The room is fully furnished but there are no desk chairs etc.

The huge room was empty.

Danzo took out a nail, bang bang bang... nothing.

Just use your fingers to push the nail into the wall...

After being promoted to Jonin, this power is strengthened, which is a bit powerful.

From the scroll, unseal Ai's clothes.

Together with the forehead guard of Yunyin Village, it was hung on it as a trophy.


Danzo wants to turn this room into a "personal trophy exhibition room".

In the future, the things of those people who were persecuted will be hung here and displayed.

These trophies will become the black history of the original owner.

Let's imagine......

Decades later, technological developments are changing with each passing day.

Didara even has a tiny camera/telescope integrated technology product on his eyes.

When the time comes, take a photo with a camera and send the photo to Ai.

At that time...

Known as the "Strongest Spear", Ai, who fights Eight-Tails hand-to-hand, will be pissed off when he recalls his dark history after seeing the photos?

Hee hee hee~.

Of course, this era already has cameras.

When I graduated, my graduation photos were still there.

By the way... Do you want to take a lot of photos with the secretary?


Yes, when the time comes.


Next, go to the secretary and become a jonin together?

Danzo is smiling.

Step forward.

Before it fell, the smile on his face disappeared.

Then, he frowned, thinking of something bad.

In fact.

Danzo didn't get close to the secretary most of the time.

There are not many visits.

This is what Danzo did on purpose.

On the one hand, it is to maintain the freshness and the longevity of the fetters.

On the other hand, give Uchiha Yoko private space and respect her life.

of course.

more importantly......

Avoid the suspicion between Thousand Hands.

Walking too close and sticking together every day will definitely arouse the teacher's suspicion.

This is also the reason why Danzo didn't drive away Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, and let her come and wander around in Dabie.

Saying that he likes Bing Yu is also to raise the banner.

Let the ice rain block the gun.

In this way, when others see it, Shimura Danzo is a big carrot.

Both sources.

All kinds of girls are exposed to rain and dew.

You won't be particularly suspicious of Yoko Uchiha.

Thus, there will be no persecution.

"But just in case..."

Danzo began to frown.

"What if my Teacher Feijian sees the relationship between us, and then... a bloody plot. For example, persecuting the secretary and making me blacken this kind of plot, what should I do?"

"Or... Like the future Konoha high-ranking forces Uchiha Itachi to destroy the Uchiha clan... let me kill the secretary with my own hands, how should I show my favor?"

"Or... the secretary is allowed to survive alone, but the other Uchihas have to die?"

Danzo paced back and forth.

The heart is more and more convinced.

"Even if my Tokena-sensei didn't define the relationship between me and the secretary...But in 3 to 4 years, it will be the Ninja World War..."

"Ninja World War, there are too many bad guys. Even Uchiha mirror can be killed. The secretary..."

In fact.

Uchiha Yoko's talent can only be regarded as "lower middle".

Immortals such as Senshou Feijian, Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uzumaki Naruto, etc., all have seven attributes.

Yoko Uchiha was 18 years old before she developed a second attribute.

Uchiha Itachi is 13 years old.

With physical skills alone, he was able to beat the strongest trio of Hawks at that time.

Uchiha Eight Generations, Uchiha Rice Fire, Uchiha Iron Fire.

No matter how weak those three dragon suits are, they are still the elite jounin of Sangouyu Sharingan.

Uchiha Yoko faced one of them, and it was difficult to win.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

Uchiha Yoko is an excellent Uchiha ninja.

But in the eyes of the gods, Uchiha Yoko is the tail of the crane.

This is also the reason why Danzang tried every means to make the secretary take medicine to improve.

Yoko Uchiha swallowed No. 2 Bingliang Pill and washed the marrow.

After taking the elixir, his skill greatly increased.

In the terms of fantasy novels, it is the foundation of improvement.

Talent has gone from "lower middle" to "higher".

But not enough.

"It is not enough to survive under the covetousness of so many bad guys in the Ninja World War..."

Danzo is aware of this serious problem.

So, what should be done?

Refining another pill?

Leaving aside whether Qianshou Angxing agreed or not, it would take too much time to refine medicine.

And there is no change in the first drug use, which does not mean that there will be no change in the second drug use.

If it becomes ugly, or becomes a monster, it will be over.

That stuff is usually a one-off.

After thinking about it, Danzo thought again.

In other Naruto novels, there are eye-opening scenes.

It is to pretend a scene to make Uchiha Yoko believe it is true, so as to open his eyes.

Danzo thinks this is not a good way.

Not to mention whether she can open her eyes, that will definitely cause great stimulation and sequelae to her spirit.

for example.

Sasuke Uchiha.

The whole family was killed by his elder brother Uchiha Itachi, and he has lost the ability to love.

Even if there are wives and daughters, let me ask, when Sasuke Uchiha faced Sakura and Sharana, wouldn't he think of his parents and clansmen?


Sakura and Sarana, although they gave Uchiha Sasuke a home, they also stimulate Uchiha Sasuke all the time.

Tell him that your parents, clan members, neighbors, and even a dog in the neighbor’s house are all dead, killed by your brother himself.

This kind of experience will open a big hole in Uchiha Sasuke's heart, a big hole that will never heal.

Sakura and Sarana are the gust of wind, whistling into Uchiha Sasuke's broken heart.

Eye-opening of such stimulating properties.

It is absolutely not feasible.

At least Danzo does not agree with this approach.

Even if it's fake, it won't work.

That creates a rift in the heart.

After that, Danzo thought of Ms. Beard again.

Ms. Beard's only taijutsu is the elite Jnin, and it is difficult to effectively deal with some enemies.

This guard is not omnipotent.

"What should I do... Netizens give me advice..."

Danzo paced back and forth, crowdfunding and writing books.

Chapter 420. Even if the world is an enemy

Thinking about these things in his heart, Danzo got up and walked towards the street.

When he reached the door of his small shop, Danzo stopped.

Then, the clerk greeted the boss... that is, Danzo respectfully.

One of the clerks employed by Senshou Tobema has been replaced.

Become a young ninja in his 20s.

This young ninja is a ninja from the Thousand Hands Clan.

Because of serious and irreversible damage to his leg, he could only stay at home.

The world of ninjas is so cruel, medical ninjutsu is not a panacea.

In the original book, Hyuga Ningji had a hole in his shoulder and almost died.

The Konoha medical class has absolutely no way to deal with injuries of this level.

Fortunately, Tsunade is the Fifth Hokage.

Her disciple Jing Yin inherited her medical skills.

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