Naruto Danzo

Page 1903

Then, Hatake Sakumo kicked open the door and walked in just like that.

Chapter 1845. Rescue the soldier guarding the crane

This time it's an assassination, but by deliberately drawing the enemy's attention so that the real target appears.

This is another plan of Sakumo Hatake.

Since you haven't waited for Scorpion's parents, take the initiative to lure them out.

Sakumo Hatake's breaking through the door instantly attracted the attention of all Anbe ninjas inside the building.

Some of them are rushing to the core buildings and passages underground, some are talking, and there is one person standing silently this moment, they all looked at the figure standing at the door in unison.

White hair, a white-fanged dagger glowing in his hand.

At Hatake Sakumo's feet, there were guards lying dead.

Under the influence of the strong wind, sand and dust poured in through the entrance gate.


Everyone froze for a moment.

The movements of each Anbu were all frozen on the spot, as if they were stupid.

what did they see !

Someone came in from Anbu head-on? !

Because the facts are so unbelievable that everyone can't react.

In the eyes of all the Anbu of Sand Hidden Village present, this is simply a fantasy~! !

And it is what is considered to be a fairy tale, but it is actually happening in front of your eyes...

The white teeth in Hatake Sakumo's hand were shining.


Hatake Sakumo scratched the back of his head with his spare left hand.

"What are you talking about at this time... By the way, pit~ let's go~ wow~..."

Sand Ninja Anbu: "..."

No words needed, no explanations needed, no harsh words needed...

The next moment, everyone moved! !

Suddenly, there was a bloody storm here.


Kyuubi stood on the stairs leading from the surface to the underground, looking around at the sand ninjas in front of him.

In other words, in this huge and empty underground building, a group of sand ninjas are watching it.

When Kyuubi broke into here, the sand ninja below had already heard the strange noise.

But before they reached the first floor of the surface, the battle was over...

The guy who was being used as a coolie to see what happened on the first floor had just been knocked off his head by Nine Tails' paw, and now he was lying on his back on the ground, apparently dead on the spot.

Nine Tails looked around. In the huge square underground building, apart from water pipes and other pipes, there was a huge and narrow cage.

The structure is like a ray of sky at the entrance of Sand Hidden Village.

At the entrance of this miniature "One Line of Sky", the purple special metal railings, with a horizontal and vertical mesh structure, imprison something inside like a prison.

Although the entrance looks narrow from the outside, Kyuubi knows that the interior space of this prison is very large.

If you want to use one thing to describe the shape of the entire underground building...

That's like a... dumbbell.

The two ends are square, and the middle is a narrow passage, which separates the guard from the guarded.


Finally, someone called out.

Without words, Nine Tails is ready to attack.

All these guys in front of me just need to be defeated, they have no use value.


Nine Tails' figure flashed, and the whole person quickly turned into a shadow.

After chopping off another enemy's head, Nine Tails retreated.

because it found...

The strength of the guys here is obviously much stronger than those miscellaneous fishes before, it may take a little more effort...

This will not work.

The more time it takes, the more likely it is to be discovered.

"Super Flame!"


A giant flame ball suddenly appeared in this vast underground space.

More specifically, appearing in front of Kyuubi.

The flames condensed to form a roaring sphere, and the loud and clear flames soared into the sky, even hitting the tall dome directly.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the dozen sand ninjas present were extremely terrified.

Some even backed away again and again.

Just one move made them despair.

Shayin Village is dry, hot, and lacks water resources.

most people......

Good at "wind escape".

And in such a narrow place, being attacked by the enemy's powerful fire escape...

The result can be imagined.

There is no way to resist with wind escape...


A big fireball swept across.

In such a confined space, the fire escape ninjutsu can exert its greatest power! !

Simply put...don't even try to run away!


When the roaring fireball impacted, most of the casualties were immediately on the scene.

Most sand ninjas were burned to death.

The remaining sand ninjas hid behind the earth-made earth tunnel and earth flow wall, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Before they could make any further moves, Nine Tails swiped in front of Tuliubi.


The earth flow wall burst.

The unexhausted strength accompanied by the cracked soil hit the sand ninjas behind like cannonballs, and the three of them fell backwards on the spot.

Nine Tails stepped forward, and each of them repaired a paw.

So far, all sand ninjas have been silent.

However, in just 5 or 6 seconds, Nine Tails eliminated twelve enemies.

Walking past the bodies lying on their backs, Kyuubi finally came to the prison made of purple metal railings.


Scratch out with one paw...

The lavender metal railing didn't budge.

"Damn it! Such a hard thing..."

Kyuubi looked up and down, but he didn't find such things as "door" and "keyhole".

In other words, this place is sealed.

Have an agency?Or enchantment?

Kyuubi looked around and looked around.

Soon, it was judged.

It should be some kind of puppet agency...

Because the existence of mechanical parts such as gears is clearly seen.

However, there are no buttons or anything, which means that ninjutsu is likely to be used to control it.

"Then let's see who is stronger."

The next moment, Nine Tails, who showed ferocious eyes, suddenly grew at least three times taller!

It directly turned into an enlarged version of Yagumon with a height of more than 2 meters!

Kyuubi, who is proficient in using the power of evolution, was mixed with a bit of the power of the Grayl Stone by Danzo......

Freely mastered the ability to change body shape.


After taking a deep breath, Nine Tails slowly raised its paws, stepped back, and accumulated strength.



Leap into the air!

The power and chakra are condensed to the arms...and then passed to the claws, cut out!

With the momentum of cutting the mountain with a knife, cut it down suddenly!


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The entire underground building was violently shaken by this slash... or the brutal collision.

Dirt and sand fell down, dust everywhere.

With Kyuubi's current size and full strength, the sound of creaking metal cutting resounded like this!

The result is also very gratifying, the seemingly indestructible lavender railing was cut open by it!

Then... came crashing down!

Chapter 1846. Ah, Goodbye Shukaku, Nine Tails and Shukaku

The clanging sound continued, and the metal round stick rolled to the ground.


The lavender balusters turned back to plain black.

"Damn~, no wonder it's so strong, and it's a damn~ sealing technique..."

Just now it was chopped off together with the seal attached to the iron railing, making the seal lose its effect, thus turning back into ordinary steel.

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