Naruto Danzo

Page 1849

Jiraiya was half-sitting on the edge of the window of Namikaze Minato's house, winking at Namikaze Minato.

He said: "Minato... the wife that Danzo-sama sent to you has arrived..."


The next day.


Ninja school, new term, new signs.

In a week's time, ushered in the day of reclassification.

Namikaze Minato...was assigned to Class 1, which is the same class as Danzo back then.

"Well... this is the one who transferred to our school today..."

Ninja teacher, introducing a new transfer student.

With beautiful red hair and dark blue eyes, he is Kushina Uzumaki.

Uzumaki Kushina looked around the unfamiliar environment, a little cautious.

This is not my hometown Uzushio Hidden Village. Seeing so many little friends~ Uzumaki Kushina is still a little nervous.

"I, my name is Uzumaki Kushina~Dabanai~!"

Kushina plucked up her courage and announced her name loudly.

However, she was a little nervous and accidentally leaked the mantra.

Kushina immediately covered her mouth.

However, what the students cared about was not Kushina's "Dumba Nai" oral addiction.


"Haha, look, her hair."

"How did it get so red?"

"The hair is so weird."

The elementary school students pointed at Kushina's hair, accompanied by laughter.

In the world of Naruto, different countries have people with different hair and skin colors.

Kushina's red hair... is extremely extremely rare in Konoha.

Rare is not enough to describe it.


Teacher Ninja waved his hands again and again to signal the students to be quiet.

Although it is a new division.

But some of the students present were very familiar with each other before.

Facing the ridicule of the elementary school students, Kushina clenched her little fist tightly.

"I...I want to be the first woman in this village to become Hokage!!"


Kushina's speech made the students stop talking and laughing, and looked at her in surprise.

Chapter 1794. Nine-Tails' Ambition

Become Hokage...

It can be said that many people have this ideal, but few people dare to express it directly.

Because most of them are dead, or just disappear.

What kind of Senju rope tree, what Kato break, what Inuzuka tooth wood tea......

At this moment, the blond-haired boy stood up from his seat and said with a smile, "I also want to become an outstanding Hokage recognized by the villagers."

It was Minato Namikaze who spoke.


Kushina turned her head away.


Namikaze Minato: "Ah..."

This is... Uzumaki Kushina... the first encounter with Namikaze Minato.

In Kushina's view, Namikaze Minato lacks masculinity.

It's like that big snake or pill.

Danzo-sama is still masculine.


In the days that followed, Uzumaki Kushina went about her daily life after coming to Konoha.

On the outskirts of Konoha, next to Uzumaki Kushina's residence.

There is a shrine of the Uzumaki clan, which is called Namendo.

Namiantang stores many masks.

This is the place where Kushina often visits.

As for the "Death Mask" that the original plot should be in...

As early as N years ago, it was handed over to Danzo by Uzumaki Mito.

So... Orochimaru will be embarrassing in the future.

Of course, the latter will be discussed later~.

Every day when going to school, Uzumaki Kushina would run from the old house in the suburbs to the center of the village, and then to the ninja school at the foot of Hokage Rock.

Although the distance is longer, it is not a problem for the energetic Uzumaki family.

Occasionally, Kushina would also go to find the six-tailed rhinoceros.

Complaining to the latter... Nine-Tails is so fierce, it's not good at all... something like that.


"Have you decided?"

Danzo stared at Uchiha Mirror and asked.

He does not join the Anbe, nor enter the roots, but acts as an ordinary Konoha ninja.

After years of not returning, some things have changed.

Uchiha need to get acquainted with the current changes in the village.

In terms of pursuit, there is no pursuit.

Having experienced infinite horror and countless worlds, Uchiha Mirror has become immune to most novel things.


Uchiha mirror nodded, and went through the procedures for the new identity.


"Tomato, you'll be called Tomato from today!"

During class break, several boys surrounded Kushina.

They held out their fingers and pointed at Kushina.

"With a fat round face and red hair, he's just a tomato!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The boys burst into laughter immediately.

"How can tomatoes be made by Hokage? I hate tomatoes the most! I hate~~~!"

"Me too! Put Ma Ma in the salad and I will definitely have leftovers."

Campus kid.

This is what happens everywhere, in every country, in every world.

When a few students did bad things, the students in other classrooms watched the scene and whispered.

Kushina glanced inadvertently and found Namikaze Minato.

Minakame looked at her, blinking those blue eyes.

He didn't look like he wanted to help in the slightest.

Kushina turned her head away and didn't speak.

in addition......

She felt that it was very appropriate for these boys to call her Tomato.

Because... her hair is really red.

In a crowd of blacks, chestnuts, browns, yellows... but no redheads... really stands out.


The feeling of being looked at by others with strange eyes...

Even Kushina himself felt a little frustrated and embarrassed.

So...she lowered her head, her round cheeks flushed a little.

The other boys took the opportunity to laugh at this: "Wow~~! I'm getting more and more familiar!"

Some boys even reached out to grab Kushina's hair.

This is really a big death.

He didn't know that in front of him, there was a red demon with nine tails that could be suppressed.

"Tomato celebration! Hurry up and harvest~!"

Kushina's body trembled, she was angry.

fed up.



Kushina firmly grasped the arm of the boy who was pulling her hair.

"You bastard... you say who is a tomato!! I said it earlier..."

An emotion called anger appeared on Kushina's small face.

"I hate tomatoes too~! Look at the trick~!!"

Kushina grabbed the boy and pulled him into a spin.


The surrounding human wall suddenly collapsed by more than half.

"And you!"

Kushina ran to a boy rushing to the street and sat on him.

"Call me Tomato all day, you have to suffer a little bit!"

Jiu Xinnai bowed left and right, showing her tough side.

This is the strength that every Uzumaki family has.

The boy under her beat wailed and cried loudly.

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