Xiongshou passing by saw this scene, came over, and said earnestly to the Hyuga Clan Jōnin: "You are stupid, my elder brother is so handsome, of course you have to match him with a beautiful girl..."

"Oh oh oh~~."

The Jonin of the Hyuga Clan understood.

Finally, from the Hyuga Clan, a girl named Hyuga Chinatsu was selected.

It looks both juicy and beautiful, and it is the kind of black and straight.

Then, Danzo, Hyuga Chinatsu, the ninja dog of the Inuzuka clan, and the thugs from Senju Tomona set out on the road.

In fact, at the beginning, Danzo was very confused.

The reason why he lost his temper by making fun of the Hyuga clan was because he found out that he was cheated by the teacher!

As for how to cheat...

"Everything...seems to be different..."

The thug hired by Qianshou Feijian wears a mask, has the height of a young man, and speaks very gently, but there is an indescribable weird feeling.

Hinata Chinatsu looked at this companion suspiciously... Anbe?


Danzo called Hyuga Chinatsu, who immediately looked at him.


"Don't look at what you shouldn't see, and pretend you didn't hear anything when you shouldn't hear it, you know..."

Danzo showed a smile of "being kind to others".

Hinata Qianxia's innocent face froze for a moment, then slowly lowered her head.

"Let's go."

Danzo shook the feather fan, touched the dog's head of the Inuzuka clan's ninja dogs, and then took a step forward.

The Hyuga Clan's ability to become the number one clan is definitely not due to overblown eyes.

but political awareness.

In terms of loyalty to the village, the Hyuga clan is beyond doubt.

And he is very obedient, knows what not to look at, and treats it as if he didn't see it.


In the underground research institute in Qianshoubeijian, all kinds of human body research are being fiddled with, such as reincarnation, vivisection and so on.

Any ninja from the Hyuga Clan can see everything when he rolls his eyes.

After all, Baiyan's limit perspective distance is 10 kilometers.

Later generations, the underground roots of Shimura Danzo are the same.

At the same time, in the original book, Danzo's right eye, if you look at it with a white eye, you know that there is a Uchiha Shisui card writing sharing eyes.

That is to say, the Hyuga clan knows everything about Konoha's darkness, but they just don't talk about it.

I know everything, but I just don't say it...

After all, making a fortune silently is the best.

Danzo can also cite dozens of examples of the Hyuga clan pretending to be stupid. The Hyuga clan is far smarter than the Uchiha and other tribes.

This is why Danzo asked for a ninja from the Hyuga clan to accompany him.

If they shouldn't know, they will obediently shut up and pretend they don't know anything.

Chapter 63. The First Pit of Naruto - The Room of Thousand Hands

"Things I already know..."

The thugs followed Danzo and stopped suddenly.

"But I don't believe..."

Hinata Chinatsu was stunned, because this line was a bit nonsensical.So, Hinata Chinatsu looked at Danzo.

Of course, the ninja dog named Kotaro of the Inuzuka clan also looked at Danzo eagerly.

Can I still play.

It's hard to meet disobedient teammates.

Danzang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly: "It's normal not to believe it... I wouldn't believe it if I did... Then, come with me to witness it?"

Danzo continued to walk very calmly, but his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Even panicked.

Because Danzo found out that he probably really might have been cheated by Qianshoubeijian.

In fact, come to think of it...

The title of "Pot King" has always been carried by his Danzo.

Because Shimura Danzo is the tool man Kishimoto designed in Shippuden.

Among the thousand hands, considering his life, it should be the first pit of Naruto.

Reincarnation of the filthy soil, oppression of the Uchiha clan, all these shitty things were made by Senshouban.

It can be said that without Senshou Feijian, there would be no most of Naruto's manga. Because of these things, Senshou Feijian did not know how many people were cheated indirectly or directly.

However, many Naruto fans put the excrement jars that came out of Senshoubeijian on Danzo's head.

In other words, Danzo is a tragic product who was cheated by Qianshoubeijian.

In terms of cheating people, I, the pot king, would like to call you the strongest teacher!

After that, Danzo didn't go to the gate of meeting, which is the entrance of Konoha, but walked towards a street casually.

Hinata Qianxia looked at it, blinked her eyes, anyway, we dare not say anything, dare not ask anything, so we can only obediently follow.

Soon, Danzo came to an open space and found Yoko Uchiha.

Uchiha Yoko and Senshuri are practicing duel.

As girls of the same age, they are almost the first-line girls, and the strength of the two is still between them.

As for mayflies...

The reason why I have not been in a good mood these days, I went to find someone to fight again.

Yoko Uchiha and Sensei did not have any missions.

D-level and C-level tasks are meaningless.

If you can't get all the B-level tasks together, it's better to practice in pairs.

Uchiha Yoko, who has opened a Gouyu Sharingan, is much more agile in terms of reaction and physical movements.

However, Yigouyu's Sharingan is not enough to give her an overwhelming advantage.

After all, there is such a plot in the original book that "the eyes can see, but the body can't keep up".

As long as the opponent's physical fitness is higher than or equal to that of the owner of Sharingan, the advantages brought by Sharingan can be smoothed out.

Uchiha Itachi's use of physical skills to kill three Sangouyu clan members in a few seconds is an example.

The body technique in Qian Shushu is really unique, and Konoha Fluid Technique is really powerful when used.

But Uchiha Yoko can use the same moves to counter.

This reflects another advantage of Sharingan.


As long as you perform it once, your physical skills will be mine.

In the original book, Uchiha Sasuke of Ergoyu can copy Kakashi's A-level Chidori.

Rachel is S rank. BY - "The Book of Lin".

The copying limit of Sharingan is A-level.

In other words, the taijutsu in Senshu will be perfectly copied by Yoko Uchiha.

"This plug-in is really good..."

Danzo stood with his hands behind his back and watched. It wasn't until ten minutes later that Uchiha Yoko stopped practicing and came over here.

"You came early?"

Uchiha Yoko exhaled a few breaths, the consumption of opening Sharingan is still a bit high.

She needs a break.

"Yeah." Danzo nodded.

Uchiha Yoko looked over Danzo and looked behind him.

A ninja dog, an...anbe, and a girl from the Hyuga clan.

strange configuration...

Uchiha Yoko muttered.

"Is there a problem?"

"No." Danzang shook his head, "I just want to see you as the secretary."

"Stop." Yoko Uchiha glanced aside.

"How's the practice with Sensei Ri-senpai going? Do you want to prepare for the Chunin Exam?"


Yoko Uchiha nodded.

The opening of Sharingan gave her a little bit of iceberg characteristics, and her temperament seemed even colder.

However, it is still cold outside and hot inside.

The Uchiha clan is set like this, isn't it?

"Then the three of you should be the strongest...girl group in our village." Danzo joked.

"Hmph, that's a matter of course."

Uchiha Yoko glanced at Danzo, and there seemed to be some hesitation in his eyes.

"Hey, I heard about your affairs, do you want me to help?"

Uchiha Mirror was beaten, and soon the members of the Uchiha clan knew about it.

One can imagine the censure Qianshou Taohua faced.

After all, the master must be responsible for failing to guide the disciple.

"No need, this big brother is covering it."

Danzo pointed to the thug standing next to him.

"Well~, you can call me if you need to, and... I'm not worried about you."

"Well, I understand."

Danzo smiled happily.

That's the arrogance.

"By the way... Secretary, do you want to copy my flying dragon in the sky?"

"No." Yoko Uchiha refused firmly and disgustedly.


After saying goodbye to Uchiha Yoko, Danzo and others walked slowly on the street.

"How?" Danzo asked back.

Seeing the scene just now, the other party shook his head and nodded again: "I didn't expect... this kind of thing really came true... Uchiha... Senshou... ...to live together, to join hands...to build a village...'

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