

Tony told his plan to build the Ultron robot and the Iron Legion to monitor and protect the world.

This plan was directly rejected by Steve.

This behavior of monitoring the world is not so free.

Of course Steve couldn't bear it.

As for the little Hydra, it doesn't matter.

As long as it reappears, just eradicate it again.

Tony was still not convinced, so he asked Su Yi to comment.

"Sue, what do you think of my plan?"

Although Tony doesn't have a spiritual scepter, it's really uncertain whether he will create an Ultron.

To be on the safe side, it is true that Tony cannot be allowed to carry out this plan.

Speaking of personal considerations, Tony went too far in building the Iron Legion and monitoring the world.

It is unacceptable that the individual is above the world.

"This plan can indeed eliminate Hydra, but it is not a good plan."

Speaking of completely eradicating Hydra, Su Yi also has a way, which is to snap his fingers with an infinite gem.

This is the real once and for all, never future trouble.

However, Su Yi was just thinking about it. There is no need to be so overqualified when dealing with Hydra.

Chapter 282 Zola Runs Away

Su Yi and the members of Avengers gathered together and had a good time.

After the Hydra was destroyed, there were not too many villains in the atrium world.

As for snapping your fingers in order to completely eliminate Hydra, it seems a bit uneconomical.

Su Yi didn't think much about it, Hydra couldn't make any waves anymore.

Just when everyone was happy, Nick Fury also came.

It's not surprising that Nick Fury appeared.

Now, Hydra is gone, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has no meaning for existence.

It won't be long before S.H.I.E.L.D. is completely gone.

"Congratulations, you have eliminated many bases of Hydra."

"However, there is another bad news to tell you, Dr. Zola has escaped!"

Most people look confused and have never heard of the name.

Only Steve felt very curious.

Bucky was frozen by Hydra and has survived until now.

Is this Dr. Zola also frozen?

Steve clearly remembered that Dr. Zola was caught by himself.

"What's going on? Who is Dr. Zola?"

Steve looked at Nick Fury curiously, "I remember I captured Dr. Zola and handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D. He has survived until now, can he escape from prison?"

Nick Fury explained, "Dr. Zola and some Hydra researchers were recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D., so there was Hydra's invasion."

"Dr. Zola uploaded his consciousness to a computer because of cancer."

"Dr. Zola has been abandoned for so many years."

"So, we also forgot about Dr. Zola."

"Until not long ago, Hydra detonated Zora's base."

"After investigation, we suspect that Hydra took Dr. Zola away."

Su Yi was a little surprised that Hydra actually took Dr. Zola away.

"Why did they take Zola?"

Nick shook his head, "I don't know either."

Su Yi also couldn't understand, what's the use of taking Zola away?

Zola is indeed a genius scientist, but compared with Stekla, Su Yi feels that Stekla is more powerful.

After all, Stekla lives in modern times, and the knowledge he learns is more advanced.

It's also possible that Stekla used himself to draw fire and help Hydra hide.

There are no better scientists than Stekla.

In order to train a new generation of HYDRA members, an intelligent scientist is needed.

That's why I chose the unobtrusive Zola.

Or, after Zola uploaded his consciousness to the machine, his knowledge improved and he was smarter than Stekla.

Or, Hydra is playing with the particularity of Zola's consciousness digitization.

He intends to use Zola to invade the network and obtain the key code of the super weapon to destroy the world.

Besides, Su Yi has another bold guess.

In the "What If" episode, Infinite Ultron battles the multiverse.

The assembled team uses Dr. Zola as a virus to invade Ultron's mechanical body.

So, is it possible that Hydra of this world uses Zora to create the Zora robot?

Su Yi also just made a bold guess. Su Yi was not sure about the specific reason why Hydra took Zola away.

Su Yi is crazy about things, and many plots have deviated from what Su Yi knew.

Now, the general direction of the story development is still the same.

But many of them have already changed.

For Su Yi, Zola's escape was just a small deviation, and Su Yi didn't take it to heart.

If Zora is hidden like other Hydra, Su Yi can't find it either.

Unless, Zola will appear to cause trouble.

"Zola should be hiding with the remaining Hydra members. Since Zola can formulate an insight plan, maybe Hydra needs him to come up with more evil plans."

"It's possible."

"Su, do you know where Zola and the others will hide?"

Su Yi shook his head, "I don't know either."

Tony deliberately pretended to be surprised, "Really? Is there anything else you don't know?"

"Of course, I'm not omniscient."

"That's right, if you are omniscient and omnipotent, then you are God."

"Forget about this Zora, whatever plans he has, we can defeat them."

Everyone continued to drink and continue to have fun, without paying attention to Zola's matter at all.

Su Yi also had a great chat with the girls.


The time is approaching the end of the year, and Christmas in the West is the most important festival.

Everyone has their own lives, and after finally ending the Hydra incident, we must relax and relax, and it is the holidays.

What Su Yi didn't know was that his guess had come true.

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