Just find an excuse and say that it was an external bandit attack.

Then you can take the opportunity to go outside to suppress bandits, maybe you can make another fortune.

"Tony Stark, this is our internal matter."

"As a businessman, you'd better not get involved."

Tony Stark was speechless, "What else can you do?"

"You have failed, more than once."

"Could it be that you plan to create another monster?"

"You have to know that one monster is dangerous enough. If there is another uncontrolled monster, the consequences will be disastrous."

General Ross suddenly had a flash of inspiration when he heard Tony Stark's words.

That's right, beat magic with magic!

No, use giants to defeat giants!

You are the Hulk, then I will research a new giant.

It doesn't matter what color he is, as long as he can defeat the Hulk.

General Ross left without looking back.

Tony Stark spread his hands, very speechless.

This General Ross is simply outrageous, and he doesn't listen to persuasion at all.

Worse than yourself is more stubborn.

Persuasion failed, and Tony could only find a way to stop General Ross.

After much deliberation, Tony decided to contact Rhodes and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Let's take off General Ross's hat first.

Without manpower and power, General Ross can no longer continue to capture the Hulk.

It's just that Tony doesn't know.

General Ross is already on the move.

Keep hunting the Hulk.

Also, continue to strengthen Bronski.

This time, use Hulk's blood to strengthen and create a new giant!

Chapter 123 The Birth of Abomination

After talking with Tony, General Ross thought of a way.

Since Bruce Banner is out of control, he will cultivate another giant that can be controlled.

Bronski is a good choice.

The fighting power itself is strong enough.

If it becomes like the Hulk, it will definitely be stronger than the Hulk.

At that time, even if there is no Hulk, there will be Bronski.

With a giant like Bronski, his own boss will not have any opinions.

Thinking of this, General Ross couldn't wait to take action.

On the way back, General Ross began to deploy.

This time, the goal is not to capture Bruce Banner, but to find a way to get Bruce Banner's blood.

Only in this way can new giants be created.

Blonsky fought the Hulk. Even if the Hulk controlled the power, Blonsky was seriously injured. A normal person would probably be dead.

However, Bronski has been strengthened, and it has only been half a day, and he has recovered a lot at this moment.

Although it is still unable to act normally, it will not be long before it will be able to act.

After learning of General Ross's order, Bronski was very happy.

Sure enough, General Ross is going to create a new giant, and he can gain the same power as the Hulk.

Thinking of this, Bronski laughed wildly.

"Bruce Banner, a nerd, doesn't know how to use this power at all."

"If I can gain such power, I am invincible."

Bronski has already begun to look forward to, looking forward to gaining such power.

General Ross gave the order to continue to track down Bruce Banner.

In the U disk, there is location information.

As long as Bruce Banner uses the USB flash drive again, General Ross will be able to locate Bruce Banner.

However, during this time, Bruce Banner has not used the USB flash drive.

General Ross ordered people to pay close attention to the movement of the U disk and wait for the opportunity.

Finally, Tony's method worked.

Because General Ross acted recklessly and wreaked havoc in the school, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the congressmen.

General Ross was under enormous pressure.

However, General Ross also has a way to deal with it.

In a few words, after fooling his boss, he got a deadline.

Three days, within three days, you must see the results General Ross said.

If a satisfactory answer cannot be given, General Ross will definitely be sanctioned.

With limited time, General Ross frantically pursued the trail of Bruce Banner.


And Bruce Banner didn't know it. After the school was attacked by General Ross, Bruce rescued Betty, stayed with Betty for a while, and chose to leave alone.

Without solving Hulk's problem, Bruce has to pay attention at all times.

After hiding for two days, Bruce contacted "Mr. Blue".

After making thorough preparations, Bruce quietly came to the laboratory of "Mr. Lan", and prepared to solve his own problems thoroughly with the help of Mr. Lan.

Mr. Lan has also been studying Bruce Banner's problem, but he is troubled.

Now, with the key information in the USB flash drive, the two quickly developed a serum that could suppress gamma energy.

As long as you inject this serum, you can control yourself and no longer change at will.

Bruce Banner was extremely excited, and finally waited for the day when he could get rid of Hulk completely.

Just as Bruce was about to inject, Mr. Lan stopped Bruce.

"Are you sure you want to inject serum?"

"Because, this is very likely to make you lose your gamma energy and turn you back into an ordinary person."

Bruce thought of his girlfriend, and remembered that because of an accident, his life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I just want to be an ordinary person."

Bruce injected the serum without hesitation.

At this moment, there was movement downstairs.

Mr. Lan discovered that someone was about to break into his laboratory, and the two immediately realized that it should be someone from General Ross.

"Bruce, the serum isn't fully working yet."

"During this time, you have to control yourself, otherwise, once transformed, the effect of the serum will also be purified."

"You hurry up, I'll stall for time."

Bruce Banner chose to believe in Mr. Lan, and took the lead in escaping from the secret exit.

After two days, Bronski has almost recovered.

It is now functioning normally.

He led his men and broke into the laboratory, but did not see any trace of Bruce.

Mr. Lan took the lead to stop Bronski, "Who are you? This is my laboratory."

Without hesitation, Bronski ordered a search to begin.

Mr. Lan was directly grabbed by Blonsky's clothes, "Say, what is Bruce doing here? Where is he going now?"

"I won't tell you."

Bronski directly took out his gun and pointed it at Mr. Lan.

The subordinates discovered the secret passage and immediately reported, "There is an exit here."

Bronski immediately ordered, "You guys, go after them at once!"

Bronski himself did not leave, "Say, what is he doing here?"

Although Mr. Lan was afraid, he still didn't speak. He didn't believe that Bronski really dared to kill himself.

However, at the moment Bronski is already crazy and doesn't care about these at all.

All he cares about is strength and defeating the Hulk.

A shot hit Mr. Lan's side directly, "You only have 3 seconds, if you don't say it, go to hell."

Mr. Lan was very scared, "I said, I said."

"Bruce intends to purify the gamma energy in his body so that he can become an ordinary person."

Hearing this answer, Bronski was extremely angry.

With such a powerful force, Bruce Banner actually wanted to give up.

Bronski couldn't help laughing, "Sure enough, he's a nerd who doesn't understand what this power means."

After the ridicule, Bronski was still a little angry.

"If he becomes a normal person, then I won't be able to defeat the Hulk."

"No, I have to become a giant like him, I want to defeat him!"

Bronski looked at Mr. Lan, who was extremely panicked.

The person in front of him is crazy, completely crazy.

"You have a way to help him become an ordinary person, so you should be able to make me like him, too?"

"If you can't do it, go to hell!"

Mr. Lan didn't have any room to refuse, he could only agree tremblingly.

"I have studied his blood and copied the blood, which also has gamma energy."

"If you take this blood..."

Bronski didn't care that much at all, "So, you can do it, right?"

Mr. Lan wanted to say a few more words, but looking at Bronski's terrifying eyes, he could only utter one word, "Yes."

"Then, let's get started!"

On the street, Bruce is on the run and has been caught.

In the laboratory, Bronski was lying on the bench, and Mr. Lan began to inject blood containing gamma energy into Bronski.

As soon as the blood entered Bronski's body, the powerful gamma energy began to infect and spread throughout the body.

A sharp pain came.

Bronski was not worried at all, on the contrary, very excited.

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